48 research outputs found

    A simple non-chaotic map generating subdiffusive, diffusive and superdiffusive dynamics

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    Analytically tractable dynamical systems exhibiting a whole range of normal and anomalous deterministic diffusion are rare. Here we introduce a simple non-chaotic model in terms of an interval exchange transformation suitably lifted onto the whole real line which preserves distances except at a countable set of points. This property, which leads to vanishing Lyapunov exponents, is designed to mimic diffusion in non-chaotic polygonal billiards that give rise to normal and anomalous diffusion in a fully deterministic setting. As these billiards are typically too complicated to be analyzed from first principles, simplified models are needed to identify the minimal ingredients generating the different transport regimes. For our model, which we call the slicer map, we calculate all its moments in position analytically under variation of a single control parameter. We show that the slicer map exhibits a transition from subdiffusion over normal diffusion to superdiffusion under parameter variation. Our results may help to understand the delicate parameter dependence of the type of diffusion generated by polygonal billiards. We argue that in different parameter regions the transport properties of our simple model match to different classes of known stochastic processes. This may shed light on difficulties to match diffusion in polygonal billiards to a single anomalous stochastic process.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure

    Approximation of the Lagrange and Markov spectra

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    The (classical) Lagrange spectrum is a closed subset of the positive real numbers defined in terms of diophantine approximation. Its structure is quite involved. This article describes a polynomial time algorithm to approximate it in Hausdorff distance. It also extends to approximate the Markov spectrum related to infimum of binary quadratic forms

    Enumeration of meanders and Masur-Veech volumes

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    A meander is a topological configuration of a line and a simple closed curve in the plane (or a pair of simple closed curves on the 2-sphere) intersecting transversally. Meanders can be traced back to H. Poincaré and naturally appear in various areas of mathematics, theoretical physics and computational biology (in particular, they provide a model of polymer folding). Enumeration of meanders is an important open problem. The number of meanders with 2N crossings grows exponentially when N grows, but the long-standing problem on the precise asymptotics is still out of reach. We show that the situation becomes more tractable if one additionally fixes the topological type (or the total number of minimal arcs) of a meander. Then we are able to derive simple asymptotic formulas for the numbers of meanders as N tends to infinity. We also compute the asymptotic probability of getting a simple closed curve on a sphere by identifying the endpoints of two arc systems (one on each of the two hemispheres) along the common equator. The new tools we bring to bear are based on interpretation of meanders as square-tiled surfaces with one horizontal and one vertical cylinder. The proofs combine recent results on Masur–Veech volumes of moduli spaces of meromorphic quadratic differentials in genus zero with our new observation that horizontal and vertical separatrix diagrams of integer quadratic differentials are asymptotically uncorrelated. The additional combinatorial constraints we impose in this article yield explicit polynomial asymptotics

    admcycles - a Sage package for calculations in the tautological ring of the moduli space of stable curves

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    The tautological ring of the moduli space of stable curves has been studied extensively in the last decades. We present a SageMath implementation of many core features of this ring. This includes lists of generators and their products, intersection numbers and verification of tautological relations. Maps between tautological rings induced by functoriality, that is pushforwards and pullbacks under gluing and forgetful maps, are implemented. Furthermore, many interesting cycle classes, such as the double ramification cycles, strata of k-differentials and hyperelliptic or bielliptic cycles are available. In this paper we show how to apply the package, including concrete example computations

    Geometry of Refractions and Reflections Through a Biperiodic Medium

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    Ergodic infinite group extensions of geodesic flows on translation surfaces

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    We show that generic infinite group extensions of geodesic flows on square tiled translation surfaces are ergodic in almost every direction, subject to certain natural constraints. Recently K. Fr\c{a}czek and C. Ulcigrai have shown that certain concrete staircases, covers of square-tiled surfaces, are not ergodic in almost every direction. In contrast we show the almost sure ergodicity of other concrete staircases. An appendix provides a combinatorial approach for the study of square-tiled surfaces

    Mind the gap: Balancing alliance network and technology portfolios during periods of technological uncertainty

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    While clique-embeddedness is generally considered to enhance firm performance, there are also reasons to expect that under conditions of technological turbulence clique-membership is less beneficial or might even become a liability. To address this, we study the innovative performance of clique members during periods of both technological change and technological stability. We find support for the idea that companies’ ability to adapt their alliance network (i.e. forming ties beyond the scope of the clique) and their ability to adapt their technology portfolios (i.e. access to novel technological knowledge) positively influences their innovative performance during technologically turbulent periods

    Cries and whispers in wind-tree forests

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    We study billiard in the plane endowed with symmetric \$\mathbb{Z}^2\$-periodic obstacles of a right-angled polygonal shape. One of our main interests is the dependence of the diffusion rate of the billiard on the shape of the obstacle. We prove, in particular, that when the number of angles of a symmetric connected obstacle grows, the diffusion rate tends to zero, thus answering a question of J.-C. Yoccoz. Our results are based on computation of Lyapunov exponents of the Hodge bundle over hyperelliptic loci in the moduli spaces of quadratic differentials, which represents independent interest. In particular, we compute the exact value of the Lyapunov exponent \$\lambda^+_1\$ for all elliptic loci of quadratic differentials with simple zeroes and poles

    Optimal smoothing in semiparametric index approximation of regression functions

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