280 research outputs found

    Blast wave generation and interactions

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg, February 2018The design, construction and validation of a non-explosively driven blast tube was undertaken in order to reduce the cost and time of blast wave experimentation as well as to enable the study of blast waves in the test laboratory environment. The design of the blast tube was performed numerically using commercially available CFD software. Numerous di erent driver shapes and con gurations were analysed during the design process including linearly diverging drivers, straight drivers and polynomial drivers. Based on the results and analysis performed in it was deduced that a driver section required a few key features in order to generate a blast wave with a realistic Friedlander pressure pro le namely, the driver section must end in a sharp corner in order to enable expansion focusing to occur, the walls of the driver section must be divergent to cause the expansion waves to re ect downstream almost immediately after the diaphragm bursts as well to drive the expansion focusing, the walls of the driver section must transition smoothly, that is without a corner, into the expansion section walls and the walls of the driver section must be curved in order to induce smooth and continuous expansion wave re ection and focusing. After some tests were carried out on a few iterations of driver section shapes, three shapes were settled on, namely a concave driver, a linear driver and a convex driver. Once the nal design of the blast tube was settled upon, a working prototype was manufactured and assembled in the North West Engineering Laboratories and the prototype was tested. During testing of the blast tube it was found that, despite issues arising due to choice of mechanism employed to pressurise the driver being awed, there being notches and steps at the joints along the tube length and the downstream end of the test section being closed, the blast tube did in fact generate blast waves with realistic pressure decay pro les and good visual quality. After being validated the blast tube was used to examine the di raction of the blast wave around a 90 corner and the re ection of the blast wave induced upon impinging wedges having angles of 15 , 30 and 45 . The blast wave di raction and re ection experimentation were carried out in the 1:2 < Ms < 1:4 range.MT 201

    "Reward comes, when you are not there" : the image of catholicism and buddhism in the TV series "Siła wyższa" [Higher Power] by Wojciech Adamczyk

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    The paper by Łucja Demby discusses the television series Siła wyższa [Higher Power], first broadcast on Polish TVP1 public television in 2012. The series was directed by Wojciech Adamczyk, familiar to viewers as the creator of the extremely popular TV series Ranczo [The Ranch]. Higher Power, in a comedic convention, depicts the confrontation between Franciscan monks and the residents of a nearby Buddhist centre. Łucja Demby points to Wojciech Adamczyk’s trademarks present in the series (notable also in The Ranch and the director’s other work), such as including a message of tolerance and understanding between people of different persuasions. The author also points out how the series draws on religious stereotypes functioning in Polish society, concerning both the dominating Catholicism and other religions. In terms of composition, the paper is based around two quotes: a statement by Lama Rinchen regarding the possibility of dialogue between Catholicism and Buddhism, and a fragment from a book by Pope John Paul II, emphasizing the differences between these two religions

    Official English translation of the certified copy of the declaration of invalidity of the marriage between Zofia Anna Wiśniewska and Wojciech Stanisław Krzyżanowski

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    Official English translation of a certified copy of the declaration of invalidity of the marriage between Zofia Anna Wiśniewska and Wojciech Stanisław Krzyżanowski in Berlin on December 23, 1935, on the grounds that it was a civilian marriage and as such not valid in the eyes of the Catholic Church by the Head Chaplain of the Polish 2nd Corps, June 7, 1945. Certified by Colonel Sielecki, Headquarters, Polish 2nd Corps, Italy, June 11, 1945. Translation certified by Lieutenant T.A. Demby, British Liaison Unit, attached to the Headquarters of the 2nd Polish Corps. Italy, June 1945.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/drzcivdoc/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Official English translation of marriage certificate

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    Official English translation of marriage certificate (See D235 for original Polish version) certified by Lieutenant T.A. Demby, 26 British Liaison Unit, attached to the Headquarters of the 2nd Polish Corps. Italy, June 11, 1945.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/drzcivdoc/1013/thumbnail.jp

    The decision to randomise specialised foundation programme places must be revised, if not reversed

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    The decision by statutory health education bodies to randomise specialised foundation programme places across the UK must be revised, write Narut Pakunwanich, Jeremy Bjørndal, and Alexander Demb