276 research outputs found

    A Juxtaposition of rational choice and socio-cultural approaches to explain changes in family size throughout the process of economic development using household survey data from Brazil

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    This research juxtaposes empirical approaches to analyze the relationship between fertility and economic development. Using household survey data from Brazil in the mid 1990s, separate Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models are run that comparatively evaluate the explanatory power of divergent methods used to explain fertility in developing countries. Rational choice approaches, in the spirit of Gary S. Becker, are presented alongside approaches that account for heterogeneous socio-cultural traits to see which method explains more about family size in Brazil. The paper finds evidence to support the relevance of both the rational choice and the socio-cultural approaches to fertility studies. The research ultimately presents evidence that socio-cultural models generate relatively more explanatory power in the fertility analysis of Brazil than methods adopting the strict axioms of rational choice models from the Becker-era

    Nutritional evaluation of silage from Teosinte (Zea luxurians)with added wheat bran

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Agrárias. Curso de Agronomia.Objetivou-se avaliar o valor nutritivo de silagens de teosinto (Zea luxurians) com a adição de diferentes níveis de farelo de trigo, determinando a composição bromatológica, a digestibilidade in vitro da matéria seca e o perfil fermentativo da silagem. Os tratamentos foram: 0%, 5%, 10% e 15% de adição de farelo de trigo na silagem de teosinto, distribuídos em um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, com quatro tratamentos e cinco repetições. Foram avaliados os teores de MS, MM, MO, EE, PB, FDN, FDA, CNF, NDT, DIVMS, pH e N-NH3/NT. Houve diferença significativa para todas as variáveis, com exceção da MM, MO e pH. Os teores de MS, EE, PB, CNF, NDT e DIVMS aumentaram linearmente com a inclusão do farelo de trigo, e apresentaram médias de 19,4; 4,2; 13,4; 20,8; 56,7 e 61,2 %, respectivamente. Já os teores de FDN, FDA e N-NH3/NT, decresceram linearmente com a adição do farelo sendo, nesta ordem, iguais a 55,3; 30,4 e 1,31%. Os valores de pH nos tratamentos se mantiveram entre 3,8 e 3,9, sugerindo que ocorreu uma boa fermentação láctica independente da inclusão do aditivo. Sendo assim, a qualidade de silagens de teosinto foi beneficiada com a adição de até 15% de farelo de trigo, pois melhorou a composição química, a digestibilidade e a concentração de energia das mesmas e não prejudicou as características fermentativas das silagens.The objective was to evaluate the nutritive value of teosinte silages with the addition of different levels of wheat bran, determining the chemical composition, in vitro dry matter digestibility and the fermentation characteristics of silage. The treatments were: 0%, 5%, 10% and 15% wheat bran added silage in teosinte, distributed in a completely randomized design with four treatments and five repetitions. The MS, MM, MO, EE, PB, FDN, FDA, CNF, NDT, DIVMS, pH and N-NH3/NT, were evaluated and there was significant difference for almost all variables except MM, MO and pH. The MS, EE, PB, CNF, NDT, and DIVMS linearly increased with the inclusion of wheat bran, and presented averages of 19,48; 4,25; 13,43; 20,85; 56,7 and 61,2%, respectively. On the other hand, the FDN, FDA and N-NH3/NT, decreased linearly with the addition of bran being in this order, equal to 55,3; 30,4 and 1,31%. The pH values in the treatments remained between 3,8 and 3,9, indicating that there was a good lactic fermentation regardless of inclusion of the additive. Thus, the addition of wheat bran can be recommended for silage in teosinte, since the chemical composition and characteristics of the silage fermentation improved

    Exploratory spatial data analysis in the study of the relationship between social map and health in the city of Luján, Argentina

