164 research outputs found
This paper studies the determinants of the firm performance during the currency crisis in Turkey in 2001. The empirical model consists of firm specific determinants and the analysis of the model is done in two stages. At first stage all the determinants are analysed in an industry free model. As second stage the same model is grouped and analysed according to industries. The results suggest that size, ownership structure and export/sales ratio of the firm affects the stock return negatively whereas maturity, debt exposure and ROE contributes positively. Furthermore industry specific differences within these determinants are observed. Each of the determinants is found to perform different ways of interaction with the stock returns when industries are included in the model
Conceptual awareness levels of digital logistics among Turkish university students
The logistics industry has witnessed the emergence of digital technology as a central topic of discourse, and terminology associated with digital logistics has gained extensive usage among professionals in the transportation, logistics, and international trade sectors. Digital logistics is highly dependent on the accumulation of data from the logistical activities conducted by organizations. The implementation of a digitalized process presents organizations with novel prospects, such as decreased operational expenses, increased efficiency, and reduced uncertainties associated with order fulfillment. Additionally, digital logistics facilitates the enhancement of distribution methods for businesses. The post-graduation knowledge levels of students become significant factors for potential employers. University education plays a crucial role in imparting academic and technical expertize in the domain of logistics; therefore, it is critical that logistics programs integrate a greater number of digital courses. Academic institutions play a pivotal role in enabling students to gain consciousness and comprehension of emerging patterns and concepts. In light of this, the purpose of this research was to determine “the extent of digital logistics and digitalization conceptual awareness” among university students. The results of the study will be used as a guide for educational institutions like colleges to follow when it comes to incorporating digital courses into their curriculum. It was decided to use questionnaires for the purpose of data collecting. A statistical analysis was conducted on the information gathered from the university students. While most students had a good grasp of the concepts of AI, VR, digital supply chain, and transportation management systems, female students showed less familiarity with these phrases than their male counterparts. It is possible for universities to provide students with the opportunity to acquire knowledge of digital logistics concepts through the implementation of training courses, workshops, programs, and term projects. It is advisable to promote students’ acquisition of knowledge regarding digital technologies through the implementation of additional courses. The educational experience and students’ overall level of awareness can be greatly enhanced through partnerships between IT firms and institutions
Diyabetik albino Balb/ c farelerdea aminoguanidinin böbrek üzerindeki etkisi
Bu çalışmanın amacı, uyarılabilir nitrik oksit sentaz (iNOS) aktivasyonunun ve nitrik oksidin streptozotos in (STZ) ile uyarılmış diyabetik farelerde böbrek dokusunu nasıl etkilediğini ve etkisinin spesifik bir iNOS inhibitörü olan a minoguanidin (AG) ile önlenip önlenemediğini öğrenmektir. Yirmi dört erkek fare, 90 gün boyunca günlük 100 mg. kg - 1 AG (AG Grubu), tek doz 150 mg. kg- 1 STZ (STZ Grubu),tek doz 150 mg. kg - 1 STZyi takiben 90 gün boyunca günlük 100 mg. kg - 1 AG (STZ - AG Grubu) ve sadece intraperitonal fizyolojik tuzlu su (Kontrol Grubu) alan dört gruba ayrılmıştır. NADPH - diaforez (NADPH -d) dağılımı, STZ uygulanmış hayvanların böbrek kesitlerinde kontrolle karşılaştırıldığında daha fazlaydı. STZ uygulaması proksimal tübüllerde fırç a kenarların devamlılığının bozulmasına, glomerulus endotelinde hasara ve juks taglomerular hücrelerde renin granüllerinin daha fazla olmasına yol açmıştır . STZ uygulamasını takiben verilen AG, böbrek korteksindeki histolojik ve sitolojik değişiklikleri kıs men önlemiştir ve renin dağılımı kontrol hayvanlardakine benzer şekilde olmuştur. Uyarılabilir nitrik oksit (iNO) artışıyla böbrekte meydana gelen bozulmanın AG uygulamasıyla kısmen önlenebildiği bulunmuştur. Diyabette, artan iNOS ile jukstaglomerular hücr elerde reningranülleri dağılımı arasında olası bir ilişki vardırThe aim of this study is to find out how activated inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and nitric oxide (NO) affect kidney tissue in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice and whether its influence can be prevented by aminoguanidine (AG), a specific iNOS inhibitor. Twenty-four male mice were divided into four study groups (n=6) receiving a daily dose of 100 mg.kg-1 AG for 90 days (Group AG), a single dose of 150 mg.kg-1 STZ (Group STZ), a single dose of 150 mg.kg-1 STZ followed by daily administration of 100 mg.kg-1 AG for 90 days (Group STZ-AG), and intraperitoneally injections of saline only (Group Control) for 90 days. Dispersion of NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) was stronger in the kidney sections of STZ-treated animals compared with the controls. STZ treatment caused disruption of continuity of the brush borders in proximal tubules, glomerular endothelial damage, and considerable renin granules in the juxtaglomerular cells. AG administration following STZ treatment partly prevented histological and cytological changes in kidney cortex, and renin dispersion was similar to that in control animals. We found that increased inducible nitric oxide (iNO) caused kidney tissue degeneration that could be prevented to some extent by AG treatment. There is a possible relationship between increased iNOS and dispersion of renin granules in juxtaglomerular cells in diabetes
