168 research outputs found

    Effects of Reflective Learning Resource Material on Achievement of Mathematics Learning Outcome

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    This study developed and used a Reflective Learning Resource Material in Grade 9 Mathematics in effort to improve the performance learning outcome. It aimed to determine the effect of the developed learning resource material to the learning outcome in terms of analysis, representation and problem-solving skills. The study used descriptive research design utilizing the pretest/ posttest assessments and survey questionnaire as the main instruments, with 35 Grade 9 students during the school year 2020-2021 as participants of the study. The results revealed that reflective learning resource material is highly effective in the achievement of the Mathematics learning outcome. Further data resulted to a significant difference and an increased Mathematics learning outcome assessment on analysis, representation, and problem-solving skills implying that the use of reflective learning resource material helped the students improve their Mathematics skills. From lower proficiency levels, learners were able to reach advanced and proficient levels, indicating mastery of the competencies. This demonstrates the use of RLRM has a good significant relationship with mathematical skills development. The results suggest that incorporating reflective learning resource material into students’ learning activities can improve Mathematics learning outcome

    Multi-confocal fluorescence correlation spectroscopy in living cells using a complementary metal oxide semiconductor-single photon avalanche diode array

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    International audienceLiving cells are heterogeneous and rapidly changing biological samples. It is thus desirable to measure molecular concentration and dynamics in many locations at the same time. In this note, we present a multi-confocal setup capable of performing simultaneous fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements, by focusing the spots with a spatial light modulator and acquiring data with a monolithic 32 × 32 single-photon avalanche photodiode array. A post-processing method is proposed to correct cross-talk effects between neighboring spots. We demonstrate the applicability of our system by simultaneously measuring the diffusion of free enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (eGFP) molecules at nine different points in living cells

    Analyzing symmetry breaking within a chaotic quantum system via Bayesian inference

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    Bayesian inference is applied to the level fluctuations of two coupled microwave billiards in order to extract the coupling strength. The coupled resonators provide a model of a chaotic quantum system containing two coupled symmetry classes of levels. The number variance is used to quantify the level fluctuations as a function of the coupling and to construct the conditional probability distribution of the data. The prior distribution of the coupling parameter is obtained from an invariance argument on the entropy of the posterior distribution.Comment: Example from chaotic dynamics. 8 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to PR

    Intercellular Transfer of Oncogenic H-Ras at the Immunological Synapse

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    Immune cells establish dynamic adhesive cell–cell interactions at a specific contact region, termed the immunological synapse (IS). Intriguing features of the IS are the formation of regions of plasma membrane fusion and the intercellular exchange of membrane fragments between the conjugated cells. It is not known whether upon IS formation, intact intracellular proteins can transfer from target cells to lymphocytes to allow the transmission of signals across cell boundaries. Here we show by both FACS and confocal microscopy that human lymphocytes acquire from the cells they scan the inner-membrane protein H-Ras, a G-protein vital for common lymphocyte functions and a prominent participant in human cancer. The transfer was cell contact-dependent and occurred in the context of cell-conjugate formation. Moreover, the acquisition of oncogenic H-RasG12V by natural killer (NK) and T lymphocytes had important biological functions in the adopting lymphocytes: the transferred H-RasG12V induced ERK phosphorylation, increased interferon-γ and tumor necrosis factor-α secretion, enhanced lymphocyte proliferation, and augmented NK-mediated target cell killing. Our findings reveal a novel mode of cell-to-cell communication—allowing lymphocytes to extend the confines of their own proteome—which may moreover play an important role in natural tumor immunity

    Ezrin Is Highly Expressed in Early Thymocytes, but Dispensable for T Cell Development in Mice

