28 research outputs found

    Diseño e implementación de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que muestre la guía de vinos de España 2017

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    [ES] Este proyecto ha consistido en la creación de una aplicación desarrollada para sistemas operativos Android, su finalidad es mostrar la Guía de Vinos y Bodegas de España del año 2017. Se ha optado Android, en detrimento de iOS, debido a la gran diferencia de cuota de mercado de ambas plataformas en el mercado español: 91,7% Android frente a un 7,9% de iOS en el año 2016, según datos publicados por el periódico 5 días, (Jiménez, 2017). La aplicación permite obtener los resultados por variedades de uva, por bodegas y por Consejos Reguladores. Estos resultados están enlazados, de tal forma que al mostrar los datos de una bodega se mostrarán todos los vinos de ésta, asimismo al visualizar la ficha de un vino se mostrarán los datos de la bodega que lo embotella. Incluye una completa descripción de cada variedad de uva, así como una fotografía de la misma e información sobre las sinonimias empleadas en distintas regiones. También dispone de un buscador para localizar cualquier cadena de caracteres en los campos clave. Por último, da al usuario la posibilidad de escribir en la ficha de un vino sus propias anotaciones y otorgarle una valoración numérica. El proceso de desarrollo se ha realizado en cuatro fases: Una primera fase de análisis para concretar las funcionalidades de la aplicación, las cuales las representamos mediante un diagrama de casos de uso. La segunda fase ha consistido en el diseño de la base de datos mediante un esquema relacional de la misma y normalizándola. En la tercera fase se ha implementado el diseño de la interface de usuario, valiéndonos de diversos bocetos de la aplicación (mockups). Por último, se ha desarrollado la aplicación utilizando Java como lenguaje de programación y SQLite como sistema gestor de base de datos. Para el desarrollo de la app se ha hecho uso de la arquitectura multicapa.[EN] This project consisted of the development of a mobile application to show the Spanish Wine and Wineries Guide for 2017 to smartphones with Android operating system. Android was chosen, at the expense of iOS, due to the great difference between the market shares in both platforms in the Spanish market: 91,7% Android against 7,9% iOS in 2016, according to data published in the newspaper 5 días (Jímenez, 2017). The mobile application developed allows obtaining results according to grapes varieties, wineries and Governing Councils. These results are linked, in such a way that when showing the information of a winery, all its wines will be shown too. Similarly, when wine sheet is displayed, the information of the winery wich bottled them is shown. This application includes a complete description of each grape variety, pictures and some information about the synonymies used in different regions. Furthermore, it has a browser to search for any characters in the key fields. Lastly, the user can write its own notes and rate it. The development process was carried out in four stages: The first one was "analysis stage" where we specify all the functionalities representing them by means of use-case diagrams. The second stage consisted basically of the relational database design. In the third stage, we designed the applicability of our application through various mockups. Finally, the application development itself where we carried out using Java as the programming language and SQLite as database management system and using a multilayer architecture.Delamo Rizo, SV. (2017). Diseño e implementación de una aplicación para dispositivos móviles que muestre la guía de vinos de España 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/93851TFG

