681 research outputs found

    The genus Passiflora L (Passifloraceae) in Lambayeque Department, Peru

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    El género Passiflora L. (Passifloraceae) en el departamento de Lambayeque, Perú. El género Passiflora cuenta con un total de 13 especies hasta ahora determinadas para Lambayeque. Estas especies, algunas con sus taxones infraespecíficos, están incluidas en los subgéneros Passiflora y Decaloba. En el presente trabajo se reportan por primera vez para Lambayeque Passiflora cisnana, P. edulis f. flavicarpa, P. ligularis, P. manicata, P. mathewsii, P. quadrangularis, P. suberosa, P. tarminiana y P. tripartita var. mollissima. De entre ellas, 8 están restringidas a la zona andina del departamento, entre los 1000–4000 m, de elevación, y cinco especies habitan la franja costera. Se proporciona una clave y breves descripciones de cada taxón. Además, se añaden datos corológicos, ecológicos y etnobotánicos que complementan esta investigación

    Protocol for ex vitro and in vitro micropropagation of Cucurbita moschata and C. ecuadorensis, native to Peru and Ecuador, of nutritional and medicinal importance

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    Cucurbitaceae species constitute a family with a wide worldwide distribution and great nutritional and medicinal importance. The Cucurbita genus is the most important of the family with valuable species such as C. maxima and C. moschata. However, the large-scale production of sex specific plants using the conventional propagation methods has various limitations. The tissue culture such as micropropagation can help overcome these limitations. The aim of this study was to establish a protocol for ex vitro and in vitro clonal propagation of two varieties of Cucurbita moschata: ‘loche’, a variety of commercial vegetative propagation and endemic in Lambayeque, and ‘chuyán’ another variety of very restricted cultivation in some Andean regions of the north of the Peru. Likewise, the in vitro propagation of ‘chisguín’ (C. ecuadorensis), a threatened endemic wild species from the coast of Ecuador. ‘Loche’ was propagated ex vitro by microcutting with a node and leaf, and micropropagated in MS culture medium supplemented with 0.02 mg L-1 IAA and 0.02 mg L-1 GA3. Seedlings of ‘chuyán’ and ‘chisguin’ were micropropagated in MS with with 0.02 mg L-1 IAA, 0.5 mg L-1 BAP and 0.02 mg L-1 GA3. This study constitutes the first report on micropropagation of Peruvian and Ecuadorian varieties and species of the Cucurbita genus

    Synopsis of Ipomoea L. and Merremia Dennst. ex Endl. (Convolvulaceae) in the North of Peru (Lambayeque and surrounding areas)

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    El objetivo principal de este trabajo es identificar y comentar los registros anteriores y nuevos de los géneros Ipomoea y Merremia en el departamento de Lambayeque (Perú) y zonas circundantes. Se describen 18 especies de Ipomoea y 3 especies de Merremia: Ipomoea alba, I. asarifolia, I. hederifolia, I. indica, I. nil e I. wrightii. I. aristolochiifolia, I. batatas, I. cairica, I. carnea,I. incarnata, I. parasitica, I. piurensis, I. purpurea, I. tiliacea,Merremia aegyptia, M. quinquefolia y M.umbellata son nuevos registros para la flora de Lambayeque. Incluso Ipomoea amnicola, I. dumetorum e I. quamoclit se reportan como nuevos registros en el departamento dyacente de Cajamarca. Se presentan claves para identificar las especies y los grupos intergenéricos. La distribución de cada especie es también presentada para mostrar su biogeografía

    In vitro tissue culture in plants propagation and germplasm conservation of economically important species in Peru

