
Head impact exposure in junior and adult Australian football players


Tis study measured and compared the frequency, magnitude, and distribution of head impacts sustained by junior and adult Australian football players, respectively, and between player positions over a season of games. Twelve junior and twelve adult players were tracked using a skin-mounted impact sensor. Head impact exposure, including frequency, magnitude, and location of impacts, was quantifed using previously established methods. Over the collection period, there were no signifcant diferences in the impact frequency between junior and adult players. However, there was a signifcant increase in the frequency of head impacts for midfelders in both grades once we accounted for player position. A comparable amount of head impacts in both junior and adult players has implications for Australian football regarding player safety and medical coverage as younger players sustained similar impact levels as adult players. Te other implication of a higher impact profle within midfelders is that, by targeting education and prevention strategies, a decrease in the incidence of sports-related concussion may result

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