181 research outputs found

    The rate of water vapor evaporation from ice substrates in the presence of HCl and HBr: implications for the lifetime of atmospheric ice particles

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    International audienceUsing a multidiagnostic approach the rate Rev [ molec cm-3 s-1] or flux Jev [ molec cm-2 s-1] of evaporation of H2O and its corresponding rate constant for condensation, kcond [s-1 ], on a 1 µm thick ice film have been studied in the temperature range 190 to 240 K as well as in the presence of small amounts of HCl and HBr that left the vapor pressure of H2O on ice unchanged. The resulting Arrhenius expressions for pure ice are Jev = 1.6 · 10 28 ± 1 · exp (- 10.3 ± 1.2/ RT) [ molec cm-2 s-1] , kcond = 1.7 · 10 - 2 ± 1 · exp (+ 1.6 ± 1.5/ RT ) [s -1], in the presence of a HCl mole fraction in the range 3.2 · 10 - 5 - 6.4 · 10 - 3 : Jev = 6.4 · 10 26 ± 1 · exp (- 9.7 ± 1.2/ RT) [ molec cm-2 s-1] , kcond = 2.8 · 10 - 2 ± 1 · exp ( + 1.5 ± 1.6 /RT) [s -1], and a HBr mole fraction smaller than 6.4 · 10 - 3 : Jev = 7.4 · 10 25 ± 1 · exp ( - 9.1 ± 1.2 /RT) [ molec cm-2 s-1] , kcond = 7.1 · 10 - 5 ± 1 · exp (+ 2.6 ± 1.5/ RT) [s -1]. The small negative activation energy for H2O condensation on ice points to a precursor mechanism. The corresponding enthalpy of sublimation is DHsubl = Eev - Econd = 11.9 ± 2.7 kcal mol-1 , DHsubl = 11.2 ± 2.8 kcal mol-1, and DHsubl = 11.7 ± 2.8 kcal mol-1 whose values are identical within experimental uncertainty to the accepted literature value of 12.3 kcal mol-1 . Interferometric data at 633 nm and FTIR absorption spectra in transmission support the kinetic results. The data are consistent with a significant lifetime enhancement for HCl- and HBr-contaminated ice particles by a factor of 3?6 and 10?20, respectively, for submonolayer coverages of HX once the fraction of the ice not contaminated by HX has evaporated

    Adolescente em conflito com a lei e sua noção de regras no jogo de futsal

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    Adolescentes com trajetória de vida alicerçada na falta de valores éticos e morais estão mais vulneráveis à prática de atos infracionais. Caso isso ocorra, o Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente prevê sua inserção em medidas socioeducativas. Nossa pesquisa tem por objetivo identificar a fase do desenvolvimento moral de adolescentes em conflito com a lei. Para tanto, estudamos 30 adolescentes, entre 15 a 18 anos, do gênero masculino, inseridos em Centro de atendimento socioeducativo. Os dados foram coletados por meio de observação do jogo de futsal, que não contou com a figura do juiz e entrevista estruturada, seguindo-se as linhas gerais do Método Clínico de Piaget (1994). A categorização dos dados coletados confirmou nossa hipótese - de que esses adolescentes, ainda, se encontram com características de uma moral heteronõmica, verificadas pelas diferenças entre a consciência e a prática de regras na situação de jogo. Apesar de conhecerem as regras, durante a partida, somente as respeitam para obterem benefícios, como: não cobrar a falta, enganar o adversário ou, simplesmente, ganhar a partida. Presumimos que somente as respeitariam, caso houvesse a figura de autoridade (juiz), porque esta iria lhes impor punições e privações. Acreditamos, portanto, que os resultados deste estudo possam tornar-se parâmetros para educadores criarem situações propícias, tanto preventivas como interventivas, para o desenvolvimento sociomoral, minimizando, assim, sofrimentos e oportunizando a formação de cidadãos com maior senso ético e moral, capazes de optarem pelo caminho da solidariedade, da cooperação e da justiçaAdolescents with a course of life based on the lack of ethical and moral values are more vulnerable to the practice of infractions, and in this case the statute of the child and adolescent assumes their insertion on socio educative measures. The objective of this research is to identify the moral development phase in adolescents who are in conflict with the law. Thirty male adolescents between fifteen and eighteen years old, who are inserted on the socio educative care Center, were studied. Data were collected through futsal game observation, without the presence of a referee and structured interview, according to the general lines of the Clinical Method of Piaget (1994). The arrangement of the collected data confirmed our hypothesis - these adolescents are still with the characteristics of a heteronomical moral, confirmed by the differences between conscience and the practice of rules in a game situation. Although they know the rules, these are only respected in order to get some benefits, like not charging foul, deceive the opponent or simply win the match. It is presumed that the rules would only be respected in the presence of an authority (referee), because he would impose punishments and privations. However, it is believed that the results of this study may become a parameter to educators in order to create favorable situations which can be preventive and interventive to the socio moral development, minimizing suffering and seizing opportunities to the formation of citizens with higher ethical and moral standards, who are able to choose the way to the solidarity, cooperation and justic

