868 research outputs found

    Forward-backward multiplicity correlations and leakage parameter behaviour in asymmetric high energy collisions

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    Continuing previous work, forward-backward multiplicity correlations are studied in asymmetric collisions in the framework of the weighted superposition mechanism of different classes of events. New parameters for the asymmetric clan distribution and for the particle leakage from clans in one hemisphere to the opposite one are introduced to effectively classify different classes of collisions. This tool should be used to explore forward-backward multiplicity correlations in AB and pA collisions in present and future experiments at RHIC and LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures, latex 2e with amsmat

    Advanced secondary power system for transport aircraft

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    A concept for an advanced aircraft power system was identified that uses 20-kHz, 440-V, sin-wave power distribution. This system was integrated with an electrically powered flight control system and with other aircraft systems requiring secondary power. The resulting all-electric secondary power configuration reduced the empty weight of a modern 200-passenger, twin-engine transport by 10 percent and the mission fuel by 9 percent

    Drivers of plant diversity in Bulgarian dry grasslands vary across spatial scales and functional-taxonomic groups

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    Questions: Studying dry grasslands in a previously unexplored region, we asked: (a) which environmental factors drive the diversity patterns in vegetation; (b) are taxonomic groups (vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens) and functional vascular plant groups differently affected; and (c) how is fine-grain beta diversity affected by environmental drivers? Location: Northwestern and Central Bulgaria. Methods: We sampled environmental data and vascular plant, terricolous bryophyte and lichen species in 97 10-m2 plots and 15 nested-plot series with seven grain sizes (0.0001–100 m2) of ten grassland sites within the two regions. We used species richness as measure of alpha-diversity and the z-value of the power-law species–area relationship as measure of beta-diversity. We analysed effects of landscape, topographic, soil and land-use variables on the species richness of the different taxonomic and functional groups. We applied generalised linear models (GLMs) or, in the presence of spatial autocorrelation, generalised linear mixed-effect models (GLMMs) in a multi-model inference framework. Results: The main factors affecting total and vascular plant species richness in 10-m2 plots were soil pH (unimodal) and inclination (negative). Species richness of bryophytes was positively affected by rock cover, sand proportion and negatively by inclination. Inclination and litter cover were also negative predictors of lichen species richness. Elevation negatively affected phanerophyte and therophyte richness, but positively that of cryptophytes. A major part of unexplained variance in species richness was associated with the grassland site. The z-values for total richness showed a positive relationship with elevation and inclination. Conclusions: Environmental factors shaping richness patterns strongly differed among taxonomic groups, functional vascular plant groups and spatial scales. The disparities between our and previous findings suggest that many drivers of biodiversity cannot be generalised but rather depend on the regional context. The large unexplained variance at the site level calls for considering more site-related factors such as land-use history

    Minimizing Induced Drag with Weight Distribution, Lift Distribution, Wingspan, and Wing-Structure Weight

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    Because the wing-structure weight required to support the critical wing section bending moments is a function of wingspan, net weight, weight distribution, and lift distribution, there exists an optimum wingspan and wing-structure weight are presented for rectangular wings with four different sets of design constraints. These design constraints are fixed lift distribution and net weight combined with 1) fixed maximum stress and wing loading, 2) fixed maximum deflection and wing loading, 3) fixed maximum stress and stall speed and 4) fixed maximum deflection and stall speed. For each of these analytic solutions, the optimum wing-structure weight is found to depend only on the net weight, independent of the arbitrary fixed lift distribution. Analytic solutions for optimum weight and lift distributions are also presented for the same four sets of design constraints. Depending on the design constraints, the optimum lift distribution can differ significantly from the elliptic lift distribution. Solutions for two example wing designs are presented, which demonstrate how the induced drag varies with lift distribution, wingspan, and wing-structure weight in the design space near the optimum solution. Although the analytic solutions presented here are restricted to rectangular wings, these solutions provide excellent test cases for verifying numerical algorithms used for more general multidisciplinary analysis and optimization