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    Plant biotechnology is one of the most important tools presently available and methods to genetically manipulate plants to exhibit greater productivity, tolerance to physical and chemical stress, and resistance to pests and diseases have been developed in recent decades. In vitro plant tissue culture has contributed significantly to this purpose. The objective of this study is to apply various techniques developed by in vitro tissue culture in seed germination, meristem culture for virus elimination, micropropagation, conservation, international transfer of germplasm, and induction of various morphogenic processes that lead to the genetic variability known as somaclonal variation. The application of this set of biotechnological techniques, in crops such as cassava, sweet potato, potato, native forest species as Cedrela odorata, Ficus spp. Loxopterygium huasango, and others, sugar cane, rice, pineapple, among other haves made it possible to meet, as a matter of improvement, several of the essential needs of farmers in the region of northern Peru. The development of these technologies will allow their wide application not only in the propagation, genetic improvement and conservation of species of economic importance, food and medicine, but also in the forest species of the seasonally dry tropical forest of northern Peru

    Micropropagación y conservación de germoplasma de Ficus americana Aubl. y F. obtusifolia Kunth de Lambayeque (Perú)

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    Ficus americana and F. obtusifolia are among the most important tree species in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) due to their evergreen condition and high levels of biomass. However, the SDTF of Lambayeque and northern Peru is greatly diminishing due to the advance of migratory agriculture, illegal mining, and deforestation. The objective of this work was to study the taxonomic aspects of both species, as well as seed germination, micropropagation, and in vitro germplasm conservation. Seed germination was 100% for both species up to three months after collection. As for micropropagation, rooting, and germplasm conservation, the Piper culture medium was effective, as it was constituted by MS mineral salts with 0.02 mg.L-1 IAA and 0.02 mg.L-1 GA3. In vitro germplasm conservation lasted more than 24 months for both species. Acclimatization under greenhouse conditions reached 50% survival for both species.Ficus americana y F. obtusifolia, se encuentran entre las especies arbóreas más importantes de los Bosques Tropicales Estacionalmente Secos (BTES) por su condición de siempre verdes y sus altos niveles de biomasa. Sin embargo, el BTES de Lambayeque y el norte de Perú está disminuyendo enormemente debido al avance de la agricultura migratoria, la minería ilegal y la deforestación. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar los aspectos taxonómicos de ambas especies, así como la germinación de semillas, la micropropagación y la conservación de germoplasma in vitro. La germinación de semillas fue de 100 % en ambas especies hasta tres meses después de la recolección. Respecto a la micropropagación, el enraizamiento y la conservación de germoplasma, el medio de cultivo de Piper resultó efectivo, el cual está conformado por sales minerales MS con IAA 0.02 mg.L-1 y GA3 0.02 mg.L-1. La conservación in vitro de germoplasma duró más de 24 meses en ambas especies. La aclimatación en condiciones de invernadero alcanzó 50 % de supervivencia en ambas especies

    Propagación in vivo e in vitro de Prosopis sp. (algarrobo), Tabebuia billbergii (guayacán negro), Loxopterigium huasango (hualtaco) y Alnus acuminata (aliso)

