77 research outputs found

    Abnormal cortical sensorimotor activity during “Target” sound detection in subjects with acute acoustic trauma sequelae: an fMRI study

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    The most common consequences of acute acoustic trauma (AAT) are hearing loss at frequencies above 3 kHz and tinnitus. In this study, we have used functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) to visualize neuronal activation patterns in military adults with AAT and various tinnitus sequelae during an auditory “oddball” attention task. AAT subjects displayed overactivities principally during reflex of target sound detection, in sensorimotor areas and in emotion-related areas such as the insula, anterior cingulate and prefrontal cortex, in premotor area, in cross-modal sensory associative areas, and, interestingly, in a region of the Rolandic operculum that has recently been shown to be involved in tympanic movements due to air pressure. We propose further investigations of this brain area and fine middle ear investigations, because our results might suggest a model in which AAT tinnitus may arise as a proprioceptive illusion caused by abnormal excitability of middle-ear muscle spindles possibly link with the acoustic reflex and associated with emotional and sensorimotor disturbances

    Dans la tĂȘte de l’auditeur : vers une approche individualisĂ©e de la comprĂ©hension de l’oral en L2. PrĂ©sentation d’une Ă©tude pilote interdisciplinaire en italien L2.

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    La comprĂ©hension de l’oral est un processus cognitif complexe qui implique une charge cognitive importante (Buck, 2001 ; Gaonac’h, 2003) et la prise en compte d’un certain nombre de facteurs langagiers, linguistiques et extralinguistiques, Ă©troitement interreliĂ©s (Bloomfield et al., 2010). Le projet COraIL (ComprĂ©hension de l’Oral Interdisciplinaire en Langues, IRGA 2022-2025) se pose comme objectif d’investiguer le processus de comprĂ©hension de l’oral en italien L2 dans toute sa complexitĂ© en alliant des protocoles de recherche qui relĂšvent de la didactique des langues et des neurosciences cognitives. En l’occurrence, nous nous proposons d’observer les diffĂ©rents types de rĂ©ponses ̶ dĂ©claratives, physiologiques et neurophysiologiques ̶ dĂ©clenchĂ©es par un apprenant francophone natif placĂ© en situation d’écoute d’extraits sonores authentiques. Les donnĂ©es sont collectĂ©es in itinere, pendant le processus d’écoute-comprĂ©hension d’apprenants (N = 80) prĂ©alablement rĂ©partis en deux groupes de niveaux homogĂšnes, A2 et B2.La prĂ©sentation sera consacrĂ©e Ă  l’illustration de l’échafaudage du dispositif de cette recherche interdisciplinaire, avec les questions de recherche qui la sous-tendent, la mĂ©thodologie mise en Ɠuvre, ainsi que la discussion des premiers rĂ©sultats engrangĂ©s, issus d’une Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire menĂ©e Ă  l’UGA en 2023. Cette Ă©tude prĂ©liminaire permet de proposer un essai de catĂ©gorisation de la nature des obstacles rencontrĂ©s par notre public, mis en exergue pendant la tĂąche d’écoute-comprĂ©hension moyennant un outil informatique ad hoc (« Bornage Libre », Masperi et al., 2022). Ces donnĂ©es dĂ©claratives seront mises en regard du corpus de textes proposĂ©s Ă  l’écoute, prĂ©alablement annotĂ© du point de vue linguistique et didactique

    Odor mental imagery in non-experts in odors: a paradox?

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    International audienceIn agreement with the theoretical framework stipulating that mental images arise from neural activity in early sensory cortices, the primary olfactory cortex [i.e., the piriform cortex (PC)] is activated when non-olfactory-experts try to generate odor mental images. This finding strongly contrasts with the allegation that it is typically impossible to mentally imagine odors. However, other neurophysiological or cognitive processes engaged in the endeavor of odor mental imagery such as sniffing, attention, expectation, and cross-modal interactions involve the PC and could explain this paradox. To unambiguously study the odor mental imagery, we first argued the need to investigate odor experts who have learned to specifically reactivate olfactory percepts. We then assert the necessity to explore the network dedicated to this function by considering variations in both the activity level and the connection strength of the areas belonging to this network as a function of the level of expertise of the odor expert

    The 'Hub Disruption Index', a reliable index sensitive to the brain networks reorganization. A study of the contralesional hemisphere in stroke

