38 research outputs found
Mnémonique et poétique : La figure et son lieu dans la peinture des Tre-Quattrocento
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Intermittent pneumatic compression to prevent venous thromboembolism in patients with high risk of bleeding hospitalized in intensive care units: the CIREA1 randomized trial.
International audiencePURPOSE: Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a frequent and serious problem in intensive care units (ICU). Anticoagulant treatments have demonstrated their efficacy in preventing VTE. However, when the bleeding risk is high, they are contraindicated, and mechanical devices are recommended. To date, mechanical prophylaxis has not been rigorously evaluated in any trials in ICU patients. METHODS: In this multicenter, open-label, randomized trial with blinded evaluation of endpoints, we randomly assigned 407 patients with a high risk of bleeding to receive intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC) associated with graduated compression stockings (GCS) or GCS alone for 6 days during their ICU stay. The primary endpoint was the occurrence of a VTE between days 1 and 6, including nonfatal symptomatic documented VTE, or death due to a pulmonary embolism, or asymptomatic deep vein thrombosis detected by ultrasonography systematically performed on day 6. RESULTS: The primary outcome was assessed in 363 patients (89.2 %). By day 6, the incidence of the primary outcome was 5.6 % (10 of 179 patients) in the IPC + GCS group and 9.2 % (17 of 184 patients) in the GCS group (relative risk 0.60; 95 % confidence interval 0.28-1.28; p = 0.19). Tolerance of IPC was poor in only 12 patients (6.0 %). No intergroup difference in mortality rate was observed. CONCLUSIONS: With the limitation of a low statistical power, our results do not support the superiority of the combination of IPC + GCS compared to GCS alone to prevent VTE in ICU patients at high risk of bleeding
CHRONOVAC VOYAGEUR: A study of the immune response to yellow fever vaccine among infants previously immunized against measles
International audienc
Mutational Profile and Dynamics of PPM1D -Mutant Clones in the Spectrum of Myeloid Disorders
International audienceIntroduction Mutations in PPM1D a regulator of DNA damage response, are enriched in patients with clonal hematopoiesis (CH) exposed to cytotoxic treatment or with therapy-related myeloid neoplasm. However, their role in leukemic transformation is unclear. Here, we describe a large cohort of patients with PPM1D mutations from CH to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) to understand the molecular landscape of mutant PPM1D related disease and the longitudinal dynamics of CH under treatment. Methods We included, in a non-sequential cohort, 96 PPM1D mutated patients treated at Gustave Roussy with CH, clonal cytopenia of unknown significance (CCUS), myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS), myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) or AML. A 77 gene panel NGS analysis was performed. An additional 16 PPM1D mutated AML patients from ALFA trials (1200, 0701,0702) were included. 10 patients with ovarian cancer from this cohort had sequential blood samples (OvBIOMark trial) available prior to hematologic evaluation, from the diagnosis or first relapse of their cancer through the course of therapy. Those samples were analyzed with a UMI based 18 gene panel (HaloplexHS, Agilent). Overall survival (OS) analyses were performed with the Kaplan-Meier method from the time of diagnosis until death from any cause. Results Among the 112 patients with PPM1D mutations, 23 (21%) had CH, 36 (32%) CCUS, 19 (17%) MDS, 25 (22%) AML (including 4 relapses), and 9 (8%) MPN. Median age was 65 [range, 21-88] years with 67% of females. Only 18% of the patients had no previous cancer history. Most frequent primary cancers were gynecological cancer (27%), lymphoid malignancies (22%), and breast cancer (17%). Median time between primary cancer diagnosis and hematologic assessment was 5.3 [range, 1.2-8.5] years. Eighty six percent of patients had one PPM1D mutation, 9% had 2, and 5% had 3 or more (restricted to CH and CCUS). Median variant allele frequency (VAF) was 3% [0.2-38], 3% [1-31], 2.4% [1-41], 23% [1-50], and 4% [1-42] in CH, CCUS, MDS, AML and MPN, respectively. Among CH/CCUS patients, PPM1D was the sole detected somatic mutation in 39% (23/59), compared to 9% (5/53) in MDS/AML/MPN patients (odds ratio=6, p=0.0004); 3/5 of the latter had complex karyotype. The most frequently co-mutated genes were DNMT3A (29%) and TP53 (25%), uniformly across all conditions ( Fig 1A). MDS-related gene mutations, RUNX1 (7%), ASXL1 (4%), SF3B1 (4%), SRSF2 (4%), U2AF1 (4%), were specific to AML/MDS/MPN. Among 28 patients with both PPM1D and TP53 mutations, PPM1D mutations were dominant or co-dominant in 64% (18/28), and secondary in 36% (10/28). IPSS-M risk of evaluable MDS was high/very high in 54% (7/13) of patients. ELN 2022 classification of AML was adverse in 68% (17/25) of patients. AML treatment options included best supportive care for 8% of patients (2), 5-Azacytidine for 32% (8), intensive chemotherapy for 60% (15). With a median follow up of 2.4 years, the median OS was 4.6 (CI95%; 4.1-NA), 1.31 (CI95%; 0.53-NA), 1.27 (0.43-NA), 0.66 (CI95%; 0.42-1.26) and 20.4 (CI95%; 20.4-NA) years for CH, CCUS, MDS, AML and MPN, respectively. TP53 mutation status did not stratify OS. Four ovarian cancer patients with CH/CCUS transformed to MDS/AML with a median of 5.3 [1-12] years. At transformation, 3/4 had a stable PPM1D mutation, 1/4 an increase in PPM1D VAF (2 to 28%), and 3/4 had TP53 mutations before and at transformation. We analyzed 67 timepoints from 10 ovarian cancer patients during therapy (median 7 per patient). 