1,986 research outputs found

    A Stochastic Shell Model of Turbulence: Numerical and Analytical Results

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    We consider an inviscid shell model of turbulence with the addition of ItĂ´ and Stratonovich multiplicative stochastic forcing. Numerical simulations are performed for both models that show dissipation of energy at an algebraic rate. A comparison between the ItĂ´ and Stratonovich effects is examined. Positivity of solutions is discussed and demonstrated numerically

    Die Finanzkompetenz und der Zusammenhang zum finanziellen Wohlergehen

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    Das allgemeine persönliche Wohlbefinden wird auf der ganzen Welt zu einem nichtunerheblichen Teil durch das finanzielle Wohlergehen mitgeprägt. Wie finanzielles Wohlergehen entsteht und was die Einflussfaktoren dafür sind, ist in der Literatur noch weitgehend unerforscht. Die Thematik näher zu beleuchten dürfte allerdings von grossem Interesse sein, um das finanzielle Wohlergehen eines jeden zu verbessern. Ein möglicher Einflussfaktor ist mittels Literaturrecherche in der Finanzkompetenz gefunden worden. Aus diesem Grund legt diese Arbeit den Fokus auf den Zusammenhang zwischen der Finanzkompetenz und dem finanziellen Wohlergehen. Ziel ist es dabei die Stärke des Zusammenhangs aufzuzeigen. Nebst diesem Schwerpunkt der Arbeit, ist ein Teil der Untersuchung auch, herauszufinden wie zutreffend sich die Befragten bezüglich ihrer Finanzkompetenz einschätzen. Mittels quantitativer Forschung, basierend auf einer Onlineumfrage, soll dieses Ziel erreicht werden. Das Design des Fragebogens basiert auf bewährten literarischen Grundlagen und besteht aus sechs Fragen zum finanziellen Wohlergehen, einer Selbsteinschätzung der Finanzkompetenz und neun Multiple-Choice Fragen zur Finanzkompetenz. An der Onlineumfrage haben 123 Personen aus dem Kanton Zürich teilgenommen. Um den Zusammenhang der beiden Variablen Finanzkompetenz und finanzielles Wohlergehen zu bestimmenwird der Rangkorrelationskoeffizient nach Spearman verwendet. Die Resultate zeigen eine signifikant positive Korrelation zwischen der Finanzkompetenz und dem finanziellen Wohlergehen mit den Parametern =.288, p = .01, n = 123. Ein interessantes Resultat liefert die signifikante Korrelation zwischen der Selbsteinschätzung der Finanzkompetenz und dem finanziellen Wohlergehen mit den Parametern = .347, p = .000, n = 123.Weiter schätzen 64%der Befragten ihre Finanzkompetenz richtig ein, wobei die Männer zu einer hohen Selbsteinschätzung und die Frauen zu einer tiefen Selbsteinschätzung tendieren. Ebenfalls ein geschlechtsspezifisches Phänomen liefert uns die Korrelation zwischen Bildungsstufe und Finanzkompetenz der Befragten. Während bei den Männern die Bildungsstufe signifikant mit der Finanzkompetenz korreliert, ist dies bei den Frauen nicht der Fall. Die Finanzkompetenz ist aufgrund der Resultate definitiv ein Einflussfaktor für das finanzielle Wohlergehen. Ob die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse allgemeingültig oder generalisierbar sind, müsste in einer repräsentativen Umfrage mit einer grösseren Probandenanzahlgeprüft werden. Überraschend ist, dass die Selbsteinschätzung der Finanzkompetenzstärker mit dem finanziellen Wohlergehen korreliert als die Finanzkompetenz selbst. Diese Erkenntnis liefert eine Grundlage für die weitere Forschung in diesem Themengebiet. Ein Bedarf für weitere Forschung liegt zudem in einer geschlechtsspezifischen Evaluation der Einflussfaktoren fürs finanzielle Wohlergehen, da grosse Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern zu beobachten sind

    The European Parliament and the UK’s renegotiation IV: what do MEPs think?

