2,357 research outputs found

    Formulación de estrategias de marketing mix a partir del estudio del comportamiento del consumidor de leche en la ciudad de Riobamba/Formulation of marketing mix strategies based on the study of milk consumer behavior in the city of Riobamba

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    El estudio económico de la conducta del consumidor supone teorías de enfoque positivista y normativo. En este contexto las decisiones de consumo se basan no siempre en un modelo racional, considerando además factores de tipo emocional, experiencias que determinan la decisión de compra. El objetivo de este artículo fue formular estrategias de marketing mix a partir del estudio del comportamiento del consumidor de leche en la ciudad de Riobamba. La metodología utilizada se fundamentó en un estudio cuasi experimental que tomó como base un modelo predeterminado que sirvió para diseñar una encuesta que permitiese identificar y evaluar variables determinantes en la conducta de los consumidores. La investigación permitió determinar las preferencias de marcas de leche, nivel de aceptación del precio, tipo de empaque, medios de comunicación y frecuencia de consumo. Los resultados de la investigación permitieron formular estrategias que contribuyen a incentivar el consumo de leche en la población local. The economic study of consumer behavior supposes theories of positivist and normative approach. In this context, consumer decisions are not always based on a rational model, considering factors of an emotional nature, experiences that determine the purchase decision. The objective of this article was to formulate marketing mix strategies based on the study of milk consumer behavior in the city of Riobamba. The methodology used was based on a quasi-experimental study that took as a basis a predetermined model that served to design a survey that would identify and evaluate determinant variables in the behavior of consumers. The investigation allowed to determine the preferences of milk brands, level of acceptance of the price, type of packaging, means of communication and frequency of consumption. The results of the research allowed to formulate strategies that contribute to encourage the consumption of milk in the local population. Palabras clave: comportamiento del consumidor, neuroeconomía, marketing mix. Keywords: consumer behavior, neuroeconomics, marketing mix

    Electromagnetic multipole moments of elementary spin-1/2, 1, and 3/2 particles

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    We study multipole decompositions of the electromagnetic currents of spin-1/2, 1, and 3/2 particles described in terms of Lagrangians designed to reproduce representation specific wave equations which are second order in the momenta and which emerge within the recently elaborated Poincar\'e covariant projector method. We calculate the electric multipoles of the above spins for the spinor, the four-vector, and the four-vector--spinor representations, attend to the most general non-Lagrangian spin-3/2 currents which are allowed by Lorentz invariance to be of third order in the momenta and construct the linear current equivalent of identical multipole moments of one of them. We conclude that such non-Lagrangian currents are not necessarily more general than the two-term currents emerging within the covariant projector method. We compare our results with those of the conventional Proca-, and Rarita-Schwinger frameworks. Finally, we test the representation dependence of the multipoles by placing spin-1 and spin-3/2 in the respective (1,0)\oplus(0,1), and (3/2,0)\oplus(0,3/2) single-spin representations. We observe representation independence of the charge monopoles and the magnetic dipoles, in contrast to the higher multipoles, which turn out to be representation dependent. In particular, we find the bi-vector (1,0)(0,1)(1,0)\oplus (0,1) to be characterized by an electric quadrupole moment of opposite sign to the one found in (1/2,1/2)(1/2,1/2), and consequently, to the WW boson. Our finding points toward the possibility that the ρ\rho meson could transform as part of an antisymmetric tensor with an a1a_{1} meson-like state as its representation companion.Comment: 27 pages, 2 figure

    Aplicación de autómatas celulares para la descripción de extremos de la precipitación

