621 research outputs found

    Molecular basis of autotrophic vs mixotrophic growth in Chlorella sorokiniana

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    In this work, we investigated the molecular basis of autotrophic vs. mixotrophic growth of Chlorella sorokiniana, one of the most productive microalgae species with high potential to produce biofuels, food and high value compounds. To increase biomass accumulation, photosynthetic microalgae are commonly cultivated in mixotrophic conditions, adding reduced carbon sources to the growth media. In the case of C. sorokiniana, the presence of acetate enhanced biomass, proteins, lipids and starch productivity when compared to autotrophic conditions. Despite decreased chlorophyll content, photosynthetic properties were essentially unaffected while differential gene expression profile revealed transcriptional regulation of several genes mainly involved in control of carbon flux. Interestingly, acetate assimilation caused upregulation of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase enzyme, enabling potential recovery of carbon atoms lost by acetate oxidation. The obtained results allowed to associate the increased productivity observed in mixotrophy in C. sorokiniana with a different gene regulation leading to a fine regulation of cell metabolism

    Whole-Transcriptome Analysis Unveils the Synchronized Activities of Genes for Fructans in Developing Tubers of the Jerusalem Artichoke

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    Helianthus tuberosus L., known as the Jerusalem artichoke, is a hexaploid plant species, adapted to low-nutrient soils, that accumulates high levels of inulin in its tubers. Inulin is a fructose-based polysaccharide used either as dietary fiber or for the production of bioethanol. Key enzymes involved in inulin biosynthesis are well known. However, the gene networks underpinning tuber development and inulin accumulation in H. tuberous remain elusive. To fill this gap, we selected 6,365 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) from an H. tuberosus library to set up a microarray platform and record their expression across three tuber developmental stages, when rhizomes start enlarging (T-0), at maximum tuber elongation rate (T-3), and at tuber physiological maturity (T-m), in "VR" and "K8-HS142"clones. The former was selected as an early tuberizing and the latter as a late-tuberizing clone. We quantified inulin and starch levels, and qRT-PCR confirmed the expression of critical genes accounting for inulin biosynthesis. The microarray analysis revealed that the differences in morphological and physiological traits between tubers of the two clones are genetically determined since T-0 and that is relatively low the number of differentially expressed ESTs across the stages shared between the clones (93). The expression of ESTs for sucrose:sucrose 1-fructosyltransferase (1-SST) and fructan:fructan 1-fructosyltransferase (1-FFT), the two critical genes for fructans polymerization, resulted to be temporarily synchronized and mirror the progress of inulin accumulation and stretching. The expression of ESTs for starch biosynthesis was insignificant throughout the developmental stages of the clones in line with the negligible level of starch into their mature tubers, where inulin was the dominant polysaccharide. Overall, our study disclosed candidate genes underpinning the development and storage of carbohydrates in the tubers of two H. tuberosus clones. A model according to which the steady-state levels of 1-SST and 1-FFT transcripts are developmentally controlled and might represent a limiting factor for inulin accumulation has been provided. Our finding may have significant repercussions for breeding clones with improved levels of inulin for food and chemical industry

    Physiological and biochemical analyses shed light on the response of <i>Sargassum vulgare</i> to ocean acidification at different time scales

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    Studies regarding macroalgal responses to ocean acidification (OA) are mostly limited to short-term experiments in controlled conditions, which hamper the possibility to scale up the observations to long-term effects in the natural environment. To gain a broader perspective, we utilized volcanic CO2 vents as a “natural laboratory” to study OA effects on Sargassum vulgare at different time scales. We measured photosynthetic rates, oxidative stress levels, antioxidant contents, antioxidant enzyme activities, and activities of oxidative metabolic enzymes in S. vulgare growing at a natural acidified site (pH 6.7) compared to samples from a site with current pH (pH 8.2), used as a control one. These variables were also tested in plants transplanted from the control to the acidified site and vice-versa. After short-term exposure, photosynthetic rates and energy metabolism were increased in S. vulgare together with oxidative damage. However, in natural populations under long-term conditions photosynthetic rates were similar, the activity of oxidative metabolic enzymes was maintained, and no sign of oxidative damages was observed. The differences in the response of the macroalga indicate that the natural population at the acidified site is adapted to live at the lowered pH. The results suggest that this macroalga can adopt biochemical and physiological strategies to grow in future acidified oceans

    Physiological and biochemical analyses shed light on the response of sargassum vulgare to ocean acidification at different time scales

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    Studies regarding macroalgal responses to ocean acidification (OA) are mostly limited to short-term experiments in controlled conditions, which hamper the possibility to scale up the observations to long-term effects in the natural environment. To gain a broader perspective, we utilized volcanic CO2 vents as a “natural laboratory” to study OA effects on Sargassum vulgare at different time scales. We measured photosynthetic rates, oxidative stress levels, antioxidant contents, antioxidant enzyme activities, and activities of oxidative metabolic enzymes in S. vulgare growing at a natural acidified site (pH 6.7) compared to samples from a site with current pH (pH 8.2), used as a control one. These variables were also tested in plants transplanted from the control to the acidified site and vice-versa. After short-term exposure, photosynthetic rates and energy metabolism were increased in S. vulgare together with oxidative damage. However, in natural populations under long-term conditions photosynthetic rates were similar, the activity of oxidative metabolic enzymes was maintained, and no sign of oxidative damages was observed. The differences in the response of the macroalga indicate that the natural population at the acidified site is adapted to live at the lowered pH. The results suggest that this macroalga can adopt biochemical and physiological strategies to grow in future acidified oceans

    Evaluation of microarray sensitivity and specificity in gene expression differential analysis by RNA-Seq and quantitative RT-PCR

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    There are several techniques for quantifying the amount of transcribed mRNA, all of them relying on the fundamental property of complementary base pairing. The widely used tools are gene expression microarrays, allowing for the snapshot of the entire genome. The reliability of microarray technology in gene expression analysis and diagnostic process have been fully discussed and critiqued, allowing the development of several microarray technology design strategies with the aim of improving its accuracy in transcriptome and genomic studies. Hence, we are evaluating the sensitivity and the specificity of four previously developed grape microarray design strategies based either on multiple and/or single long and/or short oligonucleotide probe per gene model transcript by RNA-Seq and quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) technologies; this is due to their advantages in detection sensitivity, sequence specificity, the large dynamic as well as their high precision and reproducible quantitation compare to microarray. Our results showed that (i) regardless of the array design strategies used, microarray gene expression technologies are less specific and less sensitive for the purpose of detecting lower expressed gene (differential expressed genes (DEGs)) associated with small variation change; and (ii) for the highly expressed genes, microarray gene expression platforms, exhibited a high reliability and a good level of agreement with both RNA-Seq and qRT-PCR tools in gene expression differential analysis

    A novel framework for chimeric transcript detection based on accurate gene fusion model

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    Next generation sequencing plays a key role in the detection of structural variations. Chimeric transcripts are relevant examples of such variations, as they are involved in several diseases. In this work, we propose an effective methodology for the detection of fused transcripts in RNA-Seq paired-end data. The proposed methodology is based on an accurate fusion model implemented by a set of filters reducing the impact of artifacts. Moreover, the methodology accounts for transcripts consistently expressing in the sample under study even if they are not annotated. The effectiveness of the proposed solution has been experimentally validated on of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML) samples, providing both the genes involved in the fusion and the exact chimeric sequence. \ua9 2011 IEEE

    The Networks of Genes Encoding Palmitoylated Proteins in Axonal and Synaptic Compartments Are Affected in PPT1 Overexpressing Neuronal-Like Cells

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    CLN1 disease (OMIM # 256730) is an early childhood ceroid-lipofuscinosis associated with mutated CLN1, whose product Palmitoyl-Protein Thioesterase 1 (PPT1) is a lysosomal enzyme involved in the removal of palmitate residues from S-acylated proteins. In neurons, PPT1 expression is also linked to synaptic compartments. The aim of this study was to unravel molecular signatures connected to CLN1. We utilized SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells overexpressing wild type CLN1 (SH-p. wtCLN1) and five selected CLN1 patients' mutations. The cellular distribution of wtPPT1 was consistent with regular processing of endogenous protein, partially detected inside Lysosomal Associated Membrane Protein 2 (LAMP2) positive vesicles, while the mutants displayed more diffuse cytoplasmic pattern. Transcriptomic profiling revealed 802 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in SH-p. wtCLN1 (as compared to empty-vector transfected cells), whereas the number of DEGs detected in the two mutants (p. L222P and p. M57Nfs * 45) was significantly lower. Bioinformatic scrutiny linked DEGs with neurite formation and neuronal transmission. Specifically, neuritogenesis and proliferation of neuronal processes were predicted to be hampered in the wtCLN1 overexpressing cell line, and these findings were corroborated by morphological investigations. Palmitoylation survey identified 113 palmitoylated protein-encoding genes in SH-p. wtCLN1, including 25 ones simultaneously assigned to axonal growth and synaptic compartments. A remarkable decrease in the expression of palmitoylated proteins, functionally related to axonal elongation (GAP43, CRMP1 and NEFM) and of the synaptic marker SNAP25, specifically in SH-p. wtCLN1 cells was confirmed by immunoblotting. Subsequent, bioinformatic network survey of DEGs assigned to the synaptic annotations linked 81 DEGs, including 23 ones encoding for palmitoylated proteins. Results obtained in this experimental setting outlined two affected functional modules (connected to the axonal and synaptic compartments), which can be associated with an altered gene dosage of wtCLN1. Moreover, these modules were interrelated with the pathological effects associated with loss of PPT1 function, similarly as observed in the Ppt1 knockout mice and patients with CLN1 disease.Peer reviewe

    Improvement of imiquimod solubilization and skin retention via tpgs micelles: Exploiting the co-solubilizing effect of oleic acid

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    Imiquimod (IMQ) is an immunostimulant drug approved for the topical treatment of actinic keratosis, external genital-perianal warts as well as superficial basal cell carcinoma that is used off-label for the treatment of different forms of skin cancers, including some malignant melanocytic proliferations such as lentigo maligna, atypical nevi and other in situ melanoma-related diseases. Imiquimod skin delivery has proven to be a real challenge due to its very low water-solubility and reduced skin penetration capacity. The aim of the work was to improve the drug solubility and skin retention using micelles of d-α-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol 1000 succinate (TPGS), a water-soluble derivative of vitamin E, co-encapsulating various lipophilic compounds with the potential ability to improve imiquimod affinity for the micellar core, and thus its loading into the nanocarrier. The formulations were characterized in terms of particle size, zeta potential and stability over time and micelles performance on the skin was evaluated through the quantification of imiquimod retention in the skin layers and the visualization of a micelle-loaded fluorescent dye by two-photon microscopy. The results showed that imiquimod solubility strictly depends on the nature and concentration of the co-encapsulated compounds. The micellar formulation based on TPGS and oleic acid was identified as the most interesting in terms of both drug solubility (which was increased from few µg/mL to 1154.01 ± 112.78 µg/mL) and micellar stability (which was evaluated up to 6 months from micelles preparation). The delivery efficiency after the application of this formulation alone or incorporated in hydrogels showed to be 42-and 25-folds higher than the one of the commercial creams
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