23 research outputs found

    Multi-bot Easy Control Hierarchy

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    The goal of our project is to create a software architecture that makes it possible to easily control a multi-robot system, as well as seamlessly change control modes during operation. The different control schemes first include the ability to implement on-board and off-board controllers. Second, the commands can specify either actuator level, vehicle level, or fleet level behavior. Finally, motion can be specified by giving a waypoint and time constraint, a velocity and heading, or a throttle and angle. Our code is abstracted so that any type of robot - ranging from ones that use a differential drive set up, to three-wheeled holonomic platforms, to quadcopters - can be added to the system by simply writing drivers that interface with the hardware used and by implementing math packages that do the required calculations. Our team has successfully demonstrated piloting a single robots while switching between waypoint navigation and a joystick controller. In addition, we have demonstrated the synchronized control of two robots using joystick control. Future work includes implementing a more robust cluster control, including off-board functionality, and incorporating our architecture into different types of robots

    So Far, Yet So Close: International Career Paths of Communication Scholars From the Global South

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    From Westernization to Internationalization: Research Collaboration Networks of Communication Scholars From Central and Eastern Europe

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    The internationalization of communication studies has become a trending topic over the past decades, and there have been many efforts to increase the geographical diversity of the discipline. International collaboration has succeeded in internationalizing the field, and different world regions offer particular strategies for cooperation. However, there is no “royal road” for successful internationalization, and different world regions follow their own trajectories. In this article, we discuss the historical, cultural, and disciplinary features of Central and Eastern European (CEE) communication research and then provide an analysis of the region’s international collaboration in research publishing over the past 20 years. Results point to a growing level of CEE internationalization with expanding geographical diversity, but intra-regional collaboration is still weak. We argue that to raise the international competitiveness of the region, CEE communication scholars might have to develop a regional identity by increasing strategic cooperation between different countries of the region.Depto. de Periodismo y Comunicación GlobalFac. de Ciencias de la InformaciónTRUEpu

    Abiotikus stressztényezők hatása a kukorica (Zea mays L.) anyagcseréjére és egyedfejlődésére = Effect of abiotic stress factors on maize (Zea mays L.) metabolism and plant development

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    Kutatásunk során a kénanyagcsere egyik meghatározó intermedierjének, az S-metil-metioninnak (SMM) alacsony hőmérsékleti stresszt csökkentő hatását tanulmányoztuk elsősorban kukoricában. Bizonyítottuk az SMM-indukált poliaminszintézis tényét nemcsak kukoricában, hanem más gazdasági növényekben is. Megállapítottuk, hogy a hidegre érzékeny beltenyésztett kukoricavonalakban nagyobb mennyiségben szintetetizálódik SMM hatására spermidin, mint a toleráns genotípusokban. Az SMM-indukált spermidin nemcsak a kukoricában, hanem más gazdasági növényekben (őszi búza, borsó, szója) is csökkenti a membránok károsodását, és ezen keresztül az ionkiáramlás mértékét. Igazoltuk az SMM fotoszintézisre gyakorolt pozitív hatását is, mert megnöveli a PSII hatékonyságát jellemző Fv/Fm hányadost, és megemeli az össz-klorofill mennyiségét a kukorica genotípusok leveleiben szuboptimális (6-10°C) hőmérsékleteken. Bizonyítottuk, hogy alacsony hőmérsékleti stressz során az SMM egyes antioxidáns enzimek aktivitását serkenti, így csökkentve közvetve a reaktív oxigénformák káros hatását. Részletesen tanulmányoztuk a poliaminszintézis kulcsenzimeinek (ADC, ODC, SAMDC) génexpresszióját 24 órás SMM, illetve SMM+hidegkezelés hatására. Megállapítottuk, hogy a legnagyobb változás az ADC expressziójában volt kimutatható. Igazoltuk, hogy mind a hideg, mind az SMM hatására már az első órától kezdve gyorsan emelkedett a CBF faktor expressziója is. | Investigations were made on the ability of S-methyl-methionine (SMM), an important intermediary compound in the sulphur metabolism, to reduce low temperature stress, especially in maize. The existence of SMM-induced polyamine synthesis was confirmed not only in maize, but also in other crops. It was found that larger quantities of spermidine were synthesised in response to SMM treatment in chilling-sensitive inbred maize lines than in tolerant genotypes. The SMM-induced spermidine reduced membrane damage, and consequently the extent of electrolyte leakage, not only in maize, but also in other crops (winter wheat, pea, soybeans). SMM was also demonstrated to have a positive effect on photosynthesis, since it increased the Fv/Fm quotient indicative of the efficiency of PSII and induced a rise in the total chlorophyll content in the leaves of maize genotypes at suboptimal (6?10°C) temperatures. In the course of low temperature stress SMM was shown to stimulate the activity of certain antioxidant enzymes, thus indirectly reducing the damaging effect of reactive oxygen species. Detailed studies were made on the gene expression of key enzymes in polyamine synthesis (ADC, ODC, SAMDC) as the result of 24-h treatment with SMM or SMM + chilling. The greatest change was detected in the ADC expression. Both chilling and SMM led to a rapid increase in the expression of the CBF factor within an hour of treatment.


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    No Thing Refers to Nothing. On Showing the False

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    This discussion tries to explicate some epistemological problems in connection with negation and the so-called godelian sentences. The paper examines some methods of generating negative formulas from positive bases, an proposes alternative methods which with some antinomic formula could be eliminated. The discussion tries to show, that some epistemological antinomies arise from the natural language, and most formal languages inherit the natural (and maybe false) way of indicating negations

    Prolegomena to an Analytic Theology of Holy Images. The visual aspects of faith and philosophical analysis

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    This paper proposes a prolegomena to an analitytic theology of holy images. For this end, we will consider some historical and epistemological facts as regards philosophical analysis and analytic theology, and then we will confer about their relations to images. Finally, we will try to unfold the logical structure of holy icons, and, as an object-lesson, we will explicate the problem of idolatry by means of our preceding considerations