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    El Laboratorio de Micropropagación Vegetal del Área Agropecuaria y de Recursos Naturales Renovables, de la Universidad Nacional de Loja, inició, en el presente año, el proyecto de investigación: Generación de protocolos para la propagación in vivo e in vitro de genotipos élites de especies forestales nativas y promisorias para la reforestación en la Región Sur del Ecuador; comprendiendo las especies Prosopis sp. (“algarrobo”), Tabebuia bill- bergii = Handroanthus billbergii (“guayacán negro”), Loxopterigium huasango (“hualtaco”) y Alnus acuminata (“aliso”), con el objetivo de propagarlas utilizando varios métodos: semilla, regeneración natural, estacas, acodos aéreos y cultivos in vitro (cultivo de semillas, brotamiento múltiple, enraizamiento de novo, organogénesis y embriogénesis somática). Se colectó semillas y estacas de las cuatro especies comprendidas en el estudio, en diversas localidades de la provincia de Loja (Ecuador) y regiones de Piura y Lambayeque (Perú). Se realizaron diversos ensayos sobre escarificación de semillas y tipos de sustratos, así como la siembra de estacas, tomadas de diferentes partes de plantas seleccionadas y en varios tipos de sustratos, en condiciones de invernadero. En cultivos in vitro de Prosopis sp. se tiene avances significativos en la germinación de semillas, en medio de cultivo MS (Murashige y Skoog, 1962), suplementado con varias concentraciones de giberelinas (AG3); brotamiento múltiple, a partir de ápices caulinares, en varias concentraciones de las citocininas benzil amninopurina (BAP), kinetina (KIN),thidiazurón (TDZ) y 2-isopentenil adenina (2iP); el enraizamiento de novo, en varias concentraciones de las auxinas ácido 3-indola- cético (AIA), ácido naftalenacético (ANA) y ácido indolbutírico (AIB) y la inducción de callos en diversos tipos de explantes (hipocótilos, raíces, cotiledones y ápices caulinares) en varias concentraciones de las auxinas AIA, ANA, ácido 2.4-diclorofenoxiacético (2.4-D) y ácido 3.6-dicloro-2-metoxibenzoico (DICAMBA); en T. billberghii y L. huasango, se tienen resultados preliminares sobre germinación de semillas. En A. acuminata se ha avanzado en la germinación de semillas, brotamiento múltiple y enraizamiento de novo, así como en la elongación y enraizamiento de ápices caulinares de plantas de invernadero, faltando desarrollar un protocolo eficiente de aclimatación de plántulas in vitro

    Micropropagation and Germplasm Conservation of Ficus americana Aubl. and F. obtusifolia Kunth from Lambayeque (Peru)

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    Ficus americana and F. obtusifolia are among the most important tree species in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forests (SDTF) due to their evergreen condition and high levels of biomass. However, the SDTF of Lambayeque and northern Peru is greatly diminishing due to the advance of migratory agriculture, illegal mining, and deforestation. The objective of this work was to study the taxonomic aspects of both species, as well as seed germination, micropropagation, and in vitro germplasm conservation. Seed germination was 100% for both species up to three months after collection. As for micropropagation, rooting, and germplasm conservation, the Piper culture medium was effective, as it was constituted by MS mineral salts with 0.02 mg.L-1 IAA and 0.02 mg.L-1 GA3. In vitro germplasm conservation lasted more than 24 months for both species. Acclimatization under greenhouse conditions reached 50% survival for both species

    Larvicidal activity of Piper tuberculatum on Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) under laboratory conditions

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    The larvicidal activity of the neotropical "matico" Piper tuberculatum was evaluated. The secondary compounds were extracted of leaves, stems and mature spikes with fruits and seeds from wild plants and in vitro plants of Piper tuberculatum. The acute toxicities to the fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (Smith) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), of extracts of spikes with fruits and seeds and in vitro plants of P tuberculatum were evaluated by means of contact bioassays. Only CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1) and EtOH extracts of mature spikes and CH2C12:MeOH (2:1) extract from in vitro plants showed significant levels of larval mortality. The CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1) and EtOH extracts of mature spikes caused 90% mortality when doses of 0.1850 mg/mu L were applied to the S. frugiperda in 24 and 48 h of exposure, respectively. The CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1) extract from in vitro plants caused 95% mortality when doses of 0.1850 mg/mu L were too applied in 48 h of exposure. The mature spikes test best results were: LD50 0.001 mg/mu L with EtOH and 0.007 mg/mu L with CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1) and LD90 0.027 mg/mu L with EtOH and 0.103 mg/mu L with CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1); and, in the case of in vitro plants, only CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1) extract was: LD50 0.003 mg/mu L and LD90 0.060 mg/mu L. The potential value of extracts derived from P. tuberculatum as efficient insecticides against S.frugiperda is discussed

    Search for single production of vector-like quarks decaying into Wb in pp collisions at s=8\sqrt{s} = 8 TeV with the ATLAS detector

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    Measurements of top-quark pair differential cross-sections in the eμe\mu channel in pppp collisions at s=13\sqrt{s} = 13 TeV using the ATLAS detector

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