1,635 research outputs found

    A Newly Discovered Manuscript of the Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada by Hernando de Baeza

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    The Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada, written by the chronicler Hernando de Baeza in the first half of the XVI century, in Spain, is a valuable text that provides a very different perspective from other late medieval Spanish official chronicles. In this article we give an account of the discovery of a previously unknown manuscript of this chronicle which, unlike the two others already known, is complete and includes the ending and the negotiations between the Catholic Kings of Spain and the last Nasrid sultan Boabdil for the Islamic surrender of Granada. We describe this previously unknown manuscript, give an account of the importance of the codex in which it is found, and show the importance of this discovery for Spanish historiography


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    Various topics of public and business administration are shown in the sixth volume and third number of 2022 of the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration. The number of original articles and a case study, with authors from Cuba, Ecuador and China, make up the number. Topics related to: public administration and the legal regime, public policies for Higher Education, energy security, citizen security and the evaluation of public services at the local level, dashboards and the balanced scorecard are shown. of central government management, data ecosystem reference architecture, technology intensity in high-tech enterprises, small and medium-sized enterprises, and enterprise governance system integration. This editorial first analyzes the issues of public administration and then those of the business field, delving into the approaches, concepts, methods and experiences developed.Diversos tópicos de la administración pública y empresarial se muestran en el sexto volumen y tercer número del 2022 de la Revista Cubana de Administración Pública y Empresarial. Conforman el número artículos originales y un caso de estudio, con autores de Cuba, Ecuador y China. Se muestran temas relacionados con: la administración pública y el régimen jurídico, las políticas públicas de la Educción Superior, la seguridad energética, la seguridad ciudadana y la evaluación de los servicios públicos a nivel local, los tableros de mando y el cuadro de mando integral de la gestión del gobierno a nivel central, la arquitectura de referencia de ecosistemas de datos, la intensidad tecnológica en empresas de alta tecnología, las pequeñas y medianas empresas y la integración del sistema de dirección empresarial. En esta editorial se analizan primero las temáticas de la administración pública y luego las del ámbito empresarial, profundizando en los enfoques, conceptos, métodos y experiencias desarrolladas


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    Various topics of organizational management and economics are shown in the sixth volume and second number of 2022 of the Cuban Journal of Public and Business Administration. They make up the number of original articles and case studies, with authors from Cuba, Ecuador, Colombia and Germany. Topics related to: industrial property management, public health management, organizational design, IT services, capacity building in Industry 4.0, teleworking, socioeconomic assessment of occupational risks, selection of personnel based on competencies, flow of capital in the economy and environmental costs of fracking.Diversos tópicos de la gestión organizacional y la economía se muestran en el sexto volumen y segundo número del 2022 de la Revista Cubana de Administración Pública y Empresarial. Conforman el número artículos originales y caso de estudio, con autores de Cuba, Ecuador, Colombia y Alemania. Se muestran temas relacionados con: gestión de la propiedad industrial, gestión pública de la salud, diseño organizacional, servicios informáticos, formación de capacidades en la Industria 4.0, teletrabajo, valoración socioeconómica de los riesgos laborales, selección del personal basado en competencias, flujo de capital en la economía y costos ambientales del fracking

    Poética en el caballo árabe: de la tradición mítica a la razón estética

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    En este artículo estudiamos el tema del caballo árabe en la civilización islámica. Para ello examinamos la tradición desde sus orígenes judeo-cristianos y preislámicos y su inclusión al Islam por parte del Profeta Muhammad. El hadiz y la poesía en árabe clásico serán los principales medios de transmisión de una serie de leyendas y mitos en torno al caballo árabe desde la Edad Media hasta nuestros días. Para un conocimiento más cercano hemos extraído de las fuentes árabes textos ilustrativos y, muy especialmente, poemas, que permiten obtener una visión general pero muy exacta de nuestro motivo de estudio.In this article we study the theme of the Arabian horse in the Islamic civilization. For it we examine the tradition since its Jewish-Christian origins and Preislamic culture and its inclusion into Islam by the Prophet Muhhammad. The hadiz and the poetry in clas sical Arab were the main way of transmission of some legends and myths around the Arabian horse from the Middle Ages till our days. For a more nearby knowledge we have extracted from the Arabian sources illustrative texts and, quite especially, poems, which permit us to obtain a general but close vision of our theme of study

    De Granada a Michoacán: Vasco de Quiroga y la génesis de un códice fronterizo

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    The History of the moorish kings of Grenada by Hernando of Baeza. A chronicle that is part frontier romance, part autobiography, and part legend

