1,187 research outputs found

    Review of Fawaz, Queer Forms

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    Review of Queer Forms, by Rams Fawaz

    A Collection of Financial Accounting Case Studies

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    The following thesis presents a comprehensive examination of various accounting topics through compilation of case studies. These studies delve into a range of subjects, including an interview with a successful business professional and identifying financial and accounting solutions for Apple, Inc., among others. Dr. Victoria Dickinson supervised and instructed the completion of these studies as part of the curriculum for the Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College and Patterson School of Accountancy. Throughout this research, I have been able to explore several areas of interest in accounting, such as the role of financial accounting in decision-making and the implications of tax policies on multinational corporations. The research and work that I have completed within this thesis has certainly enhanced my knowledge and skills as both a student and a business professional

    A Psychological Investigation of Motivational Needs and Their Gratification in the Father Divine Movement

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    Thesis (Ph.D)--Boston UniversityIt is increasingly recognized that the Father Divine Movement, one of the most unique psycho-religious group phenomena of our contemporary age, has dynamic influence in human welfare and interpersonal relations. 1. The problem. The problem of this investigation crystalized around the concept of motive-need and need-gratification. It sought to discover what needs motivated the followers of Father Divine to join his group, and how these needs were gratified or fulfilled.[Truncated

    A Preliminary Study on EFL Students Grammatical Competence in Descriptive Writing Task

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    This study aims to identify and examine the ill-formed sentence construction in a descriptive text produced by Indonesian senior high school students, focusing on eight grammatical categories classified by James (1998): prepositions, articles, singular and plural nouns, adjectives, irregular verbs, tenses, concord and possessive case. The study used qualitative research and text analysis to examine five senior high school students descriptive texts. The findings showed that there were seven grammatical categories occurred in the ill-formed sentence construction in the students descriptive texts. Those grammatical categories include prepositions, articles, singular and plural nouns, adjectives, tenses, concord and possessive case. In addition, this study also found that the most frequently occurred ill-formed sentence construction in the descriptive text appeared in the grammatical forms of articles, tenses and concord.Keywords: descriptive text, English as a foreign language, gramma

    Legal Dynamics Of Land Digitalization In The Electronic Land Registration System

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    The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze legal arrangements for land registration in accordance with the concepts and constraints in implementing land digitization. The analysis in this study uses a qualitative descriptive research method with primary and secondary legal data sources, namely looking at implementation and compliance with current regulations. The object of the research was conducted at the Deli Serdang Regency Land Office as one of the land offices that has the most services in Indonesia. The results of the research from this paper are that the regulation of online clean check services and electronic mortgage rights has not been specifically regulated in an implementing regulation but rather a computerized system implemented by automating procedures that were previously manual. Then the implementation concept is carried out based on the ATR/BPN ministerial policy related to the implementation of electronic certificates. In its implementation, there are 2 (two) obstacles, namely internal constraints and external constraints


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    Telah dilakukan pembuatan suatu instrumen bernama dipcoater untuk produksi thin filmdengan metoda celup. Dipcoater ini terdiri dari beberapa rangkaian modul seperti power supply, Arduino UNO, driver L298N, motor stepper, dan personal komputer. Prinsip instrumen ini adalah pengguna dapat mengontrol motor stepper yang berperan sebagai penggerak melalui personal komputer, sehingga penjepit substrat (thin film) yang terletak pada obyek gerak dapat bergerak naik dan turun, dapat diatur kecepatan geraknya, dan dapat ditentukan waktu tundanya (timer). Personal komputer memberikan kode perintah yang dikirimkan ke Arduino dan diolah menjadi pulsa-pulsa digital, selanjutnya pulsa tersebut dikirim ke driver L298N yang berperan sebagai pengemudi atau penggerak motor stepper, dengan demikian motor stepper dapat bergerak sesuai dengan perintah yang diberikan oleh pengguna melalui personal komputer. Dipcoater dapat digunakan dengan tiga mode yaitu mode manual, semi-otomatis, dan otomatis, dan dip coater dapat bergerak ideal pada kecepatan 1 mm/menit sampai dengan 35 mm/menit.,---Construction of an instrument called dipcoater for producing thin film which using dip coating method has been performed. The dipcoater has several electrical modulesnamely power supply, Arduino UNO, driver L298N, stepper motor, and personal computer. Principle of this instrument is that users caneasily control the stepper motor that acts as an actuator via personal computer, so the substrates which located at the object can be moved up and down, additionaly can also set the speed of its motion, and its timer can be determined. Personal computer will send a command to Arduino and it will be processed as digital pulse, then the digital pulse will be sent to driver L298N which acts as a driver of the stepper motor, so the stepper motor can move according to the commands given by the users. Dipcoater can run in three modes, namely manual mode, semi-automatic, and automatic, and dip coater can run at 1 mm/min to 35 mm/min speed

