30 research outputs found


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    Le caratteristiche di un vino dipendono dalla cantina, dai vitigni utilizzati per la produzione delle uve, e dal terroir: quella combinazione magica di geologia, morfologia, clima, coltura e cultura che caratterizza l’ambiente dove il vino nasce. Un sistema informativo geografi co è uno strumento potentissimo al servizio della qualificazione del terroir perché aiuta gli esperti nell’elaborazione dei dati e nella loro analisi. La tecnologia WebGIS si rivela essere un valido strumento di ausilio per l’analisi e la valorizzazione del territorio. Attraverso l’uso di queste soluzioni tecnologicamente avanzate, WineGIS fornisce in maniera integrata strumenti di carattere tecnico e scientifico, in grado di rappresentare in modo unitario la complessa e ricca realtà delle zone di produzione tipiche dei vini italiani. E di rappresentare un punto di partenza per una moderna politica di valorizzazione del territorio.The characteristics of a wine depend on the cellar, the grapevines used in the production of the grapes and the terroir: that magical combination of geology, landscape, climate culture that characterize the environment in which the wine is born. GIS is a powerful instrument in providing accurate terroir information because it helps experts in the elaboration of data and their research. Web GIS technology is a powerful tool to support landscape analysis and promotion. Through the use of these technologically advanced solutions, WineGIS offers, in an integrated manner, scientific and technical instruments able to represent in a unified way, a complex and rich view of areas of production typical to the Italian wine industry. And to represent a starting point for a modern political evaluation of the zone


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    Raccontare la rappresentazione cartografica in modo accattivante ai bambini della scuola elementare. Un esperto di GIS passa dal computer a carta, spago, colla, forbici e pennarelli per far toccare con mano ai bambini i problemi dei geografi: - un mondo grande su un foglio piccolo; - un mondo tridimensionale su un foglio piatto; - un mondo complesso in un modello semplificato. Nell’era della realtà virtuale e della geografia su internet, resta di fondamentale importanza la percezione sensoriale, per toccare con mano che qualsiasi rappresentazione della realtà comporta grandi e piccole approssimazioni e semplificazioni. Il risultato dell’esperienza è un’unità didattica, con fogli da stampare, colorare e ritagliare, che potrebbe utilmente integrare il libro di testo.How to teach cartographic representation in an attractive way to primary school pupils. A GIS expert leaves the computer and uses paper, string, glue, scissors and felt pens so children can directly experience problems of geographers: - a big world on a small sheet of paper; - a three dimensional world on a flat sheet of paper; - a complex world in a simplified model. In the virtual reality and internet mapping age, sensorial perception is still extremely important to experience that every representation of reality involves big and small approximations and simplifications. The result of the experience is a didactic unit, with printable maps to paint and cut out that can integrate the schoolbook

    Wild asparagus domestication for food/energy cropping system setup

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    The solar greenhouse sector is currently unbalanced towards energy production. Thus, the introduction of new crop options, such as wild asparagus, could contribute to the promotion of economic and environmental sustainability in these food/energy systems (mixed-systems). We hypothesized that wild asparagus is able to adapt both to sunny and partially shaded environments provided that both nutrient and water supply are guaranteed. Over a three-year experiment, we carried out an intensive examination of within-season phenological, physiological and productive dynamics under a greenhouse with 50% of the roof area covered with photovoltaic panels. Under the photovoltaic roof the net assimilation rate was on average 5 time lower, averaged over the growing seasons (0.6 μmol CO2 m-2 s-1), resulting in negative results for some monitoring dates. However, lower net assimilation rate did not negatively impact spears production in terms of number, length and diameter. The year of establishment affected the length of the spear, which was 4 cm shorter in 2013 than in 2014 and 2015, when no significant difference was observed. The novelty proposed in this study could be a successful option for farmers to promote production diversification and a promising strategy to guarantee the environmental and economic sustainability of the whole mixed system

    Habsburg topographic cartography of the Italian peninsula in the first half of the 19th century

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    The geodetic point lists of the Habsburg survey of the Italian peninsula, carried out in several steps after the Napoleonic wars, were digitized and analyzed together with the modern coordinates of the identified points. Assuming the usage of the Zach-Oriani hybrid ellipsoid, the Burša-Wolf type datum transformation parameters were estimated between the local, historical triangulation Datums and the WGS84. The results show interesting accuracy differences in the Italian regions; since the points and coordinates in Lombardy, Piedmont and Lucca shows surprisingly high accuracy and consistency, the survey of Venice, Tuscany, the Papal State, the Adriatic coasts and the Kingdom of Naples is less controlled. The results enabled us to geo-refer the corresponding map series, stored in the Austrian Military Archives, in Vienna, in four different parts. Venice, Lombardy and Lucca (with other small regions at their southern border) were a part of the Habsburg Second Military Survey, with same scale and technology and legend. Part of the series of Piedmont was also found in the Vienna archives and geo-referred. South of these regions, Tuscany and the Papal State was mapped in 1:86400 scale, in a Cassini projection with the centre in the Duomo S. Salvatore, Milan. The southernmost systematic mapping work in the peninsula was in the Kingdom of Naples in the 1820s, with the same scale as used in mid-Italy, projection centre was in Capodimonte (Naples). Albeit the relatively high accuracy of the geodetic network, these map mosaics are refined horizontally applying a local correction grid (GSB) to keep the horizontal errors below 200 meters

