38 research outputs found

    Formulation of a Robust National Rural Sector Program in Burkina Faso: What new themes have emerged from the socio-economic and climate scenarios process?

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    Under the partnership initiated in 2015 between the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the Permanent Secretariat for Coordination of Agricultural Sector Policies (SP-CPSA), in collaboration with other CGIAR research programs and centers, an analysis of the National Rural Sector Program (PNSR) based on the CCAFS socio-economic and climate scenarios was conducted with the effective participation of rural sector stakeholders in Burkina Faso. Twenty-two (22) recommendations were made to allow for the effective mainstreaming of plausible socio-economic, environmental and climatic factors in the near and distant future, that will make PNSR II more robust to face future uncertainties related to climate change, global dynamics, socio-economic changes, changes in norms and values, etc. In addition, an exercise with all the stakeholders helped in translating the said recommendations into new actions and themes to be taken into account when formulating PNSR II. Discussions between the stakeholders also underscored the need for crosscutting involvement of research in the implementation of the activities of PNSR II

    Formulation d’un Programme National du Secteur Rural robuste au Burkina Faso : Quelles thématiques nouvelles issues du processus des scénarios socio- économiques et climatiques?

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    Dans le cadre du partenariat initié en 2015 entre le Programme de recherche du CGIAR sur le Changement Climatique, l’Agriculture et la Sécurité Alimentaire (CCAFS) et le Secrétariat Permanent de la Coordination des Politiques Sectorielles Agricoles (SP-CPSA), en collaboration avec d’autres programmes et centres de recherche du CGIAR, une analyse du Programme National du Secteur Rural (PNSR) fondée sur les scénarios socio-économiques et climatiques du CCAFS a pu être menée avec la participation effective des parties prenantes du secteur rural du Burkina Faso. Les 22 recommandations qui en sont issues devraient permettre une prise en compte effective des facteurs socio- économiques, environnementaux et climatiques plausibles dans le futur proche et lointain, et ainsi aider à rendre le PNSR II plus robuste face aux incertitudes futures liées au changement climatique, aux dynamiques mondiales, aux évolutions socioéconomiques, aux changements des normes et valeurs, etc. En outre, un exercice avec l’ensemble des acteurs impliqués a consisté à traduire lesdites recommandations en actions et thématiques nouvelles à prendre en compte lors de la formulation du PNSR II. Les échanges entre acteurs ont également fait ressortir la nécessité d’une implication transversale de la recherche dans la mise en œuvre des activités de cet important outil politique qu’est le PNSR I

    Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of meningococcal carriage and disease isolates in Burkina Faso after mass vaccination with a serogroup a conjugate vaccine

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    BACKGROUND: The conjugate vaccine against serogroup A Neisseria meningitidis (NmA), MenAfriVac, was first introduced in mass vaccination campaigns of the 1-29-year-olds in Burkina Faso in 2010. The aim of this study was to genetically characterize meningococcal isolates circulating in Burkina Faso before and up to 13 months after MenAfriVac mass vaccination. METHODS: A total of 1,659 meningococcal carriage isolates were collected in a repeated cross-sectional carriage study of the 1-29-year-olds in three districts of Burkina Faso in 2010 and 2011, before and up to 13 months after mass vaccination. Forty-two invasive isolates were collected through the national surveillance in Burkina Faso in the same period. All the invasive isolates and 817 carriage isolates were characterized by serogroup, multilocus sequence typing and porA-fetA sequencing. RESULTS: Seven serogroup A isolates were identified, six in 2010, before vaccination (4 from carriers and 2 from patients), and one in 2011 from an unvaccinated patient; all were assigned to sequence type (ST)-2859 of the ST-5 clonal complex. No NmA carriage isolate and no ST-2859 isolate with another capsule were identified after vaccination. Serogroup X carriage and disease prevalence increased before vaccine introduction, due to the expansion of ST-181, which comprised 48.5% of all the characterized carriage isolates. The hypervirulent serogroup W ST-11 clone that was responsible for most of meningococcal disease in 2011 and 2012 was not observed in 2010; it appeared during the epidemic season of 2011, when it represented 40.6% of the serogroup W carriage isolates. CONCLUSIONS: Successive clonal waves of ST-181 and ST-11 may explain the changing epidemiology in Burkina Faso after the virtual disappearance of NmA disease and carriage. No ST-2859 strain of any serogroup was found after vaccination, suggesting that capsule switching of ST-2859 did not occur, at least not during the first 13 months after vaccination

    Appui à la définition de stratégies de développement des filières agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques sélectionnées dans les régions d’intervention du PADAB II : « Goulots d’étranglement et actions pilotes ». Rapport Filière Gomme Arabique, région Sahel, Burkina Faso