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    Stroke, resulting in focal structural damage, induces changes in brain function at both local and global levels. Following stroke, cerebral networks present structural and functional reorganization to compensate for the dysfunctioning provoked by the lesion itself and its remote effects. As some recent studies underlined the role of the contralesional hemisphere during recovery, we studied its role %of the contralesional hemispherein the reorganization of brain function of stroke patients using resting state fMRI and graph theory. We explored this reorganization using the 'hub disruption index' (kappa), a global index sensitive to the reorganization of nodes within the graph. For a given graph metric, kappa of a subject corresponds to the slope of the linear regression model between the mean local network measures of a reference group, and the difference between that reference and the subject under study. In order to translate the use of kappa in clinical context, a prerequisite to achieve meaningful results is to investigate the reliability of this index. In a preliminary part, we studied the reliability of kappa by computing the intraclass correlation coefficient in a cohort of 100 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. Then, we measured intra-hemispheric kappa index in the contralesional hemisphere of 20 subacute stroke patients compared to 20 age-matched healthy controls. Finally, due to the small number of patients, we tested the robustness of our results repeating the experiment 1000 times by bootstrapping on the Human Connectome Project database. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction of kappa for the contralesional hemisphere of right stroke patients compared to healthy controls. Similar results were observed for the right contralesional hemisphere of left stroke patients. We showed that kappa, is more reliable than global graph metrics and more sensitive to detect differences between groups of patients as compared to healthy controls. Using new graph metrics as kappa allows us to show that stroke induces a network-wide pattern of reorganization in the contralesional hemisphere whatever the side of the lesion. Graph modeling combined with measure of reorganization at the level of large-scale networks can become a useful tool in clinic

    Experience induces functional reorganization in brain regions involved in odor imagery in perfumers.: Functional plasticity in perfumers

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    International audienceAreas of expertise that cultivate specific sensory domains reveal the brain's ability to adapt to environmental change. Perfumers are a small population who claim to have a unique ability to generate olfactory mental images. To evaluate the impact of this expertise on the brain regions involved in odor processing, we measured brain activity in novice and experienced (student and professional) perfumers while they smelled or imagined odors. We demonstrate that olfactory imagery activates the primary olfactory (piriform) cortex (PC) in all perfumers, demonstrating that similar neural substrates were activated in odor perception and imagination. In professional perfumers, extensive olfactory practice influences the posterior PC, the orbitofrontal cortex, and the hippocampus; during the creation of mental images of odors, the activity in these areas was negatively correlated with experience. Thus, the perfumers' expertise is associated with a functional reorganization of key olfactory and memory brain regions, explaining their extraordinary ability to imagine odors and create fragrances. Hum Brain Mapp, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    The “Hub Disruption Index,” a Reliable Index Sensitive to the Brain Networks Reorganization. A Study of the Contralesional Hemisphere in Stroke

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    International audienceStroke, resulting in focal structural damage, induces changes in brain function at both local and global levels. Following stroke, cerebral networks present structural, and functional reorganization to compensate for the dysfunctioning provoked by the lesion itself and its remote effects. As some recent studies underlined the role of the contralesional hemisphere during recovery, we studied its role in the reorganization of brain function of stroke patients using resting state fMRI and graph theory. We explored this reorganization using the "hub disruption index" (Îș), a global index sensitive to the reorganization of nodes within the graph. For a given graph metric, Îș of a subject corresponds to the slope of the linear regression model between the mean local network measures of a reference group, and the difference between that reference and the subject under study. In order to translate the use of Îș in clinical context, a prerequisite to achieve meaningful results is to investigate the reliability of this index. In a preliminary part, we studied the reliability of Îș by computing the intraclass correlation coefficient in a cohort of 100 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. Then, we measured intra-hemispheric Îș index in the contralesional hemisphere of 20 subacute stroke patients compared to 20 age-matched healthy controls. Finally, due to the small number of patients, we tested the robustness of our results repeating the experiment 1000 times by bootstrapping on the Human Connectome Project database. Statistical analysis showed a significant reduction of Îș for the contralesional hemisphere of right stroke patients compared to healthy controls. Similar results were observed for the right contralesional hemisphere of left stroke patients. We showed that Îș, is more reliable than global graph metrics and more sensitive to detect differences between groups of patients as compared to healthy controls. Using new graph metrics as Îș allows us to show that stroke induces a network-wide pattern of reorganization in the contralesional hemisphere whatever the side of the lesion. Graph modeling combined with measure of reorganization at the level of large-scale networks can become a useful tool in clinic

    Tracking white-matter brain modifications in chronic non-bothersome acoustic trauma tinnitus

