2,058 research outputs found

    The influence of audio communications technology on computerā€supported collaborative learning

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    Our study set out to investigate how collaborative learning between pairs of adult subjects solving physics problems with a computer is effected when the subjects are not coā€present but have an audio and computer link only. It also examined how the groupsā€™ gender composition could influence both group productivity and individual learning. This paper reports that all pairs performed significantly better in the audio condition with respect to onā€task problemā€solving measures, and preā€to postā€test change scores

    Artificial neural network implementation of a near-ideal error prediction controller

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    A theory has been developed at the University of Virginia which explains the effects of including an ideal predictor in the forward loop of a linear error-sampled system. It has been shown that the presence of this ideal predictor tends to stabilize the class of systems considered. A prediction controller is merely a system which anticipates a signal or part of a signal before it actually occurs. It is understood that an exact prediction controller is physically unrealizable. However, in systems where the input tends to be repetitive or limited, (i.e., not random) near ideal prediction is possible. In order for the controller to act as a stability compensator, the predictor must be designed in a way that allows it to learn the expected error response of the system. In this way, an unstable system will become stable by including the predicted error in the system transfer function. Previous and current prediction controller include pattern recognition developments and fast-time simulation which are applicable to the analysis of linear sampled data type systems. The use of pattern recognition techniques, along with a template matching scheme, has been proposed as one realizable type of near-ideal prediction. Since many, if not most, systems are repeatedly subjected to similar inputs, it was proposed that an adaptive mechanism be used to 'learn' the correct predicted error response. Once the system has learned the response of all the expected inputs, it is necessary only to recognize the type of input with a template matching mechanism and then to use the correct predicted error to drive the system. Suggested here is an alternate approach to the realization of a near-ideal error prediction controller, one designed using Neural Networks. Neural Networks are good at recognizing patterns such as system responses, and the back-propagation architecture makes use of a template matching scheme. In using this type of error prediction, it is assumed that the system error responses be known for a particular input and modeled plant. These responses are used in the error prediction controller. An analysis was done on the general dynamic behavior that results from including a digital error predictor in a control loop and these were compared to those including the near-ideal Neural Network error predictor. This analysis was done for a second and third order system

    Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants as Sources of Cosmic Rays Below the "Ankle"

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    We investigate non-thermal electron and nuclei energy losses within the binary neutron star merger remnant produced by the event GW170817. The lack of a cooling feature within the detected synchrotron emission from the source is used to constrain the magnetic field at the mG level, assuming that this emission is electron synchrotron in origin, and that the accelerated spectrum in the electrons follows the form dN/dEeāˆEeāˆ’2dN/dE_e \propto E_e^{-2}. The level of subsequent gamma-ray emission from the source is demonstrated to provide a further constraint on the source magnetic field strength. We also put forward alternative strong (āˆ¼\simG) magnetic field scenarios able to support this emission. For such stronger fields, the photo-disintegration of non-thermal nuclei within the source is considered, and a bottleneck period of āˆ¼\sim5-30 days is found when this process peaks. We find that this class of source is in principle able to support the population of cosmic rays detected at Earth below the "ankle".Comment: Accepted for publication in Astropart. Phy

    Pop, Hip Hop, and Empire, Study of a New Pedagogical Approach in a Developmental Reading and English Class

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    This thesis focuses on the impact of studying studentsā€™ identities after using the television show, Empire as a Hip Hop studies based text in a developmental reading and English class. I frame the pedagogical approach to reading and writing by using the television show as a doorway into the varied language practices of the Hip Hop culture as opposed to Standard American English (SAE). This research uses James Paul Geeā€™s discourse analysis as a method for coding and analysis of the responses of the interviewees to survey questions. The questions were designed to determine from the studentsā€™ responses their attitudes regarding the use of the television show as a text; what kind of impact they experienced (if any) and if this pedagogical approach fulfilled departmental student learning outcomes. Findings from this study are used to determine the impact of Hip Hop based texts on student identities and learning

    Bedroom Design and Decoration: A Context for Investigating Developmental Theory in Adolescence

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    Most developmental theories propose reasons for behavior and changes in behavior due to influences from genetic and environmental factors. A behavioral change that occurs during development, from infancy to adulthood, is the increasing number of choices that are made. The purpose of this study was to investigate developmental theory as it relates to adolescent choice (influences, interactions, activity, preference, and acceptance) in the environment most readily controlled by adolescents, their bedrooms. Two hundred thirty-four eighth- and ninth-grade students responded to the Adolescent Development and Environments Research Survey. The survey assessed gender, grade, pubertal status, negative/positive passive and active genotype-environment effects, height and weight, and bedroom design and decoration influence, preference, activity, and acceptance (dislike-like). Results confirmed relations among gender and bedroom design preferences and activity. Girls\u27 bedrooms contained a greater variety of items than did boys\u27 bedrooms. Additionally, girls were overall more active in procuring items for their bedrooms than were boys. Grade differences (within gender) were identified for boys and girls for preferences, but not activity. Regarding pubertal status, Lo and Hi pubertal status girls differed in preferences, and the use of their own money to procure bedroom items. Lo and Hi pubertal status boys differed both in preferences and in bedroom location change. Perceived influences on adolescent bedroom design were associated with preferences for related items (e.g., the Classes at school influence category correlated positively with Bookcase ). Regarding bedroom design acceptance, adolescents were less likely to like heir bedroom designs if they had ignored their parents\u27 opinions about their bedroom design and instead furnished their bedrooms the way they wanted to. Girls who had no masculine items in their bedrooms were likely to have parents who gave the final word about bedroom design. Adolescents\u27 friends influenced their frequency of bedroom design. With regard to obtaining bedroom items, girls and boys differed in the number and type of influences they reported. Previous studies of gender, age (grade), and pubertal status support these findings. Further, these findings support developmental theory suppositions as related to biosocial influences, negative/positive passive gene-environment effects, and opportunity structures

