502 research outputs found
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Cumulative Impacts of Development on Water Quality and Endangered Species in the Bull and West Bull Creek Watersheds
This article mentions Waller Creek as a representative for urban creeks in Austin In comparison to the focus of this report, Bull Creek, Waller Creek has a notably lower Water Quality Index.Waller Creek Working Grou
Genesee River Lake Sturgeon Project
Fact sheet on lake sturgeon and a survey of them in Genesee River
Rochester Embayment Remedial Action Plan Stage 1
The Rochester Embayment designation refers to a portion of Lake Ontario and a portion of the Genesee River near Rochester, New York.
The Remedial Action Plan (RAP) will identify water quality problems and specific actions that need to be taken by various parties to address the problems. The Remedial Action Plan effort has been undertaken due to an international agreement to improve the water quality of the Great Lakes water system. The International Agreement, known as the Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, is described in more detail in other sections of this chapter. The preparation of the RAP is being coordinated by the Monroe County Department of Planning and Development through a contract with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC)
Fecal Coliform TMDL and Load Reduction Management Plan: Big Swamp, South Carolina
The federal Clean Water Act (CWA) directs each state to review the quality of its waters every two years to determine if water quality standards are being met. A Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) is a written plan and analysis to determine the maximum pollutant load a waterbody can receive and still meet applicable water quality standards. This document details Fecal Coliform TMDL and Load Reduction Management Plan for Big Swamp, South Carolina
Memorandum of Understanding between the Commissioner for Soil and Land Conservation, Environmental Protection Authority, Department of Environmental Protection, Agriculture Western Australia, Department of Conservation and Land Management, Water and Rivers Commission for the protection of remnant vegetation on private land in the agricultural region of Western Australia
Memorandum -- Schedule 1. Statutory requirements -- Schedule 2. Area covered by this memorandum -- Schedule 3. Assessment critieria -- Schedule 4. Assessment manuals: Supporting manual 4.2. Deprtment of Environmental Protection. Environmental evaluation of native vegetation in the wheatbelt of Western Australia -- Supporting manual 4.3. Agriculture Western Australia. Procedures for the administration of clearing and protection of native vegetation in Western Australia -- Supporting manual 4.4. Water and Ronmental impact assessment -- Schedule 8. Adjustment measures
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