126 research outputs found

    MH-REACH-Mote: supporting multi-hop passive radio wake-up for wireless sensor network

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    A passive wake-up radio in a wireless sensor network (WSN) has the advantage of increasing network lifetime by using a wake-up radio receiver (WuRx) to eliminate unnecessary idle listening. A sensor node equipped with a WuRx can operate in an ultra-low-power sleep mode, waiting for a trigger signal sent by the wake-up radio transmitter (WuTx). The passive WuRx is entirely powered by the energy harvested from radio transmissions sent by the WuTx. Therefore, it has the advantage of not consuming any energy locally, which would drain the sensor node's battery. Even so, the high amount of energy required to wake up a passive WuRx by a WuTx makes it difficult to build a multi-hop passive wake-up sensor network. In this paper, we describe and discuss our implementation of a battery-powered sensor node with multi-hop wake-up capability using passive WuRxs, called MH-REACH-Mote (Multi-hop-Range EnhAnCing energy Harvester-Mote). The MH-REACH-Mote is kept in an ultra-low-power sleep mode until it receives a wake-up trigger signal. Upon receipt, it wakes up and transmits a new trigger signal to power other passive WuRxs. We evaluate the wake-up range and power consumption of an MH-REACH-Mote through a series of field tests. Results show that the MH-REACH-Mote enables multi-hop wake-up capabilities for passive WuRxs with a wake-up range of 9.4m while requiring a reasonable power consumption for WuTx functionality. We also simulate WSN data collection scenarios with MH-REACH-Motes and compare the results with those of active wake-up sensor nodes as well as a low power listening approach. The results show that the MH-REACH-Mote enables a longer overall lifetime than the other two approaches when data is collected infrequently.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Wake-up receivers for wireless sensor networks: benefits and challenges

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    For successful data delivery, the destination nodes should be listening to the medium to receive data when the sender node starts data communication. To achieve this synchronization, there are different rendezvous schemes, among which the most energy-efficient is utilizing wakeup receivers. Current hardware technologies of wake-up receivers enable us to evaluate them as a promising solution for wireless sensor networks. In this article the benefits achieved with wake-up receivers are investigated along with the challenges observed. In addition, an overview of state-of-the-art hardware and networking protocol proposals is presented. As wake-up receivers offer new opportunities, new potential application areas are also presented and discussed.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Adaptive sensing and optimal power allocation for wireless video sensors with sigma-delta imager

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    We consider optimal power allocation for wireless video sensors (WVSs), including the image sensor subsystem in the system analysis. By assigning a power-rate-distortion (P-R-D) characteristic for the image sensor, we build a comprehensive P-R-D optimization framework for WVSs. For a WVS node operating under a power budget, we propose power allocation among the image sensor, compression, and transmission modules, in order to minimize the distortion of the video reconstructed at the receiver. To demonstrate the proposed optimization method, we establish a P-R-D model for an image sensor based upon a pixel level sigma-delta ( ) image sensor design that allows investigation of the tradeoff between the bit depth of the captured images and spatio-temporal characteristics of the video sequence under the power constraint. The optimization results obtained in this setting confirm that including the image sensor in the system optimization procedure can improve the overall video quality under power constraint and prolong the lifetime of the WVSs. In particular, when the available power budget for a WVS node falls below a threshold, adaptive sensing becomes necessary to ensure that the node communicates useful information about the video content while meeting its power budget.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    On-demand sensor node wake-up using solar panels and visible light communication

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    To significantly reduce, or eliminate completely, the energy waste caused by the standby (idle) mode of wireless sensor nodes, we propose a novel on-demand wake-up system, which allows the nodes to be put into sleep mode unless their activation is truly necessary. Although there have been many studies proposing RF-based wake-up radio systems, in this work, we develop the first visible light communication (VLC)-based wake-up system. The developed system can extend the existing VLC systems and can be exploited to derive new application areas such as VLC tags. The system uses an off-the-shell indoor solar panel as receptor device of the wake-up signal as well as for energy harvesting purposes, through which it is able to harvest enough energy for its autonomous work. The design, implementation details and the experimental evaluation results are presented, which include flickering characterization and wake-up range evaluations. The results show that the developed system achieve reasonable wake-up distances for indoor environments, mainly where the use of VLC systems are considered.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Intertwined localization and error-resilient geographic routing for mobile wireless sensor networks

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    “This is a post-peer-review, pre-copyedit version of an article published in Wireless Networks. The final authenticated version is available online at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11276-018-1836-7”Geographic routing in wireless sensor networks brings numerous inherent advantages, albeit its performance relying heavily on accurate node locations. In mobile networks, localization of the continuously moving nodes is a challenging task and location errors are inevitable and affect considerably routing decisions. Our proposal is in response to the unrealistic assumption widely made by previous geographic routing protocols that the accurate location of mobile nodes can be obtained at any time. Such idealized assumption results in under-performing or infeasible routing protocols for the real world applications. In this paper, we propose INTEGER, a localization method intertwined with a new location-error-resilient geographic routing specifically designed for mobile sensor networks even when these networks are intermittently connected. By combining the localization phase with the geographic routing process, INTEGER can select a relay node based on nodes’ mobility predictions from the localization phase. Results show that INTEGER improves the efficiency of the routing by increasing the packet delivery ratio and by reducing the energy consumption while minimizing the number of relay nodes compared to six prevalent protocols from the literature.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    BaNa: a noise resilient fundamental frequency detection algorithm for speech and music