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    This report makes specific proposals to support action plans for the gum Arabic chain in the Sahel Region in Burkina, one of the intervention region of support programme for agriculture in Burkina Faso (PADAB II project), depending on the market opportunities and constraints and in link with the politics and strategies of actions at the regional and national level.A techno-economic analysis of the value chain is realized to identify potentialities and main bottlenecks concerning the link production / demand. Axes of intervention increasing this link production / market and aiming at removing bottlenecks are proposed. Pilot actions and possibly actors likely to implement them are identified, as well as needs for further education on targeted thematic (technologies, process, …).Ce rapport fait des propositions d’appui à la filière gomme arabique pour les plans d’actions dans une des régions d’intervention du « Programme d'Appui au Développement de l'Agriculture du Burkina Faso » (PADAB II), la région du Sahel au Burkina Faso, en fonction des opportunités et contraintes de marché et en lien avec les politiques/stratégies et plans d’actions de niveau national/régional.Une analyse technico-économique de la filière est réalisée afin d’identifier les potentialités et principaux goulots d’étranglement relatifs à la liaison production / marché. Des axes d’intervention propre à améliorer la liaison production / marché et à lever les goulots d’étranglement identifiés sont proposés. Des actions pilotes et éventuellement des porteurs potentiels susceptibles de les porter sont identifiés, ainsi que les besoins d’approfondissement sur des thématiques ciblées (technologies, process…)

    Insécurité alimentaire, vulnérabilité et pauvreté en milieu rural au Burkina : une approche en termes de consommation d'énergie

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    In Burkina, vulnerability and poverty analysis have been dominated by the monetary approach. Using the generalized formula of poverty index developed by Foster and al. (1984), we try to define new concepts of poverty in relation with dietary needs and energy intakes. Our results show that monetary approach tends to underestimate the incidence of poverty insofar as it does not take sufficiently into account social capital and the role of institutions in poverty alleviation.Energy, Poverty, Risk, Vulnerability, Food security

    The role of responsive heterogeneity in sub-Saharan smallholder farming sustainability: socio-economic and biophysical determinants of mineral and organic fertilizers used in South Western Burkina Faso

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    Sustainable soil nutrient management (SNM) is important for improving soil resources and food security in sub-Saharan African countries. Inherent livelihood diversity may lead to differences in household behavior in the adoption of SNM practices, thus challenging policy interventions uniformly implemented. This study aims at exploring the responsive heterogeneity in household behavior in the adoption of fertilizer use by farmers. Determinants of fertilizer uses were analyzed across different farm types. These farm types were identified from farm-household data collected in six villages in the South Western of Burkina Faso using the Sustainable Livelihood Framework. Using multilinear and binary logistic models, determinants of mineral, organic and combined mineral-organic fertilizer uses were analyzed. The results revealed that the determinants of SMN adoption include not only common determinants to whole sampled population (income, household size, access to roads and cereal areas), but also specific determinants to farm types (small ruminants, animal power, educational level and access to agro-training). This finding suggests that policy interventions will not be effective if the responsive heterogeneity in SNM adoption behavior is not taken into account. The study recommends the use of the presented framework, as an approach, to identify functional farm types to be considered in SNM policies

    Appui à la définition de stratégies de développement des filières agro-sylvo-pastorales et halieutiques sélectionnées dans les régions d’intervention du PADAB II : « Goulots d’étranglement et actions pilotes ». Rapport Filière Bois-énergie, région Centre-Est, Burkina Faso

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    This report makes specific proposals to support action plans for the woodfuel chain in the Center-East Region in Burkina Faso, one of the intervention region of support programme for agriculture in Burkina Faso (PADAB II project), depending on the market opportunities and constraints and in link with the politics and strategies of actions at the regional and national level.A techno-economic analysis of the value chain is realized to identify potentialities and main bottlenecks concerning the link production / demand. Axes of intervention increasing this link production / market and aiming at removing bottlenecks are proposed. Pilot actions and possibly actors likely to implement them are identified, as well as needs for further education on targeted thematic (technologies, process, …).Ce rapport fait des propositions d’appui à la filière bois-énergie pour les plans d’actions dans une des régions d’intervention du « Programme d'Appui au Développement de l'Agriculture du Burkina Faso » (PADAB II), la région du Centre-Est du Burkina Faso, en fonction des opportunités et contraintes de marché et en lien avec les politiques/stratégies et plans d’actions de niveau national/régional.Une analyse technico-économique de la filière est réalisée afin d’identifier les potentialités et principaux goulots d’étranglement relatifs à la liaison production / marché. Des axes d’intervention propre à améliorer la liaison production / marché et à lever les goulots d’étranglement identifiés sont proposés. Des actions pilotes et éventuellement des porteurs potentiels susceptibles de les porter sont identifiés, ainsi que les besoins d’approfondissement sur des thématiques ciblées (technologies, process…)

    Déterminants des recours thérapeutiques et prise en charge du bétail dans l'ouest du Burkina Faso

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    This paper analyzes the strategies of farmers in Kénédougou province to tackle African Animal Trypanosomosis (AAT). Using economic, entomological, and parasitological data collected by multidisciplinary team, we operate a binary Logit model to evaluate the probability of choice between animal health professionals and non professionals. The results show that economic and environmental variables contribute jointly to explain the choice between professional and non professional. The prevalence of trypanosomosis, and farm size affect positively the choice of farmers. However, farmers in crop production systems and producers who are far from the location of animal health professionals are slightly willing to choose their services for AAT control. Animal development policy should pay attention to physically and economic access to trypanocides in order to mitigate the impact of AAT on the productivity of farms.trypanomosis, trypanocide, farm, logit model