271 research outputs found

    Migrations Magazine

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    Riots in Matonge and… the indifference of public authority?

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    peer reviewedTwenty years after the first 'North African' riots, in the winter of 2011-2012 Brussels was the scene of 'Congolese' demonstrations which some media and political officials qualified as riots. The idea that political conflicts of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) had been transposed to Belgium took hold, while the material damage, despite especially heavy riot suppression measures, seemed to have solidly entrenched the image of the violent demonstrator who only understood the language of the nightstick. Based on an ethnographic study of these demonstrations and research in Congolese communities over the past 10 years, the author takes another look at these two weeks of urban violence to ask, on the one hand whether these demonstrations could be actually qualified as riots, and on the other whether the differential treatment by the State compared to the North African riots may be the expression of a significant ethnicization of public policies.Vingt ans après les premières émeutes « maghrébines », Bruxelles a été durant l’hiver 2011-12, le théâtre de manifestations « congolaises » que certains médias et pouvoirs politiques qualifièrent d’émeutes. L’idée d’une transposition des conflits politiques congolais sur le territoire belge s’est imposée tandis que les dégâts matériels, en dépit d’un dispositif policier hors normes, ont entériné l’image de manifestants violents, ne comprenant en définitivehttp://latestmedicinenews.com/ que le langage de la matraque. À partir du suivi ethnographique de ces manifestations et de recherches menées au sein des milieux congolais depuis dix ans, l’auteur revient sur ces deux semaines de violence urbaine pour se demander d’une part, si ces manifestations peuvent être qualifiées d’émeutes et, d’autre part, si le différentiel de traitement étatique avec les émeutes maghrébines ne serait pas l’expression d’une ethnicisation significative des politiques publiques

    Parental Perceptions of School Climate and Middle School Students\u27 Performance

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    This research study explored the relationship between parental perceptions of school climate and middle school students\u27 academic and social success. In particular, this study investigated what specific school climate factors may have the greatest impact on students\u27 academic achievement, disciplinary referrals, and school attendance

    La recomposition de l’ordre des hiérarchies par le pentecôtisme congolais (République démocratique du Congo) à travers l’évangélisation des autochtones (France et Belgique)

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    Depuis le début des années quatre-vingt, la France et la Belgique ont vu émerger sur leur territoire des églises congolaises (RDC) d’obédience pentecôtiste et évangélique, qui mobilisent de façon spectaculaire ces collectifs en migration. Sur les quelques centaines de pasteurs congolais aujourd’hui actifs dans l’expansion de ce réveil religieux, quelques uns seulement ont voyagé vers l’Europe avec un visa missionnaire. La majorité par les divers circuits de la migration. Si tous n’étaient pas « Pasteur » au départ de la migration, la plupart d’entre eux se sont en revanche confrontés, et se confrontent, à un traitement social différencié, officiel comme officieux, en raison de leur origine. Cette expérience préside à une recomposition du discours religieux sur laquelle je vais insister à partir d’un angle particulier qui est celui de l’évangélisation des autochtones, et d’une catégorie minoritaire de pasteurs officiant dans des églises « blanches ». Nous verrons que la « culture biblique » est mobilisée comme refus d’un enfermement dans une ethnicité perçue comme assignation à l’altérité.Since the 1980s, Congolese Pentecostal and Evangelical churches emerged in France and in Belgium, mobilizing migrant populations from Congo (DRC) in a spectacular way. Among the few hundreds of Congolese pastors currently active in the spread of this religious revival, only a small number actually travelled to Europe with a missionary visa while the majority experienced diverse other forms of migration. All of them may not have been “pastors” at the outset of migration, yet most of them were confronted to social discrimination, official or not, because of their origins. I will show that such experience strongly reorganizes the religious speech, focusing on the evangelization of autochthons and on the minority group of pastors who officiate in “white” churches. I will also insist on the uses of “biblical culture” to refuse ethnical categorization mostly perceived as a way to stigmatize otherness

    Identification of Histone H4-Based Peptoids as Inhibitors of PRMT1

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    Protein Arginine Methyltransferases (PRMTs) are a family of 11 mammalian enzymes characterized by the post-translational methylation of arginine residues in the histone tail. The majority of the 11 members of the PRMT family are divided into two main types, Type I and Type II. PRMT1, the major Type I isozyme, catalyzes the formation of asymmetrically dimethylated arginine (ADMA). PRMT1 activates transcription of cancer genes. Peptoids, or poly-N-substituted glycine’s are a class of oligomers whose side chains are appended to the nitrogen atom of the peptide backbone rather than the alpha carbon. Kinetic parameters were conducted for both peptide and peptoid sequences. The Kcat/Km and IC50 values determined that peptoids show inhibition activity. The specificity and location of these interactions are currently being determined by altering the residues of a known peptoid sequence that has these interactions

    Discrimibrux - Discriminatie door vastgoedmakelaars op de private huurwoningmarkt van het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest

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    Deze studie onderzoekt het voorkomen van discriminatie door vastgoedmakelaars op de private huurmarkt in het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest door middel van praktijktesten en mystery shopping. Discriminatie verwijst in deze studie naar de nadelige en niet te rechtvaardigen behandeling van kandidaat-huurders omwille hun etnische afkomst, leeftijd, mentale of fysieke handicap, inkomensbron, gezinssamenstelling en gender. Deze discriminatiestudie is vrij uniek in Europa omwille van haar grootschaligheid op het vlak van het aantal uitgevoerde praktijktesten en mystery calls en het aantal onderzochte discriminatiegronden

    PrP(Sc)-specific antibodies with the ability to immunodetect prion oligomers.

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    The development of antibodies with binding capacity towards soluble oligomeric forms of PrPSc recognised in the aggregation process in early stage of the disease would be of paramount importance in diagnosing prion diseases before extensive neuropathology has ensued. As blood transfusion appears to be efficient in the transmission of the infectious prion agent, there is an urgent need to develop reagents that would specifically recognize oligomeric forms of the abnormally folded prion protein, PrPSc.To that end, we show that anti-PrP monoclonal antibodies (called PRIOC mAbs) derived from mice immunised with native PrP-coated microbeads are able to immunodetect oligomers/multimers of PrPSc. Oligomer-specific immunoreactivity displayed by these PRIOC mAbs was demonstrated as large aggregates of immunoreactive deposits in prion-permissive neuroblastoma cell lines but not in equivalent non-infected or prn-p(0/0) cell lines. In contrast, an anti-monomer PrP antibody displayed diffuse immunoreactivity restricted to the cell membrane. Furthermore, our PRIOC mAbs did not display any binding with monomeric recombinant and cellular prion proteins but strongly detected PrPSc oligomers as shown by a newly developed sensitive and specific ELISA. Finally, PrioC antibodies were also able to bind soluble oligomers formed of Aβ and α-synuclein. These findings demonstrate the potential use of anti-prion antibodies that bind PrPSc oligomers, recognised in early stage of the disease, for the diagnosis of prion diseases in blood and other body fluids
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