880 research outputs found

    Scanning the Landscape of Flux Compactifications: Vacuum Structure and Soft Supersymmetry Breaking

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    We scan the landscape of flux compactifications for the Calabi-Yau manifold P[1,1,1,6,9]4\mathbb{P}^4_{[1,1,1,6,9]} with two K\" ahler moduli by varying the value of the flux superpotential W0W_0 over a large range of values. We do not include uplift terms. We find a rich phase structure of AdS and dS vacua. Starting with W01W_0\sim 1 we reproduce the exponentially large volume scenario, but as W0W_0 is reduced new classes of minima appear. One of them corresponds to the supersymmetric KKLT vacuum while the other is a new, deeper non-supersymmetric minimum. We study how the bare cosmological constant and the soft supersymmetry breaking parameters for matter on D7 branes depend on W0W_0, for these classes of minima. We discuss potential applications of our results.Comment: draft format remove

    Exact solutions for supersymmetric stationary black hole composites

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    Four dimensional N=2 supergravity has regular, stationary, asymptotically flat BPS solutions with intrinsic angular momentum, describing bound states of separate extremal black holes with mutually nonlocal charges. Though the existence and some properties of these solutions were established some time ago, fully explicit analytic solutions were lacking thus far. In this note, we fill this gap. We show in general that explicit solutions can be constructed whenever an explicit formula is known in the theory at hand for the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of a single black hole as a function of its charges, and illustrate this with some simple examples. We also give an example of moduli-dependent black hole entropy.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figur

    Effective action for the field equations of charged black holes

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    In this article, we consistently reduce the equations of motion for the bosonic N = 2 supergravity action, using a multi-centered black hole ansatz for the metric. This reduction is done in a general, non-supersymmetric setup, in which we extend concepts of BPS black hole technology. First of all we obtain a more general form of the black hole potential, as part of an effective action for both the scalars and the vectors in the supergravity theory. Furthermore, we show that there are extra constraints specifying the solution, which we calculate explicitly. In the literature, these constraints have already been studied in the one-center case. We also show that the effective action we obtain for non-static metrics, can be linked to the "entropy function" for the spherically symmetric case, as defined by Sen and Cardoso et al.Comment: 18 pages, (v2: small corrections, version to be published in CQG

    The Non-BPS Black Hole Attractor Equation

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    We study the attractor mechanism for extremal non-BPS black holes with an infinite throat near horizon geometry, developing, as we do so, a physical argument as to why such a mechanism does not exist in non-extremal cases. We present a detailed derivation of the non-supersymmetric attractor equation. This equation defines the stabilization of moduli near the black hole horizon: the fixed moduli take values specified by electric and magnetic charges corresponding to the fluxes in a Calabi Yau compactification of string theory. They also define the so-called double-extremal solutions. In some examples, studied previously by Tripathy and Trivedi, we solve the equation and show that the moduli are fixed at values which may also be derived from the critical points of the black hole potential.Comment: 32 Pages, 2 Figures, LaTeX; v2: typos corrected, references adde

    Non-Supersymmetric Attractors in String Theory

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    We find examples of non-supersymmetric attractors in Type II string theory compactified on a Calabi Yau three-fold. For a non-supersymmetric attractor the fixed values to which the moduli are drawn at the horizon must minimise an effective potential. For Type IIA at large volume, we consider a configuration carrying D0, D2, D4 and D6 brane charge. When the D6 brane charge is zero, we find for some range of the other charges, that a non-supersymmetric attractor solution exists. When the D6 brane charge is non-zero, we find for some range of charges, a supersymmetry breaking extremum of the effective potential. Closer examination reveals though that it is not a minimum of the effective potential and hence the corresponding black hole solution is not an attractor. Away from large volume, we consider the specific case of the quintic in CP^4. Working in the mirror IIB description we find non-supersymmetric attractors near the Gepner point.Comment: Added a few clarification

    How many black holes fit on the head of a pin?

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    The Bekenstein-Hawking entropy of certain black holes can be computed microscopically in string theory by mapping the elusive problem of counting microstates of a strongly gravitating black hole to the tractable problem of counting microstates of a weakly coupled D-brane system, which has no event horizon, and indeed comfortably fits on the head of a pin. We show here that, contrary to widely held beliefs, the entropy of spherically symmetric black holes can easily be dwarfed by that of stationary multi-black-hole ``molecules'' of the same total charge and energy. Thus, the corresponding pin-sized D-brane systems do not even approximately count the microstates of a single black hole, but rather those of a zoo of entropically dominant multicentered configurations.Comment: 4 pages, fourth prize in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay competition 200

    Intersoliton forces in the Wess-Zumino model

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    The spectrum of supersymmetric domain wall solitons of the Wess-Zumino model is known to be discontinuous across a curve (of marginal stability) in the moduli space of quartic superpotentials. Here we show how this phenomenon can be understood from the behavior of the long-range inter-soliton force, which we compute by a method due to Manton.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, latex. Version 3, to appear in PLB, corrects minor error

    Type IIB Flux Vacua from M-theory via F-theory

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    We study in detail some aspects of duality between type IIB and M-theory. We focus on the duality between type IIB string theory on K3 x T^2/Z_2 orientifold and M-theory on K3 x K3, in the F-theory limit. We give the explicit map between the fields and in particular between the moduli of compactification, studying their behavior under the F-theory limit. Turning on fluxes generates a potential for the moduli both in type IIB and in M-theory. We verify that the type IIB analysis gives the same results of the F-theory analysis. In particular, we check that the two potentials match.Comment: 24 pages; reference correcte

    Gaugino Condensation and Nonperturbative Superpotentials in Flux Compactifications

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    There are two known sources of nonperturbative superpotentials for K\"ahler moduli in type IIB orientifolds, or F-theory compactifications on Calabi-Yau fourfolds, with flux: Euclidean brane instantons and low-energy dynamics in D7 brane gauge theories. The first class of effects, Euclidean D3 branes which lift in M-theory to M5 branes wrapping divisors of arithmetic genus 1 in the fourfold, is relatively well understood. The second class has been less explored. In this paper, we consider the explicit example of F-theory on K3×K3K3 \times K3 with flux. The fluxes lift the D7 brane matter fields, and stabilize stacks of D7 branes at loci of enhanced gauge symmetry. The resulting theories exhibit gaugino condensation, and generate a nonperturbative superpotential for K\"ahler moduli. We describe how the relevant geometries in general contain cycles of arithmetic genus χ1\chi \geq 1 (and how χ>1\chi > 1 divisors can contribute to the superpotential, in the presence of flux). This second class of effects is likely to be important in finding even larger classes of models where the KKLT mechanism of moduli stabilization can be realized. We also address various claims about the situation for IIB models with a single K\"ahler modulus.Comment: 24 pages, harvmac, no figures, references adde

    A Barren Landscape?

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    We consider the generation of a non-perturbative superpotential in F-theory compactifications with flux. We derive a necessary condition for the generation of such a superpotential in F-theory. For models with a single volume modulus, we show that the volume modulus is never stabilized by either abelian instantons or gaugino condensation. We then comment on how our analysis extends to a larger class of compactifications. From our results, it appears that among large volume string compactifications, metastable de Sitter vacua (should any exist) are non-generic.Comment: 14 pages, comments adde