26 research outputs found

    Chanzy Antoine Eugène Alfred 1823-1883

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    Alfred Chanzy naît à Nouart dans les Ardennes où sa famille était établie depuis plusieurs générations. Son grand-père, cultivateur et propriétaire terrien, avait servi dans les armées de la République, puis occupé les fonctions de maire de Grivy à trois reprises à partir de 1792. Son père, Bertrand Nicolas, engagé volontaire au 3ème régiment de cuirassiers en 1807, avait participé aux campagnes de l’Empire, et reçu la Légion d’honneur, puis s’était fixé à Nouart en tant que receveur des cont..

    Ricard Pierre Henri Amable 1828-1876

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    La famille d’Amable Ricard n’est pas originaire du Cher, où il naît – à Charenton – le 12 juin 1828, ni de Niort où il poursuivra sa carrière d’avocat, mais de Provence. Le hasard d’une nomination est à l’origine du lieu de sa naissance : son père travaille dans l’administration des contributions directes, après avoir servi comme garde d’honneur pendant les campagnes de 1813 et 1814. Sa famille se fixe à Niort, à partir de 1840, car son père, Jacques Antoine Hippolyte Ricard y termine sa carr..

    Lasteyrie du Saillant Adrien Jules marquis de 1810-1883

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    Jules de Lasteyrie naît le 29 octobre 1810 à Courpalay en Seine-et-Marne, au château de la Grange-Bléneau, l’ancienne demeure de son aïeul maternel, le général La Fayette. Les Lasteyrie, dont la noblesse date du XIVème siècle, tirent leur nom du village de Lasteyrie en Corrèze. Son aïeul paternel, Jules de Lasteyrie (1743-1813), servit l’armée royale, qu’il suivit en émigration et passa à Malte. Son père, Louis de Lasteyrie (1781-1826), commença donc par servir l’ordre de Malte, puis s’enrôla..

    La Fayette Oscar Thomas Gilbert du Motier de 1815-1881

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    Né le 20 août 1815 à Paris, Oscar de La Fayette est petit-fils, à la fois du général de La Fayette et du philosophe Destutt de Tracy. Son père, Georges Washington, démissionne de l’armée impériale en 1807, où il servait depuis la campagne d’Italie (l’antipathie de Napoléon pour le "Héros des Deux Mondes" poursuivait le fils), pour se consacrer à une carrière politique. Dans le sillage de son père, il est élu membre de la Chambre des représentants en 1815, puis député de Seine-et-Marne de 1827..

    Local strain measurements in shallow trench insulator structures using near-ultraviolet Raman spectroscopy: Simulation and experiment

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    National audienceShallow trench insulator (STI) stress induced in active lines has been investigated both by near-ultraviolet (UV) Raman spectroscopy and mechanical modelization. Two different STI processes have been compared. The influence of the linewidth is also studied. After adjusting some instrumental and material parameters, all components of the stress tensors have been determined accurately. The polarization of the incoming light is discussed, showing that the selection rules are no longer respected at the edges of the STIs. Some of the limitations in spatial resolution of the Raman spectroscopy have been overcome, making use of the mechanical model and taking benefit from the higher spatial resolution of the UV excitation. In turn, the mechanical model has been refined from comparisons with experiments. It is therefore suggested that coupling these techniques may provide a relevant method to measure stress in the silicon for the integrated circuit industry. From a practical viewpoint, it is demonstrated that the use of the subatmospheric chemical vapor deposition process allows significant reduction of the compressive stress in the center of the active lines

    Pilot study of markers for high-grade anal dysplasia in a southern cohort from the Women's Interagency HIV Study (WIHS)

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    Background: Anal cancer rates have increased in HIV+ women. Factors associated with anal cancer precursor high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSIL) in HIV+ and at-risk-HIV- women were assessed. Methods: HIV+ and HIV- women from the Atlanta WIHS cohort were enrolled in a cross-sectional pilot study. All anal (AS) and cervical (CS) swab samples were analyzed for HPV-genotyping (Linear-Array® HPV-Genotyping Test, LA-HPVGT) and FAM19A4 and microRNA-124-2 promoter methylation. All women underwent high resolution anoscopy with biopsy of suspicious lesions and anal cytology (AC) collection. Logistic regression was conducted with anal HSIL histology (A-HSIL) as the dependent variable. Results: 75 women were enrolled: 52(69%) were HIV+ with 3/4 having undetectable viral load, 64(86%) Black, with mean age 49. 44(59%) AC samples were ASCUS/+hrHPV or higher, 38(51%) of all AS were +hrHPV by LA-HPVGT.13 anal biopsies were confirmed A-HSIL. 69(95%) AS and 19(26%) CS tested positive for hypermethylation, respectively. A-HSIL model included ASCUS/+hrHPV or greater on AC and cervical hypermethylation as covariates (Table 1). AS hypermethylation was not associated with A-HSIL. Conclusions: Our results suggest AC with hrHPV testing and/or cervical gene promoter hypermethylation measurements as promising non-invasive screening strategies for A-HSIL in both HIV+ and HIV- women. Lack of association between AS hypermethylation and A-HSIL may reflect characteristics of the anal milieu and warrants further investigation

    Seasonal, Diurnal, and Tidal Variations of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon and pCO2 in Surface Waters of a Temperate Coastal Lagoon (Arcachon, SW France)

