378 research outputs found

    NASA/FRC wake turbulence flight test program: Ride quality aspects

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    To determine how much the ride quality of the Shuttle Carrier (Boeing 747) Aircraft is affected at various spoiler settings, the PEMS II (Portable Environmental Measuring System) was used to measure onboard motion during a test flight October 15, 1975. The PEMS II measures acceleration in the vertical, transverse and longitudinal directions as well as angular rates of pitch, roll, and yaw. The data acquired by this instrument, combined with an airline passenger comfort model, gives an indication of how passengers would react to the motion induced by flying in a vortex alleviation configuration

    Autobiographical Memory And Theory Of Mind In Schizotypy

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    Individuals with schizophrenia exhibit marked impairments on tasks assessing theory of mind (ToM) and autobiographical memory (AM) qualities, and preliminary research has indicated a positive link between these abilities. This study is the first to systematically explore this relationship in the related personality trait of schizotypy. In a study of 47 undergraduate students (23 males) reporting a wide continuous range of schizotypy, we found that females, but not males, exhibited a negative correlation between ToM and schizotypy, and an unexpected positive correlation between AM qualities and schizotypy. Factor score analysis within females indicated that disorganized schizotypy was the strongest correlate of both ToM (i.e., affective ToM; ability to infer emotions), and AM qualities (i.e., mental imagery vividness). Finally, independent of schizotypy and sex, ToM was negatively correlated with AM qualities. This negative association between ToM and AM as well as the positive relationship between schizotypy and AM (in females) distinguish findings in schizotypy from those in schizophrenia. Although, the qualities of AM in schizotypy are relatively unexplored in schizotypy, overlapping and AM-related constructs (e.g., mental image vividness, creativity) are enhanced in schizotypy. This phenomenon is theorized to occur due to a reduced latent inhibition process, which also reveals distinct patterns of sexual dimorphism in schizotypy. In sum, the current study found sex to be a critical variable in each hypothesis, demonstrating a unique pattern in females, but not males. It could be that distinct underlying mechanisms account for sex differences on ToM and AM tasks in schizophrenia-related disorders

    Declarative Memory, Theory of Mind, and Community Functioning in Schizophrenia

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    Cognitive impairments are highly prevalent in individuals with schizophrenia and are now considered hallmark features of the disorder. Over the past decade, considerable evidence has demonstrated the functional significance of social and nonsocial cognitive impairments in individuals with schizophrenia. However, the nature of the relationship between specific domains of social and nonsocial cognition and how they relate to functional outcome in this population is less clear. In particular, declarative memory impairment has been suggested to have critical consequences for the everyday life of individuals with schizophrenia and may play a role in their social integration difficulties. Preliminary evidence also indicates that theory of mind (ToM) may be an important intermediary between nonsocial cognition and functional outcome. The current study aimed to better understand the relationships between declarative memory, ToM, and functional outcome in individuals with schizophrenia

    A method for the determination of potentially profitable service patterns for commuter air carriers

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    A methodology for estimating market conception was developed as a part of the short-haul air transportation program. It is based upon an analysis of actual documents which provide a record of known travel history. Applying this methodology a forecast was made of the demand for an air feeder service between Charlottesville, Virginia and Dulles International Airport. Local business travel vouchers and local travel agent records were selected to provide the documentation. The market was determined to be profitable for an 8-passenger Cessna 402B aircraft flying a 2-hour daily service pattern designed to mesh to the best extent possible with the connecting schedules at Dulles. The Charlottesville - Dulles air feeder service market conception forecast and its methodology are documented

    Integrated mass transportation system study/definition/implementation program definition

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    Specific actions needed to plan and effect transportation system improvements are identified within the constraints of limited financial, energy and land use resources, and diverse community requirements. A specific program is described which would develop the necessary generalized methodology for devising improved transportation systems and evaluate them against specific criteria for intermodal and intramodal optimization. A consistent, generalized method is provided for study and evaluation of transportation system improvements

    An intersubjective perspective on the role of communal sharing in synergistic co-mentoring: Implications for Human Resource Development

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    he present qualitative research provides an in-depth study of synergistic co-mentoring (SCoM) to understand its features and implications for HRM. We examine dyadic synergistic qualities and processes, and dyadic co-mentoring developmental qualities and processes that complement each other to make possible the emergence of SCoM. Using NVivo qualitative software, we analyzed interviews from a diversified sample of 26 matched mentoring dyads. Results demonstrate that communal sharing in the endeavor toward combinative outcomes complemented by co-mentoring supports intra-relational conditions for the emergence of SCoM

    RAFAŁ HETMAN, Las zbliża się powoli. Kto po wojnie mordował w Dębrzynie

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    Review of the reportage by Rafał Hetman, The forest is slowly approaching, who murdered in Dębrzyna after the war.Recenzja książki Las zbliża się powoli, kto po wojnie mordował w Dębrzynie

    Coherent states based on the Euclidean group

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    This work is a contribution to the general theory of frames, using group representations. Specifically, we use the theory of generalized coherent states for semidirect product groups to construct coherent states for the three dimensional Euclidean group, starting from a representation of this group, induced from a representation of the subgroup H = [Special characters omitted.] {604} SO (2). Families of continuous coherent states are explicitly constructed for two specific choices of sections from the coset space w = E (3)/(T 3 {604} SO 3 (2)) to the group. We also discuss admissibility conditions for the existence of continuous frames for the general class of affine sections. Next we propose a discretization procedure for these continuous frames. Once again we obtain general admissibility conditions for the existence of frames and in particular, tight frames. Explicit examples are worked out

    Barriers to Treg therapy in Europe: From production to regulation

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    There has been an increased interest in cell based therapies for a range of medical conditions in the last decade. This explosion in novel therapeutics research has led to the development of legislation specifically focused on cell and gene based therapies. In Europe, the European medicines agency (EMA) designates any medicines for human use which are based on genes, tissues, or cells as advanced therapy medicinal products or advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMPs). In this article we discuss the hurdles to widespread adoption of ATMPs in Europe, with a focus on regulatory T cells (Tregs). There are numerous barriers which must be overcome before mainstream adoption of Treg therapy becomes a reality. The source of the cells, whether to use autologous or allogenic cells, and the methods through which they are isolated and expanded, must all meet strict good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards to allow use of the products in humans. GMP compliance is costly, with the equipment and reagents providing a significant cost barrier and requiring specialized facilities and personnel. Conforming to the regulations set centrally by the EMA is difficult, and the different interpretations of the regulations across the various member states further complicates the regulatory approval process. The end products then require a complex and robust distribution network to ensure timely delivery of potentially life saving treatments to patients. In a European market whose logistics networks have been hammered by COVID and Brexit, ensuring rapid and reliable delivery systems is a more complex task than ever. In this article we will examine the impact of these barriers on the development and adoption of Tregs in Europe, and potential approaches which could facilitate more widespread use of Tregs, instead of its current concentration in a few very specialized centers