86 research outputs found

    Monitoraggio in area sismica di beni monumentali: tecniche NDT e procedure di verifica

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    Negli ultimi anni il concetto di vulnerabilità sismica è tristemente entrato a far parte delle conoscenze anche dei non addetti ai lavori. Infatti, gli eventi sismici che hanno interessato dagli inizi del ‘900 il territorio Italiano, hanno sistematicamente messo in risalto l’elevata vulnerabilità sismica del nostro patrimonio edilizio, ivi compresi i beni monumentali, nonché, l’inesistenza di qualsiasi attività di programmazione della manutenzione periodica ordinaria e straordinaria delle strutture sismo-resistenti, che garantiscono nel tempo la conservazione delle loro capacità di risposta alle perturbazioni esterne.Il progetto PON sul Monitoraggio in Area Sismica di SIstemi MOnumentali nasce con la prerogativa di produrre uno strumento dedicato alla tutela di strutture a valenza storico – artistica, attraverso un percorso di catalogazione, di analisi del bene inteso come elemento costituito da elementi resistenti e da materiali, di studio del sito dove la struttura è ubicata e di attività di monitoraggio

    The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model: key components and results

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    The 2013 European Seismic Hazard Model (ESHM13) results from a community-based probabilistic seismic hazard assessment supported by the EU-FP7 project “Seismic Hazard Harmonization in Europe” (SHARE, 2009–2013). The ESHM13 is a consistent seismic hazard model for Europe and Turkey which overcomes the limitation of national borders and includes a through quantification of the uncertainties. It is the first completed regional effort contributing to the “Global Earthquake Model” initiative. It might serve as a reference model for various applications, from earthquake preparedness to earthquake risk mitigation strategies, including the update of the European seismic regulations for building design (Eurocode 8), and thus it is useful for future safety assessment and improvement of private and public buildings. Although its results constitute a reference for Europe, they do not replace the existing national design regulations that are in place for seismic design and construction of buildings. The ESHM13 represents a significant improvement compared to previous efforts as it is based on (1) the compilation of updated and harmonised versions of the databases required for probabilistic seismic hazard assessment, (2) the adoption of standard procedures and robust methods, especially for expert elicitation and consensus building among hundreds of European experts, (3) the multi-disciplinary input from all branches of earthquake science and engineering, (4) the direct involvement of the CEN/TC250/SC8 committee in defining output specifications relevant for Eurocode 8 and (5) the accounting for epistemic uncertainties of model components and hazard results. Furthermore, enormous effort was devoted to transparently document and ensure open availability of all data, results and methods through the European Facility for Earthquake Hazard and Risk (www.​efehr.​org)

    METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS): a quality scoring tool for radiomics research endorsed by EuSoMII

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    Purpose: To propose a new quality scoring tool, METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS), to assess and improve research quality of radiomics studies. Methods: We conducted an online modified Delphi study with a group of international experts. It was performed in three consecutive stages: Stage#1, item preparation; Stage#2, panel discussion among EuSoMII Auditing Group members to identify the items to be voted; and Stage#3, four rounds of the modified Delphi exercise by panelists to determine the items eligible for the METRICS and their weights. The consensus threshold was 75%. Based on the median ranks derived from expert panel opinion and their rank-sum based conversion to importance scores, the category and item weights were calculated. Result: In total, 59 panelists from 19 countries participated in selection and ranking of the items and categories. Final METRICS tool included 30 items within 9 categories. According to their weights, the categories were in descending order of importance: study design, imaging data, image processing and feature extraction, metrics and comparison, testing, feature processing, preparation for modeling, segmentation, and open science. A web application and a repository were developed to streamline the calculation of the METRICS score and to collect feedback from the radiomics community. Conclusion: In this work, we developed a scoring tool for assessing the methodological quality of the radiomics research, with a large international panel and a modified Delphi protocol. With its conditional format to cover methodological variations, it provides a well-constructed framework for the key methodological concepts to assess the quality of radiomic research papers. Critical relevance statement: A quality assessment tool, METhodological RadiomICs Score (METRICS), is made available by a large group of international domain experts, with transparent methodology, aiming at evaluating and improving research quality in radiomics and machine learning. Key points: • A methodological scoring tool, METRICS, was developed for assessing the quality of radiomics research, with a large international expert panel and a modified Delphi protocol. • The proposed scoring tool presents expert opinion-based importance weights of categories and items with a transparent methodology for the first time. • METRICS accounts for varying use cases, from handcrafted radiomics to entirely deep learning-based pipelines. • A web application has been developed to help with the calculation of the METRICS score (https://metricsscore.github.io/metrics/METRICS.html) and a repository created to collect feedback from the radiomics community (https://github.com/metricsscore/metrics). Graphical Abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.