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    Ponencia presentada en: IV Congreso de la Asociación Española de Climatología "El Clima entre el Mar y la Montaña", celebrado en Santander del 2 al 5 de noviembre de 2004.[ES]El objetivo de este estudio es comprobar la utilidad de la técnica de Autómatas Celulares (CA) par describir la ocurrencia de extremos de precipitación. Las series temporales de precipitación presentan algunos grados de periodicidad o fluctuaciones debidas a variabilidad climática natural. Una vez filtradas estas componentes mediante técnicas espectrales, aplicamos el modelo propuesto de CA a la serie residual con el fin de caracterizar las rachas secas y húmedas. Este método va a simular dos estados para excesos de precipitación, el estado 0 se corresponde con precipitaciones inferiores al percentil 75, mientras que el estado 1 para las superiores al percentil 75. De forma análoga procedemos para caracterizar rachas de precipitación escasa, consideraremos estado 0 para precipitaciones superiores o igual al percentil 25 y estado 1 para precipitaciones inferiores a dicho percentil. El método lo aplicamos a datos mensuales de precipitación en Salamanca en el periodo 1949 a 2003. Los primeros resultados indican que se consigue aproximar en un 60% la ocurrencia de extremos de precipitación, lo cuál sería de gran interés por su aplicación en planificaciones agrícolas.[EN]The objective of this study is to show the utility of using Cellular Automata (CA) to describe the occurrence of the precipitation extremes. Since the precipitation time series contain some quasi-periodic fluctuations, it is required to filter these components before applying the CA model to characterize the dry and wet spells. The CA used to describe the wet spells consists of two states 0 and 1, which were established according to the threshold of 75 percentile. Similarly, to describe the dry spells we propose a CA with two states 0 and 1 for values higher and lower than 25 percentile respectively. The method is applied to monthly precipitation data of Salamanca (Spain) for the period 1949 to 2003. The first results indicate that the model can capture the occurrence of the precipitation extremes with an 60% of accuracy, therefore this characterization could be useful for agricultural planning.Este trabajo se ha realizado con la subvención del proyecto “Fundación Memoria de D. Manuel Solórzano Barruso” y del proyecto “REN2002-04584-CO-02/CLI” del MCYT

    Transfer of Cd, Pb, Ra and U from Phosphogypsum Amended Soils to Tomato Plants

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    About 170 million tons of phosphogypsum (PG) are annually generated worldwide as a by-product of phosphoric acid factories. Agricultural uses of PG could become the main sink for this waste, which usually contains significant radionuclide (from the 238U-series) and toxic metals concentrations. To study PG effects on pollutant uptake by crops, a completely randomised greenhouse experiment was carried out growing Lycopersicum esculentum Mill L. on a reclaimed marsh soil amended with three PG rates (treatments), corresponding to zero (control without PG application), one, three and ten times the typical PG rates used in SW Spain (20 Mg ha−1). The concentrations of Cd, Pb, U (by inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy) and 226Ra and 210Po (by γ-spectrometry and α-counting, respectively) were determined in soil, vegetal tissue and draining water. Cadmium concentrations in fruit increased with PG rates, reaching 44 ± 7 μg kg−1 formula weight with ten PG rates (being 50 μg kg−1 the maximum allowed concentration by EC 1881/2006 regulation). Cd transfer factors in non-edible parts were as high as 4.8 ± 0.5 (dry weight (d.w.)), two orders of magnitude higher than values found for lead, lead, uranium and radium concentrations in fruit remained below the corresponding detection limits—0.5 and 0.25 mg kg−1 and 0.6 mBq kg−1, respectively (in a d.w. basis). 238U (up to 7 μg kg−1 d.w.) and 210Po (up to 0.74 Bq kg−1 d.w.) could be measured in some fruit samples by α-spectrometry. Overall, the concentrations of these metals and radionuclides in the draining water accounted for less than 1% of the amount applied with PGJunta de Andalucía IFAPA-C03

    Replacement of Metaphylactic Antimicrobial Therapy by Oral Administration of Ligilactobacillus salivarius MP100 in a Pig Farm

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    Antibiotic use in swine production contributes to the emergence and spread of resistant bacteria, which poses a threat on human health. Therefore, alternative approaches must be developed. The objective of this work was the characterization of the probiotic properties of a Ligilactobacillus salivarius strain isolated from sow's milk and its application as an inoculated fermented feed to pregnant sows and piglets. The study was carried in a farm in which metaphylactic use of antimicrobials (including zinc oxide) was eliminated at the time of starting the probiotic intervention, which lasted for 2 years. Feces from 8-week-old piglets were collected before and after the treatment and microbiological and biochemical analyses were performed. The procedure led to an increase in the concentrations of clostridia and lactobacilli-related bacteria. Parallel, an increase in the concentration of butyrate, propionate and acetate was observed and a notable reduction in the presence of antibiotic resistant lactobacilli became apparent. In conclusion, replacement of antimicrobials by a microbiota-friendly approach was feasible and led to positive microbiological and biochemical changes in the enteric environment