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    Subjective tinnitus is a symptom characterized by the perception of sound with no external acoustic source, most often accompanied by co-morbidities. To date, the specific role of white matter abnormalities related to tinnitus reaches no consensus in the literature. The goal of this study was to explore the structural connectivity related to tinnitus percept per se, thus focusing on a specific population presenting chronic non-bothersome tinnitus of similar etiology (noise induced) without co-morbidities. We acquired diffusion-weighted images with high angular resolution in a homogeneous group of mildly impacted tinnitus participants (n = 19) and their matched controls (n = 19). We focused the study on two subsets of fiber bundles of interest: on one hand, we extracted the acoustic radiation and further included any intersecting fiber bundles; on the other hand, we explored the tracts related to the limbic system. We modeled the diffusion signal using constrained spherical deconvolution. We conducted a deep-learning based tractography segmentation and mapped Apparent Fiber Density (AFD) on the bundles of interest. C, as well as Fractional Anisotropy (FA) and FOD peak amplitude for comparison. Between group statistical comparison was performed along the 27 tracts of interest controlling for confounding hearing loss, tinnitus severity, and duration since onset. We tested a potential correlation with hearing loss, tinnitus duration and tinnitus handicap score along these tracts. In the tinnitus group, we observed increased AFD related to chronic tinnitus percept after acoustic trauma in two main white matter regions. First, in the right hemisphere, in the isthmus between inferior temporal and inferior frontal cortices, in the uncinate fasciculus (UF), and in the inferior fronto-occipital bundle (IFO). Second, in the left hemisphere, underneath the superior parietal region in the thalamo parietal tract and parieto-occipital pontine tract. Between-group differences in the acoustic radiations were not significant with AFD but were with FA. Furthermore, significant correlations with hearing loss were found in the left hemisphere in the inferior longitudinal fasciculus and in the fronto-pontine tract. No additional correlation was found with tinnitus duration nor with tinnitus handicap, as reflected by THI scores. The regions that displayed tinnitus related increased AFD also displayed increased FA. The isthmus of the UF and IFO in the right hemisphere appear to be involved with a number of neuropsychiatric and traumatic disorders confirming the involvement of the limbic system even in chronic non-bothersome tinnitus subjects, potentially suggesting a common pathway between these pathologies. White matter changes underneath the superior parietal cortex found here in tinnitus participants supports the implication of an auditory-somatosensory pathway in tinnitus perception

    Local landmark alignment for high-resolution fMRI group studies: toward a fine cortical investigation of hand movements in human.

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    International audienceConverging evidence conclusively demonstrates the robust relationship between anatomical landmarks and underlying functional organization in primary cortical regions. In consequence, a precise alignment across subjects of such specific individual landmarks should improve the overlap of the corresponding functional areas and thus the detection of active clusters at the group level. In an effort to define a dedicated processing pipeline for a fine non-invasive exploration of the motor cortex in human, we evaluated four recent non-linear registration methods based on anatomical and functional indexes. We used high-resolution functional MRI data to finely reveal the impact of the registration on the cortical assignment of the detected clusters. Our results first demonstrate that the quality of registration strongly affects the statistical significance and the assignment of activated clusters to specific anatomical regions, here in the primary motor area. Our results also illustrate the bias induced by the chosen reference template on the detected clusters. The analysis of the Jacobian of the deformation field informs us about how each method deforms the anatomical structures and functional maps. The methodology we propose, combining high resolution fMRI and non-linear registration method, allows a robust non-invasive exploration of the motor cortex

    Reliability of graph analysis of resting state fMRI using test-retest dataset from the Human Connectome Project

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    International audienceThe exploration of brain networks with resting-state fMRI (rs-fMRI) combined with graph theoretical approaches has become popular, with the perspective of finding network graph metrics as biomarkers in the context of clinical studies. A preliminary requirement for such findings is to assess the reliability of the graph based connectivity metrics. In previous test-retest (TRT) studies, this reliability has been explored using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) with heterogeneous results. But the issue of sample size has not been addressed. Using the large TRT rs-fMRI dataset from the Human Connectome Project (HCP), we computed ICCs and their corresponding p-values (applying permutation and bootstrap techniques) and varied the number of subjects (from 20 to 100), the scan duration (from 400 to 1200 time points), the cost and the graph metrics, using the Anatomic-Automatic Labelling (AAL) parcellation scheme. We quantified the reliability of the graph metrics computed both at global and regional level depending, at optimal cost, on two key parameters, the sample size and the number of time points or scan duration. In the cost range between 20% to 35%, most of the global graph metrics are reliable with 40 subjects or more with long scan duration (14 min 24 s). In large samples (for instance, 100 subjects) most global and regional graph metrics are reliable for a minimum scan duration of 7 min 14s. Finally, for 40 subjects and long scan duration (14 min 24 s), the reliable regions are located in the main areas of the default mode network (DMN), the motor and the visual networks
