2,780 research outputs found

    Focal plane wavefront sensor achromatization : The multireference self-coherent camera

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    High contrast imaging and spectroscopy provide unique constraints for exoplanet formation models as well as for planetary atmosphere models. But this can be challenging because of the planet-to-star small angular separation and high flux ratio. Recently, optimized instruments like SPHERE and GPI were installed on 8m-class telescopes. These will probe young gazeous exoplanets at large separations (~1au) but, because of uncalibrated aberrations that induce speckles in the coronagraphic images, they are not able to detect older and fainter planets. There are always aberrations that are slowly evolving in time. They create quasi-static speckles that cannot be calibrated a posteriori with sufficient accuracy. An active correction of these speckles is thus needed to reach very high contrast levels (>1e7). This requires a focal plane wavefront sensor. Our team proposed the SCC, the performance of which was demonstrated in the laboratory. As for all focal plane wavefront sensors, these are sensitive to chromatism and we propose an upgrade that mitigates the chromatism effects. First, we recall the principle of the SCC and we explain its limitations in polychromatic light. Then, we present and numerically study two upgrades to mitigate chromatism effects: the optical path difference method and the multireference self-coherent camera. Finally, we present laboratory tests of the latter solution. We demonstrate in the laboratory that the MRSCC camera can be used as a focal plane wavefront sensor in polychromatic light using an 80 nm bandwidth at 640 nm. We reach a performance that is close to the chromatic limitations of our bench: contrast of 4.5e-8 between 5 and 17 lambda/D. The performance of the MRSCC is promising for future high-contrast imaging instruments that aim to actively minimize the speckle intensity so as to detect and spectrally characterize faint old or light gaseous planets.Comment: 14 pages, 20 figure

    The Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey: 1.2mm Observations

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    We report 250 GHz (1.2 mm) observations of a sample of 20 QSOs at redshifts 5.8<z<6.5 from the the Canada-France High-z Quasar Survey (CFHQS), using the Max-Planck Millimeter Bolometer (MAMBO) array at the IRAM 30-metre telescope. A rms sensitivity <~ 0.6 mJy was achieved for 65% of the sample, and <~ 1.0 mJy for 90%. Only one QSO, CFHQS J142952+544717, was robustly detected with S_250GHz = 3.46 +/-0.52 mJy. This indicates that one of the most powerful known starbursts at z~6 is associated with this radio loud QSO. On average, the other CFHQS QSOs, which have a mean optical magnitude fainter than previously studied SDSS samples of z~6 QSOs, have a mean 1.2 mm flux density = 0.41 +/-0.14 mJy; such a 2.9-sigma average detection is hardly meaningful. It would correspond to ~ 0.94+/-0.32 10^12 Lo, and an average star formation rate of a few 100's Mo/yr, depending on the IMF and a possible AGN contribution to . This is consistent with previous findings of Wang et al. (2011) on the far-infrared emission of z~6 QSOs and extends them toward optically fainter sources.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, A&A in pres

    Extensions of tempered representations

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    Let π,π\pi, \pi' be irreducible tempered representations of an affine Hecke algebra H with positive parameters. We compute the higher extension groups ExtHn(π,π)Ext_H^n (\pi,\pi') explicitly in terms of the representations of analytic R-groups corresponding to π\pi and π\pi'. The result has immediate applications to the computation of the Euler-Poincar\'e pairing EP(π,π)EP(\pi,\pi'), the alternating sum of the dimensions of the Ext-groups. The resulting formula for EP(π,π)EP(\pi,\pi') is equal to Arthur's formula for the elliptic pairing of tempered characters in the setting of reductive p-adic groups. Our proof applies equally well to affine Hecke algebras and to reductive groups over non-archimedean local fields of arbitrary characteristic. This sheds new light on the formula of Arthur and gives a new proof of Kazhdan's orthogonality conjecture for the Euler-Poincar\'e pairing of admissible characters.Comment: This paper grew out of "A formula of Arthur and affine Hecke algebras" (arXiv:1011.0679). In the second version some minor points were improve

    Ultrafast Acousto-Plasmonics in Gold Nanoparticles Superlattice

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    We report the investigation of the generation and detection of GHz coherent acoustic phonons in plasmonic gold nanoparticles superlattices (NPS). The experiments have been performed from an optical femtosecond pump-probe scheme across the optical plasmon resonance of the superlattice. Our experiments allow to estimate the collective elastic response (sound velocity) of the NPS as well as an estimate of the nano-contact elastic stiffness. It appears that the light-induced coherent acoustic phonon pulse has a typical in-depth spatial extension of about 45 nm which is roughly 4 times the optical skin depth in gold. The modeling of the transient optical reflectivity indicates that the mechanism of phonon generation is achieved through ultrafast heating of the NPS assisted by light excitation of the volume plasmon. These results demonstrate how it is possible to map the photon-electron-phonon interaction in subwavelength nanostructures