    Pneumomediastinum as a complication of emphysematous cholecystitis: Case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Emphysematous cholecystitis is a variant of acute cholecystitis which is generally caused by gas-forming organisms. Emphysematous cholecystitis may cause gas spreading within the subcutaneous tissue, peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneum.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>We present a case of emphysematous cholecystitis in a middle-aged diabetic patient who, postoperatively, presented edema in both flanks and left chest crepitation on palpation, associated with hemodynamic worsening. Computed tomography scan of the chest and abdomen revealed a large pneumomediastinum, pneumoretroperitoneum, gas in subcutaneous tissue and flank abscesses. In both blood and surgical wound exudate cultures, <it>Escherichia coli </it>was found.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Emphysematous cholecystitis should be considered as a possible cause of pneumomediastinum.</p

    Las habilidades sociales y el uso de redes sociales virtuales en estudiantes universitarios de Lima Metropolitana

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    We studied the relationship between social skills and use of virtual social networks in students of a public university and a private one in the city of Lima. The sample were 1405 university students and it was an intentional non-probability type. The results indicate that there are negative and statistically significant correlations between total scale scores on social skills and addiction questionnaire to social networks, and in most of the factors of both instruments.Se estudió la relación entre las habilidades sociales y el uso de redes sociales virtuales en estudiantes de una universidad pública y una particular de Lima Metropolitana. Se trabajó con una muestra de 1405 estudiantes universitarios, obtenida a través de un muestreo no probabilístico de tipo intencionado. Los resultados observados indican que existen correlaciones negativas y estadísticamente significativas entre los puntajes totales de la Escala de Habilidades Sociales y los del Cuestionario de Adicción a las Redes Sociales, así como en la mayoría de los factores de ambos instrumentos. &nbsp; &nbsp

    The Bulgeless Seyfert/LINER Galaxy NGC 3367: Disk, Bar, Lopsidedness and Environment

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    NGC3367 is a nearby isolated active galaxy that shows a radio jet, a strong bar and evidence of lopsidedness. We present a quantitative analysis of the stellar and gaseous structure of the galaxy disk and a search for evidence of recent interaction based on new UBVRI Halpha and JHK images and on archival Halpha Fabry-Perot and HI VLA data. From a coupled 1D/2D GALFIT bulge/bar/disk decomposition an (B/D ~ 0.07-0.1) exponential pseudobulge is inferred in all the observed bands. A NIR estimate of the bar strength = 0.44 places NGC 3367 bar among the strongest ones. The asymmetry properties were studied using (1) optical and NIR CAS indexes (2) the stellar (NIR) and gaseous (Halpha, HI) A_1 Fourier mode amplitudes and (3) the HI integrated profile and HI mean intensity distribution. While the average stellar component shows asymmetry values close to the average found in the Local Universe for isolated galaxies, the young stellar component and gas values are largely decoupled showing significantly larger A_1 mode amplitudes suggesting that the gas has been recently perturbed. Our search for (1) faint stellar structures in the outer regions (up to u_R ~ 26 mag arcsec^{-2}), (2) (Halpha) star-forming satellite galaxies and (3) regions with different colors (stellar populations) along the disk all failed. Such an absence is interpreted using recent numerical simulations to constrain a tidal event with an LMC like galaxy to some dynamical times in the past or to a current very low mass, gas rich accretion. We conclude that a cold accretion mode (gas and small/dark galaxies) may be responsible of the nuclear activity and peculiar (young stars and gas) morphology regardless of the highly isolated environment. Black hole growth in bulgeless galaxies may be triggered by cosmic smooth mass accretion.Comment: 27 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa