4,996 research outputs found

    Head impact exposure in junior and adult Australian football players

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    Tis study measured and compared the frequency, magnitude, and distribution of head impacts sustained by junior and adult Australian football players, respectively, and between player positions over a season of games. Twelve junior and twelve adult players were tracked using a skin-mounted impact sensor. Head impact exposure, including frequency, magnitude, and location of impacts, was quantifed using previously established methods. Over the collection period, there were no signifcant diferences in the impact frequency between junior and adult players. However, there was a signifcant increase in the frequency of head impacts for midfelders in both grades once we accounted for player position. A comparable amount of head impacts in both junior and adult players has implications for Australian football regarding player safety and medical coverage as younger players sustained similar impact levels as adult players. Te other implication of a higher impact profle within midfelders is that, by targeting education and prevention strategies, a decrease in the incidence of sports-related concussion may result

    Sources, control, and effects of noise from aircraft propellers and rotors

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    Source noise predictions are compared with measurements for conventional low-speed propellers, for new high speed propellers (propfans), and for a helicopter. Results from a light aircraft demonstration program are described, indicating that about 5-dB reduction of flyover noise can be obtained without significant performance penalty. Sidewall design studies are described for interior noise control in light general aviation aircraft and in large transports using propfan propulsion. The weight of the added acoustic treatment is estimated and tradeoffs between weight and noise reduction are discussed. A laboratory study of passenger response to combined broadband and tonal propeller like noise is described. Subject discomfort ratings of combined tone broadband noises are compared with ratings of broadband (boundary layer) noise alone, and the relative importance of the propeller tones is examined

    The Contemporary Evolution of Intermodal and International Transport Regulation under the Interstate Commerce Act

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    n our era of rapidly diminishing impediments to the free flow of capital, goods, technology, and services between nations, transnational commercial activity has become extremely important to our national economy. New frontiers are being broken as raw materials and manufactured products move more freely between nations which have heretofore shared little in culture, history, religion, race, or economic and political philosophy. Certainly, governmental initiatives designed to eliminate trade inhibitions are responsible for much of this growth. Tariff walls are crumbling. The world economy is prospering. The interdependencies that flourish between members of the world community as a result of bilateral and multilateral trade agreements enhance the possibility of achieving long-term political stability, economic growth, and global peace. It has become the position of the United States that increased international economic cooperation will inevitably lead to increased political toleration and peaceful coexistence

    Discomfort criteria for single-axis vibrations

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    Experimental investigations were conducted to determine the fundamental relationships governing human subjective discomfort response to single-axis vibrations. The axes investigated were vertical, lateral, longitudinal, roll, and pitch, and the vibrations used were both sinusoidal and random in nature. Results of these investigations provided the basis for: (1) development of a scale of passenger discomfort that is common to all axes of vibration; and (2) generation of discomfort criteria for each axis of each axis and for both types of vibration. Furthermore, empirical equations describing discomfort responses within each axis of vibration are included

    Extinction correction and on-sky calibration of SCUBA-2

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    Commissioning of SCUBA-2 included a program of skydips and observations of calibration sources intended to be folded into regular observing as standard methods of source flux calibration and to monitor the atmospheric opacity and stability. During commissioning, it was found that these methods could also be utilised to characterise the fundamental instrument response to sky noise and astronomical signals. Novel techniques for analysing on-sky performance and atmospheric conditions are presented, along with results from the calibration observations and skydips.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Spin-polarized tunneling with Au impurity layers

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    We have inserted nonmagnetic impurity layers of Au into sputtered AlOx-based magnetic tunnel junctions (F/I/F) and Meservey–Tedrow junctions (S/I/F) in order to study their effect on the tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) and spin polarization (TSP). Both room temperature TMR and the TSP at 250 mK decay exponentially as an interfacial Au layer is introduced between the barrier and one Co electrode, with 1/e decay lengths λTMR=11±3 Å and λTSP=14±2 Å. We also inserted a 1 Å thick Au layer at a variable distance from the barrier/Co interface and find that both the TMR and TSP recover to the undoped value with the shorter exponential length scales of λTMR=7±4 Å and λTSP=6±2 Å

    Ride quality meter

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    A ride quality meter is disclosed that automatically transforms vibration and noise measurements into a single number index of passenger discomfort. The noise measurements are converted into a noise discomfort value. The vibrations are converted into single axis discomfort values which are then converted into a combined axis discomfort value. The combined axis discomfort value is corrected for time duration and then summed with the noise discomfort value to obtain a total discomfort value