    A Study of English Proficiency Test among the First Year University Students

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    The study aims at analyzing the English skills in an English Proficiency Test (EPT) shown bystudents at tertiary level or university students, particularly the first year university students (freshmen).The study centers around the students English skills represented in English Proficiency Test, which arethen related to the students common problems investigated in this study. The three sections in EnglishProficiency Test analyzed in this study including listening, structure and written expressions, andreading. This study revealed reading skill was the major problems faced by the first year of universitystudents, particularly, in reviewing overall reading text. To solve this problem, the cognitive strategies,particularly the top-down reading strategies are suggested to anticipate the authors purpose, previewthe text, think about what one already knows about the topic, skim for main points, etc. An effectivereading strategies training which is more focused and explicit should be regularly practiced andenhanced since it can significantly boost reading proficiency and language acquisition.Keywords: English Proficiency Test, university studen

    Morphology, histo- and cytomorphometry of ruminants' liver

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    У роботі з’ясовано макро-, мікроскопічну будову та особливості морфометричних показників печінки великої рогатої худоби (ВРХ) та овець на органному, тканинному та клітинному рівнях структурної організації  із застосуванням анатомічних, гістологічних та морфометричних методів. Проведені дослідження свідчать, що морфологічна будова  печінки у досліджуваних тварин має подібну структурну організацію, але відрізняється певними органо-, гісто- та цитоморфометричними показниками. На основі результатів органометрії встановлено, що абсолютна маса печінки у жуйних мінлива і в певній мірі залежить від кровонаповнення органа та виду тварин. Так у великої рогатої худоби  абсолютна маса печінки становить 4,07 ± 0,084 кг, відносна – 1,12 ± 0,012%, у овець відповідно 0,65 ± 0,0065 кг та 1,21 ± 0,014%. Гістоархітектоніка печінки ВРХ та овець побудована із сполучнотканинної строми і паренхіми. Строма органа сформована капсулою, поверх якої знаходиться серозна оболонка. У ділянці воріт  печінки сполучна тканина капсули проникає всередину органа, розгалужується і ділить орган на часточки, які мають різі розміри та полігональну форму. З’ясовано, що у мікроскопічній будові печінки дослідних тварин – великої рогатої худоби та овець, межі між печінковими часточками, не зовсім чіткі у звʼязку з слабким розвитком між часточками сполучної тканини. За мікроскопічної будови печінкова часточка у жуйних сформована щільною сіткою епітеліальних пластинок, які мають радіальний напрямок та інколи анастомозують між собою. Кожна пластинка представлена двома рядами гепатоцитів, між якими містяться чітко виражені синусоїдні гемокапіляри. Між рядами гепатоцитів, що формують пластинки виявляються досить витончені (розміром до 1-го мкм) жовчні капіляри, стінками яких є оболонка гепатоцитів, що з’єднані між собою щільними контактами. Згідно з гістоморфометричними дослідженнями середня площа часточки печінки у великої рогатої худоби становить 0,7852 ± 0,041 мм², у овець такий показник є у 1,28 рази меншим і дорівнює відповідно 0,6143 ± 0,066 мм². Кількість часточок на одиницю площі (14 мм²), навпаки, є більшою у овець – 17,8 ± 2,88 одиниць і, достовірно (Р ˂ 0,01) майже у 1,4 раза меншим (12,4 ± 1,99 од.) у ВРХ. Гепатоцити печінки дослідних тварин мають неправильну багатогранну форму з чіткими контурами цитоплазми. Вони щільно прилягають один