97 research outputs found

    A coupled EXAFS-molecular dynamics study on PuO

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    The physicochemical properties of the monovalent actinyl cations, PuO2+and NpO2+, in water have been studied by means of classical molecular dynamicsimulations. A specific set of cation-water intermolecular potentials based on ab initiopotential energy surfaces has been built on the basis of the hydrated ion concept. TheTIP4P water model was adopted. Given the paramagnetic character of these actinyls, thecation−water interaction energies were computed from highly correlated wave functionsusing the NEVPT2 method. It is shown that the multideterminantal character of the wavefunction has a relevant effect on the main distances of the hydrated molecular cations.Several structural, dynamical, and energetic properties of the aqueous solutions have beenobtained and analyzed. Structural RDF analysis gives An−Oyldistances of 1.82 and 1.84 Åand An−O(water) distances of 2.51 and 2.53 Å for PuO2+and NpO2+in water,respectively. Experimental EXAFS spectra from dilute aqueous solutions of PuO2+and NpO2+are revisited and analyzed, assumingtetra- and pentahydration of the actinyl cations. Simulated EXAFS spectra have been computed from the snapshots of the MDsimulations. Good agreement with the experimental information available is found. The global analysis leads us to conclude that bothPuO2+and NpO2+cations in water are stable pentahydrated aqua ions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Agencia Estatal de Investigación de España (DOI:10.13039/501100011033) y fondos europeos FEDER - I+D+iPGC2018-099366-B-I00Junta de Andalucía y la Universidad de Sevilla - FEDER US-126447

    Review of Actinide Decorporation with Chelating Agents

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    International audienceIn case of accidental release of radionuclides in a nuclear facility or in the environment, internal contamination (inhalation, in-gestion or wound) with actinides represents a severe health risk to human beings. It is therefore important to provide effective che-lation therapy or decorporation to reduce acute radiation damage, chemical toxicity, and late radiation effects. Speciation governs bioavailability and toxicity of elements and it is a prerequisite tool for the design and success of new ligands or chelating agents. The purpose of this review is to present the state-of-the-art of actinide decorporation within biological media, to recall briefly actinide metabolism, to list the basic constraints of actinideeligand for development, to describe main tools developed and used for decorporation studies, to review mainly the chelating agents tested for actinides, and finally to conclude on the future trends in this field. To cite this article: E ´. Ansoborlo et al., C. R. Chimie X 33 (2007). Ó 2007 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.En cas de rejet accidentel de radionucléides dans une installation nucléaire ou dans l'environnement, il existe un risque de contamination interne (inhalation, ingestion ou blessure) pour l'homme et il est important de pouvoir fournir un traitement thérapeutique par des agents chélatants ou décorporation permettant de réduire la dose, la toxicité chimique et les effets retardés des radiations.La spéciation domine la biodisponibilité et la toxicité des éléments et représente un outil indispensable pour la conception et l'efficacité de nouveaux ligands ou chélatants. Le but de cet article est de présenter l'état de l'art sur la décorporation des actinides en milieu biologique, de rappeler les grandes lignes du métabolisme des actinides, de lister les contraintes indispensables actinide–ligands pour la décorporation, de décrire succinctement les principaux outils expérimentaux ou analytiques utilisés, de passer en revue les principaux ligands testés pour les actinides et de présenter les orientations du futur dans ce domaine

    Revisiting the cobalt(II) hydration from molecular dynamics and X-ray absorption spectroscopy

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    Solution chemistry of Co(II) is receiving a renewal attention due to the high interest for knowing the speciation in seawater of its (Formula presented.) Co radioactive isotope which appeared in the Japan sea as a consequence of the Fukushima-Daichii nuclear power plant accident. Experimental EXAFS and XANES spectra of a dilute Co(II) aqueous solution have been recorded and structural data derived from their analysis. Based on QM calculations, an ab-initio intermolecular potential has been generated for the Co(II)–H (Formula presented.) O interaction using the hydrated ion model that uses a polarisable and flexible solvent description through the MCDHO2 model. Classical molecular dynamics simulations of Co(II) in water have been performed and X-ray Absorption spectra have been simulated and compared with the experimental ones. Energetic, structural, dynamical and spectroscopical properties of the cobalt cation in solution have been computed and compared with previous experimental and theoretical data. These comparisons have assessed the good performance of the developed intermolecular potential.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades PGC2018-099366-B-I0