    Nurses' perceptions of aids and obstacles to the provision of optimal end of life care in ICU

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    Contains fulltext : 172380.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access

    In Search of the Predecessors of the 2011 Van (Turkey) earthquake

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    [The Mw 7.2 earthquake of 23 October 2011 struck an area of Eastern Anatolia with a long historical record and a long earthquake history. The earthquake occurred in a region of rather complex tectonics resulting from the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian continental plates. The 23 October 2011 earthquake caused heavy damage to Van and several towns and villages around Lake Van, in the districts of Van and Ercis. It was followed by several aftershocks and another strong event (Mw 5.7) that occurred on 9 November 2011, causing further damage and casualties. Though the seismicity of the area is described by some regional parametric earthquake catalogs and has been the subject of several studies, no earthquake with a magnitude equivalent to the 2011 one is reported by the catalog in the area of the 2011 earthquake; so, apparently, there are no predecessors of this earthquake. However, two questions arise: a) could some events located close to Van have been underestimated or mislocated, as frequently happens with poorly known events?, and b) are there gaps in the earthquake history of the Van region? As for the first question, we have not found earthquakes which could, in principle, be underestimated and/or mislocated by the catalog and that could be re-located in the area of the October 2011 earthquake with a comparable magnitude. The earthquake history shows gaps between 1275 and 1646, and later between 1715 and 1834, gaps which have further investigated on the occasion of the preparation of this paper. In conclusion, nothing can be said about earthquakes in the time-window before 1646 in the region east of Lake Van. After that year, no prominent candidate earthquake appears as a possible twin of the 23 October 2011 event.

    In Search of the Predecessors of the 2011 Van (Turkey) earthquake

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    [The Mw 7.2 earthquake of 23 October 2011 struck an area of Eastern Anatolia with a long historical record and a long earthquake history. The earthquake occurred in a region of rather complex tectonics resulting from the collision of the Arabian and Eurasian continental plates. The 23 October 2011 earthquake caused heavy damage to Van and several towns and villages around Lake Van, in the districts of Van and Ercis. It was followed by several aftershocks and another strong event (Mw 5.7) that occurred on 9 November 2011, causing further damage and casualties. Though the seismicity of the area is described by some regional parametric earthquake catalogs and has been the subject of several studies, no earthquake with a magnitude equivalent to the 2011 one is reported by the catalog in the area of the 2011 earthquake; so, apparently, there are no predecessors of this earthquake. However, two questions arise: a) could some events located close to Van have been underestimated or mislocated, as frequently happens with poorly known events?, and b) are there gaps in the earthquake history of the Van region? As for the first question, we have not found earthquakes which could, in principle, be underestimated and/or mislocated by the catalog and that could be re-located in the area of the October 2011 earthquake with a comparable magnitude. The earthquake history shows gaps between 1275 and 1646, and later between 1715 and 1834, gaps which have further investigated on the occasion of the preparation of this paper. In conclusion, nothing can be said about earthquakes in the time-window before 1646 in the region east of Lake Van. After that year, no prominent candidate earthquake appears as a possible twin of the 23 October 2011 event.]Published855-8623.10. Storia ed archeologia applicate alle Scienze della TerraJCR Journalreserve

    Measurement and Image Processing Evaluation of Surface Modifications of Dental Implants G4 Pure Titanium Created by Different Techniques

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    Foreign substances and organic tissue interaction placed into the jaw in order to eliminate tooth loss involves a highly complex process. Many biological reactions take place as well as the biomechanical forces that influence this formation. Osseointegration denotes to the direct structural and functional association between the living bone and the load-bearing artificial implant's surface. Taking into consideration of the requirements in the manufacturing processes of the implants, surface characterizations with high precise measurement techniques are investigated and thus long-term success of dental implant is emphasized on the importance of these processes in this study. In this research, the detailed surface characterization was performed to identify the dependence of the manufacturing techniques on the surface properties by using the image processing methods and using the scanning electron microscope (SEM) for morphological properties in 3D and Taylor Hobson stylus profilometer for roughness properties in 2D. Three implant surfaces fabricated by different manufacturing techniques were inspected, and a machined surface was included into the study as a reference specimen. The results indicated that different surface treatments were strongly influenced surface morphology. Thus 2D and 3D precise inspection techniques were highlighted on the importance for surface characterization. Different image analyses techniques such as Dark-light technique were used to verify the surface measurement results. The computational phase was performed using image processing toolbox in Matlab with precise evaluation of the roughness for the implant surfaces. The relationship between the number of black and white pixels and surface roughness is presented. FFT image processing and analyses results explicitly imply that the technique is useful in the determination of surface roughness. The results showed that the number of black pixels in the image increases with increase in surface roughness