490 research outputs found

    A logic approach for exceptions and anomalies in association rules

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    Association rules have been used for obtaining information hidden in a database. Recent researches have pointed out that simple associations are insu cient for representing the diverse kinds of knowledge collected in a database. The use of exceptions and anomalies deal with a di erent type of knowledge sometimes more useful than simple associations. Moreover ex- ceptions and anomalies provide a more comprehensive understanding of the information provided by a database. This work intends to go deeper in the logic model studied in [5]. In the model, association rules can be viewed as general relations between two or more attributes quanti ed by means of a convenient quanti er. Using this formulation we establish the true semantics of the distinct kinds of knowledge we can nd in the database hidden in the four folds of the contingency table. The model is also useful for providing some measures for assessing the validity of those kinds of rulesPeer Reviewe

    Use of superheated liquids for the extraction of non-volatile compounds from wood: HPLC studies

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    A study of the extraction of oak wood compounds using superheated water-ethanol mixtures ranging from 10 to 60% ethanol is reported. Identification and characterization of the extracted compounds have been made by high performance liquid chromatography. The extraction has been performed using the static mode by single or repetitive cycles. The variables affecting the extraction process have been studied and their optimum values established (extraction time: 50 min; pressure: 40 atm; extraction temperature: 180º C). The study allows to compare the non-volatile polyphenol fractions obtained in this way with those present in commercial samples with fully agreement between them. In addition, the method allows manipulation of the extract composition by changing the working pressure, temperature and water-ethanol ratio

    Time-of-Arrival States

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    Although one can show formally that a time-of-arrival operator cannot exist, one can modify the low momentum behaviour of the operator slightly so that it is self-adjoint. We show that such a modification results in the difficulty that the eigenstates are drastically altered. In an eigenstate of the modified time-of-arrival operator, the particle, at the predicted time-of-arrival, is found far away from the point of arrival with probability 1/2.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figure

    In vitro caecal fermentation of carbohydrate-rich feedstuffs in rabbits as affected by substrate pre-digestion and donors' diet

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    [EN] The influence of substrate pre-digestion and donors’ diet on in vitro caecal fermentation of different substrates in rabbits was investigated. Eight crossbreed rabbits were fed 2 experimental diets containing either low (LSF; 84.0 g/kg dry matter [DM]) or high soluble fibre (HSF; 130 g/kg DM) levels. In vitro incubations were conducted using batch cultures with soft faeces as inoculum and four fibrous or fibre-derived, low-starch and low-protein substrates: D-cellobiose (CEL), sugar beet pectin (PEC), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and wheat straw (WS). Substrates in half of the cultures were subjected to a 2-step pepsin/pancreatin in vitro digestion without filtration, and the whole residue (soluble, insoluble and added enzymes) was incubated at 39°C. Gas production was measured until 144 h, and volatile fatty acid (VFA) production at 24 h incubation was determined. Cultures without substrate (blanks) were included to correct gas production values for gas released from endogenous substrates and added enzymes. Pre-digestion had no influence on in vitro gas production kinetic of WS, and only reduced the time before gas production begins (lag time; by 31%; P=0.042) for SBP, but for both substrates the pre-digestion decreased the molar proportion of acetate (by 9%; P≤0.003) and increased those of propionate and butyrate (P≤0.014). For CEL, the pre-digestion increased the gas and total VFA production (by 30 and 114%), shortened the lag time (by 32%), and only when it was combined with LSF inoculum 38 percentage units of acetate were replaced by butyrate (P≤0.039). Treatments had a minor influence on in vitro fermentation traits of SBP pectin. The results showed that the pre-digestion process influenced the in vitro caecal fermentation in rabbits, but the effects were influenced by donors’ diet and the incubated substrate. Pre-digestion of substrate is recommended before conducting in vitro caecal fermentations. The level of soluble fibre in the donors’ diet also influenced the in vitro caecal fermentation, but its effect depended on the type of substrate.Funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Projects AGL2011-23885 and AGL2011-22628) and the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM; Project MEDGAN ABI-2913) is gratefully acknowledged.Ocasio-Vega, C.; Abad-Guamán, R.; Delgado, R.; Carabaño, R.; Carro, M.; García, J. (2018). In vitro caecal fermentation of carbohydrate-rich feedstuffs in rabbits as affected by substrate pre-digestion and donors' diet. World Rabbit Science. 26(1):15-25. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2018.7854SWORD152526

    Angiosarcoma primario de mama

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    El angiosarcoma de mama es un tumor muy poco frecuente pero de comportamiento muy agresivo. Es importante el diagnóstico precoz y diferencial entre su etiología primaria y secundaria. Se caracteriza por su inespecificidad clínica y radiológica, por lo que el anatomopatólogo tiene un papel fundamental para llegar al diagnóstico. La cirugía es el tratamiento fundamental, combinada con quimioterapia y radioterapia. Con un pronóstico desfavorable y la falta de tratamiento definido en las guías clínicas, es un desafío tanto para los cirujanos como para los oncólogos. Angiosarcoma of the breast is a very rare tumour, but very aggressive in its behaviour. Early and differential diagnosis between its primary or secondary aetiology is important. It is characterised by being clinically and radiologically unspecific, and the histopathologist has a fundamental role to reach the diagnosis. Surgery is the basic treatment combined with chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Due to its unfavourable prognosis and the lack of treatment defined in the clinical guidelines it is a challenge for both surgeons and oncologists

