21 research outputs found

    First determination of the incidence of the unique TOR1A gene mutation, c.907delGAG, in a Mediterranean population.

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    The c.907delGAG mutation in the TOR1A gene (also named DYT1) is the most common cause of early-onset primary dystonia. The mutation frequency and prevalence have so far been only estimated from rare clinical epidemiological reports in some populations. The purpose of this study was to investigate the incidence at birth of the c.907delGAG mutation in a French-representative mixed population of newborn from South-Eastern France. We applied an automated high-throughput genotyping method to dried blood spot samples from 12,000 newborns registered in H?ult between 2004 and 2005. Only one allele was found to carry the mutation, which allows to determine its incidence at birth as 1/12,000 per year in this area. (c) 2007 Movement Disorder Society

    Adult pancreatic islet endocrine cells emerge as fetal hormone-expressing cells

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    The precise developmental dynamics of the pancreatic islet endocrine cell types, and their interrelation, are unknown. Some authors claim the persistence of islet cell differentiation from precursor cells after birth (“neogenesis”). Here, using four conditional cell lineage tracing (“pulse-and-chase”) murine models, we describe the natural history of pancreatic islet cells, once they express a hormone gene, until late in life. Concerning the contribution of early-appearing embryonic hormone-expressing cells to the formation of islets, we report that adult islet cells emerge from embryonic hormone-expressing cells arising at different time points during development, without any evidence of postnatal neogenesis. We observe specific patterns of hormone gene activation and switching during islet morphogenesis, revealing that, within each cell type, cells have heterogeneous developmental trajectories. This likely applies to most maturating cells in the body, and explains the observed phenotypic variability within differentiated cell types. Such knowledge should help devising novel regenerative therapies

    Comprehensive oligonucleotide array-comparative genomic hybridization analysis: new insights into the molecular pathology of the DMD gene

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    International audienceWe report on the effectiveness of a custom-designed oligonucleotide-based comparative genomic hybridization microarray (array-CGH) to interrogate copy number across the entire 2.2-Mb genomic region of the DMD gene and its applicability in diagnosis. The high-resolution array-CGH, we developed, successfully detected a series of 42 previously characterized large rearrangements of various size, localization and type (simple or complex deletions, duplications, triplications) and known intronic CNVs/Indels. Moreover, the technique succeeded in identifying a small duplication of only 191 bp in one patient previously negative for DMD mutation. Accurate intronic breakpoints localization by the technique enabled subsequent junction fragments identification by sequencing in 86% of cases (all deletion cases and 62.5% of duplication cases). Sequence examination of the junctions supports a role of microhomology-mediated processes in the occurrence of DMD large rearrangements. In addition, the precise knowledge of the sequence context at the breakpoints and analysis of the resulting consequences on maturation of pre-mRNA contribute to elucidating the cause of discrepancies in phenotype/genotype correlations in some patients. Thereby, the array-CGH proved to be a highly efficient and reliable diagnostic tool, and the new data it provides will have many potential implications in both, clinics and research

    Diabetes recovery by age-dependent conversion of pancreatic δ-cells into insulin producers

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    Total or near-total loss of insulin-producing β-cells occurs in type 1 diabetes. Restoration of insulin production in type 1 diabetes is thus a major medical challenge. We previously observed in mice in which β-cells are completely ablated that the pancreas reconstitutes new insulin-producing cells in the absence of autoimmunity. The process involves the contribution of islet non-β-cells; specifically, glucagon-producing α-cells begin producing insulin by a process of reprogramming (transdifferentiation) without proliferation. Here we show the influence of age on β-cell reconstitution from heterologous islet cells after near-total β-cell loss in mice. We found that senescence does not alter α-cell plasticity: α-cells can reprogram to produce insulin from puberty through to adulthood, and also in aged individuals, even a long time after β-cell loss. In contrast, before puberty there is no detectable α-cell conversion, although β-cell reconstitution after injury is more efficient, always leading to diabetes recovery. This process occurs through a newly discovered mechanism: the spontaneous en masse reprogramming of somatostatin-producing δ-cells. The juveniles display 'somatostatin-to-insulin' δ-cell conversion, involving dedifferentiation, proliferation and re-expression of islet developmental regulators. This juvenile adaptability relies, at least in part, upon the combined action of FoxO1 and downstream effectors. Restoration of insulin producing-cells from non-β-cell origins is thus enabled throughout life via δ- or α-cell spontaneous reprogramming. A landscape with multiple intra-islet cell interconversion events is emerging, offering new perspectives for therapy

    A mutation of spastin is responsible for swellings and impairment of transport in a region of axon characterized by changes in microtubule composition.

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    International audienceMutations of the spastin gene (Sp) are responsible for the most frequent autosomal dominant form of spastic paraplegia, a disease characterized by the degeneration of corticospinal tracts. We show that a deletion in the mouse Sp gene, generating a premature stop codon, is responsible for progressive axonal degeneration, restricted to the central nervous system, leading to a late and mild motor defect. The degenerative process is characterized by focal axonal swellings, associated with abnormal accumulation of organelles and cytoskeletal components. In culture, mutant cortical neurons showed normal viability and neurite density. However, they develop neurite swellings associated with focal impairment of retrograde transport. These defects occur near the growth cone, in a region characterized by the transition between stable microtubules rich in detyrosinated alpha-tubulin and dynamic microtubules composed almost exclusively of tyrosinated alpha-tubulin. Here, we show that the Sp mutation has a major impact on neurite maintenance and transport both in vivo and in vitro. These results highlight the link between spastin and microtubule dynamics in axons, but not in other neuronal compartments. In addition, it is the first description of a human neurodegenerative disease which involves this specialized region of the axon

    Littérature comparée et correspondance des arts

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    « Dans l’évolution la plus récente, les frontières entre les genres artistiques fluent les unes dans les autres, ou plus précisément : leurs lignes de démarcation s’effrangent. » Dans la lignée de cette réflexion d’Adorno, la notion de correspondance des arts et la notion de correspondance entre la littérature et les arts, héritières du romantisme allemand, gagnent à être explorées par la littérature comparée de façon neuve. Il revient à la littérature comparée, placée sous le signe de l’interdisciplinarité et du décloisonnement, d’être un précipité de questions pour une nouvelle poétique des arts. Les interrogations soumises au travail collectif sont nombreuses : Quelle est l’origine de l’intensification croissante de la correspondance entre la littérature et les arts ? En quoi la correspondance des arts pose-t-elle la question des limites du langage et engage-t-elle une redéfinition de la légitimité et de la fonction de la littérature et des arts ? Comment un art, un artiste ou une œuvre artistique sont-ils pris en charge par la littérature de plusieurs pays qui se ressourcent à leur contact ? Le but de la correspondance des arts est-il seulement esthétique ou aussi éthique ? Ce volume se compose de quatre sections qui mettent en correspondance la littérature comparée avec les différents domaines artistiques : la musique, pour la première partie ; les arts visuels pour la deuxième et la troisième partie (peinture, sculpture, puis danse, photographie et cinéma) ; et enfin, pour la quatrième partie, ce que l’on peut appeler, à la suite des romantiques allemands, « la ronde des arts »