218 research outputs found

    Determination of the thermodynamic temperature between 236 K and 430 K from speed of sound measurements in helium

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    We report speed of sound measurements in helium at 273.16 K and at eight temperatures in the range between 236 K and 430 K. These results determine the difference (T  −  T 90) between the thermodynamic temperature T and its approximation T 90 by the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The uncertainty of our measurements of (T  −  T 90) spans between a minimum of 0.25 mK near 247 K and a maximum of 0.89 mK at the freezing point of indium (429.75 K) with comparable contributions from the uncertainty of our acoustic determination of T and from the uncertainty of our laboratory realization of ITS-90. On the overlapping temperature ranges these results are consistent with other recent acoustic determinations of (T  −  T 90). We also present evidence that (T  −  T 90) can be determined with comparably small uncertainties by the alternative, time-saving procedure of measuring the speed-of-sound in helium using only a single, judiciously-chosen, pressure on each isotherm

    Characterization of a New Zinc Fixed-Point Cell for ITS-90 Realization

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    A new zinc fixed-point cell for the dissemination of International Temperature Scale (ITS-90) was realized at the Italian National Metrological Institute (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica, INRiM). This paper presents the results of its characterization, including fabrication details. In particular, immersion effects and influences of impurities on the freezing point of zinc were studied. The new open-type cell was prepared using a high purity sample, chemically analyzed, and the depression of the fixed-point temperature was calculated using the method of Sum of Individual Estimates (SIE). The new cell presents a smaller freezing point depression compared with the national reference for which the Overall Maximum Estimate (OME) method was applied. This behavior was confirmed also by the direct comparison of the two cells. These results provide confidence on the agreement between the experimental comparison and the SIE/OME evaluation. Finally, the improvement of the new zinc cell is reflected also in a lower uncertainty budget for the fixed-point realization

    A determination of the molar gas constant R by acoustic thermometry in helium

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    We have determined the acoustic and microwave frequencies of a misaligned spherical resonator maintained near the temperature of the triple point of water and filled with helium with carefully characterized molar mass M = (4.002 6032 ± 0.000 0015) g mol-1, with a relative standard uncertainty ur(M) = 0.37×10-6. From these data and traceable thermometry we estimate the speed of sound in our sample of helium at TTPW = 273.16 K and zero pressure to be u0 2 = (945 710.45 ± 0.85) m2 s-2 and correspondingly deduce the value R = (8.314 4743 ± 0.000 0088) J mol-1 K-1 for the molar gas constant. We estimate the value k = R/NA = (1.380 6508 ± 0.000 0015) × 10-23 J K-1 for the Boltzmann constant using the currently accepted value of the Avogadro constant NA. These estimates of R and k, with a relative standard uncertainty of 1.06 × 10-6, are 1.47 parts in 106 above the values recommended by CODATA in 2010

    Calcineurin controls expression of EAAT1/GLAST in mouse and human cultured astrocytes through dynamic regulation of protein synthesis and degradation

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    Alterations in the expression of glutamate/aspartate transporter (GLAST) have been associated with several neuropathological conditions including Alzheimer\u2019s disease and epilepsy. However, the mechanisms by which GLAST expression is altered are poorly understood. Here we used a combination of pharmacological and genetic approaches coupled with quantitative PCR and Western blot to investigate the mechanism of the regulation of GLAST expression by a Ca2+ /calmodulin-activated phosphatase calcineurin (CaN). We show that treatment of cultured hippocampal mouse and fetal human astrocytes with a CaN inhibitor FK506 resulted in a dynamic modulation of GLAST protein expression, being downregulated after 24\u201348 h, but upregulated after 7 days of continuous FK506 (200 nM) treatment. Protein synthesis, as assessed by puromycin incorporation in neo-synthesized polypeptides, was inhibited already after 1 h of FK506 treatment, while the use of a proteasome inhibitor MG132 (1 \ub5M) shows that GLAST protein degradation was only suppressed after 7 days of FK506 treatment. In astrocytes with constitutive genetic ablation of CaN both protein synthesis and degradation were significantly inhibited. Taken together, our data suggest that, in cultured astrocytes, CaN controls GLAST expression at a posttranscriptional level through regulation of GLAST protein synthesis and degradation

