1,587 research outputs found

    Detección de compuestos orgánicos mediante LIBS en rocas de interés en exploración planetaria. Aplicaciones en Astrobiología

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    La integración de instrumentos LIBS en misiones de exploración planetaria es una realidad desde hace ya unos años, siendo una tecnología conducente a la obtención de información multielemental en las distintas rocas y minerales existentes en la superficie de Marte. Su gran eficacia ha sido demostrada en muchos de los trabajos publicados hasta la fecha por los equipos de investigación participantes en la misión Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). Uno de los objetivos primordiales de dichas investigaciones radica en la detección de posibles bioindicadores [1], así como en la identificación y discriminación mediante LIBS de compuestos orgánicos, tarea que puede llegar a ser compleja ya que, entre otros aspectos, se trata de una técnica muy sensible a las condiciones ambientales (composición de la atmósfera y presión existente) [2] [3]. El presente trabajo ha buscado por un lado, evaluar el efecto de la atmósfera existente en el planeta rojo (rica en CO2 con 7mb de presión media) en la formación de plasmas inducidos por láser a partir de la ablación de muestras formadas por matrices inorgánicas dopadas con compuestos orgánicos seleccionados. Por otro lado, a partir de las diferentes huellas espectrales obtenidas en dichas condiciones y mediante la aplicación de técnicas quimiométricas adaptadas, se estudian las posibilidades de identificación de dichos referentes orgánicos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Considerations on the formation mechanisms of emitting species from organic and carbon-containing inorganic compounds in CO2 atmosphere using LIBS

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    Integration of LIBS instruments in the rover used for planetary exploration in an attempt to get multi-elemental information from rocks, minerals, and soils is a reality. Its great effectiveness has been demonstrated in many works from the research teams participating in the mission Mars Science Laboratory (MSL). However, the detection and discrimination by LIBS of organic compounds can be complex since, among other aspects; this technique is very sensitive to environmental conditions, such as the atmosphere composition and pressure [1-3]. The objective of this investigation is to assess the effect of the surrounding atmosphere (CO2) on the formation of emitting species in laser-induced plasmas of C-containing compounds in order to identify the possible both inorganic and organic sources. Moreover, the influence of molecular structures on the intensity of C, C2, CN, H, N and O emissions has been analyzed (Fig. 1). Four organic compounds (adenine, glycine, pyrene, and urea) were selected for their interest as possible indicators or precursors of life. A laboratory LIBS system coupled to a pressure chamber for simulating Martian environment was used for the analysis of pellet-shaped samples. Formation pathways of species coexisting in the plasma plume (C, C2 and CN, mainly) generated in air and in CO2 atmosphere have been considered. The ablation thresholds and the limits of detection of the organic molecules on inorganic matrices (CaCO3 and CaSO4 2H2O) have been establishedUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucia Tech

    Searching for Biosignatures in Mars by LIBS Molecular Signals Discernment

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    In the present study, LIBS analysis of a set of six selected molecules related to organic biosignatures -or their degradation compounds- have been carried out in both simulated Martian atmosphere and air in order to identify and discriminate them on the basis of their molecular emission features. This strategy can reveal insights into how different emission spectral modes react to changes in atmospheric conditions and therefore can help to detect those species which are more sensitive to changes in pressure and composition of the atmosphere. At high laser irradiance, atomization of organic compounds is essentially complete, although at sufficiently delayed integration times, the formation of new molecules by recombination processes can be noticed[1]. Molecular species characteristic of organic emissions such as C2, CN, NH, OH and CH were studied. Results can contribute to establish the optimal conditions for the observation of organic carbon species in laser-induced plasmas and the bases for the ensuing detection of organic biosignatures in analogous geological materials from Mars. Likewise, this research is aimed at providing a tool in the interpretation of LIBS data though the application of adapted data processing algorithms for the identification and discernment of suspected compounds of organic nature[2] [1] T. Delgado, L. García-Gómez, L. M. Cabalín, J. J. Laserna, Investigation on the origin of molecular emissions in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy under Mars-like atmospheric conditions of isotope-labeled compounds of interest in astrobiology, Spectrochim. Acta Part B (2021) 179-106114. [2] T. Delgado, L. García-Gómez, L. M. Cabalín, J. J. Laserna, Detectability and discrimination of biomarker organic precursors in a low pressure CO2 atmosphere by LIBS, J. Anal. At. Spectrom. (2020) 35:1947.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Patients' experience while transitioning from the intensive care unit to a ward

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    Background: Intensive care unit (ICU) patients can experience emotional distress and post-traumatic stress disorder when they leave the ICU, also referred to as post-intensive care syndrome. A deeper understanding of what patients go through and what they need while they are transitioning from the ICU to the general ward may provide input on how to strengthen patient-centred care and, ultimately, contribute to a positive experience. Aim: To describe the patients' experience while transitioning from the ICU to a general ward. Design: A descriptive qualitative study. Method: Data were gathered through in-depth interviews and analysed using a qualitative content analysis. The qualitative study was reported in accordance with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research guidelines. Findings: Forty-eight interviews were conducted. Impact on emotional well-being emerged as a main theme, comprising four categories with six subcategories. Conclusion: Transition from the ICU can be a shock for the patient, leading to the emergence of a need for information, and an impact on emotional well-being that has to be planned for carefully and addressed prior to, during, and following transition from the ICU to the general ward. Relevance to clinical practice: It is essential that nurses understand patients' experiences during transfer, identifying needs and concerns to be able to develop and implement new practices such as ICU Liaison Nurse or Nurse Outreach for the follow-up of these patients, the inclusion of a consultant mental health nurse, and the application of patient empowerment during ICU discharge