    School-Wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Support (PBIS) and the Effects on the Academic Success of Students

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    The purpose of this quantitative, causal-comparative study was to determine the effect of School-Wide Behavioral Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) on studentsā€™ academic success, specifically in reading and math. There is a growing problem with accountability on teachers to ensure their studentsā€™ success. However, one of the many barriers of ensuring this success is the behavioral aspects of the student. This study took a look at one particular framework, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS), designed to help students overall academic success to determine if there is a relationship between the framework and student achievement data (Mississippi Academic Assessment Program) by conducting a Multivariance analysis of variance, or MANOVA. PBIS is a framework designed to meet the needs of students behaviorally, to enhance the overall academic success of students. This study took a look at five schools (both with and without full, school-wide PBIS implementation), 398 third grade studentsā€™ academic success of reading and math Mississippi Academic Assessment Program (MAAP) scale scores in the southern region of the state. Also, there were previous studies conducted to demonstrate the success rate of students in terms of discipline, not specifically targeting studentsā€™ academic success. This study found that there is a difference in academic scores of students who participated in PBIS than those that did not. However, recommendations for conducting this study in the future will include the researcher to include more regions of the entire state, conduct study post Covid-19, add additional grade levels, and separate the two content areas

    California Expands Tort Liability under the Novel Market Share Theory: Sindell v. Abbott Laboratories

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    The California Supreme Court, in the novel and unprecedented case of Sindell v. Abbott Laboratories, eliminated the plaintiffs burden of identification of a negligent party, and thus the causation requirement, in a multiple party tort action. In the course of this decision, the court adopted the market share theory of liability which dictated in Sindell that nonidentifiable defendant-manufacturers of the generic drug DES would be liable for the damages in proportion to their share of business in the market. The author thoroughly examines various theories of recovery, such as alternative liability, concert of action and enterprise liability, which the court employed in their formulation of the \u27market share theory. While in agreement with this decision, the author analyzes the majority and dissenting opinions and notes the benefits and shortcomings of this most controversial development in California tort law

    The Effectiveness of Teaching Math Using Manipulatives in the Fourth Grade at Southwest Laurens Elementary

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    I have taught math at Southwest Laurens Elementary for the past twenty years, my first twelve years as a second, third, fourth, fifth, and sixth grade Title I teacher and my last eight years as a self-contained regular education fourth grade teacher. For all twenty years I have taught at least one math class. One concern I have often had with the math curriculum at my school was the exclusion of many math manipulatives either because of lack of funding or because of the required time for preparation of lessons and instruction when including manipulatives. In this research project, I explored the importance of manipulatives and whether they actually do make a difference in the learning of mathematical concepts. Based on my observations, I found that students tend to be motivated and enjoy math more when using manipulatives. They became actively engaged in learning new concepts. I found that there was much more communication between students instead of just between the students and the teacher. I also noticed more higher order questions being asked and/or explored. Finally, pretest and posttest scores indicated that the learning of math concepts was significantly improved when teaching using manipulatives

    Antibiotic Resistance: Multi-Drug Profiles and Genetic Determinants.

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    Antimicrobial susceptibility profiles were assembled for isolates of Moraxella catarrhalis collected from the Mountain Home Veteran\u27s Affairs Medical Center (VAMC) clinical laboratory in Johnson City, Tennessee. The goal of the study was to identify isolates for genetic characterization using comparisons of susceptibility profiles. Isolates of Moraxella catarrhalis collected from July 1984 through 1994 were analyzed for Ī²-lactamase production using a Cefinase disk assay. A multi-drug profile consisting of 11 Ī²-lactam antibiotics was performed on the 41 M. catarrhalis isolates. Kirby Bauer disk assays were performed for 7 cephalosporin and 4 non-cephalosporin antibiotics. In summary, 2 observations implicate more complex resistance determinants than the 2 known forms of the BRO Ī²-lactamase. First, there was overlap in the ranges of inhibition zones. Second, several isolates had antibiotic-specific deviations from typical profiles. These data suggest either more variation in the M. catarrhalis BRO Ī²-lactamase than described or contributions to resistance from undescribed determinants

    Menu Analysis: A Review of Techniques and Approaches

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    This review discusses menu analysis models in depth to identify the models strengths and weaknesses in attempt to discover opportunities to enhance existing models and evolve menu analysis toward a comprehensive analytical model
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