313 research outputs found

    D2.2 Water companies and solutions report

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    The water companies and solutions report presents the inventory of water companies that is intended to support the WaterInnEU market place as a forum where companies and organizations, as well as their solutions, can be found by water managers. The companies involved in the European projects contained in the inventory that constituted Deliverable 2.1 served as a basis for the inventory of companies. Both inventories are combined in one spreadsheet, which is an annex to this report

    D2.1 Data availability report

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    The data availability report presents the database of European funded projects that support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. Additionally, the report presents the applied criteria to include projects in the database, and explains the adopted strategy in categorizing these projects

    Sustainable Optimal Strategic Planning for Shale Water Management

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    In this work, we introduce a non-convex MINLP optimization model for water management in shale gas production. The superstructure includes: reuse/recycle in the same or neighboring wellpad, treatment in mobile units or in centralized water treatment (CWT) facility, or transport to Class II disposal wells. We consider four different water qualities: flowback water, impaired water, desalinated water and freshwater. Additionally, water blending ratios are unrestricted and friction reducers expenses are calculated accounting for impaired water contamination. The objective is to optimize the fracturing schedule, the number of tanks needed in each time period, flowback destination (reuse, treated or disposal), and fracturing fluid composition by maximizing the “sustainability profit” (Zore et al., 2017). The problem is tackled in two steps. First, we solve an MILP model based on McCormick relaxations. Second, a smaller MINLP is solved in which some binary variables are fixed. The capabilities of the proposed mathematical model are validated against long-time horizon scenario from historical data of the Marcellus Shale play.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program under grant agreement No. 640979 and from the Spanish «Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad» CTQ2016-77968-C3-02-P (FEDER, UE)

    Dynamic Resource Provisioning for Concurrent MapReduce Frameworks

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    Running multiple instantiations of the MapReduce frame- work (MR-clusters) concurrently in a multicluster system or data center enables workload and data isolation, which is at- tractive for many organizations. We provision MR-clusters such that they receive equal levels of service by assigning each such cluster a dynamically changing weight that indi- cates its fair share of the resources

    Method of manufacturing a reflector, reflector manufactured thereby, phase shift mask and lithographic apparatus making use of them

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    A reflector for EUV has additional multi-layers on the front surface of a base multilayer stack provided selectively to compensate for figure errors in the base multilayer stack or the substrate on which the multilayer stack is provided. A phase shift mask for EUV uses two multilayer stacks, one introducing a relatively phase shift and one introducing a relatively samll phase shift, to for contrasting regions of the mask.Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Scienc

    D2.1 Data availability report

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    The data availability report presents the database of European funded projects that support the implementation of the Water Framework Directive and the Floods Directive. Additionally, the report presents the applied criteria to include projects in the database, and explains the adopted strategy in categorizing these projects