    The Last Interglacial from a continental area in Western Mediterranean. The Fuentillejo maar lacustrine record, Central Spain

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    The Fuentillejo maar is located in the Central Spanish Volcanic Field of Campo de Calatrava. Fuentillejo maar-lake has been a closed system and contains over 142 m of lacustrine sediments (Martín-Serrano et al., 2009). Geochemical (element analysis, molecular analysis of organic compounds), physical, palynological, stable isotope analysis, mineralogical and sedimentan/ facies analysis were performed to characterize the sedimentan/ record in the 57-59.3 m depth interval of core FUENT-1. These proxies reconstruct the paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic processes which controlled vegetation patterns, lake water level and deposition of sedimentan/ facies occurred during the Last Interglacial period

    Lo que no se mira, no existe. Dando visibilidad a historias de vida mediante imágenes

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    Nuestra existencia está marcada por imágenes que sobreviven en nuestra memoria. Cada historia contada va tomando cuerpo en la mente conforme va dibujándose una imagen de aquello que se cuenta. El hilo conductor desde el acontecimiento hasta la imagen interior que se construye es la palabra narrada. Nos encontramos además que existen otros diálogos que parten de imágenes materializadas y que nos cuentan historias múltiples. Y así la imagen se manifiesta como forma artística, que nos requiere atención contemplativa para escuchar su discurso. No se trata solo del placer visual y estético, sino de la experiencia artística, sociológica y epistemológica que conforma el desarrollo de esta atención, la percepción, el análisis crítico y reflexivo, la discusión de miradas y diálogos observados propios y de los otros como fuente de conocimiento. Basándonos en este contexto de aprendizaje, presentamos una serie de fotografías en blanco y negro que muestran y cuentan de una forma-otra una época histórica, la de la guerra civil española en el pueblo de Alameda, en Málaga. Pretendemos entablar un diálogo entre las personas presentes que construya un relato paralelo a la Historia conocida, a partir de las imágenes elegidas. El origen de este trabajo tiene su fuente en la historia de vida de Electra, eje central de un relato de tesis, que converge en la auto-etnografía de una de las autoras

    Heath-related quality of life in Spanish breast cancer patients: a systematic review

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Breast cancer is one of the oncological diseases in which health-related quality of life (HRQL) has been most studied. This is mainly due to its high incidence and survival. This paper seeks to: review published research into HRQL among women with breast cancer in Spain; analyse the characteristics of these studies; and describe the instruments used and main results reported.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The databases consulted were MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsycINFO, Dialnet, IBECS, CUIDEN, ISOC and LILACS. The inclusion criteria required studies to: 1) include Spanish patients, and a breakdown of results where other types of tumours and/or women from other countries were also included; and, 2) furnish original data and measure HRQL using a purpose-designed questionnaire. The methodological quality of studies was assessed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Spain ranked midway in the European Union in terms of the number of studies conducted on the HRQL of breast cancer patients. Of the total of 133 papers published from 1993 to 2009, 25 met the inclusion criteria. Among them, only 12 were considered as having good or excellent quality. A total of 2236 women participated in the studies analysed. In descending order of frequency, the questionnaires used were the EORTC, FACT-B, QL-CA-Afex, SF-12, FLIC, RSCL and CCV. Five papers focused on validation or adaptation of questionnaires. Most papers examined HRQL in terms of type of treatment. Few differences were detected by type of chemotherapy, with the single exception of worse results among younger women treated with radiotherapy. In the short term, better results were reported for all HRQL components by women undergoing conservative rather than radical surgery. Presence of lymphedema was associated with worse HRQL. Three studies assessed differences in HRQL by patients' psychological traits. Psychosocial disorder and level of depression and anxiety, regardless of treatment or disease stage, worsened HRQL. In addition, there was a positive effect among patients who reported having a "fighting spirit" and using "denial" as a defence mechanism. One study found that breast cancer patients scored worse than did healthy women on almost all SF-12 scales.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Research into health-related quality of life of breast-cancer patients is a little developed field in Spain.</p

    Efecto del contenido del agente de refuerzo en materiales cerámicos compuestos de hidroxiapatitacircona

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    En este trabajo se estudia el efecto del contenido partículas de circona parcialmente estabilizadas con magnesia (Mg-PSZ) en el comportamiento mecánico de cerámicas de hidroxiapatita (HA) reforzadas con circona. Se emplearon cantidades de 10, 20 y 30% (en peso) de circona. Los materiales fueron obtenidos mediante prensado uniaxial y sinterización en oxígeno húmedo a una temperatura de 1250°C por 4 horas. La caracterización mediante difracción de rayos X y espectroscopía infrarroja reveló que la hidroxiapatita fue la única fase fosfato cálcica. Los mejores valores de densidad relativa y de resistencia mecánica (tenacidad a la fractura y resistencia a la flexión en tres puntos) se alcanzaron para un contenido de 20% en peso de Mg-PSZ. El estudio fractográfico permitió afirmar que un 10% de circona resulta insuficiente para mejorar significativamente la resistencia mecánica del material compuesto mientras que un 30% inhibe la correcta sinterización de la matriz de hidroxiapatita.Peer Reviewe