    Artificial pancreas systems for people with type 2 diabetes: Conception and design of the european CLOSE project

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    In the last 10 years tremendous progress has been made in the development of artificial pancreas (AP) systems for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). The pan-European consortium CLOSE (Automated Glucose Control at Home for People with Chronic Disease) is aiming to develop integrated AP solutions (APplus) tailored to the needs of people with type 2 diabetes (T2D). APplus comprises a product and service package complementing the AP system by obligatory training as well as home visits and telemedical consultations on demand. Outcome predictors and performance indicators shall help to identify people who could benefit most from AP usage and facilitate the measurement of AP impact in diabetes care. In a first step CLOSE will establish a scalable APplus model case working at the interface between patients, homecare service providers, and payers in France. CLOSE will then scale up APplus by pursuing geographic distribution, targeting additional audiences, and enhancing AP functionalities and interconnectedness. By being part of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) Health public-private partnership, CLOSE is committed to the EIT “knowledge triangle” pursuing the integrated advancement of technology, education, and business creation. Putting stakeholders, education, and impact into the center of APplus advancement is considered key for achieving wide AP use in T2D care

    Pathogenesis, diagnosis and management of pneumorrhachis

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    Pneumorrhachis (PR), the presence of intraspinal air, is an exceptional but eminent radiographic finding, accompanied by different aetiologies and possible pathways of air entry into the spinal canal. By reviewing the literature and analysing a personal case of traumatic cervical PR after head injury, we present current data regarding the pathoanatomy, clinical and radiological presentation, diagnosis and differential diagnosis and treatment modalities of patients with PR and associated pathologies to highlight this uncommon phenomenon and outline aetiology-based guidelines for the practical management of PR. Air within the spinal canal can be divided into primary and secondary PR, descriptively classified into extra- or intradural PR and aetiologically subsumed into iatrogenic, traumatic and nontraumatic PR. Intraspinal air is usually found isolated not only in the cervical, thoracic and, less frequently, the lumbosacral regions but can also be located in the entire spinal canal. PR is almost exceptional associated with further air distributions in the body. The pathogenesis and aetiologies of PR are multifold and can be a diagnostic challenge. The diagnostic procedure should include spinal CT, the imaging tool of choice. PR has to be differentiated from free intraspinal gas collections and the coexistence of air and gas within the spinal canal has to be considered differential diagnostically. PR usually represents an asymptomatic epiphenomenon but can also be symptomatic by itself as well as by its underlying pathology. The latter, although often severe, might be concealed and has to be examined carefully to enable adequate patient treatment. The management of PR has to be individualized and frequently requires a multidisciplinary regime

    Contributions from the Philosophy of Science to the Education of Science Teachers

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