31,900 research outputs found

    Efficient quantum cryptography network without entanglement and quantum memory

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    An efficient quantum cryptography network protocol is proposed with d-dimension polarized photons, without resorting to entanglement and quantum memory. A server on the network, say Alice, provides the service for preparing and measuring single photons whose initial state are |0>. The users code the information on the single photons with some unitary operations. For preventing the untrustworthy server Alice from eavesdropping the quantum lines, a nonorthogonal-coding technique (decoy-photon technique) is used in the process that the quantum signal is transmitted between the users. This protocol does not require the servers and the users to store the quantum state and almost all of the single photons can be used for carrying the information, which makes it more convenient for application than others with present technology. We also discuss the case with a faint laser pulse.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figures. It also presented a way for preparing decoy photons without a sinigle-photon sourc

    Circular quantum secret sharing

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    A circular quantum secret sharing protocol is proposed, which is useful and efficient when one of the parties of secret sharing is remote to the others who are in adjacent, especially the parties are more than three. We describe the process of this protocol and discuss its security when the quantum information carrying is polarized single photons running circularly. It will be shown that entanglement is not necessary for quantum secret sharing. Moreover, the theoretic efficiency is improved to approach 100% as almost all the instances can be used for generating the private key, and each photon can carry one bit of information without quantum storage. It is straightforwardly to utilize this topological structure to complete quantum secret sharing with multi-level two-particle entanglement in high capacity securely.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    New Consequences of Induced Transparency in a Double-Lambda scheme: Destructive Interference In Four-wave Mixing

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    We investigate a four-state system interacting with long and short laser pulses in a weak probe beam approximation. We show that when all lasers are tuned to the exact unperturbed resonances, part of the four-wave mixing (FWM) field is strongly absorbed. The part which is not absorbed has the exact intensity required to destructively interfere with the excitation pathway involved in producing the FWM state. We show that with this three-photon destructive interference, the conversion efficiency can still be as high as 25%. Contrary to common belief,our calculation shows that this process, where an ideal one-photon electromagnetically induced transparency is established, is not most suitable for high efficiency conversion. With appropriate phase-matching and propagation distance, and when the three-photon destructive interference does not occur, we show that the photon flux conversion efficiency is independent of probe intensity and can be close to 100%. In addition, we show clearly that the conversion efficiency is not determined by the maximum atomic coherence between two lower excited states, as commonly believed. It is the combination of phase-matching and constructive interference involving the two terms arising in producing the mixing wave that is the key element for the optimized FWM generation. Indeed, in this scheme no appreciable excited state is produced, so that the atomic coherence between states |0> and |2> is always very small.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Rev. A, 7 pages, 4 figure

    De Novo Genome Sequence of "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" from a Single Potato Psyllid in California.

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    The draft genome sequence of "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" strain RSTM from a potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli) in California is reported here. The RSTM strain has a genome size of 1,286,787 bp, a G+C content of 35.1%, 1,211 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), and 43 RNA genes

    Generation of N-qubit W state with rf-SQUID qubits by adiabatic passage

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    A simple scheme is presented to generate n-qubit W state with rf-superconducting quantum interference devices (rf-SQUIDs) in cavity QED through adiabatic passage. Because of the achievable strong coupling for rf-SQUID qubits embedded in cavity QED, we can get the desired state with high success probability. Furthermore, the scheme is insensitive to position inaccuracy of the rf-SQUIDs. The numerical simulation shows that, by using present experimental techniques, we can achieve our scheme with very high success probability, and the fidelity could be eventually unity with the help of dissipation.Comment: to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Flux rope, hyperbolic flux tube, and late EUV phases in a non-eruptive circular-ribbon flare

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    We present a detailed study of a confined circular flare dynamics associated with 3 UV late phases in order to understand more precisely which topological elements are present and how they constrain the dynamics of the flare. We perform a non-linear force free field extrapolation of the confined flare observed with the HMI and AIA instruments onboard SDO. From the 3D magnetic field we compute the squashing factor and we analyse its distribution. Conjointly, we analyse the AIA EUV light curves and images in order to identify the post-flare loops, their temporal and thermal evolution. By combining both analysis we are able to propose a detailed scenario that explains the dynamics of the flare. Our topological analysis shows that in addition to a null-point topology with the fan separatrix, the spine lines and its surrounding Quasi-Separatix Layers halo (typical for a circular flare), a flux rope and its hyperbolic flux tube (HFT) are enclosed below the null. By comparing the magnetic field topology and the EUV post-flare loops we obtain an almost perfect match 1) between the footpoints of the separatrices and the EUV 1600~\AA{} ribbons and 2) between the HFT's field line footpoints and bright spots observed inside the circular ribbons. We showed, for the first time in a confined flare, that magnetic reconnection occured initially at the HFT, below the flux rope. Reconnection at the null point between the flux rope and the overlying field is only initiated in a second phase. In addition, we showed that the EUV late phase observed after the main flare episode are caused by the cooling loops of different length which have all reconnected at the null point during the impulsive phase.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics, in pres

    Luminous Infrared Galaxies in the Local Universe

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    We study the morphology and star formation properties of 159 local luminous infrared galaxy (LIRG) using multi-color images from Data Release 2 (DR2) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). The LIRGs are selected from a cross-correlation analysis between the IRAS survey and SDSS. They are all brighter than 15.9 mag in the r-band and below redshift ~ 0.1, and so can be reliably classified morphologically. We find that the fractions of interacting/merging and spiral galaxies are ~ 48% and ~ 40% respectively. Our results complement and confirm the decline (increase) in the fraction of spiral (interacting/merging) galaxies from z ~1 to z ~ 0.1, as found by Melbourne, Koo & Le Floc'h (2005). About 75% of spiral galaxies in the local LIRGs are barred, indicating that bars may play an important role in triggering star formation rates > 20 M_{sun}/yr in the local universe. Compared with high redshift LIRGs, local LIRGs have lower specific star formation rates, smaller cold gas fractions and a narrower range of stellar masses. Local LIRGs appear to be either merging galaxies forming intermediate mass ellipticals or spiral galaxies undergoing high star formation activities regulated by bars.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, title changed, typos corrected,major revisions following referee's comments,updated reference