182 research outputs found
Response dynamics of metal oxide gas sensors working with temperature profile protocols
Abstract In this work we present the analysis of gas sensors working in modulated temperature mode with temperature varying according to exponential law. We integrate conductometric gas sensor based on semiconducting metal oxide layers and an ad-hoc developed electronics to present a sensing system based on a single sensor featuring a degree of selectivity arising from the exploitation of response dynamics features. In particular, a set of parameters is used to summarize the deviation of the response shape from the single exponential law
Sesuai dengan berkembangnya kemajuan teknologi khususnya dibidang pertambangan, dewasa ini semakin banyak program berbasis komputerisasi yang dapat mempermudah pengerjaan permodelan serta perhitungan cadangan dan berbagai jenis desain penambangan. Program-program tersebut diciptakan untuk menunjang pekerjaan dengan basis kerja yang tidak berubah dari konsep dasar dan filosofi perhitungannya. Penelitian dilakukan pada pit di area B III-S Warute South Di PKP2B PT. Antang Gunung Meratus Kecamatan Sungai Raya, Kabupaten Hulu Sungai Selatan, Provinsi Kalimantan Selatan. Perhitungan overburden dan cadangan batubara dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode cross section dengan sistem komputerisasi pada perangkat lunak AutoCAD 2007 dan minescape Perhitungan overburden dan cadangan batubara seam utama yaitu seam  M4. Seam M4 menunjukkan ketebalan batubara yang bervariatif, struktur lapisan yang bergelombang dan mengalami percabangan (split). Kemiringan batubara pada daerah penelitian secara umum relatif curam, yaitu berada pada kisaran 380 – 420dengan arah strike N2000E – N2100E. Hasil perhitungan overburden dan batubara menggunakan metode cross section adalah : volume overburden sebesar 1339886,283 BCM dan cadangan sebesar 459678,6117 MT sehingga diperoleh nilai Stripping Ratio 2,9
Gambaran Histopatologi Rumen dan Retikulum Sapi Bali Akibat Adanya Benda Asing
Rumen and reticulum hold an important role in the ruminant\u27s digestive tract. During the meal, Bali cattle accidentally ingest foreign objects because they can\u27t distinguish between foreign body object and feed. Cattles do not really chew food before swallowing. This study aims to determine the existence of a foreign body in the stomach and histopathological overview of Bali cattle rumen and reticulum due to a variety of foreign objects. This study used 10 samples of cattle Bali consisting of nine samples of rumen and reticulum contained foreign objects (plastic, metal, wood and stone) and one normal sample of the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle. Samples were obtained from Slaughter House at Mambal, Abian Semal District, Badung regency, Bali. Based on the results of research conducted on the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle, there are a variety of foreign objects such as plastic, metal, wood and stone. Histopathological changes in the mucosa of the rumen and reticulum form of inflammatory cell infiltration from mild to severe. Conclusions from this research that found a foreign body object in the rumen and reticulum Bali cattle, and foreign body objects cause tissue destruction
Applying A Multi-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) Approach to Determine the Key Criteria for Taipei Creative City of Design (TCCD) as A Business Centre in Taiwan
The aim of this research is to find out the key criteria for Taipei Creative City of Design (TCCD) as a business center in Taiwan according to the experts in terms of the creative city of design. The methodology of this study consists of searching for the creative city of design indicators, which worked as alternatives for applying a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM), called the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Based on criteria derived from the literature, data collection, and analysis that has been done, the researcher found that the human-oriented, design week/month and city development are relatively high and should be given priority at the current stage. These results could provide a theoretical foundation for designing further the Taipei Creative City of Design
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