886 research outputs found

    Application of social media in the environment and health professional community

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    The purpose of the EU FP6 funded coordination action HENVINET was to create a permanent network of environment and health professionals. The main outcome is a networking portal (http://www.henvinet.eu), based on the concepts of social media to support communication between professional stakeholders in the environment and health fields. Its aim is to enable sharing of relevant information in an innovative and interactive manner to eventually support policy making. A social networking tool is not necessarily a typical platform for communication in the professional context, or between scientists and decision-makers. The aim of this paper is to look upon the use of social media in relevant professional communities in the light of the HENVINET experience, and to reflect on the acceptance and usefulness of such a new approach

    Drug therapy: dose-response relationship of oral mesalazine in inflammatory bowel disease.

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    Mesalazine is widely used in the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease. Little is known about the dose-response relationship and about possible dose related side effects. In ulcerative colitis higher dosages of mesalazine (3 g) are more effective in maintaining a remission than lower dosages (1.5 g). In mild to moderately active ulcerative colitis, studies also indicate that higher dosages might be more effective in inducing remission. Dose-comparing studies in Crohn's disease are even more sparse, but the available results indicate higher efficacy at higher dose levels. None of the known side effects of mesalazine are clearly dose-related. A pH-dependent release system, however, can cause a sudden release of high doses of mesalazine. Consequent peak levels in serum have been implicated in mesalazine induced nephrotoxicity. In conclusion, despite the current practice of using increasing dosages of mesalazine in inflammatory bowel disease, both efficacy and safety have been established tentatively

    Hydrogen-powered road vehicles : the health benfits and drawbacks of a new fuel

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    Because of the political, social and environmental problems associated with dependency on fossil fuels, there is considerable interest in alternative energy sources. Hydrogen is regarded as a promising option, particularly as a fuel for road vehicles. The Dutch Energy Research Centre (ECN) recently published a vision of the future, in which it suggested that by 2050 more than half of all cars in the Netherlands could be running on hydrogen. A switch to using hydrogen as the primary energy source for road vehicles would have far-reaching social consequences. As with all technological developments, opportunities would be created, but drawbacks would inevitably be encountered as well. Some of the disadvantages associated with hydrogen are already known, and are to some degree manageable. It is likely, however, that other drawbacks would come to light only once hydrogen-powered cars were actually in use. With that thought in mind, and in view of the social significance of a possible transition to hydrogen, it was decided that the Health Council should assess the positive and negative effects that hydrogen use could have on public health. It is particularly important to make such an assessment at the present early stage in the development of hydrogen technologies, so that gaps in existing scientific knowledge may be identified and appropriate strategies may be developed for addressing such gaps. This report has been produced by the Health and Environment Surveillance Committee, which has special responsibility for the identification of important correlations between environmental factors and public health

    A healthy turn in urban climate change policies; European city workshop proposes health indicators as policy integrators

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    Background: The EU FP6 HENVINET project reviewed the potential relevance of a focus on climate change related health effects for climate change policies at the city region level. This was undertaken by means of a workshop with both scientists, city representatives from several EU-countries, representatives of EU city networks and EU-experts. In this paper we introduce some important health related climate change issues, and discuss the current city policies of the participating cities. Methods. The workshop used a backcasting format to analyse the future relevance of a health perspective, and the main benefits and challenges this would bring to urban policy making. Results: It was concluded that health issues have an important function as indicators of success for urban climate change policies, given the extent to which climate change policies contribute to public health and as such to quality of life. Simultaneously the health perspective may function as a policy integrator in that it can combine several related policy objectives, such as environmental policies, health policies, urban planning and economic development policies, in one framework for action. Furthermore, the participants to the workshop considered public health to be of strategic importance in organizing public support for climate change policies. One important conclusion of the workshop was the view that the connection of science and policy at the city level is inadequate, and that the integration of scientific knowledge on climate change related health effects and local policy practice is in need of more attention. In conclusion, the workshop was viewed as a constructive advance in the process of integration which hopefully will lead to ongoing cooperation. Conclusions: The workshop had the ambition to bring together a diversity of actor perspectives for exchange of knowledge and experiences, and joint understanding as a basis for future cooperation. Next to the complementarities in experience and knowledge, the mutual critical reflection was a bonus, as ideas had the opportunity to be scrutinized by others, leading to more robustness and common ground. The structured backcasting approach was helpful in integrating all of this with one common focus, embracing diversity and complexity, and stimulating reflection and new ideas. © 2012 Keune et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd

    The challenge of social networking in the field of environment and health

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The fields of environment and health are both interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary, and until recently had little engagement in social networking designed to cross disciplinary boundaries. The EU FP6 project HENVINET aimed to establish integrated social network and networking facilities for multiple stakeholders in environment and health. The underlying assumption is that increased social networking across disciplines and sectors will enhance the quality of both problem knowledge and problem solving, by facilitating interactions. Inter- and trans-disciplinary networks are considered useful for this purpose. This does not mean that such networks are easily organized, as openness to such cooperation and exchange is often difficult to ascertain.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Different methods may enhance network building. Using a mixed method approach, a diversity of actions were used in order to investigate the main research question: which kind of social networking activities and structures can best support the objective of enhanced inter- and trans-disciplinary cooperation and exchange in the fields of environment and health. HENVINET applied interviews, a role playing session, a personal response system, a stakeholder workshop and a social networking portal as part of the process of building an interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary network.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The interviews provided support for the specification of requirements for an interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary network. The role playing session, the personal response system and the stakeholder workshop were assessed as useful tools in forming such network, by increasing the awareness by different disciplines of other’s positions. The social networking portal was particularly useful in delivering knowledge, but the role of the scientist in social networking is not yet clear.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The main challenge in the field of environment and health is not so much a lack of scientific problem knowledge, but rather the ability to effectively communicate, share and use available knowledge for policy making. Structured social network facilities can be useful by policy makers to engage with the research community. It is beneficial for scientists to be able to integrate the perspective of policy makers in the research agenda, and to assist in co-production of policy-relevant information. A diversity of methods need to be applied for network building: according to the fit-for-purpose-principle. It is useful to know which combination of methods and in which time frame produces the best results.</p> <p>Networking projects such as HENVINET are created not only for the benefit of the network itself, but also because the applying of the different methods is a learning tool for future network building. Finally, it is clear that the importance of specialized professionals in enabling effective communication between different groups should not be underestimated.</p

    Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України

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    7 квітня 2009 року на базі Чернігівського центру євроатлантичної інтеграції відбувся інтерактивний семінар на тему: «Роль військових у формуванні євроатлантичної політики України». Захід провів Інститут трансформації суспільства (Київ, директор - Олег Соскін) спільно із Чернігівським державним педагогічним університетом їм. Т.Г. Шевченка за підтримки Посольства Словацької Республіки в Україні.

    Особливості перебігу та корекції артеріальної гіпертензії у хворих з супутньою вегетативною дисфункцією на курорті Трускавець

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    Частота синдрома вегетативной дисфункции у больных гипертонией составляет 60-70%, что существенно усложняет течение заболевания и ухудшает качество жизни пациентов. Больным гипертонией с признаками симпатикотонии целесообразно назначать бета-блокатор Корвазан и биологически активную воду Нафтуся, так так они существенно снижают частоту вегето-сосудистых кризов. Билогически активная вода Нафтуся содействует уменьшению количеству автономных нарушений и более быстрому достижению целевых уровней артериального давления

    Засади транскрибування китайської лексики українською мовою

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    Статтю присвячено проблемі уніфікації написання китайських географічних назв, власних імен та реалій українською мовою. Основним об’єктом дослідження є здатність української мови відтворювати китайські звуки. У статті розглянуто досвід транскрибування китайських слів засобами латинської та кириличної графіки, що важливо для формулювання основних принципів транскрипції з китайської на українську мову. Таких принципів у статті виділено чотири та розглянуто труднощі, які виникають під час їх застосування в процесі транскрибування. Відзначено, що ці труднощі можуть виявлятися або на рівні складу, або на рівні слова. Для вирішення проблем першого рівня, автор додає до статті таблицю складів-відповідників для китайської та української мов. А для уніфікації написання на другому рівні автор пропонує використовувати апостроф у випадку необхідності позначити межі складу, та відмінювати китайській імена й прізвища згідно норм української мови.Статья посвящается проблеме унификации написаний китайских географических названий, имен собственных и реалий в украинских текстах. Основным объектом исследования является способность украинского языка отображать китайские звуки. В статье рассматривается опыт транскрибирования китайских слов средствами латинской графики и кириллицы, что важно для формулирования основных принципов транскрипции с китайского языка на украинский. Таких принципов в статье выделено четыре, к тому же рассмотрены трудности, которые могут возникнуть при их применении в процессе транскрибирования. Отмечено, что эти трудности могут проявляться либо на уровне слога, либо на уровне слова. Для решения проблем первого уровня, автор прилагает к статье таблицу слоговых соответствий в китайском и украинском языках. А для унификации написаний на втором уровне, автор предлагает использовать апостроф в случае необходимости обозначить границы слогов, и склонять китайские имена и фамилии согласно нормам украинского языка.The article is devoted to the problem of unifying the ways to represent Chinese geographic names, persons’ names and cultural words in Ukrainian texts. The main object of the study is a capacity of Ukrainian language to reproduce Chinese sounds. It is proposed to consider an experience of transcription from Chinese into languages with Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, which is important to formulate main principles for the transcription from Chinese into Ukrainian. There are four main principles stated in the article for this pair of languages. It is also analyzed main difficulties, which occur in practice of using the transcription, based on these principles. The difficulties are divided into two groups: occurred on the level of syllable and occurred on the level of word. To solve problems on the former level, the author complicate the article with tables of Chinese syllables and there equivalents in Ukrainian. To unify writing on the latter level, the author proposes to use apostrophe if important to mark syllable bounds and change a word’s ending in Ukrainian texts according to the norms of Ukrainian grammar

    Commuters’ Exposure to Particulate Matter Air Pollution Is Affected by Mode of Transport, Fuel Type, and Route

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    Background: Commuters are exposed to high concentrations of air pollutants, but little quantitative information is currently available on differences in exposure between different modes of transport, routes, and fuel types.Objectives: The aim of our study was to assess differences in commuters' exposure to traffic-related air pollution related to transport mode, route, and fuel type.Methods: We measured particle number counts (PNCs) and concentrations of PM2.5 (particulate matte