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    Debates about the future of UK-EU relations have paid little attention to the European Parliament. There have been no studies comparable to those that have looked into how member states view the renegotiation or might respond to a Brexit. Media reports indicate that the European Commission taskforce handling the UK renegotiation has even looked into ways of avoiding the Parliament becoming involved. Questions persist, however, as to whether the Parliament can be ignored. If Britain votes to leave then the EU Treaty’s withdrawal clause guarantees the Parliament a say in the final deal. To find out the views of the European Parliament BrexitVote is running a series – compiled by Tim Oliver – in which MEPs from across the Parliament set out what they think of the UK-EU renegotiation, the idea of Brexit and – most importantly – what role they think the Parliament will play. In this, the third part of the series, we hear from MEPs in the Confederal Group of the European United Left – Nordic Green Left and Greens/EFA groupings

    The Effect of Alloying on Topologically Close Packed Phase Instability in Advanced Nickel-Based Superalloy Rene N6

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    An investigation was conducted to describe topologically close packed (TCP) phase instability as a function of composition in the advanced Ni-base superalloy Rene N6. TCP phases are detrimental to overall high-temperature performance of Ni-base superalloys because of their brittle nature and because they deplete the Ni-rich matrix of potent solid solution strengthening elements. Thirty-four variations of polycrystalline Rene N6 determined from a design-of-experiments approach were cast and homogenized at 1315"C for 80 hours followed by exposure at 10930C for 400 hours to promote TCP formation. The alloys had the following composition ranges in atomic percent: Co 10.61 to 16.73%, Mo 0.32 to 1.34%, W 1.85 to 2.52%, Re 1.80 to 2.1 1 %, Ta 2.36 to 3.02%, Al 11.90 to 14.75%, and Cr 3.57 to 6.23%. Physical and chemical characteristics of all n-ticrostructures obtained were described using various analytical techniques. From these observations, a mathematical description of TCP occurrence (omega and P phase) was generated for polycrystalline Rene N6

    Long-term maternal effect on offspring immune response in song sparrows Melospiza melodia

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    Knowledge of the causes of variation in host immunity to parasitic infection and the time-scales over which variation persists, is integral to predicting the evolutionary and epidemiological consequences of host–parasite interactions. It is clear that offspring immunity can be influenced by parental immune experience, for example, reflecting transfer of antibodies from mothers to young offspring. However, it is less clear whether such parental effects persist or have functional consequences over longer time-scales, linking a parent's previous immune experience to future immune responsiveness in fully grown offspring. We used free-living song sparrows (Melospiza melodia) to quantify long-term effects of parental immune experience on offspring immune response. We experimentally vaccinated parents with a novel antigen and tested whether parental vaccination influenced the humoral antibody response mounted by fully grown offspring hatched the following year. Parental vaccination did not influence offspring baseline antibody titres. However, offspring of vaccinated mothers mounted substantially stronger antibody responses than offspring of unvaccinated mothers. Antibody responses did not differ between offspring of vaccinated and unvaccinated fathers. These data demonstrate substantial long-term effects of maternal immune experience on the humoral immune response of fully grown offspring in free-living birds

    Bending Properties of Nickel Electrodes for Nickel-Hydrogen Batteries

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    Recent changes in manufacturing have resulted in nickel-hydrogen batteries that fail prematurely by electrical shorting, This failure is believed to be a result of a blistering problem in the nickel electrodes. In this study the bending properties of nickel electrodes are investigated in an attempt to correlate the bending properties of the electrode with its propensity to blister. Nickel electrodes from three different batches of material were tested in both the as-received and impregnated forms. The effects of specimen curvature and position within the electrode on the bending strength were studied, and within-electrode and batch-to-batch variations were addressed. Two color-imaging techniques were employed to differentiate between the phases within the electrodes. These techniques aided in distinguishing the relative amounts of nickel hyroxide surface loading on each electrode, thereby relating surface loading to bend strength. Bend strength was found to increase with the amount of surface loading

    Modification of spintronic terahertz emitter performance through defect engineering

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    Spintronic ferromagnetic/non-magnetic heterostructures are novel sources for the generation of THz radiation based on spin-to-charge conversion in the layers. The key technological and scientific challenge of THz spintronic emitters is to increase their intensity and frequency bandwidth. Our work reveals the factors to engineer spintronic Terahertz generation by introducing the scattering lifetime and the interface transmission for spin polarized, non-equilibrium electrons. We clarify the influence of the electron-defect scattering lifetime on the spectral shape and the interface transmission on the THz amplitude, and how this is linked to structural defects of bilayer emitters. The results of our study define a roadmap of the properties of emitted as well as detected THz-pulse shapes and spectra that is essential for future applications of metallic spintronic THz emitters.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figure


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    Aviation is a key part in the complex web of global trade, political, cultural and personal exchanges and the broadening of horizons. Travel & aviation industries were hard-hit by the pandemic, but well on the way to return to pre-2020 growth rates. Increased environmental and societal pressures call for challenging reductions in carbon emissions. Propulsion technology will be core part of technology answer. Several promising engine technologies under study: UHBR turbofans (with geared fans), Open Rotor/Fan engines, Propellers, Distributed (propeller) propulsion, Boundary Layer Ingesting (BLI) engines. Mostly clear propulsive efficiency advantages at engine level. The challenge (aerodynamics and beyond) is the integration of these propulsion technologies with the airframe
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