30 research outputs found


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    We present a first version of a software dedicated to an application of a classical nonlinear control theory problem to the study of compartmental models in biology. The software is being developed over a new free computer algebra library dedicated to differential and algebraic elimination

    Two approaches for testing identifiability and corresponding algorithms

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    This paper considers two different methods in the analysis of nonlinear controlled dynamical system identifiability. The corresponding identifiability definitions are not equivalent. Moreover one is based on the construction of an input-output ideal and the other on the similarity transformation theorem. Our aim is to develop algorithms which give identifiability results from both approaches. Differential algebra theory allows realization of such a project. In order to state these algorithms, new results of differential algebra must be proved. Then the implementation of these algorithms is done in a symbolic computation language

    Sensitivity analysis for models with dynamic inputs: a case study to control the heat consumption of a real passive house

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    International audienceIn this communication, we perform the sensitivity analysis of a building energy model. The aim is to assess the impact of the weather data on the performance of a model of a passive house, in order to better control it. The weather data are uncertain dynamic inputs to the model. To evaluate their impact, the problem of generating coherent weather data arises. To solve it, we carry out the Karhunen-Loève decomposition of the uncertain dynamic inputs. We then propose an approach for the sensitivity analysis of this kind of models. The originality for sensitivity analysis purpose is to separate the random variable of the dynamic inputs, propagated to the model response, from the deterministic spatio/temporal function. This analysis highlights the role of the solar gain on a high-insulated passive building, during winter time

    Sensitivity analysis of complex models: coping with dynamic and static inputs

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    International audienceIn this paper, we address the issue of performing sensitivity analysis of complex models presenting uncertain static and dynamic inputs. The dynamic inputs are viewed as random processes which can be represented by a linear combination of the deterministic functions depending on time whose coefficients are uncorrelated random variables. To achieve this, the Karhunen-Loève decomposition of the dynamic inputs is performed. For sensitivity analysis purposes, the influence of the dynamic inputs onto the model response is then given by the one of the uncorrelated random coefficients of the Karhunen-Loève decomposition, which is the originality here. The approach is applied to a building energy model, in order to assess the impact of the uncertainties of the material properties and the weather data on the energy performance of a real low energy consumption house

    UASA of complex models: Coping with dynamic and static inputs

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    International audienceUncertainty Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis of complex models: Coping with dynamic and static input

    Au Sujet des Approches Symboliques des Équations Intégro-Différentielles

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    International audienceRecent progress in computer algebra has opened new opportunities for the parameter estimation problem in nonlinear control theory, by means of integro-differential input-output equations. This paper recalls the origin of integro-differential equations. It presents new opportunities in nonlinear control theory. Finally, it reviews related recent theoretical approaches on integro-differential algebras, illustrating what an integro-differential elimination method might be and what benefits the parameter estimation problem would gain from it.Un résultat récent en calcul formel a ouvert de nouvelles opportunités pour l'estimation de paramètres en théorie du contrôle non linéaire, via des équations entrée-sortie intégro-différentielles. Ce chapitre rappelle les origines des équations intégro-différentielles. Il présente de nouvelles opportunités en théorie du contrôle non linéaire. Finalement, il passe en revue des approches théoriques récentes sur les algèbres intégro-différentielles, illustrant ce qu'une méthode d'élimination intégro-différentielle pourrait être et les bénéfices que le problème de l'estimation de paramètres pourrait en tirer


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    This paper considers the identifiability problem for a model given by aerospace domain describing aircraft dynamics with time delays. Analytic and algebraic approaches are used to show how different approximations derived from the original non linear and retarded system may result in different identifi-ability conclusions