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    International audienceWe report on diurnal, tidal, and seasonal variations of dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC), water partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2), and associated water–air CO2 fluxes in a tidal creek of a temperate coastal lagoon with 70% of intertidal flats, during eight tidal/diurnal cycles and two consecutive years covering all seasons. Surface waters of the lagoon were always slightly oversaturated in CO2 with respect to the atmosphere with an average pCO2 value of 496 ± 36 ppmv. Seasonally, subsurface water pCO2 values were controlled by both temperature and biological/tidal advection effects that compensated each other and resulted in weak annual variations. High-resolution temporal pCO2 records reveal that the highest fluctuations (192 ppmv) occurred at the tidal/diurnal scale as a result of biological activity, advection from the tidal flat, and porewater pumping that all contributed to water pCO2 and carbonate chemistry variations. Total alkalinity (TA) versus salinity plots suggest a net production of alkalinity in the lagoon attributed to benthic carbonate dissolution and/or anaerobic degradation of organic matter. We specifically highlighted that for the same salinity range, during flooding, daytime pCO2 were generally lower than nighttime pCO2 values because of photosynthesis, whereas during ebbing, daytime pCO2 were higher than nighttime pCO2 values because of heating. Waters in the lagoon were a relatively weak CO2 source to the atmosphere over the year compared to other estuarine and lagoon waters elsewhere, and to sediment-air fluxes measured simultaneously by atmospheric Eddy Covariance (EC) in the Arcachon lagoon. Because of low values and small variations of the air-sea pCO2 gradient, the variability of fluxes calculated using the piston velocity parameterization was greatly controlled by the wind speed at the diurnal and, to a lesser extent, seasonal time scales. During the emersion, the comparison of these pCO2 data in the tidal creek with EC fluxes measured 1.8 km away on the tidal flat suggests high heterogeneity in air-sea CO2 fluxes, both spatially and at short time scales according to the inundation cycle and the wind speed. In addition to tidal pumping when the flat becomes emerged, our data suggest that lateral water movement during the emersion of the flat generates strong spatial heterogeneity in water–air CO2 flux

    Net ecosystem metabolism in a micro-tidal estuary (Randers Fjord, Denmark): evaluation of methods

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    peer reviewedThe metabolic status, the difference between organic matter production and consumption of an estuary (Randers Fjord, Denmark) has been assessed based on 2 field cruises in April and August 2001 and a number of approaches: (1) the oxygen (02) incubation method, (2) dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) budgets, (3) the response surface difference (RSD) method based on diel O-2 changes and (4) land-ocean interaction in the coastal zone (LOICZ) budgets based on dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP). Although each method has its own associated limitations and uncertainties, the above approaches converged most of the time in consistent metabolic estimates, both in sign and magnitude, and revealed that this system was near metabolic balance in spring (net ecosystem production: NEP similar to 0) and net heterotrophic in summer (NEP similar to -50 mmol C m(-2) d(-1)). In this shallow estuary (mean depth = 1.6 m), the benthic compartment was very active and represented 70 and 30% of the total gross primary production in April and August, respectively. NEP rates measured during this study are in the range of previously reported rates in estuaries.Eurotrop

    Ultra-thin strained SOI substrate analysis by pseudo-MOS measurements

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    International audiencePseudo-MOS (Ψ -MOSFET) measurements are a simple and rapid technique for an accurate evaluation of SOI wafer intrinsic electrical properties, prior to any CMOS processing. For the first time, we report Ψ -MOSFET measurements performed on Strained SOI (SSOI) wafers with ultra-thin silicon films (9.5 nm to 17.5 nm). To take into account the wafer specificities and the use of such thin conduction layers, adapted Ψ -MOSFET models and parameter extraction methods were necessary. The experiments show an increase of the threshold and flat band voltages and a mobility reduction as the strained film becomes thinner. Further electrical analyses, coupled with several morphological studies, do not reveal any relaxation of the strain in the thinnest films. The mobility is clearly enhanced in SSOI as compared with standard SOI substrates

    Testing the direct effect of CO2 concentration on a bloom of the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyi in mesocosm experiments

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    International audienceWe studied the direct effects of CO2 and related changes in seawater carbonate chemistry on marine planktonic organisms in a mesocosm experiment. In nine outdoor enclosures (;11 m3 each), the partial pressure of CO2 (pCO2) in the seawater was modified by an aeration system. The triplicate mesocosm treatments represented low (;190 parts per million by volume (ppmV) CO2), present (;410 ppmV CO2), and high (;710 ppmV CO2) pCO2 conditions. After initial fertilization with nitrate and phosphate a bloom dominated by the coccolithophorid Emiliania huxleyioccurred simultaneously in all of the nine mesocosms; it was monitored over a 19-day period. The three CO2 treatments assimilated nitrate and phosphate similarly. The concentration of particulate constituents was highly variable among the replicate mesocosms, disguising direct CO2-related effects. Normalization of production rates within each treatment, however, indicated that the net specific growth rate of E. huxleyi, the rate of calcification per cell, and the elemental stoichiometry of uptake and production processes were sensitive to changes in pCO2. This broad influence of CO2 on the E. huxleyi bloom suggests that changes in CO2 concentration directly affect cell physiology with likely effects on the marine biogeochemistry