381 research outputs found

    Sectoral analysis : dairy, tomato, cereal, poultry

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    A Miscarriage of History: The Case of Adria K. Lawrenceas Imperial Rule and the Politics of Nationalism: Anti-Colonial Protest in the French Empire

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    The writing of history as always has been subject to biases most of the time from those who call the shots but sometimes from factors so insidious that it is very difficult to isolate them Books of history written by approved authorities as well as by independent ones are replete with such examples I do not have space for in this work I need however to draw a line between deliberately sidestepped factors and those that for one reason or another have been omitted My concern in this paper is to highlight the factors that willingly or not are overlooked by the author of the book under focus for what I think are ideologically motivated reasons Pragmatists Donald Davidson 2001b 2004 Richard Rorty 1979 1982 Willard Van Quine 1969 1990 and language philosophers Gontard 1981 indeed speak of a cultural phenomenon a driving force among intellectuals constituted by popular ideas opinions and thoughts or ethical norms which quite often act as doxatic1 factors that either favor alignment behind them or condemn dissident voices It is therefore a major concern of this paper to show that Lawrence the author has fallen victim of such a phenomenon by truncating chunks of vital historical information of the colonies she has studied and more particularly the Moroccan on

    A Miscarriage of History: The Case of Adria K. Lawrenceas Imperial Rule and the Politics of Nationalism: Anti-Colonial Protest in the French Empire

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    The writing of history as always has been subject to biases most of the time from those who call the shots but sometimes from factors so insidious that it is very difficult to isolate them Books of history written by approved authorities as well as by independent ones are replete with such examples I do not have space for in this work I need however to draw a line between deliberately sidestepped factors and those that for one reason or another have been omitted My concern in this paper is to highlight the factors that willingly or not are overlooked by the author of the book under focus for what I think are ideologically motivated reasons Pragmatists Donald Davidson 2001b 2004 Richard Rorty 1979 1982 Willard Van Quine 1969 1990 and language philosophers Gontard 1981 indeed speak of a cultural phenomenon a driving force among intellectuals constituted by popular ideas opinions and thoughts or ethical norms which quite often act as doxatic1 factors that either favor alignment behind them or condemn dissident voices It is therefore a major concern of this paper to show that Lawrence the author has fallen victim of such a phenomenon by truncating chunks of vital historical information of the colonies she has studied and more particularly the Moroccan on


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    A model of two microbial species in a chemostat competing for a single resource in the presence of an internal inhibitor is considered. The model is a four-dimensional system of ordinary differential equations. Using general growth rate functions of the species, we give a complete analysis for the existence and local stability of all steady states. We describe the behavior of the system with respect to the operating parameters represented by the dilution rate and the input concentrations of the substrate. The operating diagram has the operating parameters as its coordinates and the various regions defined in it correspond to qualitatively different asymptotic behavior: washout, competitive exclusion of one species, coexistence of the species, bistability, multiplicity of positive steady states. This bifurcation diagram which determines the effect of the operating parameters, is very useful to understand the model from both the mathematical and biological points of view, and is often constructed in the mathematical and biological literature

    Zustand und Zukunftsperspektive der Fremdsprachenpolitik in der Türkei

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    Wenn wir die Situation des Fremdsprachenunterrichts in der Türkei betrachten, können wir sagen, dass drei westliche Sprachen, d.h. Englisch, Französisch und Deutsch, bis 1997 erst ab der Sekundarstufe I und II als Pflichtfach unterrichtet wurden. Im Jahre 1997 wurden mit der Verabschiedung eines neuen Gesetzes grundlegende Reformen im türkischen Schulwesen eingeleitet. Durch das neue Schulgesetz wurde die Pflichtschulzeit von fünf auf acht Jahre erhöht und dadurch auch eine wichtige Voraussetzung für den Anschluss an die EU-Standards geschaffen. Mit Beginn des Schuljahres 1997/98 trat eine weitere Neuregelung in Kraft. Seitdem beginnt der Fremdsprachenunterricht bereits in der 4. Jahrgangsstufe als Pflichtfach mit 2-4 Wochenstunden, in der 6. Klasse kommt eine zweite Fremdsprache als Wahlfach hinzu. Das Bildungsministerium hat für den Pflichtschulbereich Englisch als verbindliche erste Fremdsprache festgelegt. [...] Die türkischen Schulen sollten [...] den Schülern als zukünftige EU-Bürger wenigstens zwei europäische Fremdsprachen anbieten. Dann hätte die deutsche Sprache in der Türkei die Möglichkeit, sich neben dem Englischen als zweite Fremdsprache zu etablieren, weil sie im schulischen Bereich als zweite Fremdsprache eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Die Förderung der Mehrsprachigkeit schließt also immer auch die Förderung der deutschen Sprache ein. Aufgrund der intensiven Kontakte zwischen Deutschen und Türken, die vor etwa 700 Jahren begannen, besitzt die deutsche Sprache ein historisches Prestige in der Türkei. Im Folgenden möchten wir kurz auf die geschichtliche Entwicklung dieser Beziehung eingehen, um zu erklären, warum die deutsche Sprache in der Türkei eine besondere Stellung hat


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    A model of competition between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms in a chemostat with a lethal external inhibitor was proposed in a survey of Hsu and Waltman, Such models are relevant to commercial production by genetically altered organisms in continuous culture. This paper provides a complete and rigorous analysis of the asymptotic behavior of the governing equations. By means of operating diagrams, we describe the asymptotic behavior of the model with respect to those operating parameters. Some examples are given to illustrate the mathematical results

    Mobilite Du Plomb Et Du Zinc Issus De Retombees Atmospheriques Dans Le Sol : Cas De La Zone Industrielle De Tiaret, Algerie

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    Study of heavy metals mobility in soil is a necessary step for making an accurate appraisal and quantitative evaluation of the extent of contamination, indeed, wet and dry atmospheric deposits, plays an important role in the cycle of semi-volatile contaminants (Vinogradova, 2000). Metallurgical industries release heavy metals into the atmosphere, these last, clump together to form fines particles suspended in the air, these metals can be transported by wind via aerosol or aqueous pathway and deposited in the soil. The main aim of this work was to study the mobility and fate of lead and zinc from atmospheric deposits in a contaminated soil from the foundry (ALFET) in the industrial zone of Tiaret (Western Algeria) and to determine the effect of physicochemical parameters of the soil on their mobility in the topsoil. The physicochemical analysis of soil samples have shown that zinc and lead levels contents in the surface layer soil (0-30cm) vary depending on the pH, total limestone (CaCO3). The obtained results clearly show the major effect of soil texture, the fine fraction (clay and sand)