    Polynuclear chlorometallates from lanthanide atom reactions with transition metal pentahalides: An X-ray Absorption Structural Study

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    Note:This thesis describes the development of a new method to prepare solid state chlorometallates by reductive dechlorination of solvated transition metal pentachlorides with nominally free atoms of erbium, samarium or potassium. Products were prepared in a rotatable pyrex cryostat by evaporating Sm, Er or K into a turbulently mixed solution ofNbCI5 in toluene at 130 K. The method extends the principle of metal vapor synthesis to a class of low temperature containerless solid state syntheses. It can be added to the techniques identified with chimie douce, currently used to access metastable structures not obtainable by means of classical high temperature methods. […

    Perception du risque nucléaire, une approche transdisciplinaire

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    Interaction des actinides avec les acides aminés (du peptide à la protéine)

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    L'acquisition d'informations structurales sur des complexes d'actinides avec des molécules d'intérêt biologique peut améliorer la compréhension des mécanismes de transport des actinides dans les organismes vivants, et contribuer à élaborer de nouveaux traitements décorporants. Notre étude porte sur les cations Th(IV), Np(IV), Pu(IV) et sur l'uranyle(VI), qui possèdent une grande affinité avec certains domaines protéiques, ainsi que sur le Fer(III), cation naturel de ces systèmes. La chélation des actinides a été mise en évidence par spectroscopie UV-visible-PIR, RMN, RPE et ultrafiltration. La détermination de la structure du site de complexation a été entreprise grâce à des mesures EXAFS, et la structure tertiaire de la protéine par SANS. Une première approche a pour but de décrire les modes d'interaction entre les actinides et les fonctions chimiques essentielles des protéines. Ainsi, le peptide Ac-AspAspProAspAsp-NH2 a été étudié en tant que chélatant potentiel des actinides. Les espèces identifiées sont polynucléaires, avec des ponts -oxo ou -hydroxo. Le complexe de fer est binucléaire, et les complexes d'actinides possèdent une nucléarité plus importante. Le deuxième axe de recherche porte sur l'étude d'un cas réel de complexation des actinides par une protéine : la transferrine. Les résultats montrent que la transferrine forme, autour du pH physiologique, un complexe mononucléaire avec Np(IV) et Pu(IV), alors que Th(IV) n'est pas complexé dans ces conditions. Les distances caractéristiques des complexes M-transferrine (M = Fe, Np, Pu) ont été déterminées. La protéine semble être en conformation fermée pour le Pu(IV), et ouverte pour Np(IV) et UO22+.Structural information on complexes of actinides with molecules of biological interest is required to better understand the mechanisms of actinides transport in living organisms, and can contribute to develop new decorporating treatments. Our study is about Th(IV), Np(IV), Pu(IV) and uranyl(VI) cations, which have a high affinity for some protein domains, and Fe(III), which is the natural cation of these biological systems. In this work, chelation of actinides has been brought to light with UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy, NMR, EPR, and ultrafiltration. Determination of the structure of the complexation site has been underkaten with EXAFS measurements, and of the tertiary structure of the protein with SANS measurements. The first approach was to describe the interaction modes between actinides and essential chemical functions of proteins. Thus, the Ac-AspAspProAspAsp-NH2 peptide was studied as a possible chelate of actinides. Polynuclear species with -oxo or -hydroxo bridges were identified. The iron complex is binuclear, and the actinide ones have a higher nuclearity. The second approach was to study a real case of complexation of actinide with a protein: transferrin. Results show that around physiological pH a mononuclear complex is formed with Np(IV) and Pu(IV), while transferrin does not complex Th(IV) in the same conditions. Characteristic distances of M-transferrin complexes (M = Fe, Np, Pu) were determined. Moreover, the protein seems to be in its close conformation with Pu(IV), and in its open form with Np(IV) and UO22+.ORSAY-PARIS 11-BU Sciences (914712101) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Perception du risque nucléaire, une approche transdisciplinaire

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