691 research outputs found

    Is query translation a distinct task from search?

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    INTRODUCTION The University of Sheffield participated in iCLEF 2002 using, as a test-bed, the prototype under development in the Clarity project. Clarity is an EU funded project aimed at developing a system for cross-language information retrieval for so-called low density languages, those with few translation resources. Currently translation between English and Finnish is supported; soon Swedish will be added and in the near future Latvian and Lithuanian. Clarity is being developed in a user-centred way with user involvement from the beginning. The design of the first user interface was based on current best practise, particular attention was paid to empirical evidence for a specific design choice. Six paper-based interface mock-ups representing important points in the cross-language search task were generated and presented for user assessment as a part of an extensive user study. The study (reported in Petrelli et al. 2002) was conducted to understand users and uses of cross-language information retrieval systems. Many different techniques were applied: contextual enquiry, interviews, questionnaires, informal evaluation of existing cross-language technology, and participatory design sessions with the interface mock-ups mentioned above. As a result, a user class profile was sketched and a long list of user requirements was compiled. As a followup, a redesign session took place and the new system was designed for users whoknow the language(s) they are searching (polyglots); • search for writing (journalists, translators business analysts); • have limited searching skills; • know the topic in advance or will learn/read on it while searching; • use many languages in the same search session and often swap between them. New system features were listed as important and the user interface was redesigned. Considering the result of the study the new interface allowed the user to dynamically change the language setting from query to query, hid the query translation and showed the retrieved set as ranked list primary. Despite the fact that this new design was considered to be more effective, a comparison between the first layout based on the relevant literature and the new one based on the user study was considered an important research question. In particular, the choice of hiding the query translation was considered an important design decision, against the common agreement to allow and support the user in controlling the system actions. Thus the participation of Sheffield in iCLEF was organized around the idea of checking if the user should validate the query translation before the search is run or instead if the system should perform the translation and search in a single step without any user’s supervision

    Dynamical and quasistatic structural relaxation paths in Pd_(40)Ni_(40)P_(20) glass

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    By sequential heat treatment of a Pd_(40)Ni_(40)P_(20) metallic glass at temperatures and durations for which α-relaxation is not possible, dynamic, and quasistatic relaxation paths below the glass transition are identified via ex situ ultrasonic measurements following each heat treatment. The dynamic relaxation paths are associated with hopping between nonequilibrium potential energy states of the glass, while the quasistatic relaxation path is associated with reversible β-relaxation events toward quasiequilibrium states. These quasiequilibrium states are identified with secondary potential energy minima that exist within the inherent energy minimum of the glass, thereby supporting the concept of the sub-basin/metabasin organization of the potential-energy landscape

    Oxidation Behavior of a Pd_(43)Cu_(27)Ni_(10)P_(20) Bulk Metallic Glass and Foam in Dry Air

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    The oxidation behavior of both Pd_(43)Cu_(27)Ni_(10)P_(20) bulk metallic glass (Pd4-BMG) and its amorphous foam containing 45 pct porosity (Pd4-AF) was investigated over the temperature range of 343 K (70 °C) to 623 K (350 °C) in dry air. The results showed that virtually no oxidation occurred in the Pd4-BMG at T < 523 K (250 °C), revealing the alloy’s favorable oxidation resistance in this temperature range. In addition, the oxidation kinetics at T ≥ 523 K (250 °C) followed a parabolic-rate law, and the parabolic-rate constants (k_p values) generally increased with temperature. It was found that the oxidation k_p values of the Pd4-AF are slightly lower than those of the Pd4-BMG, indicating that the porous structure contributes to improving the overall oxidation resistance. The scale formed on the alloys was composed exclusively of CuO at T ≥ 548 K (275 °C), whose thickness gradually increased with increasing temperature. In addition, the amorphous structure remained unchanged at T ≤ 548 K (275 °C), while a triplex-phase structure developed after the oxidation at higher temperatures, consisting of Pd_2Ni_2P, Cu_3P, and Pd_3P

    Integrating Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) with Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) creating a Global GIS platform

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    Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are a special category of data hubs that involve technological and human resources and follow well defined legal and technical procedures to collect, store, manage and distribute spatial data. INSPIRE is the EU’s authoritative SDI in which each Member State provides access to their spatial data across a wide spectrum of data themes to support policy-making. In contrast, Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) is one type of user-generated geographic information (GI) where volunteers use the web and mobile devices to create, assemble and disseminate spatial information. There are similarities and differences between SDIs and VGI, as well as advantages and disadvantages to both. Thus, the integration of these two data sources will enhance what is offered to end users to facilitate decision-making. This idea of integration is in its early stages, because several key issues need to be considered and resolved first. Therefore, this chapter discusses the challenges of integrating VGI with INSPIRE and outlines a generic framework for a global integrated GIS platform, similar in concept to Digital Earth and Virtual Geographic Environments (VGEs), as a realistic scenario for advancements in the short term

