11 research outputs found

    Sexual gender roles and stereotypes and the sexual double standard in sexual satisfaction among Portuguese college students: an exploratory study

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    This work was supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), under Grant number Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia PTDC/PSI-GER/28530/2017Research on sexual satisfaction in Portugal is still limited; what exists, however, highlights barriers preventing optimal realisation of this dimension of sexuality and sexual health. Physical and relational barriers have been consistently evidenced, whereas social and cultural barriers have been less studied. Using focus groups, we aimed to explore perceptions of Portuguese college students (N = 47) about sexual satisfaction – more specifically, about gender differences and about how sexual gender roles and stereotypes and the Sexual Double Standard may influence sexual satisfaction. We found that sexual satisfaction is perceived to be suboptimal, especially for women in casual sexual relationships, and that the differences are attributed by both male and female to the constraints imposed by sexual gender roles, sexual gender stereotypes, and the sexual double standard. Deconstructing these socio-sexual beliefs is needed in order to achieve a higher, egalitarian level of sexual satisfaction and to promote sexual health.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Portuguese College Students’ Perceptions About the Social Sexual Double Standard: Developing a Comprehensive Model for the Social SDS

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    Research on the sexual double standard (SDS) indicates its maintenance among college students, despite some attenuation and the emergence of alternative standards. Results show some inconsistencies, however, which highlight conceptual and methodological weaknesses that limit conclusions about the existence and expression of the SDS. One response entails distinguishing personal acceptance of the SDS from its social existence; maintenance of the SDS may reside in the latter, as there is some evidence for a decline in personal but not in social SDS. We aimed to analyse Portuguese college students’ perceptions about the social SDS and to develop a comprehensive model for it. Four male (n=30) and four female (n=17) focus groups were conducted with data analysis framed by Grounded Theory. The social SDS emerged especially with regard to casual sex and multiple partners, legitimized by the accepted/recognized existence of sexual gender roles and stereotypes. It is maintained through conformity with SDS and gender prescriptions in order to prove/ protect femininity, masculinity and sexual reputation. The process reduces sexual autonomy and has drawbacks for sexual health and wellbeing. Our comprehensive model can inform deconstructive strategies to promote egalitarian, liberal, and positive sexual experiences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Still Striving After All These Years: Between Normality of Conduct and Normativity of Evaluation in Casual Relationships among College Students

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    This work was supported by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), under Grant (number PTDC/PSI-GER/28530/2017). This work received national funding from FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P, through the Research Center for Psychological Science of the Faculty of Psychology, University of Lisbon (UIDB/04527/2020; UIDP/04527/2020).Gender similarities have been detected in various sexual behaviors and attitudes in young adults, but persistent diferences remain regarding casual sexual relationships (CSRs), with women feeling diferent external pressures than men. We set out to study the spontaneous references made to gender similarities and diferences towards CSRs in eight focus group interviews (N=35 college-students, aged 18–28) about the characteristics of CSRs within a social-role framework. The thematic analysis led us to the interpretation that there is an ongoing change in the acceptability of these relationships, leading to the emergence of a single sexual standard – mostly liberal, but at times also conservative. However, diferent expectations remain, derived from a deep-rooted traditional sexual double standard still perceived in society. Challenges to the unequal standards and social constraints in CSRs is desired by many women, defended by men, and admired in those women whose striving contributes to the normalization of this conduct and of how it is evaluated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estudo exploratório das percepções de estudantes universitários sobre proteção sexual

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    A investigação mostra que os estudantes universitários heterossexuais ainda se expõem a risco sexual, nomeadamente riscos que dizem respeito ao uso inconsistente do preservativo. Não obstante, em Portugal os estudos estão mais centrados na análise da presença/ausência de comportamentos de risco/proteção e menos nos fatores que os explicam. Foi nosso objetivo explorar as perceções de estudantes universitários portugueses sobre proteção sexual e indagar sobre as suas barreiras e facilitadores, bem como sobre diferenças de género nesta dimensão da saúde sexual. Para o efeito foram dinamizados oito grupos focais compostos por 47 estudantes (64% homens, M=21.4 anos e DP=2.9) e os dados analisados qualitativamente. Os participantes reconheceram que nos relacionamentos ocasionais o uso do preservativo é a norma, apesar de existirem inconsistências. Nos relacionamentos regulares, o uso do preservativo cessa, sendo fraca ou inexistente a comunicação sobre a decisão de deixar de o utilizar, bem como sobre o despiste de Infeções Sexualmente Transmissíveis (ISTs) para informar a decisão. Além destas barreiras específicas à proteção sexual, os participantes identificaram outras, gerais, como o facto de a preocupação dos jovens ser, mais do que evitar doenças, evitar a gravidez, o consumo de álcool, o significado (negativo) atribuído ao preservativo e às ISTs. A informação e o acesso a meios de proteção sexual foram referidos como facilitadores. Barreiras e facilitadores são sobretudo de natureza social, relacional e contextual e o género é entendido como uma provável barreira à proteção sexual de homens e facilitador da proteção das mulheres. Destaca-se a importância de desenvolver programas de educação para a saúde sexual no ensino superior, adaptados às reais dificuldades/necessidades dos estudantes universitário.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Acute petrified myocardium associated with meningococcal sepsis in childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematous: a fatal case

