17 research outputs found

    Attractor Solutions in Tachyacoustic Cosmology

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    We study the dynamical stability of "tachyacoustic" cosmological models, in which primordial perturbations are generated by a shrinking sound horizon during a period of decelerating expansion. Such models represent a potential alternative to inflationary cosmology, but the phase-space behavior of tachyacoustic solutions has not previously been investigated. We numerically evaluate the dynamics of two non-canonical Lagrangians, a cuscuton-like Lagrangian and a Dirac-Born-Infeld Lagrangian, which generate a scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations. We show that the power-law background solutions in both cases are dynamical attractors.Comment: Some references and comments added. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Probing a cosmological model with a Λ=Λ0+3βH2\Lambda = \Lambda_0 + 3\beta H^2 decaying-vacuum

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    In this work we study the evolution of matter-density perturbations for an arbitrary Λ(t)\Lambda(t) model, and specialize our analysis to the particular phenomenological law Λ=Λ0+3βH2\Lambda = \Lambda_0 + 3\beta H^2. We study the evolution of the cosmic star formation rate in this particular dark energy scenario and, by constraining the β\beta parameter using both the age of the universe and the cosmic star formation rate curve, we show that it leads to a reasonable physical model for β0.1\beta\lesssim 0.1.Comment: Published in Physical Review

    A Gênese da Harmonia das Esferas no Antigo Pitagorismo

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    Nesse artigo apresento o conceito de Harmonia das Esferas conforme formulado inicialmente pelos pitagóricos. Partindo dos fragmentos de Filolau e das descrições de Aristóteles do pensamento pitagórico, traçarei um panorama geral das concepções pitagóricas acerca do número, do universo, e das consonâncias musicais, para então discutir como essas ideias geraram o conceito de Harmonia das Esferas.

    Non-Gaussian signatures of Tachyacoustic Cosmology

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    I investigate non-Gaussian signatures in the context of tachyacoustic cosmology, that is, a noninflationary model with superluminal speed of sound. I calculate the full non-Gaussian amplitude A\mathcal{A}, its size fNLf_{\rm NL}, and corresponding shapes for a red-tilted spectrum of primordial scalar perturbations. Specifically, for cuscuton-like models I show that fNLO(1)f_{\rm NL}\sim {\cal O}(1), and the shape of its non-Gaussian amplitude peaks for both equilateral and local configurations, the latter being dominant. These results, albeit similar, are quantitatively distinct from the corresponding ones obtained by Magueijo {\it{et. al}} in the context of superluminal bimetric models.Comment: Some comments and references added. Matches the version published in JCA

    Tachyacoustic Cosmology: An Alternative to Inflation

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    We consider an alternative to inflation for the generation of superhorizon perturbations in the universe in which the speed of sound is faster than the speed of light. We label such cosmologies, first proposed by Armendariz-Picon, {\it tachyacoustic}, and explicitly construct examples of non-canonical Lagrangians which have superluminal sound speed, but which are causally self-consistent. Such models possess two horizons, a Hubble horizon and an acoustic horizon, which have independent dynamics. Even in a decelerating (non-inflationary) background, a nearly scale-invariant spectrum of perturbations can be generated by quantum perturbations redshifted outside of a shrinking acoustic horizon. The acoustic horizon can be large or even infinite at early times, solving the cosmological horizon problem without inflation. These models do not, however, dynamically solve the cosmological flatness problem, which must be imposed as a boundary condition. Gravitational wave modes, which are produced by quantum fluctuations exiting the Hubble horizon, are not produced.Comment: 11 pages, LaTeX (V2: references added. Version submitted to PRD

    Inflationary potentials in DBI models

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    We study DBI inflation based upon a general model characterized by a power-law flow parameter ϵ(ϕ)ϕα\epsilon(\phi)\propto\phi^{\alpha} and speed of sound cs(ϕ)ϕβc_s(\phi)\propto\phi^{\beta}, where α\alpha and β\beta are constants. We show that in the slow-roll limit this general model gives rise to distinct inflationary classes according to the relation between α\alpha and β\beta and to the time evolution of the inflaton field, each one corresponding to a specific potential; in particular, we find that the well-known canonical polynomial (large- and small-field), hybrid and exponential potentials also arise in this non-canonical model. We find that these non-canonical classes have the same physical features as their canonical analogs, except for the fact that the inflaton field evolves with varying speed of sound; also, we show that a broad class of canonical and D-brane inflation models are particular cases of this general non-canonical model. Next, we compare the predictions of large-field polynomial models with the current observational data, showing that models with low speed of sound have red-tilted scalar spectrum with low tensor-to-scalar ratio, in good agreement with the observed values. These models also show a correlation between large non-gaussianity with low tensor amplitudes, which is a distinct signature of DBI inflation with large-field polynomial potentials.Comment: Minor changes, reference added. Version submitted to JCA

    CMB Polarization and Theories of Gravitation with Massive Gravitons

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    We study in this paper three different theories of gravitation with massive gravitons - the modified Fierz-Pauli (FP) model, Massive Gravity and the bimetric theory proposed by Visser - in linear perturbation theory around a Minkowski and a flat FRW background. For the TT tensor perturbations we show that the three theories give rise to the same dynamical equations and to the same form of the Boltzmann equations for the radiative transfer in General Relativity (GR). We then analyze vector perturbations in these theories and show that they do not give the same results as in the previous case. We first show that vector perturbations in Massive Gravity present the same form as found in General Relativity, whereas in the modified FP theory the vector gravitational-wave (GW) polarization modes (Ψ3\Psi_{3} amplitudes in the Newman-Penrose (NP) formalism) do not decay too fast as it happens in the former case. Rather, we show that such Ψ3\Psi_{3} polarization modes give rise to an unusual vector Sachs-Wolfe effect, leaving a signature in the quadrupole form Y2,±1(θ,φ)Y_{2,\pm 1}(\theta,\varphi) on the CMB polarization. We then derive the details for the Thomson scattering of CMB photons for these Ψ3\Psi_{3} modes, and then construct the correspondent Boltzmann equations. Based upon these results we then qualitatively show that Ψ3\Psi_{3}-mode vector signatures - if they do exist - could clearly be distinguished on the CMB polarization from the usual Ψ4\Psi_4 tensor modes.Comment: To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    “Poderia a ciëncias atual entender o inicio do universo?”

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    “Poderia a ciëncias atual entender o inicio do universo?