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    Los estudios de distribución y asociación espacial, dentro del análisis geográfi co, sepresentan como importantes abordajes metodológicos en el ámbito de la Geografía Médicaaplicada a la población urbana. El Análisis Exploratorio de Datos Espaciales (AEDE) brinda unaserie de técnicas que permiten modelizar la estructura espacial de características analizadas envariables individuales y sus correlaciones. Fueron obtenidos resultados a través de cartografíatemática y gráfi cos interactivos con el objetivo de estudiar la distribución espacial dediagnósticos de enfermedades y su relación con el mapa social de la ciudad de Luján (Argentina).El descubrimiento de un comportamiento espacial inverso entre datos originales y datos índicesllevó a focalizar el estudio en los diagnósticos espacial de enfermedades mentales.Spatial distributions and associations studies, with-in geographical analysis, are presented as important methodological approaches in the fi eld of Medical Geography applied to the urban population. Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis (ESDA) provides a number of techniques to model the spatial structure characteristics analyzed in individual variables and their correlations. Results were obtained through thematic mapping and interactive graphics in order to study the spatial distribution of disease diagnosis and its relationship with the social map of the city of Luján (Argentina). The discovery of an inverse spatial behavior between original data and index data led to focus the study on the diagnosis of mental illnesses.Fil: Buzai, Gustavo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Sociales; ArgentinaFil: Delfino, Hugo. Universidad Nacional de Luján. Departamento de Ciencias Básicas; Argentin

    Sobre las nociones de Patrimonio y Administración de Recursos Culturales : Análisis de sus implicancias y de las condiciones previas para una propuesta alternativa

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    Fil: Delfino, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Pablo Gustavo. Cátedra de Métodos y técnicas de investigación en Antropología Sociocultural. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Arqueología y administración en tiempos de reconversión

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    Fil: Delfino, Daniel. Universidad Nacional de Catamarca; ArgentinaFil: Rodríguez, Pablo Gustavo. Cátedra de Métodos y técnicas de investigación en Antropología Sociocultural. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. Universidad Nacional de La Plata; Argentin

    Reflexos da desconcentração produtiva brasileira no estado do Rio de Janeiro: estudos preliminares dos impactos da PSA Peugeot-Citroën no município de Porto Real

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    O presente artigo tem por objetivo analisar os reflexos do fenômeno de desconcentração produtiva nacional no estado do Rio de Janeiro, em especial a inter-relação da economia e as transformações no município de Porto Real. Para o período 1930-2005, é apresentado um panorama das dinâmicas dos processos de concentração e desconcentração e de que modo eles afetaram a distribuição geográfica da indústria automobilística no Brasil, bem como os impactos nos principais indicadores socioeconômicos de Porto Real coma chegada da PSA Peugeot-Citroën ao município, focando-se a análise no período de 2000-2016. Ao se apontarem as principais mudanças observadas na estrutura econômica e territorial municipal, destacam-se: o crescimento populacional acelerado, a queda dos investimentos públicos, a dependência de transferências de recursos e, principalmente, a defasagem dos salários. Para isso, o trabalho se apoiou em pesquisas bibliográficas e nos bancos de dados de órgãos responsáveis pelo levantamento e gerenciamento de dados estatísticos sociais, econômicos e financeiros.The objective of this article is to analyze the effects of the phenomenon of national productive deconcentration in the state of Rio de Janeiro, especially the interrelation of the economy and the transformations in the municipality of Porto Real. For the period 1930-2005, an overview of the dynamics of concentration and deconcentration processes is presented and how they affected the geographicaldistribution of the automobile industry in Brazil, as well as the impacts on the main socioeconomic indicators of Porto Real with the arrival of PSA Peugeot-Citroën to the municipality, concentrating the analysis in the periodfrom 2000 to 2016. Pointing out the main changes observed in the municipal economic and territorial structure, the following stand out: accelerated population growth, falling public investments, dependence on transfers of resources and, mainly, the wages gap. For this, the work was based on bibliographical research and on the databases of organs responsible for the collection and management of social, economic and financial statistical data

    An overview of the crocodylian fossil record from Sardinia (Italy)