    NEED en la Universidad

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    Onzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2005-2006)Hemos considerado necesario realizar esta investigación porque después de consultar muchas y diversas fuentes, hemos podido observar que los estudios alrededor de este tema escasean, puesto que es un tema bastante reciente y hasta el momento se ha investigado bastante poco. Nuestra investigación se ha basado en el análisis de las actitudes tanto del profesorado como del alumnado de las tres facultades de la Universidad Jaume I de Castellón respecto a las Necesidades Educativas Especiales Derivadas de Discapacidad. Nuestro objetivo principal ha sido extraer conclusiones generales sobre éstas actitudes y verificar o desmentir la hipótesis de nuestra investigación, la cual planteaba que las actitudes del profesorado y del alumnado serán diferentes dependiendo si éstos han tenido o no alguna experiencia con personas con Necesidades Educativas Especiales Derivadas de Discapacidad, por lo tanto la variable dependiente será las actitudes de los profesores y de los alumnos y la variable independiente tener o no tener alguna experiencia con personas con NEEDD. Para obtener los datos utilizamos dos cuestionarios sobre actitudes, uno para el profesorado y otro para el alumnado. Los cuestionarios se pasaron a 150 alumnos y a 57 profesores. La conclusión de nuestra investigación, tras haber realizado los análisis pertinentes, es que no existen diferencias significativas en las actitudes del alumnado y del profesorado de la UJI respecto a los alumnos/as con NEEDD, es decir, nuestra hipótesis no se verifica.We have considered necessary to make this investigation because after consulting many and diverse sources, we have been able to observe that the studies around this subject are scarce, since is a quite recent subject and until the moment it has been investigated rather little. Our investigation has been based on the analysis of the attitudes as much of the teaching staff as of the pupils of the three faculties of the University Jaume I of Castellón with respect to the Special Educative Necessities Derived from Discapacidad. Our primary target has been to draw general conclusions on these attitudes and to verify or to deny the hypothesis of our investigation, which raised that the attitudes of the teaching staff and the pupils will be different depending if these have had or not some experience with people with Special Educative Necessities Derived from Discapacidad, therefore the dependent variable will be the attitudes of the professors and the students and the independent variable to have or not to have some experience with people with NEEDD. In order to collect the data we used two questionnaires on attitudes, one for the teaching staff and another one for the pupils. The questionnaires went to 150 students and 57 professors. The conclusion of our investigation, after to have made the pertinent analyses, is that significant differences in the attitudes of the pupils and the teaching staff of the UJI with respect to students with NEEDD do not exist, that is to say, our hypothesis is not verified

    Sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory factors on admission associated with COVID19 mortality in hospitalized patients: A retrospective observational study

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    Background To identify and quantify associations between baseline characteristics on hospital admission and mortality in patients with COVID-19 at a tertiary hospital in Spain. Methods and findings This retrospective case series included 238 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Hospital Universitario Clı´nico San Cecilio (Granada, Spain) who were discharged or who died. Electronic medical records were reviewed to obtain information on sex, age, personal antecedents, clinical features, findings on physical examination, and laboratory results for each patient. Associations between mortality and baseline characteristics were estimated as hazard ratios (HR) calculated with Cox regression models. Series mortality was 25.6%. Among patients with dependence for basic activities of daily living, 78.7% died, and among patients residing in retirement homes, 80.8% died. The variables most clearly associated with a greater hazard of death were age (3% HR increase per 1-year increase in age; 95%CI 1–6), diabetes mellitus (HR 2.42, 95%CI 1.43–4.09), SatO2/ FiO2 ratio (43% HR reduction per 1-point increase; 95%CI 23–57), SOFA score (19% HR increase per 1-point increase, 95%CI 5–34) and CURB-65 score (76% HR increase per 1- point increase, 95%CI 23–143). Conclusions The patients residing in retirement homes showed great vulnerability. The main baseline factors that were independently associated with mortality in patients hospitalized for COVID-19 were older age, diabetes mellitus, low SatO2/FiO2 ratio, and high SOFA and CURB-65 scores.Fondos Estructurales de la Union Europea (FEDER)Unit of Excellence on Exercise and Health (UCEES), University of Granad

    Evaluation of amaranth (Amaranthus sp.) genotypes for production in the area of the Faculty of Agriculture, Universidad de la Pampa, Argentina