    High resolution imaging of young M-type stars of the solar neighborhood: Probing the existence of companions down to the mass of Jupiter

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    Context. High contrast imaging is a powerful technique to search for gas giant planets and brown dwarfs orbiting at separation larger than several AU. Around solar-type stars, giant planets are expected to form by core accretion or by gravitational instability, but since core accretion is increasingly difficult as the primary star becomes lighter, gravitational instability would be the a probable formation scenario for yet-to-be-found distant giant planets around a low-mass star. A systematic survey for such planets around M dwarfs would therefore provide a direct test of the efficiency of gravitational instability. Aims. We search for gas giant planets orbiting around late-type stars and brown dwarfs of the solar neighborhood. Methods. We obtained deep high resolution images of 16 targets with the adaptive optic system of VLT-NACO in the Lp band, using direct imaging and angular differential imaging. This is currently the largest and deepest survey for Jupiter-mass planets around Mdwarfs. We developed and used an integrated reduction and analysis pipeline to reduce the images and derive our 2D detection limits for each target. The typical contrast achieved is about 9 magnitudes at 0.5" and 11 magnitudes beyond 1". For each target we also determine the probability of detecting a planet of a given mass at a given separation in our images. Results. We derived accurate detection probabilities for planetary companions, taking into account orbital projection effects, with in average more than 50% probability to detect a 3MJup companion at 10AU and a 1.5MJup companion at 20AU, bringing strong constraints on the existence of Jupiter-mass planets around this sample of young M-dwarfs.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Fourier transforms on a semisimple symmetric space

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    Let G=H be a semisimple symmetric space, that is, G is a connected semisimple real Lie group with an involution ?, and H is an open subgroup of the group of xed points for ? in G. The main purpose of this paper is to study an explicit Fourier transform on G=H. In terms of general representation theory the (`abstract') Fourier transform of a compactly supported smooth function f 2 C 1 c (G=H) is given by (see [6]) (1) ^ f(?)() =?(f) = ZG=H f(x)?(x) dx; for (?; H?) a unitary irreducible representation of G and 2 (H ? an H-invariant distribution vector for ?. Here dx is the invariant measure on G=H. Thus ^ f f?)() is a smooth vector for H?, depending linearly on . Our goal is to obtain an explicit version of the restriction of this Fourier transform to representations (?; H?) in the (minimal) unitary principal series (??;; H?;) for G=H, under the assumption that the center of G is nite. In the sequel [10] to this paper it is proved that a function f 2 C 1 c (G=H) is uniquely determined by the restriction of ^ f to this series (a priori it is known that f is determined by ^ f )

    Laboratory validation of the dual-zone phase mask coronagraph in broadband light at the high-contrast imaging THD-testbed

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    Specific high contrast imaging instruments are mandatory to characterize circumstellar disks and exoplanets around nearby stars. Coronagraphs are commonly used in these facilities to reject the diffracted light of an observed star and enable the direct imaging and spectroscopy of its circumstellar environment. One important property of the coronagraph is to be able to work in broadband light. Among several proposed coronagraphs, the dual-zone phase mask coronagraph is a promising solution for starlight rejection in broadband light. In this paper, we perform the first validation of this concept in laboratory. First, we recall the principle of the dual-zone phase mask coronagraph. Then, we describe the high-contrast imaging THD testbed, the manufacturing of the components and the quality-control procedures. Finally, we study the sensitivity of our coronagraph to low-order aberrations (inner working angle and defocus) and estimate its contrast performance. Our experimental broadband light results are compared with numerical simulations to check agreement with the performance predictions. With the manufactured prototype and using a dark hole technique based on the self-coherent camera, we obtain contrast levels down to 21082\,10^{-8} between 5 and 17λ0/D\,\lambda_0/D in monochromatic light (640 nm). We also reach contrast levels of 41084\,10^{-8} between 7 and 17λ0/D\lambda_0/D in broadband (λ0=675\lambda_0=675 nm, Δλ=250\Delta\lambda=250 nm and Δλ/λ0=40\Delta\lambda / \lambda_0 = 40 %), which demonstrates the excellent chromatic performance of the dual-zone phase mask coronagraph. The performance reached by the dual-zone phase mask coronagraph is promising for future high-contrast imaging instruments that aim at detecting and spectrally characterizing old or light gaseous planets.Comment: 9 pages, 16 figure