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaIn the present contribution we focus on an overview of the Cenozoic crocodylians of Sardinia (Italy).Crocodylians from this Italian island have been published since the second half of the 19th Century anda number of papers reported on the presence of these vertebrates in 16 different localities. The remains,some of which apparently lost, are mainly represented by isolated teeth housed in historical collections ofdifferent museums (in Italy and The Netherlands) that in most cases have never been figured or described.We illustrate for the first time and provide brief descriptions of all crocodylian teeth collected in the islandas well as of the still available holotype of Tomistoma calaritanum, the only crocodylian taxon establishedon material from Sardinia. In addition, we report crocodylian remains from two new localities, one ofwhich testifies the presence of these vertebrates already in the Eocene record of the island.Dans la présente contribution, nous nous concentrons sur un aperçu des crocodyliens cénozoïques de Sardaigne (Italie). Les crocodiliens de cette île italienne ont été publiés depuis la seconde moitié du 19e siècle et un certain nombre d'articles ont fait état de la présence de ces vertébrés dans 16 localités différentes. Les restes, dont une partie semble avoir été perdue, sont principalement représentés par des dents isolées, conservés dans des collections historiques de différents musées (en Italie et aux Pays-Bas) qui, dans la plupart des cas, n'ont jamais été figurés ni décrits. Nous illustrons pour la première fois et fournissons une brève description de toutes les dents de crocodiliens collectées sur l'île ainsi que de l'holotype encore disponible de Tomistoma calaritanum, le seul taxon de crocodilien établi sur du matériel de Sardaigne. En outre, nous signalons des restes de crocodiliens de deux nouvelles localités, dont l'une témoigne de la présence de ces vertébrés déjà dans les dépots de l'Éocène de l'île

    A revision of the trionychid turtle Procyclanorbis sardus Portis, 1901 from the late Miocene of Sardinia (Italy)

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    Procyclanorbis sardus Portis, 1901 est la première tortue trionychidé fossile décrite en Sardaigne. Ce taxon du Miocène supérieur a été initialement considéré comme ayant des affinités avec les cyclanorbines d’Afrique et d’Asie du Sud. Nous décrivons ici en détail et figurons l’holotype de cette espèce, qui a subi une importante dégradation depuis sa publication originale. Une comparaison entre l’état originel du fossile et son état de conservation actuel est fournie. Sur la base de son anatomie, les affinités de Procyclanorbis sardus avec les cyclanorbinés sont rejetées car ce taxon s’avère être un pantrionychiné indéterminé. La distribution des trionychidés fossiles dans les îles de la Méditerranée est également discutée.Procyclanorbis sardus Portis, 1901 is the first fossil trionychid turtle described from Sardinia. This late Miocene taxon was originally considered to have affinities with the African and southern Asian cyclanorbines. We here redescribe in detail the holotype specimen of this species, which has suffered severe degradation since its original publication. A comparison between the original state of the fossil and its current state of preservation is provided. On the basis of its anatomy, affinities of Procyclanorbis sardus with cyclanorbines are discarded and this taxon is demonstrated to be an indeterminate pan-trionychine. The distribution of fossil trionychids in the Mediterranean Islands is also discussed


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    Este proyecto se enfocó en el análisis de las acciones que realiza el sector hotelero de Acapulco para contribuir al cuidado del medio ambiente, tales actividades pueden ayudar a disminuir los problemas del cambio climático, como lo es el ahorro de energía eléctrica, el uso de focos LEDS, paneles solares, sensores, etc. Toda esta tecnología sirve para contribuir al cuidado del medio ambiente. Para llevar a cabo este proyecto, se recurrió a la recolección de datos en un solo momento, y en tiempo único. Los resultados que se obtuvieron fueron interpretados sin sesgar, se decidió realizar un censo a los hoteleros. Esta investigación sólo se aplicó en el puerto de Acapulco, y exclusivamente se seleccionó a los gerentes de los hoteles de la categoría 4 estrellas en adelante, remarcando que se hizo en todas las zonas turísticas del puerto. Los datos arrojados ponen de manifiesto que el 85% de los empresarios no implementan estrategias para el cuidado del medio ambiente, por lo que no les permite certificarse como un destino sustentable, situación que preocupa, pues se halló que este sector empresarial tienen que cubrir la cantidad de 16 millones 103 mil 584 pesos a la Compañía de la Comisión Federal de Electricidad bimestralmente. Por lo que se afirma que, los empresarios del sector hotelero en su mayoría tienen problemas para cubrir gastos por suministro de servicios, y además, no se vislumbra que se modifique este modelo turístico a mediano plazo, y mucho menos a corto tiempo, ya que se percibió una resistencia a implementar una cultura ambiental