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    Ezrin/radixin/moesin (ERM) proteins are highly homologous proteins that function to link cargo molecules to the actin cytoskeleton. Ezrin and moesin are both expressed in mature lymphocytes, where they play overlapping roles in cell signaling and polarity, but their role in lymphoid development has not been explored.We characterized ERM protein expression in lymphoid tissues and analyzed the requirement for ezrin expression in lymphoid development. In wildtype mice, we found that most cells in the spleen and thymus express both ezrin and moesin, but little radixin. ERM protein expression in the thymus was differentially regulated, such that ezrin expression was highest in immature thymocytes and diminished during T cell development. In contrast, moesin expression was low in early thymocytes and upregulated during T cell development. Mice bearing a germline deletion of ezrin exhibited profound defects in the size and cellularity of the spleen and thymus, abnormal thymic architecture, diminished hematopoiesis, and increased proportions of granulocytic precursors. Further analysis using fetal liver chimeras and thymic transplants showed that ezrin expression is dispensable in hematopoietic and stromal lineages, and that most of the defects in lymphoid development in ezrin(-/-) mice likely arise as a consequence of nutritional stress.We conclude that despite high expression in lymphoid precursor cells, ezrin is dispensable for lymphoid development, most likely due to redundancy with moesin

    Analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses-infected monocytes: identification of cytopathic and non-cytopathic biotype differences

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus (BVDV) infection is widespread in cattle worldwide, causing important economic losses. Pathogenesis of the disease caused by BVDV is complex, as each BVDV strain has two biotypes: non-cytopathic (ncp) and cytopathic (cp). BVDV can cause a persistent latent infection and immune suppression if animals are infected with an ncp biotype during early gestation, followed by a subsequent infection of the cp biotype. The molecular mechanisms that underscore the complex disease etiology leading to immune suppression in cattle caused by BVDV are not well understood.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Using proteomics, we evaluated the effect of cp and ncp BVDV infection of bovine monocytes to determine their role in viral immune suppression and uncontrolled inflammation. Proteins were isolated by differential detergent fractionation and identified by 2D-LC ESI MS/MS. We identified 137 and 228 significantly altered bovine proteins due to ncp and cp BVDV infection, respectively. Functional analysis of these proteins using the Gene Ontology (GO) showed multiple under- and over- represented GO functions in molecular function, biological process and cellular component between the two BVDV biotypes. Analysis of the top immunological pathways affected by BVDV infection revealed that pathways representing macropinocytosis signalling, virus entry via endocytic pathway, integrin signalling and primary immunodeficiency signalling were identified only in ncp BVDV-infected monocytes. In contrast, pathways like actin cytoskeleton signalling, RhoA signalling, clathrin-mediated endocytosis signalling and interferon signalling were identified only in cp BDVD-infected cells. Of the six common pathways involved in cp and ncp BVDV infection, acute phase response signalling was the most significant for both BVDV biotypes. Although, most shared altered host proteins between both BVDV biotypes showed the same type of change, integrin alpha 2b (ITGA2B) and integrin beta 3 (ITGB3) were down- regulated by ncp BVDV and up- regulated by cp BVDV infection.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study shows that, as we expected, there are significant functional differences in the host proteins that respond to cp or ncp BVDV infection. The combined use of GO and systems biology network modelling facilitated a better understanding of host-pathogen interactions.</p

    Vascular Smooth Muscle Cell Stiffness and Adhesion to Collagen I Modified by Vasoactive Agonists

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    In vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) integrin-mediated adhesion to extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins play important roles in sustaining vascular tone and resistance. The main goal of this study was to determine whether VSMCs adhesion to type I collagen (COL-I) was altered in parallel with the changes in the VSMCs contractile state induced by vasoconstrictors and vasodilators. VSMCs were isolated from rat cremaster skeletal muscle arterioles and maintained in primary culture without passage. Cell adhesion and cell E-modulus were assessed using atomic force microscopy (AFM) by repetitive nano-indentation of the AFM probe on the cell surface at 0.1 Hz sampling frequency and 3200 nm Z-piezo travelling distance (approach and retraction). AFM probes were tipped with a 5 μm diameter microbead functionalized with COL-I (1mg\ml). Results showed that the vasoconstrictor angiotensin II (ANG-II; 10−6 ) significantly increased (p<0.05) VSMC E-modulus and adhesion probability to COL-I by approximately 35% and 33%, respectively. In contrast, the vasodilator adenosine (ADO; 10−4 ) significantly decreased (p<0.05) VSMC E-modulus and adhesion probability by approximately −33% and −17%, respectively. Similarly, the NO donor (PANOate, 10−6 M), a potent vasodilator, also significantly decreased (p<0.05) the VSMC E-modulus and COL-I adhesion probability by −38% and −35%, respectively. These observations support the hypothesis that integrin-mediated VSMC adhesion to the ECM protein COL-I is dynamically regulated in parallel with VSMC contractile activation. These data suggest that the signal transduction pathways modulating VSMC contractile activation and relaxation, in addition to ECM adhesion, interact during regulation of contractile state