A fejlődő európai piacok tőzsdei hozama, külföldi befektetők kereskedése és makrogazdasági teljesítménye = Foreign Investors' Trading, Stock Market Returns and Macroeconomic Activity in European Emerging Markets
Despite project duration shortened from 22 to 9 months and problems in accessing data, we finalized the project in full content as in proposal, obtaining all desired outcomes. In addition, we submitted 4 other papers, byproduct of project work. 3-4 more papers, the output of main project work, are to follow. We covered 11 European markets in Part I (Interaction between Foreign Investors’ Trading and Stock Market Returns) and 5 in Part II (Interaction between Foreign Equity Portfolio Flows and Macroeconomic Activity). Our findings, new to the world literature, include: 1) Foreign investors do positive (negative) feedback trade at the daily (monthly) frequency. 2) Monthly negative feedback trading is asymmetric in large-external-deficit economies: foreigners sell following rises, but not buy following falls. 3) Foreigners’ trading is positively correlated with information, which implies local investors’ trading is negatively correlated with information. 4) Foreigners are more likely to follow than lead returns. Developing a new methodology, we found that even the contemporaneous association of foreign flows with returns is more likely to reflect returns’ effect on flows. 5) Both world returns and net foreign flows are positively associated with current and future economic activity. 6) Net foreign flows mainly forecast rather than cause economic activity. Where credit availability is a bottleneck, they may cause (foreign flows lead credit volume). | A kutatási idő 22 hónapról 9-re történő lerövidítése és az adatokhoz való nehézkes hozzáférés ellenére sikerült a kutatást a kívánt eredményekkel időben lezárni. A kutatás mellékes folyományaként 4 tanulmányt nyújtottunk be, amelyet a fő kutatási munka eredményeként további 3-4 tanulmány fog követni. Az első részben 11 európai részvénypiacot követtünk nyomon (Külföldi befektetők kereskedései és a részvénypiaci hozamok kölcsönhatásai), a másodikban 5-re fókuszáltunk (A külföldi tőkeportfólió áramlások és a makroökonómiai folyamatok kölcsönhatásai). Fő, a mai szakirodalom számára új következtetéseink: 1. a külföldi befektetők napi (havi) rendszerességgel pozitív (negatív) feedback kereskedési stratégiát követnek 2. a jelentős külső deficittel küzdő gazdaságokban a havi negatív feedback kereskedés aszimmetrikus: áremelkedés esetén eladnak, csökkenés esetén viszont nem vásárolnak 3. a külföldi kereskedés pozitívan korrelál az információval, ebből következik, hogy a belföldi kereskedés negatívan korrelál az információval 4. a külföldiek nagyobb valószínűséggel követik, mint vezetik a hozamok alakulását 5. mind a világpiaci részvény hozamok mind a nettó külföldi tőkeáramlás (ha figyelembe vesszük az előbbit) együtt mozog a múltbeli és jövőbeli makroökonómiai folyamatokkal 6. a nettó külföldi tőkeáramlás elsősorban előrejelzi mintsem okozza a makroökonómiai folyamatok alakulását; ha a hitelfelvétel szűk keresztmetszetnek bizonyul, a külföldi tőkeáramlás okozóvá is válhat
Clinical development and marketing application review times for novel orphan-designated drugs
Development of an orphan-designated drug has been more challenging and financially less attractive than that of other drugs due to low prevalence of the condition, poorly defined biomarkers and lack of experience of healthcare providers in diagnosing and treating the condition. Guidance and incentives in some countries support the sponsors in developing orphan-designated drugs despite the challenges. Expedited regulatory programs as offered by the United States (US) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) support the development of drugs, provide shorter marketing application review times or provide preliminary approval. In this study, we analyze marketing application review times in the US and in the European Union (EU) and clinical development times for novel, i.e., containing new molecular entity, orphan-designated drugs that were approved in the US between 1 June 2020 and 31 May 2023, and their correlation with expedited regulatory programs. Seventy-three marketing applications for novel orphan-designated drugs were approved by the FDA, and 39 also received a positive opinion from the EMA. The marketing application review time by the FDA for the 73 novel orphan-designated drugs approved in the US was 244 days (n = 73, median), and the marketing application review time by the EMA for the 39 drugs that were also approved in the EU was 353 days (n = 39, median). The typical clinical development time for a novel orphan-designated drug was 7.2 years (n = 72)
A multicenter family practitioners' research on chronic obstructive pulmonary disease screening using the COPD assessment test
