9 research outputs found

    A qualitative exploration of the meaning and experience of sexual desire among partnered women

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    This qualitative study explored the meaning and experience of sexual desire for women. Data were gathered through semi-structured interviews with 40 partnered heterosexual women aged 20 to 61 years drawn from the general population. Thematic analysis of the interview transcripts Indicated that the participants understood and experienced their sexual desire primarily within the context of their partner relationships and most frequently reported responsive rather than autonomous experiences of sexual desire. The implications of the study findings are discussed in relation to the definition, classification, and treatment of sexual desire disorders in women.<br /

    Demographic and psychological factors related to sexual desire among heterosexual women in a relationship

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    This study examined demographic, psychological, and relationship factors that are associated with the experience of sexual desire in women. The contribution of other aspects of sexual function on sexual desire was also investigated. The participants were 741 partnered heterosexual women (mean age&frac14;45.7 years), who completed the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire online, which evaluated their levels of sexual desire, as well as a range of individual and dyadic variables. For each of the six aspects of sexual desire assessed, the number and frequency of problems in other aspects of women&rsquo;s sexual functioning were the most common predictors. The results demonstrated that sexual desire was lower among older, postmenopausal women and those who had been in their current relationship for a longer period of time. Women who reported that their partner experienced a sexual dysfunction also obtained lower sexual desire scores. These findings demonstrate the strong interrelationship between the different phases of the sexual response cycle for women. Further, they suggest that sexual dysfunction in one partner is likely to be associated with sexual dysfunction in the other partner. The clinical implications of these findings in terms of the treatment for sexual dysfunction among women (and their partners) are discussed.<br /

    Intervention for depression among palliative care patients and their families: A study protocol for evaluation of a training program for professional care staff

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    Background: Clinical depression is highly prevalent yet under-detected and under-treated in palliative care settings and is associated with a number of adverse medical and psychological outcomes for patients and their family members. This article presents a study protocol to evaluate a training intervention for non-physician palliative care staff to improve the recognition of depression and provide support for depressed patients and their family members. Details of the hypotheses and expected outcomes, study design, training program development and evaluation measures are described.Methods and Design: A randomised controlled trial will be implemented across two palliative care services to evaluate the &ldquo;Training program for professional carers to recognise and manage depression in palliative care settings&rdquo;. Pre-, post- and three-month follow-up data will be collected to assess: the impact of the training on the knowledge, attitudes, self-efficacy and perceived barriers of palliative care staff when working with depression; referral rates for depression; and changes to staff practices. Quantitative and qualitative methods, in the form of self-report questionnaires and interviews with staff and family members, will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.Discussion: This study will determine the effectiveness of an intervention that aims to respond to the urgent need for innovative programs to target depression in the palliative care setting. The expected outcome of this study is the validation of an evidence-based training program to improve staff recognition and appropriate referrals for depression, as well as improve psychosocial support for depressed patients and their family members.<br /

    Detecting and managing depressed patients : palliative care nurses\u27 self-efficacy and perceived barriers to care

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    Background: Depression is a highly prevalent yet under-recognized and under-treated psychiatric illness in patients receiving palliative care. Nurses are the front-line health care professionals in these settings and are well-positioned to detect depressive symptoms and initiate pathways to care. Previous research suggests, however, that nurses\u27 confidence and skills in relation to this task are low, and there appear to be a number of barriers within these settings that may impede nurses\u27 engagement in this process.Methods: To further investigate these factors, a quantitative study was carried out with 69 palliative care nurses from three palliative care services in Australia.Results: A number of issues were identified, including the need for further training in the signs and symptoms of depression, issues around discussing depression with patients and their family members, and difficulty differentiating depressive symptoms from grief.Conclusion: These findings provide insight into specific areas in which palliative care nurses would benefit from further training to improve detection rates for depression in this vulnerable population

    What do young Australian women want (when talking to doctors about contraception)?

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    Background: Access to most contraceptives in Australia requires a prescription from a doctor, and it has been shown that doctors can influence women's decision-making with respect to contraception. However, little research has documented how women experience their interactions with doctors within the context of a contraceptive consultation. Understanding such experiences may contribute to our knowledge of factors that may influence women's contraceptive decisions more broadly

    Development and psychometric properties of the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire (FSDQ)

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    Introduction.&ensp; Sexual desire is often evaluated as part of a global assessment of female sexual function, which may not comprehensively evaluate the various facets of this experience. There currently exists a need to develop a psychometrically robust desire-specific measure for women.Aim.&ensp; The aim of this study was to develop and validate a desire-specific, self-administered instrument that evaluates the multiple facets of sexual desire and factors influencing this experience for partnered heterosexual women, with or without sexual dysfunction.Methods.&ensp; Preliminary items for inclusion in the Female Sexual Desire Questionnaire (FSDQ) were identified through a literature review and individual interviews with partnered heterosexual women, mostly from Australia. The resulting instrument was completed by a validation sample of 741 women, aged between 18 and 71 years, who were involved in a heterosexual relationship of between 3 months\u27 and 49 years\u27 duration.Main Outcome Measures.&ensp; Exploratory factor analysis was used to refine the FSDQ item content and identify the underlying domain structure. The reliability (internal consistency) and validity (convergent validity) of the FSDQ were also evaluated.Results.&ensp; The final version of the FSDQ consisted of 50 items organized into six domains that characterized the experience of, and factors influencing, sexual desire for heterosexual partnered women: Dyadic Desire, Solitary Desire, Resistance, Positive Relationship, Sexual Self-Image, and Concern. Each domain demonstrated high reliability, as did the overall measure. Evidence of construct validity was ascertained through convergence with the Sexual Desire Inventory and the Hurlbert Index of Sexual Desire. A short-form of the FSDQ, consisting of six items, was also developed.Conclusions.&ensp; The FSDQ is a new reliable and valid multidimensional measure designed specifically for evaluating the facets of, and factors influencing, sexual desire among sexually functional and dysfunctional women who are involved in a heterosexual relationship.<br /