6 research outputs found

    Cheating & Academic Misconduct: What Do You Have to Lose? [brochure and video]

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    Academic misconduct is an issue plaguing college campuses. Academic misconduct can be clearly defined (plagiarism, copying the work of another) or more ambiguous (sharing work, turning in one piece of work for multiple assignments) (Schmelkin, Gilbert, Spencer, Pincus, & Silva, 2008). McCabe and Trevino (1996) state that cheating has become more prevalent, and tactics widely vary. Reasons for academic misconduct can range from stress and poor time management to a compliance with suggested social norms (ETS and the Ad Council, 1999). While academic dishonesty may seem like the “easy way out,” it can result in serious consequences affecting one’s academic career and beyond. One should take the appropriate steps to combat and avoid academic misconduct at any education level

    NSSE: The National Survey of Student Engagment (Presentation with audio)

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    Tecnologia de informação

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