292 research outputs found

    F-02: Antibiothérapies anti-SARM dans le traitement probabiliste des bactériémies à Staphylococcus aureus au CHU d'Angers

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    Introduction – objectifs La résistance à la méticilline du Staphylococcus aureus (SA) ne cesse de diminuer en France. Nous avons évalué la prescription des antibiothérapies probabilistes dans les bactériémies à SA et leur impact clinique. Matériels et méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude rétrospective incluant les bactériémies à Staphylococcus aureus sur le CHU d’Angers entre novembre 2012 et septembre 2013 avec recueil de l’antibiothérapie prescrite au rendu « cocci gram (CG)+ », à J5, hospitalisation depuis plus de 5 jours ou dans les six derniers mois, signes de gravité clinique, mortalité à J5. Résultats Nous avons inclus 146 épisodes de bactériémies. A l’annonce de CG+, 10 patients étaient décédés, 38,2 % ont reçu un anti-SARM (n = 52), 54,4 % un anti-SASM (n = 74), 7,4 % aucun antibiotique (n = 10). Parmi les bactériémies à SARM (n = 23), 60,9 % (n = 14) ont reçu une antibiothérapie initiale à visée SARM contre 36,3 % (n = 41) pour les bactériémies à SASM (n = 113) (OR = 2,71, p = 0,03). Cette adaptation semble influencée par une hospitalisation récente (OR = 1,82 ; p = 0,33) et la présence de signes de gravité (OR = 1,87, p = 0,23). Dans 21,4 % (n = 6) des bactériémies à SASM, l’antibiothérapie anti-SARM n’a pas été désecaladée. La mortalité à J5 est 13 %. L’absence d’antibiothérapie dans les 24 premières heures (OR = 2,97 ; p = 0,046) et une prescription de C3G (OR = 5,2, p = 0,05) en monothérapie augmentent le risque de décès à J5. Conclusion L’antibiothérapie initale semble adaptée à l’histoire et la présentation des patients. L’initiation sans délai, la visée staphylococcique et la désescalade sont les éléments importants du traitement

    Interplay between VSD, pore, and membrane lipids in electromechanical coupling in HCN channels

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    Hyperpolarized-activated and cyclic nucleotide-gated (HCN) channels are the only members of the voltage-gated ion channel superfamily in mammals that open upon hyperpolarization, conferring them pacemaker properties that are instrumental for rhythmic firing of cardiac and neuronal cells. Activation of their voltage-sensor domains (VSD) upon hyperpolarization occurs through a downward movement of the S4 helix bearing the gating charges, which triggers a break in the alpha-helical hydrogen bonding pattern at the level of a conserved Serine residue. Previous structural and molecular simulation studies had however failed to capture pore opening that should be triggered by VSD activation, presumably because of a low VSD/pore electromechanical coupling efficiency and the limited timescales accessible to such techniques. Here, we have used advanced modeling strategies, including enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations exploiting comparisons between non-domain swapped voltage-gated ion channel structures trapped in closed and open states to trigger pore gating and characterize electromechanical coupling in HCN1. We propose that the coupling mechanism involves the reorganization of the interfaces between the VSD helices, in particular S4, and the pore-forming helices S5 and S6, subtly shifting the balance between hydrophobic and hydrophilic interactions in a \u27domino effect\u27 during activation and gating in this region. Remarkably, our simulations reveal state-dependent occupancy of lipid molecules at this emergent coupling interface, suggesting a key role of lipids in hyperpolarization-dependent gating. Our model provides a rationale for previous observations and a possible mechanism for regulation of HCN channels by the lipidic components of the membrane

    Liability of a Surgeon for the Extension of an Authorized Operation

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    Polyunsaturated fatty acids modulate the voltage dependence of several voltage-gated ion channels, thereby being potent modifiers of cellular excitability. Detailed knowledge of this molecular mechanism can be used in designing a new class of small-molecule compounds against hyperexcitability diseases. Here, we show that arginines on one side of the helical K-channel voltage sensor S4 increased the sensitivity to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), whereas arginines on the opposing side decreased this sensitivity. Glutamates had opposite effects. In addition, a positively charged DHA-like molecule, arachidonyl amine, had opposite effects to the negatively charged DHA. This suggests that S4 rotates to open the channel and that DHA electrostatically affects this rotation. A channel with arginines in positions 356, 359, and 362 was extremely sensitive to DHA: 70 mu M DHA at pH 9.0 increased the current greater than500 times at negative voltages compared with wild type (WT). The small-molecule compound pimaric acid, a novel Shaker channel opener, opened the WT channel. The 356R/359R/362R channel drastically increased this effect, suggesting it to be instrumental in future drug screening