    EuroSL – a European taxonomic backbone for vegetation databases and other taxon- related databases: version 1.0

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    Background: A taxonomic reference list is an indispensable tool to sample, manage and match biodiversity data from different sources. Merging vegetation databases or combining them with taxon-related attributes needs reliable and consistent information about the taxon concepts used and an appropriate naming. Aim: Creating a “taxonomic backbone” of European vascular plants and bryophytes with links to widespread taxonomic references. Methods: We used the Euro+Med plant list (Euro+Med 2006ff), version 2015/04. For all families not yet covered there we used taxa from Flora Europaea (Tutin et al. 1980ff). Additionally we included the aggregates from the Ehrendorfer (1973) list. For bryophytes we rely on Grolle & Long (2000) and Hill et al. (2006). Results: EuroSL 1.0 covers > 45T accepted taxa and >77T synonyms from approx. 370 families. At the species level this means approx. 32T accepted names and >44T synonyms. EuroSL list will be published open access to allow referencing and connecting taxon-related databases beyond country borders. Future releases of EuroSL might contain additional taxonomic groups (algae and lichens), aggregates or new names as needed. However, a thorough documentation and transparency regarding taxon concepts, i.e. name usage = taxon circumscription, given by citing the source lists, will remain the highest priority. The first application of EuroSL will be the compilation of Ecological Indicator Values for Europe (EIVE version 1.0)

    Retinitis pigmentosa: rapid neurodegeneration is governed by slow cell death mechanisms

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    For most neurodegenerative diseases the precise duration of an individual cell's death is unknown, which is an obstacle when counteractive measures are being considered. To address this, we used the rd1 mouse model for retinal neurodegeneration, characterized by phosphodiesterase-6 (PDE6) dysfunction and photoreceptor death triggered by high cyclic guanosinemono-phosphate (cGMP) levels. Using cellular data on cGMP accumulation, cell death, and survival, we created mathematical models to simulate the temporal development of the degeneration. We validated model predictions using organotypic retinal explant cultures derived from wild-type animals and exposed to the selective PDE6 inhibitor zaprinast. Together, photoreceptor data and modeling for the first time delineated three major cell death phases in a complex neuronal tissue: (1) initiation, taking up to 36 h, (2) execution, lasting another 40 h, and finally (3) clearance, lasting about 7 h. Surprisingly, photoreceptor neurodegeneration was noticeably slower than necrosis or apoptosis, suggesting a different mechanism of death for these neurons. Cell Death and Disease (2013) 4, e488; doi: 10.1038/cddis.2013.12; published online 7 February 201

    Digitalisation anxiety: development and validation of a new scale

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    <jats:title>Abstract</jats:title><jats:p>The increasing spread of digital technologies and respective consequences for the way we live, work, and communicate can evoke feelings of tension and discomfort. This so-called digitalisation anxiety is related to existing and future technologies, includes the process of digitalisation in everyday life, and refers to multiple levels (the individual, organisations, and society). Existing scales measuring technology-related fears due not adequately reflect these features. Therefore, we developed the German version of the Digitalisation Anxiety Scale (DAS). Having generated items based on a qualitative interview study (Study 1, n = 26), we demonstrated the DAS’s factor structure, internal consistency and construct validity in Study 2a (n = 109) and test-retest reliability in Study 2b (n = 30). In Study 3 (n = 223), the scale’s structure was confirmed and correlates of digitalisation anxiety were examined. The final version of the DAS consists of 35 items with a four-factor structure (societal triggers for digitalisation anxiety, triggers related to interaction and leadership, triggers within oneself and triggers resulting from the digitalisation implementation process). Digitalisation Anxiety had negative relationships with well-being and performance. The scale allows practitioners and researchers to measure and benchmark individuals’ levels of digitalisation anxiety, and to track changes over time. The scale can inform interventions aiming at reducing digitalisation anxiety and stress resulting from digitalisation. </jats:p&gt