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    Se evaluaron las características agronómicas de 18 genotipos de amaranto (Amaranthus ssp.) cultivados en la Facultad de Agronomía, Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Argentina. Se determinó: días a la emergencia, cobertura, diámetro de tallo, días a antesis, a madurez comercial y a madurez fisiológica del grano, altura de planta y longitud de panícula a cosecha, rendimiento de grano, índice de cosecha (IC) y plantas cosechadas. Los resultados indicaron que A. hybridus K 593 fue más precoz y llegó a madurez fisiológica a los 91 días, seguido por A. pumilus RAFIN K 340. A. hypochondriacus San Antonio tuvo el período más largo en alcanzar la antesis, la madurez comercial y la madurez fisiológica (174 días). El número medio de hojas en A. hypochondriacus var. Nutrisol fue 101±19, también presentaron un número medio de hojas superior a 100, a madurez comercial, A. cruentus Mexicano, A. cruentus var. Morelos y A. hypochondriacus cv. Artasa 9122, las cuales presentaron dehiscencia a madurez fisiológica. A. hypochondriacus San Antonio presentó el fenómeno de ?reverdecimiento,? y un rendimiento de 1281 kg/ha. La mayor altura de planta fue para A. hypochondriacus Rojita/Rosita (209cm) y A. cruentus Candil (204 cm) respecto a A. cruentus R 127 (132cm) y A. pumilus RAFIN K 340 (107cm). La mayor longitud de panoja fue para los genotipos A. hypochondriacus var. Nutrisol (58 cm), A. mantegazzianus Pass cv. Don Juan (55 cm) y A. hypochondriacus var. San Antonio (55 cm) respecto a A. cruentus L var. Amont, A. cruentus cv. Don León (26 cm), A. cruentus R 127 (26 cm) y A. cruentus Mexicano (27 cm). El mayor rendimiento de grano fue para A.hybridus K 593 (2020 kg/ha) difiriendo significativamente (p≤ 0,10) del rendimiento de A. cruentus R 127 (350 kg/ha) y A. cruentus Mex. Anguil (353 kg/ha). El mayor IC correspondió a A. hypochondriacus 9122 (22,5) con producción de 1748 kg/ha.In this work the agronomic characteristics related to the production of grain in 18 genotypes of amaranth cultivated at the Faculty of Agriculture, Universidad Nacional de la Pampa, Argentina were studied. They were compared: days to the emergency and to coverage of the space between furrows, diameter of stem, necessary days to come to anthesis, milkydoughy maturity and to physiological maturity of the grain, plant height, length of cob at harvest, grain yield, index of crop (IC) and harvested plants. A. Hybridus K 593 was the most precocious and came to physiological maturity in 91 days, followed for A. pumilus RAFIN K 340. A. hypochondriacus San Antonio had the most prolonged period in reaching the anthesis, the milky and the physiological maturity (174 days). The average number of leaves in A. hypochondriacus var. Nutrisol was of 101±19 in anthesis. A. cruentus Mexican, .A. cruentus var. Morelos and A. hypochondriacus Artasa 9122, which will suffer the dehiscence to maturity of all the leaves. A. hypochondriacus San Antonio presented the phenomenon of "to grow green again" and a seed yield seed of 1281 kg/ha. The plant height was greater for A. hypochondriacus Rojita/Rosita (209 cm) and A. cruentus Candil (204 cm) than for A. cruentus R 127 (132cm) and A. pumilus RAFIN K 340 (107cm). The higher panicle length was for genotype A. hypochondriacus var. Nutrisol (58 cm), A. mantegazzianus Pass cv. Don Juan (55 cm) and A. hypochondriacus var. San Antonio (55 cm) with respect to A. cruentus L var. Amont, A. cruentus cv. Don Leon (26 cm), A. cruentus R 127 (26 cm) and A. cruentus Mexican (27 cm). A.hybridus K 593 had a good grain yield, (2020 kg/ha) which differed significantly (p ≤ 0.10) of A. cruentus R 127 (350 kg/ha) and A. cruentus Mex. Anguil (353 kg/ha). A. hypochondriacus 9122 had the biggest IC (22.5) and a production of 1748 kg/ha.Fil: Reinaudi, Nilda Blanca. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: Repollo, Rodolfo. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiarida; ArgentinaFil: Janovska, Dagmar. Crop Research Institute. Department of Gene Bank; República ChecaFil: Delamo Frier, John. Instituto Politécnico Nacional. Departamento de Biotecnología y Bioquímica. Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios Avanzados; MéxicoFil: Martín de Troiani, Rosa. Universidad Nacional de La Pampa. Facultad de Agronomía; Argentin

    Sonography of active rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy: a case report and literature review

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    Disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis usually subsides in pregnancy, however a subset of patients have worsened symptoms with joint pain and swelling. Monitoring and mitigating disease activity in pregnancy is important for preventing deforming structural changes which can affect the ability of the patient to care for themselves and the newborn. Ultrasound is a safe and low-cost imaging modality for detecting active changes from an inflammatory arthritis, which can help guide management. We describe a case of an acute disease flare during pregnancy, readily detected with ultrasound, and present a review of sonographic evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis in pregnancy. Keywords: Rheumatoid arthritis, ultrasound, pregnancy, synoviti