10/10 received alkylating agents and 5/10 PARPi. The median number of mutations per patient was 4 and 6 at baseline and last follow-up, respectively. PPM1D-mutated clone size increased from 0.4% [0.1-3] at baseline to 7% [2-30] at last follow-up. Beyond clonal expansion, PPM1D VAF dynamics showed non-linear changes related to alkylating agents exposure: 2/10 patients had a continuous expansion, 2/10 had expansion then contraction (GR-1/3, Fig 1B), and 6/10 had expansion then stabilization (GR-2, Fig 1B). Conclusion We described a large cohort of PPM1D mutated patients from CH to AML. Their prognosis was poor independently of TP53 mutation at AML/MDS stage. PPM1D mutations were frequently part of the dominant clone. To confirm the clonal architecture, single cell sequencing analysis in 8 AML/MDS patients are ongoing. Trajectory of PPM1D mutations in ovarian cancer patients revealed a non-linear alkylating agent dependency which warrants further investigation
Apport de l'outil Atelier Moodle pour apprendre à rédiger un compte rendu de travaux pratiques en biologie
International audienceChaque annĂ©e 900 Ă 1000 Ă©tudiants sont inscrits dans le portail MONOD de lâUE Biologie IntĂ©grative des organismes. Le dĂ©partement Biologie-Ecologie a fait le choix de favoriser lâenseignement pratique pour favoriser lâapprentissage. Cette UE de 5 ECTS compte donc 30h de TP, 10.5h de TD pour 9h de CM. Lâenjeu de cette UE est de sensibiliser les Ă©tudiants Ă toutes les facettes de la biologie tout en leur faisant acquĂ©rir, par la pratique, un certain nombre dâapprentissage basiques spĂ©cifiques Ă la biologie (reconnaitre et classer les organismes avec les mĂ©thodes dĂ©diĂ©esâŠ) et des compĂ©tences plus transversales : rĂ©diger un compte-rendu dâobservation, faire un diagramme de manipulation tout en respectant un horaire. Le premier verrou est donc de faire acquĂ©rir de nombreuses compĂ©tences Ă diffĂ©rents niveaux et dans le mĂȘme temps. Ă cela sâajoute le nombre et la diversitĂ© des profils Ă©tudiants mais aussi le nombre et la diversitĂ© des profils enseignants.Savoir rĂ©diger un compte-rendu dâobservation et dâexpĂ©rimentation est une compĂ©tence essentielle pour un scientifique et suit la logique de rĂ©daction dâune publication. Lâobjectif de notre Ă©tude a donc Ă©tĂ© dâoptimiser cet apprentissage et de pallier le manque dâuniformitĂ© Ă la fois sur la forme et le dĂ©lai de rendu des corrections des comptes rendus. De plus, les corrections des enseignants sont souvent incomprises et mal vĂ©cues. LâautoĂ©valuation et lâĂ©valuation par les pairs semblent des mĂ©thodes qui permettent aux Ă©tudiants de mieux comprendre les attendus. Dans lâautoĂ©valuation, lâĂ©tudiant est face Ă lui-mĂȘme et nâa pas Ă craindre de lâimage quâil renvoie. LâĂ©valuation par les pairs permet une relation apprenant-apprenant. On nâest pas dans un rapport hiĂ©rarchique. Par contre, la crainte du regard de lâautre peut-ĂȘtre un biais. Lâanonymat est une solution pour pallier ce biais. Utiliser cette mĂ©thode via une interface informatique de type Moodle permet la mise en place dâune uniformisation plus contrĂŽlĂ©e, et un paramĂ©trage facilitĂ© de la rĂ©partition, de lâanonymat et de la notation. Elle nĂ©cessite en prĂ©alable une bonne pratique des outils de bureautique par les Ă©tudiants. Notre objectif a donc Ă©tĂ© dâutiliser la plateforme Moodle pour utiliser lâoutil atelier Ă la fois pour lâautoĂ©valuation des 2 premiers TP et lâĂ©valuation par les pairs du TP3, suivi dâune Ă©valuation classique par lâenseignant pour le TP4. Nous avons bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© pour cela dâun soutien de la FacultĂ© des Sciences de lâuniversitĂ© de Montpellier via lâappel Ă projet TICE 2016-2017.Nos rĂ©sultats concernent Ă la fois lâapprĂ©ciation des Ă©tudiants pour cet outil mais aussi le bilan sur lâĂ©volution des notes au cours de lâannĂ©e et en comparaison avec les promotions des annĂ©es prĂ©cĂ©dentes nâayant pas eu ce dispositif. Cet outil ne peut que perdurer sâil a lâadhĂ©sion Ă la fois des Ă©tudiants et des enseignants. Nos rĂ©sultats montrent que les Ă©tudiants sont majoritairement favorables Ă cet outil sâil est utilisĂ© tĂŽt dans lâapprentissage. Le retour des enseignants est plus hĂ©tĂ©rogĂšne notamment sur le fait dâintĂ©grer cette Ă©valuation dans la moyenne de lâUE. Nous commenterons aussi lâoutil, lâavantage et lâinconvĂ©nient des diffĂ©rents paramĂštres testĂ©s mais aussi le temps de gestion en regard de lâutilisation de cet outil. Enfin, nous proposerons des perspectives dâamĂ©lioration afin dâoptimiser son utilisation. En effet, la mise en place et la maintenance est assez lourde durant lâopĂ©ration. Une sensibilisation des enseignants et une formation Ă lâoutil permettrait de tirer tous les avantages de cet outil