    The First Case of Short-Spiked Canarygrass (Phalaris brachystachys) with Cross-Resistance to ACCase-Inhibiting Herbicides in Iran

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    The weed Phalaris brachystachys Link. severely affects winter cereal production. Acetyle-CoA Carboxylase (ACCase)-inhibiting herbicides are commonly used to control this weed in wheat fields. Thirty-six populations with suspected resistance to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides were collected from wheat fields in the Golestan Province in Iran. A rapid test performed in Petri dishes and whole-plant dose–response experiments were conducted to confirm and investigate the resistance level of P. brachystachys to ACCase-inhibiting herbicides. The seed bioassay results showed that 0.02 mg ai L−1 clodinafop-propargyl (CP) and 1.36 mg ai L−1 of the diclofop-methyl (DM) solution were the optimal amounts for reliably screening resistant and susceptible P. brachystachys populations. In the whole plant bioassay, all populations were found to be resistant to CP, resistance ratios ranging from 2.7 to 11.6, and all of the CP-resistant populations exhibited resistance to DM. Fourteen populations showed low resistance to cycloxydim, and thirteen of these populations were also 2-fold resistant to pinoxaden. The results showed that DM resistance in some P. brachystachys populations is likely due to their enhanced herbicide metabolism, which involves Cytochrome P450 monooxygenases, as demonstrated by the indirect assay. This is the first report confirming the cross-resistance of ACCase-inhibiting herbicides in P. brachystachys in Iran

    Biological and Health-promoting Activity of Vinification Byproducts Produced in Spanish Vineyards

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    Several by-products are produced in the Spanish agricultural system. Among them, fresh and vinifiedgrape skins represent an abundant source of phenols with a potential nutraceutical value. Fresh grape skinextracts (FGSE) and vinification of grape skin extracts (VGSE) obtained by a microwave-assisted methodhave been chemically and biologically characterised. Their role in the maintenance of genetic stabilitywas stated by in vivo genotoxic and antigenotoxic evaluations (Drosophilla melanogaster wing spot test), aswell as by their potential chemopreventive effect (in an HL60 in vitro model). Total phenolic, anthocyaninand resveratrol contents were chemically characterised in the two extracts, showing some qualitativedifferences. Both extracts and resveratrol were not mutagenic in the Drosophila somatic mutation andrecombination tests, and exerted antigenotoxic activities against hydrogen peroxide. They also showedcytotoxic activity to HL60 leukaemia cells, with an IC50 of 4.5μL/mL, 4.6μL/mL and 98μM respectively andinduced apoptotic internucleosomic fragmentation in the HL60 cell line

    Evaluation of lasting effects of heat stress on sperm profile and oxidative status of ram semen and epididymal sperm

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    Higher temperatures lead to an increase of testicular metabolism that results in spermatic damage. Oxidative stress is the main factor responsible for testicular damage caused by heat stress. The aim of this study was to evaluate lasting effects of heat stress on ejaculated sperm and immediate or long-term effects of heat stress on epididymal sperm. We observed decrease in motility and mass motility of ejaculated sperm, as well as an increase in the percentages of sperm showing major and minor defects, damaged plasma and acrosome membranes, and a decrease in the percentage of sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential in the treated group until one spermatic cycle. An increased enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase and an increase of stressed cells were observed in ejaculated sperm of the treated group. A decrease in the percentage of epididymal sperm with high mitochondrial membrane potential was observed in the treated group. However, when comparing immediate and long-term effects, we observed an increase in the percentage of sperm with low mitochondrial membrane potential. In conclusion, testicular heat stress induced oxidative stress that led to rescuable alterations after one spermatic cycle in ejaculated sperm and also after 30 days in epididymal sperm

    Climate-induced environmental conditions influencing interannual variability of Mediterranean bluefin (Thunnus thynnus) larval growth

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    Daily growth variability of bluefin (Thunnus thynnus) larvae sampled in their Balearic Sea spawning grounds during the 2003–2005 spawning seasons was examined. Multi-factorial ANOVA was applied to study the effects of environmental variables, such as temperature at 10 m depth (T10), microzooplankton dry weight (MDW) and protein/dry weight ratio (PROT/ MDW) on larval growth. The 2003 bluefin tuna (BFT) larval cohort showed the fastest growth, recognizable from enhanced otolith and somatic mass increment compared to the 2004–2005 larval cohorts. The 2003 BFT larvae showed greater recent growth than the 2004–2005 BFT cohorts, which decreased in the last stages of development. Growth differences between the 2004 and 2005 larval cohorts were not significant. The environmental conditions between 2003 and 2004–2005 were highly contrasting as a result of the 2003 warming anomaly. Somatic and otolith growth rates (OGR) were significantly related to T10 and MDW, as well as to the PROT/MDW ratios. Nonetheless, the effect of T10 on OGR depended on the relative high (H) or low (L) levels of MDW and PROT/DW. Higher OGR was observed when T10 was high, MDW was low and PROT/DW was high. This environmental scenario conditions were met during 2003, which recorded the highest surface temperature and low planktonic biomass. Somatic growth,expressed as larval DW growth increase (DWGR), showed three-factor significant interactions with T10*MDW*PROT/MDW, in which the two-way interactions of MDW*PROT/MDW showed differences in the function of T10 levels.Postprin