13 research outputs found

    Deep Multi-object Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Community access to deep (i ~ 25), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 8-40m telescopes would greatly improve measurements of cosmological parameters from LSST. The largest gain would come from improvements to LSST photometric redshifts, which are employed directly or indirectly for every major LSST cosmological probe; deep spectroscopic datasets will enable reduced uncertainties in the redshifts of individual objects via optimized training. Such spectroscopy will also determine the relationship of galaxy SEDs to their environments, key observables for studies of galaxy evolution. The resulting data will also constrain the impact of blending on photo-z's. Focused spectroscopic campaigns can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining the intrinsic alignments between the orientations of galaxies. Galaxy cluster studies can be enhanced by measuring motions of galaxies in and around clusters and by testing photo-z performance in regions of high density. Photometric redshift and intrinsic alignment studies are best-suited to instruments on large-aperture telescopes with wider fields of view (e.g., Subaru/PFS, MSE, or GMT/MANIFEST) but cluster investigations can be pursued with smaller-field instruments (e.g., Gemini/GMOS, Keck/DEIMOS, or TMT/WFOS), so deep MOS work can be distributed amongst a variety of telescopes. However, community access to large amounts of nights for surveys will still be needed to accomplish this work. In two companion white papers we present gains from shallower, wide-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: Science white paper submitted to the Astro2020 decadal survey. A table of time requirements is available at http://d-scholarship.pitt.edu/36036

    The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) Science Requirements Document

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    The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) will use five cosmological probes: galaxy clusters, large scale structure, supernovae, strong lensing, and weak lensing. This Science Requirements Document (SRD) quantifies the expected dark energy constraining power of these probes individually and together, with conservative assumptions about analysis methodology and follow-up observational resources based on our current understanding and the expected evolution within the field in the coming years. We then define requirements on analysis pipelines that will enable us to achieve our goal of carrying out a dark energy analysis consistent with the Dark Energy Task Force definition of a Stage IV dark energy experiment. This is achieved through a forecasting process that incorporates the flowdown to detailed requirements on multiple sources of systematic uncertainty. Future versions of this document will include evolution in our software capabilities and analysis plans along with updates to the LSST survey strategy.Comment: 32 pages + 60 pages of appendices. This is v1 of the DESC SRD, an internal collaboration document that is being made public and is not planned for submission to a journal. Data products for reproducing key plots are available at the LSST DESC Zenodo community, https://zenodo.org/communities/lsst-desc; see "Executive Summary and User Guide" for instructions on how to use and cite those product

    Perfil de liderança de treinadores e desempenho de equipes em competição

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    This research assessed the leadership profile of under-19 women’s volleyball coaches from Santa Catarina, Brazil, considering coaches’ self-perception, athletes’ perception of their respective coach profile, and the volleyball teams’ competition performance. Six teams, 70 athletes and 6 coaches participated in the study. The instruments applied were two versions of the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) – the self-perception and real profile. Using both descriptive and inferential statistics, results show “Training and Instruction” and “Positive Feedback” as the six teams’ main preferences. Coaches’ self-perception diverges from athletes’ perception with regard to decision style. When performance was analyzed, the stand-out teams were those that considered their coaches’ profile to be democratic. There were no statistically significant differences between the champion team and the runner-up.Este estudo analisou o perfil de liderança dos treinadores de voleibol feminino sub19 do estado de Santa Catarina, considerando a autopercepção dos treinadores e das atletas, e o desempenho das equipes na competição. Participaram seis equipes, 70 atletas e seis treinadores. Os instrumentos utilizados foram duas versões da Escala de Liderança no Desporto – autopercepção e perfil real. Baseados em estatística descritiva e inferencial, os resultados evidenciam equipes voltadas para o treino-instrução e reforço positivo. A autopercepção dos treinadores diverge da percepção das atletas no estilo de decisão. Com relação ao desempenho, destacam-se os times em que as atletas entendem seus treinadores como democráticos. As equipes que ficaram nas duas primeiras colocações não apresentaram diferenças estatisticamente significativas nas dimensões avaliadas.Este estudio examinó el perfil de liderazgo de los entrenadores de voleibol femenino Sub-19 del estado de Santa Catarina, teniendo en cuenta la percepción de los entrenadores, atletas percibidos por el perfil y el rendimiento de los equipos de la competición. Seis equipos participaron, con un total de 70 atletas y 6 entrenadores. Los instrumentos utilizados fueron dos versiones de la Escala de Liderazgo para el deporte – la percepción y el perfil actual. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. Los resultados muestran que los equipos se centraron en la formación, la enseñanza y el refuerzo positivo. La percepción de los entrenadores se diferencia de la percepción de los atletas en el estilo de decisión. En cuanto al rendimiento, se destacan los tiempos en que los atletas entiendan sus entrenadores como democrático. Los equipos que estaban en las primeras dos colocaciones no mostraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ellos

    Análise biomecânica da fase de contato no salto em profundidade no solo e na água