    Phase Stability and Fast Ion Conductivity in the Hexagonal LiBH4-LiBr-LiCl Solid Solution

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    This study shows a flexible system that offers promising candidates for Li-based solid-state electrolytes. The Br− substitution for BH4 − stabilizes the hexagonal structure of LiBH4 at room temperature (RT), whereas Cl− is soluble only at higher temperatures. Incorporation of chloride in a hexagonal solid solution leads to an increase in the energy density of the system. For the first time, a stable hexagonal solid solution of LiBH4 containing both Cl− and Br-halide anions has been obtained at RT. The LiBH4−LiBr−LiCl ternary phase diagram has been determined at RT by X-ray diffraction coupled with a Rietveld refinement. A solubility of up to 30% of Cl− in the solid solution has been established. The effect of halogenation on the Li-ion conductivity and electrochemical stability has been investigated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry. Considering the ternary samples, h-Li(BH4)0.7(Br)0.2(Cl)0.1 composition showed the highest value for conductivity (1.3 × 10−5 S/cm at 30 °C), which is about 3 orders of magnitude higher than that for pure LiBH4 in the orthorhombic structure. The values of Li-ion conductivity at RT depend only on the BH4 − content in the solid solution, suggesting that the Br/Cl ratio does not affect the defect formation energy in the structure. Chloride anion substitution in the hexagonal structure increases the activation energy, moving from about 0.45 eV for samples without Cl− ions in the structure up to about 0.63 eV for h-Li(BH4)0.6(Br)0.2(Cl)0.2 compositions, according to the Meyer−Neldel rule. In addition to increasing Li-ion conductivity, the halogenation also increases the thermal stability of the system. Unlike for the Liion conductivity, the Br/Cl ratio influences the electrochemical stability: a wide oxidative window of 4.04 V versus Li+/Li is reached in the Li−Br system while further addition of Cl is a trade-off between oxidative stability and weight reduction. The halogenation allows both binary and ternary systems operating below 120 °C, thus suggesting possible applications of these fast ion conductors as solid-state electrolytes in Li-ion batteries

    Estudio de la calidad psicométrica de una escala breve para evaluar la personalidad

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    El estudio de la personalidad se encuentra entre los tópicos más desarrollados e investigados de la ciencia psicológica, reflejando una continua evolución dentro del pensamiento psicológico a lo largo del siglo XX (Carver, Scheier, 1997). No obstante, si bien en los últimos años se han incrementado considerablemente los estudios sobre la evaluación de la personalidad, son menos frecuentes las investigaciones sobre la calidad técnica de los instrumentos utilizados (Bausela Herreras, 2005; Peñaranda Ortega, Quiñones Vidal, García Quiñones, 2005; Sánchez, 2007). Esta investigación tuvo por objetivo general realizar un estudio psicométrico de la calidad del Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) (Gosling, Rentfrow y Swann, 2003), una escala breve desarrollada para evaluar la personalidad de acuerdo al modelo de los Cinco Grandes Factores, un intenso programa de investigación liderado por Robert McCrae y Paul Costa (Costa y McCrae, 1999; John y Srivastava, 1999; Sanz, Silva y Avia, 1999), que resulta de la confluencia de dos tradiciones psicológicas: las teorías de los rasgos y los modelos factoriales. Esta modelización postula la existencia de Cinco Factores de la personalidad considerados dimensiones con dos polos opuestos: Neuroticismo (y su polo opuesto Estabilidad Emocional), Extroversión (Introversión), Apertura a la Experiencia (Convencionalismo), Amabilidad (Oposicionismo) y Responsabilidad (Irresponsabilidad) (Costa y McCrae, 1999). Se analizaron la fiabilidad (consistencia interna y test-re-test), la validez convergente, y la aplicabilidad del instrumento como medida de evaluación de la personalidad en un contexto distinto al de su origen. Se postuló que el TIPI resultaría un instrumento psicométricamente adecuado para evaluar la personalidad en nuestro contexto como hipótesis de trabajo. La relevancia de este estudio instrumental responde a dos criterios: a) las consideraciones internacionales que realizan distintos autores sobre los requisitos metodológicos básicos para conducir investigaciones psicológicas en otros contextos, como por ejemplo los propios de América Latina, al recomendar que se evite la suposición falsa de que los instrumentos e ideas desarrollados en una cultura son igualmente válidos en otras, y sugerir que se tenga especial cuidado en diferenciar las particularidades de cada grupo cultural (componente émico) de los aspectos éticos aplicables a todas las culturas (Marín,1986); b) las Pautas Internacionales propuestas por la Internacional Test Comision, (ITI, 1999) para la utilización de los tests, que explicitan los distintos aspectos a tener en cuenta sobre el uso y construcción de los instrumentos de evaluación psicológica, entre los que se destaca la importancia de contar con estudios de validez y confiabilidad de las pruebas y se recomienda la elaboración de baremos actualizados y adaptados a cada región (ADEIP, 2000).Facultad de Psicologí