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    Fundamental frequency (F0) is one of the essential features in many acoustic related applications. Although numerous F0 detection algorithms have been developed, the detection accuracy in noisy environments still needs improvement. We present a hybrid noise resilient F0 detection algorithm named BaNa that combines the approaches of harmonic ratios and Cepstrum analysis. A Viterbi algorithm with a cost function is used to identify the F0 value among several F0 candidates. Speech and music databases with eight different types of additive noise are used to evaluate the performance of the BaNa algorithm and several classic and state-of-the-art F0 detection algorithms. Results show that for almost all types of noise and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) values investigated, BaNa achieves the lowest Gross Pitch Error (GPE) rate among all the algorithms. Moreover, for the 0 dB SNR scenarios, the BaNa algorithm is shown to achieve 20% to 35% GPE rate for speech and 12% to 39% GPE rate for music. We also describe implementation issues that must be addressed to run the BaNa algorithm as a real-time application on a smartphone platform.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    CoAP congestion control for the Internet of Things

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    “© © 2017 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.” August Betzler, Javier Isern, Carles Gomez, Ilker Demirkol, Josep Paradells, "Experimental evaluation of congestion control for CoAP communications without end-to-end reliability", Ad Hoc Networks, pp. , 2016, ISSN 15708705. DOI: 10.1109/MCOM.2016.7509394CoAP is a lightweight RESTful application layer protocol devised for the IoT. Operating on top of UDP, CoAP must handle congestion control by itself. The core CoAP specification defines a basic congestion control mechanism, but it is not capable of adapting to network conditions. However, IoT scenarios exhibit significant resource constraints, which pose new challenges on the design of congestion control mechanisms. In this article we present CoCoA, an advanced congestion control mechanism for CoAP being standardized by the Internet Engineering Task Force CoRE working group. CoCoA introduces a novel round-trip time estimation technique, together with a variable backoff factor and aging mechanisms in order to provide dynamic and controlled retransmission timeout adaptation suitable for the peculiarities of IoT communications. We conduct a comparative performance analysis of CoCoA and a variety of alternative algorithms including state-of-the-art mechanisms developed for TCP. The study is based on experiments carried out in real testbeds. Results show that, in contrast to the alternative methods considered, CoCoA consistently outperforms the default CoAP congestion control mechanism in all evaluated scenarios.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Fast data recovery for improved mobility support in multiradio dual connectivity

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    © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Data aggregation is one of the crucial features of the 3GPP Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity (MR-DC) technology. However, mobility events and radio link failures, which may occur during the data aggregation, may pose challenges in meeting the latency, reliability, and throughput key performance indicators (KPIs). Unlike single connectivity, the user equipment (UE) in MR-DC operation can experience such events in either of the two base stations (BSs) serving the UE with MR-DC. In typical MR-DC deployments, these events occur more frequently in the BS acting as the secondary node (SN) since the SN operates at a higher frequency band. In this paper, we show that handovers (HOs) and signal blockage events that occur at the SN can create out-of-order data reception or losses at the UE’s Packet Data Control Protocol (PDCP) layer, making the application stop receiving data for up to hundreds of milliseconds. Thus, challenging to meet the KPIs defined for such an application. To mitigate this effect, we propose an intelligent and efficient mechanism that operates in the transmitting PDCP layer and significantly minimizes the data interruption periods suffered by the application when the UE aggregates data and HOs or failures of the SN occur. We use LTE/NR testbed experiments to show that the proposed mechanism achieves a high and stable aggregate throughput with near-zero interruption time and data reliability of at least 99.999% without transport layer retransmissions. The experiments are conducted for saturated TCP traffic and under-link quality variations based on traces extracted from a Nokia-proprietary system-level simulator.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Capacity and congestion aware flow control mechanism for efficient traffic aggregation in multi-radio dual connectivity

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    © 2021 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Multi-Radio Dual Connectivity (MR-DC) is a key 3GPP technology that enables traffic aggregation between two base stations (BSs), and thus, increasing the per-user data rate. However, the schemes for traffic aggregation management of such technology are left up to vendor implementation. In this paper we show the importance of using an efficient traffic aggregation method to increase the throughput performance of both TCP and UDP-based applications in MR-DC operation. Targeting the gap on the state-of-the-art on this topic, we propose a cross-layer low control mechanism, which efficiently aggregates traffic based on the instantaneous available radio resources and buffering delay of both BSs. The aggregation is performed independently of the MR-DC architecture option, MAC scheduler logic, and transport layer protocol in use. By means of exhaustive testbed experiments, we show that the proposed method exceeds the performance of a benchmark and state-of-the-art low control solutions and achieves at least the 85% and 95% of the theoretical aggregate throughput for TCP and UDP traffic expected from the use of MR-DC, respectively.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Voxel-based simulation approach for molecular communications via diffusion

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    © . This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/Molecular communications via diffusion (MCvD) systems are easily simulated for micro-scale topologies and applications. On the other hand, due to the high path loss, there is a need for the emission of a very large number of molecules to have a detectable signal for the macro-scale topologies. Therefore, the simulation of macro-scale MCvD systems or applications has its own challenges. In this work, a voxel-based simulator for MCvD is proposed and analyzed. The proposed simulator is able to consider a very large amount of molecules since it does not track every molecule, instead it simulates the aggregate behavior. We assess the correctness of such a simulation approach through comparative studies with a particle-based (i.e., per-molecule) simulation. We present the effect of voxel side-length on the modeling accuracy and devise a framework for selecting the optimal voxel side-length for high-accuracy simulations.Peer ReviewedPreprin
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