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    En este trabajo trato de poner en claro algunos datos de la vida del cronista y trujamán Hernando de Baeza a través de los datos autobiográficos contenidos, de forma explícita o velada, en su crónica de los últimos años de la Granada nazarí, y añado algunos otros que se pueden deducir de sus propias palabras y de las de aquellos coetáneos o próximos a su tiempo que, interesados por su obra, nos han legado algunos escasos comentarios sobre sus vivenciasIn this work I try to clarify some aspects from the chronicler and turjuman Hernando de Baeza’s life, throughout autobiographical data, in a clear or hidden way, in his chronicle about the last years of the nazari Grenada, and I add some other ones we can deduce from his own words, and from other contemporary writers of his time that, very interested in his work, they have passed on some scarce information about his experiences

    El Palacio de Carlos V en el conjunto monumental de la Alhambra: contextualización de un edificio singular

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    En este trabajo se estudia la singularidad representada por el Palacio de Carlos V en el conjunto artístico de la Alhambra de Granada, edificio de poder que muestra su significado en la idea imperial que la monarquía hispánica fue trazando en la Baja Edad Media, especialmente desde el reinado de los Reyes Católicos. Para la consolidación de este programa político la idea de Reconquista peninsular y de los Santos Lugares fue determinante. Así, el Palacio se muestra como un edificio sincrético que, desde una composición italianizante, recoge múltiples elementos muy diversos, entre ellos algunos importantes de la tradición del arte islámico, reinterpretados para un nuevo discurso iconográfico pues configura un espacio de poder que se proyecta desde Granada sobre el Mediterráneo como baluarte simbólico del discurso imperial. Se propone la armonización del Palacio de Carlos V con su entorno, leyendo su arquitectura más allá del evidente contraste que presenta respecto a los edificios musulmanes, e integrándolo en un significado histórico en el que alcanza plena coherencia.In this work is studied the singularity represented by the Palace of Charles V in the nazarian complex of the Alhambra in Grenada, a building of power that shows its meaning in the imperial idea that the Hispanic monarchy was tracing in the Late Middle Ages, especially since the reign of the Catholic Monarchs. For the consolidation of this political program the idea of peninsular Reconquista and of the Holy Places was determinant. So, the Palace is shown as a syncretic building that, from an Italianate-style composition, collects many different elements, including some important ones from the tradition of Islamic art, reinterpreted for a new iconographic discourse, because it configures a space of power projected from Grenada on the Mediterranean as a symbolic bulwark of the imperial discourse. It is proposed the harmonization of the Palace of Charles V with its surroundings, reading its architecture beyond the evident contrast that it presents with respect to the Muslim buildings, and integrating it in a historical meaning in which it reaches full coherence

    A Newly Discovered Manuscript of the Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada by Hernando de Baeza

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    The Historia de los Reyes Moros de Granada, written by the chronicler Hernando de Baeza in the first half of the XVI century, in Spain, is a valuable text that provides a very different perspective from other late medieval Spanish official chronicles. This article provides an account of the discovery of a previously unknown manuscript of this chronicle which, unlike the two others already known, is complete and includes the ending, which narrates the negotiations between the Catholic Kings of Spain and the last Nasrid sultan Boabdil for the Islamic surrender of Granada. The article describes this previously unknown manuscript, gives an account of the importance of the codex in which it is found, and shows the importance of this discovery for Spanish historiography more generally. A complete transcription in Castillian and an English translation are provided

    Identification of a methodology for the design of a sustainable tourism route based on its geological-mining, biodiverse and cultural heritage, of el Tambo municipality, Nariño, Colombia

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    Pòster amb el resum gràfic de la tesi doctoral en curs, que forma part de l'exposició "Doctorat en Recursos Naturals i Medi Ambient de la UPC Manresa. 30 anys formant en recerca a la Catalunya Central 1992-2022".Postprint (published version

    Analysis of Balmer Profiles of early type stars

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    The spectral energy distribution (SED) of recent star formation regions is dominated by the more massive and early stars (O and B types). These stars show large and very significant absorption features, the most prominent being the recombination lines of H, HeI and HeII. In particular, the shape of their profiles are very dependent on the luminosity of the star. We have explored the potential use of high resolution profiles to discriminate between different luminosity classes and spectral types, by using profiles of the He and Balmer lines. We have calculated growth curves for each of the lines and their dependence on gravity and effective temperature. We show some of these theoretical growth curves and our preliminary conclusions are analyzed and discussed.Comment: 1 pag, Contribution to the conference "Cosmic Evolution and Galaxy Formation: Structure, Interactions and Feedback", Nov. 1999 (Puebla, Mexico), to be published in ASP. Conf. Series, Eds. J. Franco, E. Terlevich. O. Lopez-Cruz, I. Aretxag