    Modelling Discharge Rates and Ground Settlement Induced by Tunnel Excavation

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    Interception of aquifers by tunnel excavation results in water inflow and leads to drawdown of the water table which may induce ground settlement. In this work, analytical and numerical models are presented which specifically address these groundwater related processes in tunnel excavation. These developed models are compared and their performance as predictive tools is evaluated. Firstly, the water inflow in deep tunnels is treated. It is shown that introducing a reduction factor accounting for the effect of effective stress on hydrodynamic parameters avoids overestimation. This effect can be considered in numerical models using effective stress-dependent parameters. Then, quantification of ground settlement is addressed by a transient analytical solution. These solutions are then successfully applied to the data obtained during the excavation of the La Praz exploratory tunnel in the Western Alps (France), validating their usefulness as predictive tools

    A review of the MSCA ITN ECOSTORE - Novel complex metal hydrides for efficient and compact storage of renewable energy as hydrogen and electricity

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    Hydrogen as an energy carrier is very versatile in energy storage applications. Developments in novel, sustainable technologies towards a CO2-free society are needed and the exploration of all-solid-state batteries (ASSBs) as well as solid-state hydrogen storage applications based on metal hydrides can provide solutions for such technologies. However, there are still many technical challenges for both hydrogen storage material and ASSBs related to designing low-cost materials with low-environmental impact. The current materials considered for all-solid-state batteries should have high conductivities for Na+, Mg2+ and Ca2+, while Al3+-based compounds are often marginalised due to the lack of suitable electrode and electrolyte materials. In hydrogen storage materials, the sluggish kinetic behaviour of solid-state hydride materials is one of the key constraints that limit their practical uses. Therefore, it is necessary to overcome the kinetic issues of hydride materials before discussing and considering them on the system level. This review summarizes the achievements of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) innovative training network (ITN) ECOSTORE, the aim of which was the investigation of different aspects of (complex) metal hydride materials. Advances in battery and hydrogen storage materials for the efficient and compact storage of renewable energy production are discussed

    Complex hydrides for energy storage

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    In the past decades, complex hydrides and complex hydrides-based materials have been thoroughly investigated as materials for energy storage, owing to their very high gravimetric and volumetric hydrogen capacities and interesting cation and hydrogen diffusion properties. Concerning hydrogen storage, the main limitations of this class of materials are the high working temperatures and pressures, the low hydrogen absorption and desorption rates and the poor cyclability. In the past years, research in this field has been focused on understanding the hydrogen release and uptake mechanism of the pristine and catalyzed materials and on the characterization of the thermodynamic aspects, in order to rationally choose the composition and the stoichiometry of the systems in terms of hydrogen active phases and catalysts/destabilizing agents. Moreover, new materials have been discovered and characterized in an attempt to find systems with properties suitable for practical on-board and stationary applications. A significant part of this rich and productive activity has been performed by the research groups led by the Experts of the International Energy Agreement Task 32, often in collaborative research projects. The most recent findings of these joint activities and other noteworthy recent results in the field are reported in this paper
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