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    O treinamento pliométrico em ambiente aquático tem sido proposto porque reduz as cargas proporcionada pela ação do empuxo. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre as características biomecânicas dos exercícios pliométricos na água, as quais podem auxiliar na prescrição do treinamento neste ambiente. Este estudo teve por objetivo analisar a força vertical de reação do solo e a duração do contato do salto em profundidade (SP) realizado no solo e na água. Participaram da pesquisa 22 atletas do sexo masculino (19,1±3,7 anos), os quais executaram três SPs máximos no solo e na água (imersão do quadril). Analisou-se o pico de força e a duração das subfases de frenagem e propulsão do contato do SP com o uso de duas plataformas de força subaquáticas, um eletrogoniômetro 2-D impermeabilizado, os sistemas de aquisição ADS2000-IP e TeleMyo 2400TG2, e um sincronizador de sinais. O efeito do ambiente foi investigado através de testes de comparação para amostras dependentes (p<0,05). Na água, observou-se (a) uma redução de 41,8% (p<0,001; d=2,24) e de 23,8% (p<0,001; d=1,50) do pico de força durante as subfases de frenagem e propulsão, respectivamente; e (b) um aumento de 41,8% na duração da frenagem (p<0,001; d=1,41) e de 12,3% na duração da propulsão (p=0,006; d=0,75) do contato. O ambiente aquático pode ser uma alternativa quando se tem o objetivo de reduzir a carga durante o contato do SP; entretanto, o aumento da duração das subfases do contato pode comprometer o funcionamento adequado do ciclo alongamento-encurtamento na água

    Analysis of lower limb force in foot work exercise of Pilates

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    Abstract Introduction: Pilates is a physical exercise method that uses the resistance of springs to modulate the overload from exercises. Objective: To characterize the force versus time curve of the foot work exercise; verify and compare the force applied by the same limb during the foot work exercise against the resistance of two types of springs with different elastic constants, and verify and compare the asymmetry of force applied by right and left lower limbs during the foot work exercise against the resistance of the same type of spring. Methods: Twenty healthy adult individuals familiarized with Pilates were evaluated. Two extensometric force plates adapted to the Reformer apparatus were used. Each participant performed 10 repetitions of the exercise against the resistance of two pairs of springs with different elastic constants. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used with significance levels of p < 0.05. Results: The exercise's standard curve showed that the peak force is reached in the point of maximum hip and knee extension during the execution of the exercise. There were differences between force production by the same limb for different springs (p < 0.001) and between left and right limb when spring with lower elastic constant was used (p = 0.006). No differences were found between right and left limb when spring with higher elastic constant was used (p = 0.108). Conclusion: The knowledge of the force versus time curve and the quantification of unilateral force are important elements in the evaluation and prescription of exercises

    Deep Multi-object Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Community access to deep (i ~ 25), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 8-40m telescopes would greatly improve measurements of cosmological parameters from LSST. The largest gain would come from improvements to LSST photometric redshifts, which are employed directly or indirectly for every major LSST cosmological probe; deep spectroscopic datasets will enable reduced uncertainties in the redshifts of individual objects via optimized training. Such spectroscopy will also determine the relationship of galaxy SEDs to their environments, key observables for studies of galaxy evolution. The resulting data will also constrain the impact of blending on photo-z's. Focused spectroscopic campaigns can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining the intrinsic alignments between the orientations of galaxies. Galaxy cluster studies can be enhanced by measuring motions of galaxies in and around clusters and by testing photo-z performance in regions of high density. Photometric redshift and intrinsic alignment studies are best-suited to instruments on large-aperture telescopes with wider fields of view (e.g., Subaru/PFS, MSE, or GMT/MANIFEST) but cluster investigations can be pursued with smaller-field instruments (e.g., Gemini/GMOS, Keck/DEIMOS, or TMT/WFOS), so deep MOS work can be distributed amongst a variety of telescopes. However, community access to large amounts of nights for surveys will still be needed to accomplish this work. In two companion white papers we present gains from shallower, wide-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy

    Deep Multi-object Spectroscopy to Enhance Dark Energy Science from LSST

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    Community access to deep (i ~ 25), highly-multiplexed optical and near-infrared multi-object spectroscopy (MOS) on 8-40m telescopes would greatly improve measurements of cosmological parameters from LSST. The largest gain would come from improvements to LSST photometric redshifts, which are employed directly or indirectly for every major LSST cosmological probe; deep spectroscopic datasets will enable reduced uncertainties in the redshifts of individual objects via optimized training. Such spectroscopy will also determine the relationship of galaxy SEDs to their environments, key observables for studies of galaxy evolution. The resulting data will also constrain the impact of blending on photo-z's. Focused spectroscopic campaigns can also improve weak lensing cosmology by constraining the intrinsic alignments between the orientations of galaxies. Galaxy cluster studies can be enhanced by measuring motions of galaxies in and around clusters and by testing photo-z performance in regions of high density. Photometric redshift and intrinsic alignment studies are best-suited to instruments on large-aperture telescopes with wider fields of view (e.g., Subaru/PFS, MSE, or GMT/MANIFEST) but cluster investigations can be pursued with smaller-field instruments (e.g., Gemini/GMOS, Keck/DEIMOS, or TMT/WFOS), so deep MOS work can be distributed amongst a variety of telescopes. However, community access to large amounts of nights for surveys will still be needed to accomplish this work. In two companion white papers we present gains from shallower, wide-area MOS and from single-target imaging and spectroscopy

    The LSST Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) Science Requirements Document

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    The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) will use five cosmological probes: galaxy clusters, large scale structure, supernovae, strong lensing, and weak lensing. This Science Requirements Document (SRD) quantifies the expected dark energy constraining power of these probes individually and together, with conservative assumptions about analysis methodology and follow-up observational resources based on our current understanding and the expected evolution within the field in the coming years. We then define requirements on analysis pipelines that will enable us to achieve our goal of carrying out a dark energy analysis consistent with the Dark Energy Task Force definition of a Stage IV dark energy experiment. This is achieved through a forecasting process that incorporates the flowdown to detailed requirements on multiple sources of systematic uncertainty. Future versions of this document will include evolution in our software capabilities and analysis plans along with updates to the LSST survey strategy