    Quantifying the origin of metallic glass formation

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    The waiting time to form a crystal in a unit volume of homogeneous undercooled liquid exhibits a pronounced minimum τ_X* at a ‘nose temperature’ T* located between the glass transition temperature T_g, and the crystal melting temperature, T_L. Turnbull argued that τ_X* should increase rapidly with the dimensionless ratio t_(rg)=T_g/T_L. Angell introduced a dimensionless ‘fragility parameter’, m, to characterize the fall of atomic mobility with temperature above T_g. Both t_(rg) and m are widely thought to play a significant role in determining τ_X*. Here we survey and assess reported data for T_L, T_g, t_(rg), m and τ_X* for a broad range of metallic glasses with widely varying τ_X*. By analysing this database, we derive a simple empirical expression for τ_X*(t_(rg), m) that depends exponentially on t_(rg) and m, and two fitting parameters. A statistical analysis shows that knowledge of t_(rg) and m alone is therefore sufficient to predict τ_X* within estimated experimental errors. Surprisingly, the liquid/crystal interfacial free energy does not appear in this expression for τ_X*

    Cross-lingual document retrieval categorisation and navigation based on distributed services

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    The widespread use of the Internet across countries has increased the need for access to document collections that are often written in languages different from a user’s native language. In this paper we describe Clarity, a Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) system for English, Finnish, Swedish, Latvian and Lithuanian. Clarity is a fully-fledged retrieval system that supports the user during the whole process of query formulation, text retrieval and document browsing. We address four of the major aspects of Clarity: (i) the user-driven methodology that formed the basis for the iterative design cycle and framework in the project, (ii) the system architecture that was developed to support the interaction and coordination of Clarity’s distributed services, (iii) the data resources and methods for query translation, and (iv) the support for Baltic languages. Clarity is an example of a distributed CLIR system built with minimal translation resources and, to our knowledge, the only such system that currently supports Baltic languages

    Increased amygdala responses to emotional faces after psilocybin for treatment-resistant depression

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    Recent evidence indicates that psilocybin with psychological support may be effective for treating depression. Some studies have found that patients with depression show heightened amygdala responses to fearful faces and there is reliable evidence that treatment with SSRIs attenuates amygdala responses (Ma, 2015). We hypothesised that amygdala responses to emotional faces would be altered post-treatment with psilocybin. In this open-label study, 20 individuals diagnosed with moderate to severe, treatment-resistant depression, underwent two separate dosing sessions with psilocybin. Psychological support was provided before, during and after these sessions and 19 completed fMRI scans one week prior to the first session and one day after the second and last. Neutral, fearful and happy faces were presented in the scanner and analyses focused on the amygdala. Group results revealed rapid and enduring improvements in depressive symptoms post psilocybin. Increased responses to fearful and happy faces were observed in the right amygdala post-treatment, and right amygdala increases to fearful versus neutral faces were predictive of clinical improvements at 1-week. Psilocybin with psychological support was associated with increased amygdala responses to emotional stimuli, an opposite effect to previous findings with SSRIs. This suggests fundamental differences in these treatments’ therapeutic actions, with SSRIs mitigating negative emotions and psilocybin allowing patients to confront and work through them. Based on the present results, we propose that psilocybin with psychological support is a treatment approach that potentially revives emotional responsiveness in depression, enabling patients to reconnect with their emotions

    On the variability in fracture toughness of ‘ductile’ bulk metallic glasses

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    The mode I fracture toughness, K_(Ic), of ductile bulk metallic glasses (BMGs) exhibits a high degree of specimen-to-specimen variability. By conducting fracture experiments in modes I and II, we demonstrate that the observed high variability in mode I, vis-à-vis mode II, is a result of highly variable propensity for the conversion of shear bands into cracks in mode I whereas in mode II, crack growth direction is fixed. Thus, the measured variability in K_(Ic) is intrinsic to the nature of BMGs

    Международная трудовая миграция и нелегальная миграция в России

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    Огляд монографії: Метелев С.Е. Международная трудовая миграция и нелегальная миграция в России. Монография. – М.: Юнити. – 2006. – 175 с