    Increasing the agricultural sustainability of closed agrivoltaic systems with the integration of vertical farming: A case study on baby-leaf lettuce

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    The photovoltaic (PV) greenhouses are closed agrivoltaic (CA) systems that allow the production of energy and food on the same land, but may result in a yield reduction when the shading of the PV panels is excessive. Adopting innovative cropping systems can increase the yield of the CA area, generating a more productive and sustainable agrosystem. In this case study we quantified the increase of land productivity derived from the integration of an experimental vertical farm (VF) for baby leaf lettuce inside a pre-existing commercial CA. The mixed system increased the yield by 13 times compared to the CA and the average LER was 1.31, but only 12 % of the energy consumption was covered by the CA energy. To achieve the energy self-sufficiency and avoid the related CO2 emissions, the VF area should not exceed 7–18 % of the CA area, depending on the PV energy yield and the daily light integral (DLI) of the LED lighting, meaning a land consumption from 5 to 14 times higher than the VF area. The support of the PV energy was essential for the profitability of the VFCA. Design features and solutions were proposed to increase the agronomic and economic sustainability of the VFCA. The VFs can be considered a possible answer for the reconversion of the actual underutilized CAs with high PV cover ratios into productive and efficient cropping systems, but a trade-off between energy production and land consumption should be identified to ensure an acceptable environmental sustainability of the mixed system

    Examining wheat yield sensitivity to temperature and precipitation changes for a large ensemble of crop models using impact response surfaces

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    Impact response surfaces (IRSs) depict the response of an impact variable to changes in two explanatory variables as a plotted surface. Here, IRSs of spring and winter wheat yields were constructed from a 25-member ensemble of process-based crop simulation models. Twenty-one models were calibrated by different groups using a common set of calibration data, with calibrations applied independently to the same models in three cases. The sensitivity of modelled yield to changes in temperature and precipitation was tested by systematically modifying values of 1981-2010 baseline weather data to span the range of 19 changes projected for the late 21st century at three locations in Europe

    Proposal of an abridged procedure to manage Cadastral maps in an open GIS package

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    Cadastral cartography, born after unification of Italy in 1870, is an important source of large scale geographic information. Cadastral maps represent the result of the largest scale survey of on the whole national territory. Because of their large scale, their creation is extremely expensive and the updating of the cadastre claim considerable funds from the state budgets. That’s why the coordinate system, the geodetic basis of a cadastral work, is rarely changed. Even if Gauss-Boaga grid system based on ROMA40 datum was introduced and applied at some smaller parts of the country, the cartographic coordinates manly used in the cadastral maps are based on CassiniSoldner projection and cadastral datum Bessel-Genova; Bessel_Monte Mario and Bessel Castanea delle Furie. In the Cassini-Soldner projection, the whole Italian territory is subdivided in 31 major ("grandi origini") and more than 800 local ("piccole origini") cadastral systems. Nowadays, it is fundamental the implementation of a fast and free procedure for the updating of cadastral maps from Italian cadastral datum to modern WGS84. The two main goals of this paper are: the identification of a suitable set of points with coordinates known in both datums and the computation of Abridging Molodensky parameters from Cassini-Soldner cadastral datum to WGS84. The test area selected is the district of Rome called “Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale” . The data set of points suitable for the least-square estimation is extracted from the information available on the website www.globogis.it/fiduciali.it. The "globogis" database includes a selection of trigonometric points, with coordinates expressed in the WGS84 datum, and a selection of cadastral points ("punti fiduciali") with coordinates expressed in the Bessel-Genova 1902 datum. The whole database is analysed in order to provide the correct association between cadastral and trigonometric points. Known the dataset of points, the Abridging Molodensky parameters are estimated with a least square principle using a specific package developed by Prof. Timar. The estimated parameters are implemented and tested in the open source software QGIS. The accuracy of Abridging Molodensky parameters is tested using an independent set of point with respect to the estimation points

    Crithmum maritimum L. Biomass Production in Mediterranean Environment

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    none6noCrithmum maritimum L., similarly to other halophytes, could be an essential plant in marginal areas of the Mediterranean basin; it can grow with low inputs and thus tackle environmental risks of soil erosion and biodiversity caused by climate change. The leaves can be used as food because of their good chemical and nutritional parameters, as a cosmetic product and in medicine. The three treatments studied in the context of organic farming (control without input, irrigated with irrigation water only and fertigated with organic liquid fertilizer diluted in irrigation water) have provided encouraging results; in fact, regardless of the meteorological trend of the two years of experimentation, the production of aerial biomass remained at satisfactory levels and in particular, in the year following the transplantation, the production saw a significant increase in the treatments tested with low inputs (irrigated and fertigated). So, in the second year of production, a low nitrogen input with fertigation induced the plants to produce significantly more leaf biomass than the irrigated treatment, which in turn was significantly superior to the control. The production results for dry biomass are encouraging and may promote the spread of the local germplasm of this species around the Conero Park, where it is being studied to produce fermented vegetable conserves.noneZenobi S.; Fiorentini M.; Ledda L.; Deligios P.; Aquilanti L.; Orsini R.Zenobi, S.; Fiorentini, M.; Ledda, L.; Deligios, P.; Aquilanti, L.; Orsini, R