    Assessment of fear of cancer recurrence in Spanish: Fear of Recurrence Questionnaire and the General Scale of Fear of Cancer Recurrence: a pilot study

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    El objetivo de este estudio es la elaboración de un cuestionario de evaluación del miedo a la recurrencia del cáncer en español. Método: se presenta un estudio piloto de diseño correlacional trasversal elaborado en dos fases: 1) creación del cuestionario del miedo a la recurrencia del cáncer (CMRC) y de la Escala General del Miedo a la Recurrencia del Cáncer (EGMRC); 2) evaluación de sus propiedades psicométricas. Resultados: para la elaboración de los cuestionarios se utilizó el acuerdo entre expertos medido por la V de Aiken. El CMRC queda finalmente configurado con 8 ítems que se responden con una escala tipo Likert de 0-4 y un Alfa de Cronbach de 0,85. La EGMRC de una sola pregunta que se responde con una escala de 0-100 correlaciona hasta un 0,84 con el CMRC. Se utilizó una muestra de 50 mujeres supervivientes de cáncer ginecológico seleccionadas en el Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos de Madrid. Ambas escalas correlacionan con el nivel de ansiedad de las pacientes y la función emocional de calidad de vida. No se hallan correlaciones con los niveles de depresión. Conclusiones: El CMRC y la EGMRC son dos instrumentos que pueden ser válidos para la evaluación del miedo a la recurrencia del cáncer en pacientes supervivientes de cáncer ginecológicoDepto. de Personalidad, Evaluación y Psicología ClínicaFac. de PsicologíaTRUEpu

    2023 American College of Rheumatology and American Association of Hip and Knee Surgeons Clinical Practice Guideline for the Optimal Timing of Elective Hip or Knee Arthroplasty for Patients With Symptomatic Moderate-to-Severe Osteoarthritis or Advanced Symptomatic Osteonecrosis With Secondary Arthritis for Whom Nonoperative Therapy Is Ineffective.

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    OBJECTIVE: To develop evidence-based consensus recommendations for the optimal timing of hip and knee arthroplasty to improve patient-important outcomes including, but not limited to, pain, function, infection, hospitalization, and death at 1 year for patients with symptomatic and radiographic moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis or advanced symptomatic osteonecrosis with secondary arthritis of the hip or knee who have previously attempted nonoperative therapy, and for whom nonoperative therapy was ineffective, and who have chosen to undergo elective hip or knee arthroplasty (collectively referred to as TJA). METHODS: We developed 13 clinically relevant population, intervention, comparator, outcomes (PICO) questions. After a systematic literature review, the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach was used to rate the quality of evidence (high, moderate, low, or very low), and evidence tables were created. A Voting Panel, including 13 physicians and patients, discussed the PICO questions until consensus was achieved on the direction (for/against) and strength (strong/conditional) of the recommendations. RESULTS: The panel conditionally recommended against delaying TJA to pursue additional nonoperative treatment including physical therapy, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs, ambulatory aids, and intraarticular injections. It conditionally recommended delaying TJA for nicotine reduction or cessation. The panel conditionally recommended delay for better glycemic control for patients who have diabetes mellitus, although no specific measure or level was identified. There was consensus that obesity by itself was not a reason for delay, but that weight loss should be strongly encouraged, and the increase in operative risk should be discussed. The panel conditionally recommended against delay in patients who have severe deformity or bone loss, or in patients who have a neuropathic joint. Evidence for all recommendations was graded as low or very low quality. CONCLUSION: This guideline provides evidence-based recommendations regarding the optimal timing of TJA in patients who have symptomatic and radiographic moderate-to-severe osteoarthritis or advanced symptomatic osteonecrosis with secondary arthritis for whom nonoperative therapy was ineffective to improve patient-important outcomes, including pain, function, infection, hospitalization, and death at 1 year. We acknowledge that the evidence is of low quality primarily due to indirectness and hope future research will allow for further refinement of the recommendations