    Functional cross-talk between phosphorylation and disease-causing mutations in the cardiac sodium channel Na(v)1.5

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    The voltage-gated sodium channel Nav1.5 initiates the cardiac action potential. Alterations of its activation and inactivation properties due to mutations can cause severe, life-threatening arrhythmias. Yet despite intensive research efforts, many functional aspects of this cardiac channel remain poorly understood. For instance, Nav1.5 undergoes extensive posttranslational modification in vivo, but the functional significance of these modifications is largely unexplored, especially under pathological conditions. This is because most conventional approaches are unable to insert metabolically stable posttranslational modification mimics, thus preventing a precise elucidation of the contribution by these modifications to channel function. Here, we overcome this limitation by using protein semisynthesis of Nav1.5 in live cells and carry out complementary molecular dynamics simulations. We introduce metabolically stable phosphorylation mimics on both wild-type (WT) and two pathogenic long-QT mutant channel backgrounds and decipher functional and pharmacological effects with unique precision. We elucidate the mechanism by which phosphorylation of Y1495 impairs steady-state inactivation in WT Nav1.5. Surprisingly, we find that while the Q1476R patient mutation does not affect inactivation on its own, it enhances the impairment of steady-state inactivation caused by phosphorylation of Y1495 through enhanced unbinding of the inactivation particle. We also show that both phosphorylation and patient mutations can impact Nav1.5 sensitivity toward the clinically used antiarrhythmic drugs quinidine and ranolazine, but not flecainide. The data highlight that functional effects of Nav1.5 phosphorylation can be dramatically amplified by patient mutations. Our work is thus likely to have implications for the interpretation of mutational phenotypes and the design of future drug regimens.Chemical Immunolog

    Does Proton Conduction in the Voltage-Gated H+ Channel hHv1 Involve Grotthuss-Like Hopping via Acidic Residues?

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    Hv1s are ubiquitous highly selective voltage-gated proton channels involved in male fertility, immunology, and the invasiveness of certain forms of breast cancer. The mechanism of proton extrusion in Hv1 is not yet understood, while it constitutes the first step toward the design of high-affinity drugs aimed at this important pharmacological target. In this contribution, we explore the details of the mechanism via an integrative approach, using classical and QM/MM molecular dynamics simulations of a monomeric hHv1 model. We propose that protons localize in three binding sites along the channel lumen, formed by three pairs of conserved negatively charged residues lining the pore: D174/E153, D112/D185, and E119/D123. Local rearrangements, involving notably a dihedral transition of F150, a conserved phenylalanine lining the permeation pathway, appear to allow protons to hop from one acidic residue to the next through a bridging water molecule. These results constitute a first attempt at rationalizing hHv1 selectivity for H+ and the role played by D112 in this process. They pave the way for further quantitative characterization of H+ transport in hHv1

    Canine CNGA3 Gene Mutations Provide Novel Insights Into Human Achromatopsia-Associated Channelopathies and Treatment

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    Cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNG) ion channels are key mediators underlying signal transduction in retinal and olfactory receptors. Genetic defects in CNGA3 and CNGB3, encoding two structurally related subunits of cone CNG channels, lead to achromatopsia (ACHM). ACHM is a congenital, autosomal recessive retinal disorder that manifests by cone photoreceptor dysfunction, severely reduced visual acuity, impaired or complete color blindness and photophobia. Here, we report the first canine models for CNGA3-associated channelopathy caused by R424W or V644del mutations in the canine CNGA3 ortholog that accurately mimic the clinical and molecular features of human CNGA3-associated ACHM. These two spontaneous mutations exposed CNGA3 residues essential for the preservation of channel function and biogenesis. The CNGA3-R424W results in complete loss of cone function in vivoand channel activity confirmed by in vitro electrophysiology. Structural modeling and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations revealed R424-E306 salt bridge formation and its disruption with the R424W mutant. Reversal of charges in a CNGA3-R424E-E306R double mutant channel rescued cGMP-activated currents uncovering new insights into channel gating. The CNGA3-V644del affects the C-terminal leucine zipper (CLZ) domain destabilizing intersubunit interactions of the coiled-coil complex in the MD simulations; the in vitro experiments showed incompetent trimeric CNGA3 subunit assembly consistent with abnormal biogenesis of in vivochannels. These newly characterized large animal models not only provide a valuable system for studying cone-specific CNG channel function in health and disease, but also represent prime candidates for proof-of-concept studies of CNGA3 gene replacement therapy for ACHM patients
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