66 research outputs found

    Changes of Extreme Sea Level in 1.5 and 2.0°C Warmer Climate Along the Coast of China

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    Using hourly sea level data from 15 tide gauges along the Chinese coast and sea level data of three simulations of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 (CMIP5), we assessed the changes and benefits of the extreme sea level of limiting warming to 1.5°C instead of 2.0°C. Observations show that the extreme sea level has risen with high confidence during the past decades along the coast of China, while the mean sea level change, especially the long-term change plays important roles in the changing process of extreme sea levels. Under the 1.5 and 2.0°C warming scenarios, the sea level will rise with fluctuations in the future, so will the return levels of the extreme sea levels. Compared with the 1.5°C warming condition, the return levels under the 2.0°C warming condition will rise significantly at all tide gauges along the Chinese coast. The results indicate that a 0.5°C warming will bring much difference to the extreme sea levels along the coast of China. It is of great necessity to limit anthropogenic warming to 1.5°C rather than 2.0°C, as proposed by the Paris Climate Agreement, which will greatly reduce the potential risks of future flood disasters along the coast of China and is beneficial for risk response management

    Estimating thermohaline structures in the tropical Indian Ocean from surface parameters using an improved CNN model

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    Accurately estimating the ocean’s subsurface thermohaline structure is essential for advancing our understanding of regional and global ocean dynamics. In this study, we propose a novel neural network model based on Convolutional Block Attention Module-Convolutional Neural Network (CBAM-CNN) to simultaneously estimate the ocean subsurface thermal structure (OSTS) and ocean subsurface salinity structure (OSSS) in the tropical Indian Ocean using satellite observations. The input variables include sea surface temperature (SST), sea surface salinity (SSS), sea surface height anomaly (SSHA), eastward component of sea surface wind (ESSW), northward component of sea surface wind (NSSW), longitude (LON), and latitude (LAT). We train and validate the model using Argo data, and compare its accuracy with that of the original Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) model using root mean square error (RMSE), normalized root mean square error (NRMSE), and determination coefficient (R²). Our results show that the CBAM-CNN model outperforms the CNN model, exhibiting superior performance in estimating thermohaline structures in the tropical Indian Ocean. Furthermore, we evaluate the model’s accuracy by comparing its estimated OSTS and OSSS at different depths with Argo-derived data, demonstrating that the model effectively captures most observed features using sea surface data. Additionally, the CBAM-CNN model demonstrates good seasonal applicability for OSTS and OSSS estimation. Our study highlights the benefits of using CBAM-CNN for estimating thermohaline structure and offers an efficient and effective method for estimating thermohaline structure in the tropical Indian Ocean

    Understanding the compound marine heatwave and low-chlorophyll extremes in the western Pacific Ocean

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    The western Pacific Ocean is the global center for marine biodiversity, with high vulnerability to climate change. A better understanding of the spatiotemporal characteristics and potential drivers of compound marine heatwaves (MHWs) and low-chlorophyll (LChl) extreme events is essential for the conservation and management of local marine organisms and ecosystems. Here, using daily satellite sea surface temperature and model-based chlorophyll concentration, we find that the climatological spatial distribution of MHW-LChl events in total days, duration, and intensity exhibits heterogeneous distributions. The southwest sections of the South China Sea (WSCS) and Indonesian Seas are the hotspots for compound events, with total MHW-LChl days that are more than 2.5 times higher than in the other sub-regions. Notably, there is a trend toward more frequent (> 4.2 d/decade), stronger (> 0.5), and longer-lasting (> 1.4 d/decade) MHW-LChl occurrences in the WSCS. The occurrence of compound MHW-LChl extremes exhibits remarkable seasonal differences, with the majority of these events transpiring during winter. Moreover, there are generally statistically significant increasing trends in MHW-LChl events for all properties on both seasonal and inter-annual timescales. Furthermore, we reveal that the total days of compound MHW-LChl extremes are strongly modulated by large-scale climate modes such as the El Niño-Southern Oscillation and Dipole Mode Index. Overall, pinpointing MHW-LChl hotspots and understanding their changes and drivers help vulnerable communities in better preparing for heightened and compounded risks to marine organism and ecosystems under climate change

    COSMO-CLM regional climate simulations in the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) framework: a review