    Induction of viral and tumour specific CTL responses using antibody targeted HLA class I peptide complexes

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    The production of cytotoxic T cells with specificity for cancer cells is a rapidly evolving branch of cancer therapeutics. A variety of approaches aim to amplify anti-tumour cytotoxic T cell responses using purified peptides, tumour cell lysates or recombinant HLA/peptide complexes in differing antigen presenting systems. Using a two-step biotin-streptavidin antibody targeting system, recombinant HLA-class I/peptide complexes were attached to the surface of B cells via the anti-CD20 B9E9-scFvSA antibody-streptavidin fusion protein. Flow cytometry with a conformation dependant monoclonal antibody to HLA class I indicated that targeted HLA-class I/peptide complexes remain on the surface of B cells in culture for periods in excess of 72 h. PBMCs were stimulated in vitro for 8–14 days using the autologous B cells as antigen presenting cells. Following a single cycle of stimulation specific cytotoxic T cell responses to targeted HLA-A2 complexes containing the M1, BMLF1 and Melan A peptides could be demonstrated by tetramer staining and Cr release assays. With the HLA-A2/BMLF1 complex up to 2.99% of CD8+ve cells were tetramer positive producing 20% lysis (E : T 10 : 1) of CIR-A2 target cells in an in vitro cytotoxicity assay compared to baseline levels of 0.09% tetramer +ve and 2% lysis in the unstimulated population. PBMCs from a healthy donor treated with two cycles of stimulations with targeted HLA-A2/Melan A complexes, demonstrated expansion of the melanA tetramer +ve population from 0.03% to 1.4% producing 15% lysis of Melan A pulsed target cells. With further consideration to the key variables of HLA/peptide complex density, the ratio of stimulator to effector cells and optimum cytokine support, this system should offer an easy and effective method for the in vitro amplification of specific cytotoxic T cell responses and warrants development for the in vivo induction of cytotoxic T cell responses in cancer therapy

    Geometry sensing by dendritic cells dictates spatial organization and PGE2-induced dissolution of podosomes

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    Assembly and disassembly of adhesion structures such as focal adhesions (FAs) and podosomes regulate cell adhesion and differentiation. On antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs), acquisition of a migratory and immunostimulatory phenotype depends on podosome dissolution by prostaglandin E2 (PGE2). Whereas the effects of physico-chemical and topographical cues have been extensively studied on FAs, little is known about how podosomes respond to these signals. Here, we show that, unlike for FAs, podosome formation is not controlled by substrate physico-chemical properties. We demonstrate that cell adhesion is the only prerequisite for podosome formation and that substrate availability dictates podosome density. Interestingly, we show that DCs sense 3-dimensional (3-D) geometry by aligning podosomes along the edges of 3-D micropatterned surfaces. Finally, whereas on a 2-dimensional (2-D) surface PGE2 causes a rapid increase in activated RhoA levels leading to fast podosome dissolution, 3-D geometric cues prevent PGE2-mediated RhoA activation resulting in impaired podosome dissolution even after prolonged stimulation. Our findings indicate that 2-D and 3-D geometric cues control the spatial organization of podosomes. More importantly, our studies demonstrate the importance of substrate dimensionality in regulating podosome dissolution and suggest that substrate dimensionality plays an important role in controlling DC activation, a key process in initiating immune responses