до одного і містять округлі, центрально чи ексцентрично розміщені та інтенсивно забарвлені ядра різного діаметра. Гепатоцити за обʼємом цитоплазми та ядер характеризуються різними розмірами (малі, середні, великі), а відповідно і різним ядерно-цитоплазматичним відношенням (ЯЦВ): найвищий індекс ЯЦВ властивий для малих клітин, найнижчий – для великих. При цьому цитопопуляція часточок печінки овець, порівняно з такою у ВРХ, характеризується більшою кількістю малих гепатоцитів, на що вказує зростання середнього показника індексу ЯЦВ з 0,1020 ± 0,0065 у ВРХ до 0,1201 ± 0,0573 у овець.In this work, the macro-, microscopic structure and features of morphometric indices of cattle (Bovine Cattle) and sheep on the organ, tissue and cellular levels of a structural organization using anatomical, histological and morphometric methods were determined. Studies have shown that the morphological structure of the liver in the studied animals has a similar structural organization, but differs by certain organo-, histo- and cytomorphometric indices. It was determined, on the basis of organometric, that the absolute mass of the liver in ruminant is variable and to some extent depends on the blood flow of an organ and animal species. Herewith, in cattle, the absolute weight of the liver is 4.07 ± 0.084 kg, relative – 1.12 ± 0.012%, in sheep, respectively, 0.65 ± 0.0065 kg and 1.21 ± 0.014%. Histoarhitectonics of the liver of cattle and sheep is constructed with connective stroma and parenchyma. The stroma of the organ is formed by a capsule, on top of which is a serous membrane. In the area of the gates of the liver, the connective tissue of the capsule penetrates into the organ, branching and dividing the organ into lobes, which have a cut size and polygonal shape. It has been found out that in the microscopic structure of the liver of experimental animals – cattle and sheep, the boundaries between hepatic lobules are not quite clear due to poor development between the segments of the connective tissue. According to microscopic structure, the hepatic lobe in the ruminant is formed by a dense network of epithelial plates, which have a radial direction and are sometimes anastomosed with each other. Each plate is represented by two rows of hepatocytes, between which there are clearly pronounced sinusoid hemocapillars. Between the rows of hepatocytes forming the plates, they appear rather refined (up to 1 mkm), bilious capillaries, the walls of which are a hepatocyte membrane, which are interconnected with dense contacts. According to histomorphometric studies, the average area of the liver lobe in cattle is 0.7852 ± 0.041 mm², in sheep this figure is 1.28 times smaller and equals 0.6143 ± 0.066 mm², respectively. The number of lobes per unit area (14 mm²), on the contrary, is greater in sheep – 17.8 ± 2.88 units, and is significantly (Р ˂ 0.01) almost 1.4 times smaller (12.4 ± 1.99 units) than in cattle. Liver hepatocytes of experimental animals have an irregularly multifaceted form with clear contours of the cytoplasm. They are tightly adjacent to each other and contain rounded, centrally or eccentrically spaced and intensely colored nuclei of different diameters. Hepatocytes in the volume of the cytoplasm and nuclei are characterized by different sizes (small, medium, large), and accordingly different nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio (NCR): the highest NCR index is characteristic for small cells, the lowest – for large. In this case, the cytopopulation of the hepatic particles of sheep, relative to that in cattle, is characterized by a greater number of small hepatocytes, as indicated by the increase in the average index of NCR from 0.1020 ± 0.0065 in cattle to 0.1201 ± 0.0573 in sheep