Objectives: Spirometry is known to be a gold standard for the diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD Assessment Test (CAT) is an eight-item questionnaire currently in use to evaluate patients with COPD. In the present study, we aimed to evaluate if CAT is an adequate tool for screening COPD. Methods: In total, 600 persons aging. 40 years old were randomly selected from three different family practice units located in the city center. CATwas asked to the participants and a spirometry was used to assess pulmonary obstruction. Pulmonary obstruction was defined as forced expiratory volume in first second/ forced vital capacity (FEV1/ FVC)< 70% and then COPD diagnosiswas confirmed with the reversibility test. The relationship between CAT results and pulmonary function test values was evaluated. Results: In this sampling, the prevalence of COPD was 4.2%. Reliability of the CAT in the study group was acceptable (Cronbach's a: 0.84). TheCAT scores was significantly higher in patients with COPD (P< 0.001). There was a significant negative correlation between CAT score and FEV1, FVC and FEV1/ FVC ratio (r = -0.31, P< 0.001; r = -0.26, P< 0.001; r = 0.18, P = 0.001). Among smokers, phlegm was the predominating symptom (P = 0.01). Sensitivity of CAT was 66.67% and its specificity was 75.15% to determine COPD. Conclusions: CAT is a reliable questionnaire and there is an apparent relationship between the total CAT scores and COPD. However, CAT's ability to screen COPD is limited since it may miss the symptom-free cases
Does asymptomatic/uncomplicated SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy increase the risk of spontaneous preterm birth?
Objectives: The aim of this study was to analyze the perinatal outcomes of asymptomatic/uncomplicated SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and the relationship between gestational age at the time of infection and spontaneous preterm birth (PTB).
Material and methods: This was a retrospective cohort study. The study population included pregnant women who were 19–45 years old and who had been admitted to a Research and Training Hospital for singleton birth delivery. Women who had contracted SARS-CoV-2 during their pregnancy (n = 102) were compared to those who were not infected (n = 378) for the development of spontaneous PTB and other perinatal outcomes. The factors associated with spontaneous PTB were analyzed through univariate and multivariate methods.
Results: Spontaneous PTB developed in 22.5% of the pregnant women with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection and in 5.3% without a history of the infection (p < 0.001). The multivariate model determined that compared to the non-infected women, the OR of spontaneous PTB among those who had contracted the virus in the first, second, and the third trimesters were 9.13 (p < 0.001), 1.85 (p = 0.292) and 7.09 (p < 0.001), respectively. Pregnancy cholestasis (3.9% vs 0.5%; p = 0.020) and placental abruption (3.9% vs 0.5%; p = 0.040) were significantly higher in cases with a history of SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to the non-infected women.
Conclusions: Asymptomatic or uncomplicated SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy increases the risk of spontaneous PTB. This risk is higher particularly among pregnant women who develop the infection in the first and the third trimesters
Kıyı yapıları ve nehir ağızları çevresinde kısa dönemli morfolojik değişimlerin sayısal modellenmesi.
In this study, XBeach, a two dimensional depth averaged numerical model developed mainly for simulating nearshore hydro- and morphodynamics is applied to two case studies; i) laboratory experiments on short-term morphological changes around a detached breakwater and a T-groin and ii) a fluvial dominated coastal flooding event at the Manavgat river mouth between dates, 4th and 15th December, 1998. In the first part of study, the numerical model is calibrated for the wave, current and bottom evolution conditions using the base experiment in which there are no structures. Later, the model is applied to the detached breakwater and T-groin experiments. It is observed that the numerical model results are in agreement with the measured wave heights and current velocities in the vicinity of structures, however the morphological changes are slightly underestimated. To investigate the scale dependency of numerical model, the laboratory data is scaled up using undistorted Froude scaling and the numerical model is applied to the scaled-up experiments. The results of latter simulations show that the morphological changes are represented better. In the second part of the study, a preliminary numerical modeling is carried out to investigate the capabilities of the numerical model in combined fluvial-coastal flood events. The numerical model is applied to a twelve day fluvial dominated coastal flooding event, in which the initial and final shorelines measured are compared with the model results. The river mouth has widened at the end of the simulation, as observed, and the eroded material is accreted in front of the river mouth forming a submerged sand bar. The final shoreline between the river mouth and the east jetty shows well agreement with the measured, whereas the wave induced erosion at the seaward edge of west side of the river mouth is underestimated.M.S. - Master of Scienc
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