5 research outputs found

    MASP-1 Increases Endothelial Permeability

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    Pathologically increased vascular permeability is an important dysfunction in the pathomechanism of life-threatening conditions, such as sepsis, ischemia/reperfusion, or hereditary angioedema (HAE), diseases accompanied by uncontrolled activation of the complement system. HAE for example is caused by the deficiency of C1-inhibitor (the main regulator of early complement activation), which leads to edematous attacks threatening with circulatory collapse. We have previously reported that endothelial cells become activated during HAE attacks. A natural target of C1-inhibitor is mannan-binding lectin-associated serine protease-1 (MASP-1), a multifunctional serine protease, which plays a key role in the activation of complement lectin pathway. We have previously shown that MASP-1 induces the pro-inflammatory activation of endothelial cells and in this study we investigated whether MASP-1 can directly affect endothelial permeability. All experiments were performed on human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs). Real-time micro electric sensing revealed that MASP-1 decreases the impedance of HUVEC monolayers and in a recently developed permeability test (XperT), MASP-1 dose-dependently increased endothelial paracellular transport. We show that protease activated receptor-1 mediated intracellular Ca2+-mobilization, Rho-kinase activation dependent myosin light chain (MLC) phosphorylation, cytoskeletal actin rearrangement, and disruption of interendothelial junctions are underlying this phenomenon. Furthermore, in a whole-transcriptome microarray analysis MASP-1 significantly changed the expression of 25 permeability-related genes in HUVECs—for example it up-regulated bradykinin B2 receptor expression. According to our results, MASP-1 has potent permeability increasing effects. During infections or injuries MASP-1 may help eliminate the microbes and/or tissue debris by enhancing the extravasation of soluble and cellular components of the immune system, however, it may also play a role in the pathomechanism of diseases, where edema formation and complement lectin pathway activation are simultaneously present. Our findings also raise the possibility that MASP-1 may be a promising target of anti-edema drug development

    In Vitro Dedifferentiation of Melanocytes from Adult Epidermis

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    In previous work we described a novel culture technique using a cholera toxin and PMA-free medium (Mel-mix) for obtaining pure melanocyte cultures from human adult epidermis. In Mel-mix medium the cultured melanocytes are bipolar, unpigmented and highly proliferative. Further characterization of the cultured melanocytes revealed the disappearance of c-Kit and TRP-1 and induction of nestin expression, indicating that melanocytes dedifferentiated in this in vitro culture. Cholera toxin and PMA were able to induce c-Kit and TRP-1 protein expressions in the cells, reversing dedifferentiation. TRP-1 mRNA expression was induced in dedifferentiated melanocytes by UV-B irradiated keratinocyte supernatants, however direct UV-B irradiation of the cells resulted in further decrease of TRP-1 mRNA expression. These dedifferentiated, easily accessible cultured melanocytes provide a good model for studying melanocyte differentiation and possibly transdifferentiation. Because melanocytes in Mel-mix medium can be cultured with human serum as the only supplement, this culture system is also suitable for autologous cell transplantation

    EQ-5D in Central and Eastern Europe : 2000-2015

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    Objective: Cost per quality-adjusted life year data are required for reimbursement decisions in many Central and Eastern European (CEE) countries. EQ-5D is by far the most commonly used instrument to generate utility values in CEE. This study aims to systematically review the literature on EQ-5D from eight CEE countries. Methods: An electronic database search was performed up to July 1, 2015 to identify original EQ-5D studies from the countries of interest. We analysed the use of EQ-5D with respect to clinical areas, methodological rigor, population norms and value sets. Results: We identified 143 studies providing 152 country-specific results with a total sample size of 81,619: Austria (n=11), Bulgaria (n=6), Czech Republic (n=18), Hungary (n=47), Poland (n=51), Romania (n=2), Slovakia (n=3) and Slovenia (n=14). Cardiovascular (20%), neurologic (16%), musculoskeletal (15%) and endocrine/nutritional/metabolic diseases (14%) were the most frequently studied clinical areas. Overall 112 (78%) of the studies reported EQ VAS results and 86 (60%) EQ-5D index scores, of which 27 (31%) did not specify the applied tariff. Hungary, Poland and Slovenia have population norms. Poland and Slovenia also have a national value set. Conclusions: Increasing use of EQ-5D is observed throughout CEE. The spread of health technology assessment activities in countries seems to be reflected in the number of EQ-5D studies. However, improvement in informed use and methodological quality of reporting is needed. In jurisdictions where no national value set is available, in order to ensure comparability we recommend to apply the most frequently used UK tariff. Regional collaboration between CEE countries should be strengthened

    A Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Rt. tervezési és irányítási munkáját segítő vezetői számviteli alrendszer bemutatása és továbbfejlesztésének lehetőségei

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    Diplomamunkámban bemutatom a Tiszai Vegyi Kombinát Rt. történetét és jelenlegi tevékenységét, valamint a Társaság stratégiájának alapvető vonásait. A kapcsolódó szakirodalom alapján áttekintem a tervezés és irányítás elméletét a különböző tervezési időtávok (stratégiai, taktikai, operatív) mentén. Ennek keretében kiemelten vizsgálom a Balanced Scorecard rendszert– mint modern vezetői számviteli eszközt. A TVK Rt. tervezési és irányítási rendszerének vizsgálata során követem az elméleti részben használt időhorizont szerinti tagolást, és tanulmányozom a Társaság BSC-jét. A dolgozatomban bemutatom a TVK beszámolórendszerét, valamint megvizsgálom, hogy milyen változásokat idézett elő a nemzetközi számviteli standardok alkalmazása a beszámolókészítés területén.BaBibliogr.: fol.56-58v