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    In the last decade, the Climate Limited-area Modeling Community (CLM-Community) has contributed to the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX) with an extensive set of regional climate simulations. Using several versions of the COSMO-CLM-Community model, ERA-Interim reanalysis and eight global climate models from phase 5 of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP5) were dynamically downscaled with horizontal grid spacings of 0.44∘ (∼ 50 km), 0.22∘ (∼ 25 km), and 0.11∘ (∼ 12 km) over the CORDEX domains Europe, South Asia, East Asia, Australasia, and Africa. This major effort resulted in 80 regional climate simulations publicly available through the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) web portals for use in impact studies and climate scenario assessments. Here we review the production of these simulations and assess their results in terms of mean near-surface temperature and precipitation to aid the future design of the COSMO-CLM model simulations. It is found that a domain-specific parameter tuning is beneficial, while increasing horizontal model resolution (from 50 to 25 or 12 km grid spacing) alone does not always improve the performance of the simulation. Moreover, the COSMO-CLM performance depends on the driving data. This is generally more important than the dependence on horizontal resolution, model version, and configuration. Our results emphasize the importance of performing regional climate projections in a coordinated way, where guidance from both the global (GCM) and regional (RCM) climate modeling communities is needed to increase the reliability of the GCM–RCM modeling chain

    Performance of Detecting IgM Antibodies against Enterovirus 71 for Early Diagnosis

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    Enterovirus 71 (EV71) infection is more likely to induce severe complications and mortality than other enteroviruses. Methods for detection of IgM antibody against EV71 had been established for years, however, the performance of the methods in the very early diagnosis of EV71 infection had not been fully evaluated, which is especially meaningful because of the short incubation period of EV71 infection. In this report, the performance of an IgM anti-EV71 assay was evaluated using acute sera collected from 165 EV71 infected patients, 165 patients infected with other enteroviruses, and more than 2,000 sera from healthy children or children with other infected diseases. The results showed a 90% sensitivity in 20 patients who were in their first illness day, and similar sensitivity remained till 4 days after onset. After then the sensitivity increased to 95% to 100% for more than one month. The specificity of the assay in non-HFMD children is 99.1% (95% CI: 98.6–99.4), similar as the 99.9% specificity in healthy adults. The cross-reaction rate in patients infected with other non-EV71 enteroviruses was 11.4%. In conclusion, the data here presented show that the detection of IgM anti-EV71 by ELISA affords a reliable, convenient, and prompt diagnosis of EV71 infection

    Global exposure of population and land‐use to meteorological droughts under different warming levels and SSPs: a CORDEX‐based study

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    Global warming is likely to cause a progressive drought increase in some regions, but how population and natural resources will be affected is still underexplored. This study focuses on global population, forests, croplands and pastures exposure to meteorological drought hazard in the 21st century, expressed as frequency and severity of drought events. As input, we use a large ensemble of climate simulations from the Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (CORDEX), population projections from the NASA-SEDAC dataset and land-use projections from the Land-Use Harmonization 2 project for 1981–2100. The exposure to drought hazard is presented for five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSP1-SSP5) at four Global Warming Levels (GWLs: 1.5°C to 4°C). Results show that considering only Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI; based on precipitation), the SSP3 at GWL4 projects the largest fraction of the global population (14%) to experience an increase in drought frequency and severity (versus 1981–2010), with this value increasing to 60% if temperature is considered (indirectly included in the Standardized Precipitation-Evapotranspiration Index, SPEI). With SPEI, considering the highest GWL for each SSP, 8 (for SSP2, SSP4, SSP5) and 11 (SSP3) billion people, that is, more than 90%, will be affected by at least one unprecedented drought. For SSP5 at GWL4, approximately 2 × 106^{6} km2^{2} of forests and croplands (respectively, 6% and 11%) and 1.5 × 106^{6} km2^{2} of pastures (19%) will be exposed to increased drought frequency and severity according to SPI, but for SPEI this extent will rise to 17 × 106^{6} km2^{2} of forests (49%), 6 × 106^{6} km2^{2} of pastures (78%) and 12 × 106^{6} km2^{2} of croplands (67%), being mid-latitudes the most affected. The projected likely increase of drought frequency and severity significantly increases population and land-use exposure to drought, even at low GWLs, thus extensive mitigation and adaptation efforts are needed to avoid the most severe impacts of climate change