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    Acute petrified myocardium associated with septic shock, diagnosed by autopsy has rarely been described. A 15-year-old adolescent male was diagnosed with childhood-onset systemic lupus erythematosus. One year later, he was hospitalized with fever, myalgia, headache, arthritis, vomiting, dyspnea and was diagnosed with sepsis secondary to bronchopneumonia and meningitis. Blood culture identified Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y. Despite antibiotics and intensive therapeutic measures, he died after 29 days of hospitalization. The autopsy revealed necrotic cardiomyocytes with dystrophic calcification and interstitial fibrosis

    Manifestation du double standard sexuel dans les sociétés occidentales (2011-2017) : un examen de la portée

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    This scoping review synthetizes research published between 2011 and 2017 (n = 46), that aimed to analyse emergencies and variations of the Sexual Double Standard (SDS) in western societies. A consistent emergence of the SDS is observed in the evaluation of different sexual contexts/ /behaviours. There is also evidence of positive (egalitarian, liberal) and negative (egalitarian and conservative, and reversed) alternative sexual standards. The emergence of the SDS and the variation with negative standards indicates that, in western societies, (hetero)sexual experience is marked by gender inequality and by restrictive and punitive sexual standards. Also, because these standards may limit sexual autonomy and men’s and women’s access to a positive sexuality, they must be deconstructed and replaced by others that are more equitable.Esta revisão abrangente analisa investigação publicada entre 2011 e 2017 (n = 46), que averiguou a emergência e a variação do Duplo Padrão Sexual (DPS) em sociedades ocidentais. Observa ‑se uma consistente manifestação do DPS na avaliação de condutas sexuais diversas. Há igualmente evidência de padrões sexuais alternativos positivos (igualitários liberais) e negativos (igualitários conservadores e invertidos). A emergência de DPS e a variação com padrões negativos indica que, nas sociedades ocidentais, a experiência (hetero)sexual é marcada por desigualdade de género e por padrões sexuais restritivos e punitivos. E, porque estes padrões podem limitar a liberdade sexual e o acesso de homens e mulheres a uma sexualidade positiva, devem ser alvo de desconstrução e substituição por outros, equitativos.Cet examen de la portée analyse les recherches publiées entre 2011 et 2017 (n = 46) sur l’émergence et la variation du double standard sexuel (DSS) dans les sociétés occidentales. Une manifestation constante du DSS est observée dans l’évaluation de divers comportements sexuels. Il y a également des preuves de modèles sexuels alternatifs positifs (égalitaires libéraux) et négatifs (égalitaires conservateurs et inversés). L’émergence du DSS et la variation avec des modèles négatifs indiquent que, dans les sociétés occidentales, l’expérience (hétéro)sexuelle est marquée par l’inégalité de genre et par des modèles sexuels restrictifs et punitifs. Comme ces normes peuvent limiter la liberté sexuelle et l’accès des hommes et des femmes à une sexualité positive, elles doivent être la cible de déconstruction et de remplacement par d’autres, équitables

    Development and evidence of validity of the new sexual double standard scale

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    The Sexual Double Standard is a complex multi-layered construct that functions as an organizing principle of heterosexual behavior. It is a dynamic, ubiquitous, two-dimensional sexual gendered norm, the quantitative exploration of which requires up-to-date assessment tools to better capture both personal endorsement and social recognition of the SDS. This study develops a New SDS Scale to assess personal SDS, which is easily adapted to measure societal SDS, with demonstration of its validity and gender invariance. College students (N = 481) completed the New SDS Scale, plus convergent-divergent and concurrent validity measures. Exploratory analysis indicated an eight-item two-factor structure. Confirmatory factor analysis showed the better adjustment of a bifactor structure combining a general factor of SDS and the subscales Sexual Relationships and Actions/Activities. In addition to factorial validity, results were also demonstrative of convergent, discriminant, and concurrent validity, and reliability and gender invariance were demonstrated. The new scale may be a useful tool to briefly assess personal endorsement of the SDS or of alternative standards, and it can easily be adapted to measure perceptions about the social existence of the SDS. Beyond the potential for practical application to individual or group assessment in clinical and educational settings, the New SDS Scale updates our knowledge on the types of sexual conduct that elicit the SDS, identifying critically gendered activities for which permissiveness continues to be markedly differentiated, despite the openness and sexual freedom of recent years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio